8. Give a peach voter receipt to ballot judge Voter completes a voter

7:00 a.m. Greeter
& Curbside Judge
duty bag include:
Municipal Precinct
Polling Place
Afton W1 P1
Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church
14107 Hudson Rd S
Afton W2 P1
Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church
14107 Hudson Rd S
Afton W3 P1
Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church
14107 Hudson Rd S
Afton W4 P1
Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church
14107 Hudson Rd S
Bayport City Hall
294 3rd St. N
Baytown Community Building
4020 McDonald Drive N
Birchwood City Hall
207 Birchwood Avenue
White Bear Lake
Cottage Grove P 1
Cottage Grove Fire Station #3 Park Bldg
7500 Langly Avenue South
Cottage Grove
Cottage Grove P 2
Pinehill Elementary School
9015 Hadley Avenue S
Cottage Grove
Cottage Grove P 3
National Guard Armory
8180 Belden Blvd S
Cottage Grove
Cottage Grove P 4
Cottage Grove Elementary School
7447 65th Street S
Cottage Grove
Cottage Grove P 5
Crestview Elementary School
7830 80th St. S
Cottage Grove
• Precinct finder
• Polling locations
• Greeter list
• Sign
the Polling Place
Maintain order as voters
enter the polling location
No solicitation of voters
or distribution of campaign
material within 100 feet
of building in which polling
place is located. (211B.11)
No lingering near polling place
100 feet
Not allowed!
Voters nor an
election judge can have
a phone, camera or any
campaign material in
use or displayed while
in the polling location
2012 Redistricting
• A voter’s precinct MAY have
changed since they last voted
• All Washington County residents
will receive a mailing indicating
where they should vote in 2012
• Ensure they are at the right location
IMPORTANT: Check your precinct finder
Are they at the right polling place?
1. Check precinct finder
2. Check polling location list
Municipal Precinct
Polling Place
Afton W1 P1
Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church
14107 Hudson Rd S
Afton W2 P1
Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church
14107 Hudson Rd S
Afton W3 P1
Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church
14107 Hudson Rd S
Afton W4 P1
Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church
14107 Hudson Rd S
Bayport City Hall
294 3rd St. N
Baytown Community Building
4020 McDonald Drive N
Birchwood City Hall
207 Birchwood Avenue
White Bear Lake
Cottage Grove P 1
Cottage Grove Fire Station #3 Park Bldg
7500 Langly Avenue South
Cottage Grove
Cottage Grove P 2
Pinehill Elementary School
9015 Hadley Avenue S
Cottage Grove
Cottage Grove P 3
National Guard Armory
8180 Belden Blvd S
Cottage Grove
Cottage Grove P 4
Cottage Grove Elementary School
7447 65th Street S
Cottage Grove
Cottage Grove P 5
Crestview Elementary School
7830 80th St. S
Cottage Grove
3. Still not sure? Call Washington County
precinct finder
precinct finder format
Check your greeter list
• Direct voters to the Roster OR
• Election Day Registration table (EDR)
Curbside voter judges
Two election judges must perform this task
In partisan elections,
must be of DIFFERENT political parties
Curbside voters
What will you need?
Greeter list
Precinct finder
Black or blue pen
Curbside voter form
Proof of residence
• Voter registration application
• Ballot
• Secrecy cover
• I Voted sticker
• Blank roster page
• Peach voter receipt
Is the curbside voter registered?
• Check your GREETER list
• If you have multiple ballot styles, check here:
Registered curbside voter
Voter’s name is on the greeter list
1. Voter completes the curbside voter form
2. Hand ballot and secrecy cover to the
voter and demonstrate how to vote
3. Offer the voter an
4. Election judge writes curbside voter on
the roster page that shows the voter’s
5. Staple the curbside form to the back
of the roster page
6. Give a peach voter receipt to ballot judge
School District # ______
1. Curb side voter signs the certification for curb side voter sheet.
2. Verify school district of voter from master/greeter list or precinct finder.
. Write the school district # on this receipt.
3. Obtain the correct ballot style from the ballot judge.
4. Hand the ballot judge this voter receipt.
5. Ballot judge place this receipt on the spindle with the rest of the
voter receipts.
Precinct: ______________________________________
Curbside Voter
Certification of curbside voter
Woodbury P5
November 6, 2012
John A Voter
1234 Woodbury Drive
Susie Election Judge
Woodbury MN 55125
Judy Election Judge
NON-registered curbside voters
Voter’s name is NOT on the greeter list
All voters registering on election day must provide one of the following documents or a
combination of documents as proof of residence in the precinct. Only the following documents are
authorized: (ms 201.061,subd 3; mn.r. 200.5100,5200)
1. Minnesota driver’s license, learner’s permit, identification card, Tribal ID, or receipt for
one, with your current address
o IF the Minnesota license, learner’s permit, identification card, or Tribal ID has a former
address, you may bring a recent utility bill* to use with your photo id.
