Georgetown FC Ball Mastery Curriculum

Georgetown Football Club
Ball Mastery Curriculum
A complete player must have a great technical base. Individual ball manipulation is a great way
to improve technique and will become an important focus of our Ball Mastery Program. The goal
is to standardize our club-wide player development curriculum so that recreational and
competitive select soccer coaches can have a reference point to measure individual technical
development. A lot of these moves will challenge the ankle flexibility (dorsiflexion, plantar
flexion, supination, and pronation), and the hip mobility of our young athletes. In addition to the
physical demands on the coordination of the player, a heavy cognitive load will be placed on the
brain of the young player – the higher the level, the greater the technical and cognitive demand.
Our ball mastery program borrows from the Coerver® Ball Mastery series of skills as well as
other moves learned from working with other youth development programs. As a club our
players must be held accountable for putting in the work to improve their technique. Videos of
each move can be found online at our club’s YouTube page.
Novice Ball Mastery Program: Level 1
Tippy Taps – As an introductory move for the beginner or Under 4 player, this move simply
involves tapping the ball with alternating tips of toes as a warm-up for the more rhythmic “Toe
Toe Taps / Toe Touches – Stand a few inches behind the ball and using the sole of one foot
touch the top of the ball. Switch and then use the sole of the other. Find a rhythm and make sure
you hop in between each one, by being on the balls of your feet.
Shuffles / Tic-Tocs / Foundation – Ball in-between feet tapping ball back & forth with inside of
foot. Be on toes, supple touches w/knees bent.
Shuffle Stops – Ball in-between feet tapping ball back & forth with inside of feet. After 3-5
inside shuffles place sole of foot on the ball. Start inside shuffle movement again placing the
alternate foot on the ball repeating this sequence over and over again.
Take Stops – Shift the ball to one side with the outside of the laces, only to stop the movement
of the ball with the sole of the same foot. After shifting body weight slightly sideways with the
movement use the alternate lace to move the ball again, only to stop it once more with the sole of
same foot that just shifted the ball. Keep repeating skill trying to stay on the same lateral line.
Sole Roll Inside Stop – Starting with the ball on one side of the body roll across the ball with the
sole of your foot to the opposite leg, stopping the ball with inside of opposite foot. Repeat move
starting with alternate sole, stopping it again with inside of opposite leg.
Ball Wiggle – Place foot on soccer ball and wiggle forwards and backwards for a few seconds.
Alternate feet and repeat move.
Sole Shuffle / Happy-Feet – Gently roll the ball back and forth between left and right feet using
inside of soles.
Basic Ball Mastery Program: Level 2
Shuffle Stop Take – start with an inside shuffle then put your foot on the ball taking the ball
away to the side with the same foot. Return to inside shuffle stopping it again with alternating
foot on the ball only to take it to the side again with the outside of the foot. Continue repeating
Squeeze push – Start with the ball underneath your body. Place the sole of your foot on top of
the ball and roll it to the side so it opens your legs and push it back with the inside almost
keeping your foot in contact with it the whole time. Continue the exercise using the other foot.
Inside Shuffles to Squeeze push – perform a few inside shuffles (tic-tocs) then incorporate a
squeeze push. Repeat the inside shuffles alternating leg for another squeeze push.
Squeeze turn – Roll away from body with sole of foot, then push ball behind your standing leg
with inside of foot.
Inside Shuffle to squeeze quarter turn - perform inside shuffle to squeeze quarter turn.
Inside Shuffles to squeeze turn – perform inside shuffle then combine with a squeeze turn.
Constantly repeating and changing feet.
L-Pullback / L-Turn – similar move as the squeeze turn. Put foot on the ball and start pulling it
back behind your standing leg, when it’s just past your standing leg push it behind standing leg
with the inside of your foot then take off in that new direction with the ball.
Rollup Inside – while caressing the ball with the inside of the foot, the player rhythmically rolls
up and down the outside surface of the ball.
Rollup Outside – while caressing the ball with the outside of the foot, the player rhythmically
rolls up and down the inside surface of the ball.
Inside Outside Rolls – starting on top of the ball combine outside and inside rolls but stay in
contact with the top of the soccer ball.
Heel-Toe Roll – caressing the top surface of the ball the player rolls along the top of the ball
from heel to toe.
Sole Roll overs – roll over the top surface of the ball with the sole from outside to inside. Repeat
with the opposite foot.
Inside Outside Roll Overs – combination of inside outside rolls then leading to a sole roll over.
Repeat with opposite foot.
Basic Ball Mastery Program: Level 2 Cont’d
Shuffle Roll Overs – combination of inside shuffles to roll overs.
Take Stop Scissors – take ball away with outside of laces, stopping with the same foot then take
foot from inside to outside of ball performing a scissor move. Repeat on opposite side.
Take Scissors – perform outside take leading directly to scissor move.
Take Stop Stepover – perform outside take then stopping the ball with the same foot slightly
shift body weight and step over the ball with the opposite leg.
Take Stepover – perform outside take then slightly shift body weight and step over the ball with
the opposite leg.
Take Stop Lunge – perform outside take then stopping the ball with the same foot slightly shift
body weight before performing a lunge on the same side of the ball.
Rollie Ollie – perform a heel toe roll by pushing the ball forward in front of you. Collect the ball
with the inside of the opposite foot then take it away with the outside of the laces of the other
Outside Inside / Dribble Cut – take the ball away with the outside of the laces then quickly cut
it back with the inside of the foot.
Dribble Cut Both Feet – perform previous move incorporating both feet.
Shuffle Roll Overs – perform inside shuffle then combine with sole roll overs.
Outside Roll Up Pull Across – roll outside of laces up along inside of ball then pull across body
to opposite foot, repeat on the other side.
Outside Inside Roll Up Pull Across Same Foot – start with outside rollup followed by
Shuffle Stop Take Stop Skip – perform inside shuffle, stop the ball, then take it away with the
outside of laces, stopping it again, perform a hop/skip pushing the ball with the inside of standing
leg unto the other foot.
Shuffle Stop Skip – perform inside shuffle then stop follow by skip move.
Take Stop, Skip Behind, Inside Dribble Cut – perform outside take stop ball with sole of feet,
perform skip behind (heel chop), then perform inside dribble cut.
V Pull Push to Outside – Pull push to outside V alternating using both feet
Intermediate Ball Mastery Program: Level 3
Outside Pull Push (V) to L-Turn – Perform outside pull push (V) to a L-Turn.
Inside Shuffle to Heel Chop and 180º turn – 2-3 inside shuffle to a heel chop and a half turn.
Shuffle, stepover, rollout, quarter turn, single foot – perform inside shuffles to a stepover
while starting a quarter turn, roll outside of laces up ball then squeeze back to inside to begin
another set of inside shuffles. Finish in quarter turn position, continue with same foot.
Roll Out, to a Roll Out Drag Behind – Begin move with a roll out, leading to a roll out with
next foot that finishes with a drag behind the standing leg. Repeat sequence again starting with
same foot.
Shuffle Whip Both Feet – Begin with inside shuffle, then smoothly caress ball with outside of
laces whipping it back with inside of same foot, repeat with other foot before returning to
Toe Taps Front & Back Single Foot – Tap top of ball with toe of one foot skipping past ball
with opposite foot then bringing original foot behind standing leg to tap ball again
Toe Taps 2 Front 1 Back (Brazilian Toe Taps) – Two Toe Taps skipping past ball after 2nd tap
bringing foot behind standing leg to tap ball again from back.
Roll Ups Outside Skip – Rollup the ball with the outside of the laces in a skipping motion.
Roll Ups Inside Skip – Rollup with the inside surface in a skipping motion.
Roll Ups Outside Both Feet – Rollup with outside of laces sharply alternating feet
Roll Out Shuffle – Roll over ball with outside of laces to inside shuffle, quickly alternating feet.
Roll Out Drag Behind, Roll Out Shuffle Quarter Turn – perform rollout ending with ball
behind standing leg, follow with roll out shuffle. Move is complete after turn 90 degrees.
Intermediate Ball Mastery: Level 3 Cont’d
Inside Outside Roll Over – Rollover ball with outside surface smoothly moving to inside
surface rollover.
Shuffle Roll Step Over – perform inside outside rollover, then roll ball across body stepping
over it.
Inside Outside Roll Front and Back Roll Over – perform inside outside rollup skip in the front
and behind skipping leg.
Pull Push Inside – Pull ball back with sole of foot and push out with inside of foot keeping ball
in front of you.
Pull Push Outside – Pull ball back with sole of foot and push out with outside of foot keeping
ball close in front of you.
Pull Push hop w/Laces – With a hopping motion on standing leg perform pull push with laces.
Reverse pull pinky toe to pinky toe – roll the ball behind the standing leg with outside of laces
and pinky toe, switching feet as the ball passes behind and back.
Rollout drag behind, rollout quarter turn single foot – start with a rollout, followed by
another rollout that finishes behind standing leg.