2. “Notice of late registration” postcard
o Notice of late registration sent from the county auditor or city clerk.
o Place this notice with the registration card.
Voter completes a voter registration
application using the acceptable
proof of residence
3. U.S. Military Photo ID card with utility bill*
4. U.S. passport with utility bill*
5. Prior registration in the same precinct;
o Voter’s former name and/or address listed in the polling place roster.
6. If you are a student, you can use…….
o Student photo ID, registration, or fee statement with your current address
o Student photo ID with utility bill*
o Student photo ID if you are on a student housing list on file at the polling place
Someone who can VOUCH for your residence
o The voucher information is located on the back of the voter registration application.
Complete this information as it pertains to the following:
 A registered voter in that precinct who is vouching for another voter.
 A registered voter can vouch for up to 15 voters
 Record the voucher’s information on the green tally sheet
 A residential vouchers (employees of the facility)
 A residential voucher can vouch for an unlimited number of voters.
 They must be employees of the facility with identification.
 Record the residential voucher’s information on the grey tally sheet.
8. Challengers CANNOT serve as vouchers
Voter completes the curbside voter form
*NOTE: The utility bill must have your name, current address, and be due within 30 days of the
election, Utility bills may be for electric, gas, water, solid waste, sewer, telephone, cell phone, or
cable TV.
3. If you have multiple ballot styles,
check your precinct finder for ballot style
Hand ballot and secrecy cover to voter
and demonstrate how to vote
Offer the voter an
Election judge writes curbside voter
on a blank EDR roster page and staples
the curbside form to the EDR roster page
Put the EDR application with the rest
of the EDR applications
Michael Voter
8. Give a peach voter receipt to ballot judge
curbside voter
Voter’s address
School District # ______
1. Curb side voter signs the certification for curb side voter sheet.
2. Verify school district of voter from master/greeter list or precinct finder.
. Write the school district # on this receipt.
3. Obtain the correct ballot style from the ballot judge.
4. Hand the ballot judge this voter receipt.
5. Ballot judge place this receipt on the spindle with the rest of the
voter receipts.
Precinct: ______________________________________
proof of
residence on
election day
All voters registering on election day must provide one of the following documents or a
combination of documents as proof of residence in the precinct. Only the following documents are
authorized: (ms 201.061,subd 3; mn.r. 200.5100,5200)
1. Minnesota driver’s license, learner’s permit, identification card, Tribal ID, or receipt for
one, with your current address
o IF the Minnesota license, learner’s permit, identification card, or Tribal ID has a former
address, you may bring a recent utility bill* to use with your photo id.
2. “Notice of late registration” postcard
o Notice of late registration sent from the county auditor or city clerk.
o Place this notice with the registration card.
3. U.S. Military Photo ID card with utility bill*
4. U.S. passport with utility bill*
5. Prior registration in the same precinct;
o Voter’s former name and/or address listed in the polling place roster.
6. If you are a student, you can use…….
o Student photo ID, registration, or fee statement with your current address
o Student photo ID with utility bill*
o Student photo ID if you are on a student housing list on file at the polling place
Someone who can VOUCH for your residence
o The voucher information is located on the back of the voter registration application.
Complete this information as it pertains to the following:
 A registered voter in that precinct who is vouching for another voter.
 A registered voter can vouch for up to 15 voters
 Record the voucher’s information on the green tally sheet
 A residential vouchers (employees of the facility)
 A residential voucher can vouch for an unlimited number of voters.
 They must be employees of the facility with identification.
 Record the residential voucher’s information on the grey tally sheet.
8. Challengers CANNOT serve as vouchers
*NOTE: The utility bill must have your name, current address, and be due within 30 days of the
election, Utility bills may be for electric, gas, water, solid waste, sewer, telephone, cell phone, or
cable TV.
• Demonstrate how to fill in the oval next to the
candidate’s name or ballot question of their choice
• Explain how to exchange the ballot if a mistake is
Secrecy cover should be available
• do NOT place the ballot in them
What’s returned in the
7:00 Greeter & Curbside
Judge duty bag?
o Instructions
listed in the 8:00 p.m. plastic bags
If you have any questions,
contact us at:
Washington County
[email protected]
Carol Peterson, Elections Supervisor
Judy Wertheimer
Pat Gillen
Dawn Johnson
Mallory Hoffmann