Rollout drag behind, shuffle rollout quarter turn, both feet – perform rollout drag behind that
leads into a shuffle then a rollout quarter turn
Rollout drag behind, rollout shuffle quarter turn, single foot – perform rollout drag behind
into another rollout that leads into a quarter turn
Rollout drag behind, rollout drag behind, rollout – name implies move
Outside V Move, Inside V Move Behind(L-Turn), Single Foot – perform attacking v move
with outside of laces followed by Inside V move behind standing leg.
Inside/Outside Rolls Roll Stepover Reverse – Perform outside rolls behind standing leg
(reverse pinky toe rolls) followed by inside outside roll across body to a stepover, only to catch
ball behind standing leg with other foot.
Pull Across Stepover Wave – Pull ball across body while performing a stepover with other foot
quickly catching the ball while the foot is still in the air.
Intermediate Ball Mastery: Level 3 Cont’d
Sole Roll/Pull Across, Scissor, Outside Cut – perform rollover then scissor with same leg
followed by and outside cut with other foot.
Stop Pull Through, Dribble Cut Both Feet – stopping the ball with one foot knock it forward
with the heel of the other
Rollover, Dribble Cut, Stop Both Feet – perform sole rollover to an inside then outside dribble
cut incorporating both feet.
Rollover, Dribble Cut, Shuffle, Both Feet – perform sole rollover to an inside then outside
dribble cut before a quick inside touch to begin rollover again and repeat move.
Rollover, Dribble Cut, Reverse cut – perform sole rollover to an inside then outside dribble cut
quickly catching the ball behind the standing leg with outside of laces after the last cut.
4 Way Pulls – with a skipping motion perform inside rollups, then heel-toe rollups, outside
rollups, then lace sole rollups.
Stop Skip Behind Dribble Cut – with the foot on the ball skip it behind standing leg with inside
heel of other foot, then perform inside and outside dribble cut.
Shuffle Drag Across, Pull back – Drag the ball out in front and across opposite leg, pulling it
back with sole, then completing a few inside shuffles, only to repeat again with other foot.
V pull push with Inside – perform v move with inside of foot of both feet.
Drag U-Turn 180º Shuffle – perform Romario drag turn to a inside shuffle.
Roll Stepover Single Foot – perform a sole roll, then stepover with opposite foot
Shuffle Stepover, Rollout Drag Behind, Rollout, Both Feet – starting with inside shuffle,
stepover then do a rollout drag behind with same stepover foot, then a rollout with opposite foot
to begin shuffle again. Make sure to incorporate move on both sides.
Shuffle, scissors, inside heel Skip, Chop Behind – inside shuffle to a scissors, follow this up
with an inside heel skip, then chop the ball behind standing leg with heel of other foot.
180º Spin Pull Push – pull ball back from one leg to next and turn 180 º then push it back out.
360º spin pull behind – perform 360 “Maradona” spin then do a pullback.
Advanced Ball Mastery Program: Level 4
Reverse Shuffles – With the outside of the laces of one foot and the other foot behind you,
shuffle the ball between the outside of the laces of both feet.
Take Stop, Inside Heel Skip, Shuffle – begin with outside take, then stop with sole of foot only
to perform an inside heel skip to other foot, then begin inside shuffles before repeating move.
Inside Drag, Scissors, Shuffle – begin with an inside drag across body followed by a scissors to
inside shuffle before repeating again.
Whip Shuffles – perform whip move to inside shuffles, repeat and work both feet.
Drag Reverse Matthews Shuffle – drag the ball across body and perform an outside cut to
inside cut with same foot, start inside shuffles and repeat move on next foot.
Rollout Drag Behind – warmup move for next move, perform rollout drag behind w/ both feet.
Rollout Drag Behind From Front into Active Foot – Perform a rollout pulling the ball into
your same foot by moving it behind the front of the other
Scissor Pull Stop Behind – Start a scissor move with one foot, only to roll the ball across with a
rollover then stop it behind you with the sole of the next foot.
Stepover, Reverse Shuffle, Shuffle – perform stepover to reverse shuffles, then inside shuffles.
Reverse Cuts – while doing a few outside dribbles cut the ball back from behind your leg with
the outside of the other foot.
Attacking V Stepover Take – outside attacking v move into a stepover then outside takeaway.
Pull Drag behind (L-Turn) – warmup for next move with pullbacks and drag behind.
Shuffle, Inside Drag, Pull Behind Single Foot – perform inside shuffle to inside drag across
body followed by pulling back behind front of standing leg. Repeat with same foot.
Shuffle, Inside Drag, Pull Behind Both Feet – perform inside shuffle to inside drag across
body followed by pulling back behind front of standing leg. Repeat using opposite foot.
Advanced Ball Mastery: Level 4 Cont’d
Scissors Skip Shuffle – perform scissors followed by an inside heel skip to inside shuffles.
Pull take outside, V Behind Both Feet – Perform an outside pull takeaway, then follow up with
a L-turn behind. Repeat on both sides.
Stop Skip behind, Turn, Shuffle Both Feet – start by putting your foot on the ball and then
perform an inside heel skip behind the foot. Follow up with an inside turn to shuffles.
Drag Behind U-Turn 360 Shuffle – start with a Romario U-turn drag that finishes behind the
standing leg, then complete move with inside shuffles.
U-Turn Pull Behind 360 Dribble Cut Turn – start with a u-turn drag that finishes with a pull
behind standing leg. Follow up with an inside and outside dribble cut.
Reverse Pull into Opposite Foot Both Feet – Pull ball back behind into opposite foot.
Pull Outside Around Standing Leg into same foot – perform as name implies.
Drag Scissors Both Feet – Perform half inside drag leading into a scissors with same foot.
Repeat on both sides.
Rollover, Dribble Cut, Reverse Cut – Start with a rollover that leads into an inside cut with one
foot and an outside cut with the next, only to catch the ball behind with an outside reverse cut
with the opposite foot.
Elite Ball Mastery Program: Level 5
Inside Drag Pullback Behind Both Feet – using a hop step /skip pull the ball behind front of
standing leg after dragging it out in front of yourself. Repeat on both sides.
Shuffle Inside Drag Pull Behind Both Feet – inside shuffles, then using a skip pull the ball
behind front of standing leg after dragging it out in front of yourself. Repeat on both sides.
Inside/Outside Rolls, Front and Back, Transition w/reverse pin – perform inside outside rolls
in the front taking the inside outside rolls behind standing leg, transition to the other leg with a
reverse pin.
Inside/Outside Rolls, Front and Back, w/double pull across standing leg, Transition – as the
move name suggests perform an inside outside roll in the front taking it to the back when
finished with inside outside roll in the back bring the ball around the front of the standing leg.
Shuffle, Drag Scissors, Drag, Reverse Drag – begin with inside shuffle, lead into an inside
drag only to perform a scissor with the same leg. Next you will begin a reverse drag move by
taking the ball slightly inward only to whip it back with an outside cut to an inside cut. Repeat
move again by restarting at the shuffle trying to work both sides.
Roll Stepover Reverse Pin, Transition w/Reverse Pin – Rollover that leads into a stepover,
only to perform a reverse pin rollover, that leads into another reverse rollover taking the ball
back to the front to repeat from the start.
Roll Stepover Reverse Cut Rollout – perform a rollover across the body only to catch the ball
behind you with a reverse cut. Using the same foot perform and outside to inside rollout, then
repeat move again.
Drag Take Stop Skip Drag Take – inside drag to outside takeaway then stop with same foot,
with a hop skip push the ball into one leg only to bounce it back with the inside of the foot.
Repeat move on both sides.
Different Categories of 1v1 Moves
Change of Direction Moves
Inside cut
Outside cut
Slap cut
Twist off
L-Turn or Behind V Move
Sqeeze turn
Stepover turn
Cryuff turn/Hook Turn
U-Turn Stepover
Rollover to pullback turn
pull-push quarter turn
Drag Across Pull Push Turn
Stop Start Moves
step on
double step on
pull push
step kick
high wave
half pull spin to drag push
fake inside cut
double touch
Double scissors
Double stepover
Scissors stepover
Side step/lunge
Double side step/lunge
Stepover pull through
Rollover to stepover
Stepover scissors
Drag push
Reverse drag push
Elastico / “The Whip”
Drag Scissors
Position Specific Moves To Use in Games
Attackers going to Goal
Drag Push
Drag Scissors
Side Step
Double Side Step
Attackers – Going across face of goal
Step On
High Wave
Inside Cut
Double Touch
Drag Turn
Attackers – Back to goal
Stop Stepover
Stop Shimmy
Attackers – On Flank
Feint/Double Feint
Cruyff Turn
Romario Drag Turn
Rollover Slap Move
Rollover to Scissors
Midfielders – In Middle Third
Iniesta Quick Feet / “La Croqueta”
Inside and Outside Turn (“La Pelopina”)
Sole Rolls / Rollovers
Pull Push Inside
Center Backs – In Defensive Third
Squeeze Turn
Outside Hook
Attacking V Move