Transition Guide for Students

BISR Transition Booklet
You will soon be transferring to a new school and this will involve some
changes for you. Students new to BISR have told us some things about
moving to our school that they feel are important to them. The Student
Council has designed this leaflet to help you settle in well.
What time should I be at school:
The first school bell rings at 7.45 and you should be at school by then. A
second bell rings at 7.50 and by that time you should be in your class ready
to start work. If you are not, you will be marked late.
What is the reward system:
In the senior school all teachers award REACH points every lesson.
Usually they are two, and they are awarded to students who show any of
our five REACH attributes: ie Respect, Excellence, Accountability,
Challenge or Happiness. See the end of this booklet to see what you can
get extra REACH points for.
Will I be in a House:
Yes. There are house activities on-going throughout the year.
What happens if I do something wrong:
It depends how serious it is! Usually a teacher will have a quiet word, but
you may get a behavior point if you do it again. If you get several of these,
you could get a detention which means a letter goes home to your parents.
What are the three things that will result in me being asked to leave
1. Any form of racism, which includes name calling, or making fun of
someone because of their religion, colour, or nationality.
2. Any misuse of the internet which affects the happiness of another
BISR student such as posting nasty comments on any social
networking forum.. It does not matter if these are made in the
evenings or at weekends.
3. Any form of bullying.
4. Fighting
I have to be at school at __________ and School finishes at __________.
Names of staff I need to know:
My form tutor is
My form tutor’s email address is:
[email protected]
My year leader is
The head of primary school’s name is:
The head of senior school’s name is:
The Principal’s name is:
My maths teacher is:
My English teacher is:
My science teacher:
My PE teacher is:
My art teacher is:
My DT teacher is:
My computing teacher is:
My geography teacher is:
My history teacher is:
My languages teacher is:
My music teacher is:
My swimming teacher is:
My house is:
My peripatetic music teacher is:
The school’s address is:
The school’s phone number is:
The school’s email address is
I have PE on:
My form room is:
My locker is:
If I feel unwell in school I should:
The clinic is located:
My bus leaves for school at:
How long will it take to get to school?
The bus company’s name is:
The company’s phone number is:
The bus picks me up at (location)
The bus pick-up time is:
The bus will drop me off at: (location)
The drop-off time is:
What should I do if I miss the bus?
Who should I speak to if I have any
problems on the bus?
First break is at:
Lunch time is at:
I eat my lunch in:
Where can I meet my friends so that
we can eat together?
Where should I go if I would rather
not be with all the other pupils?
Are we allowed anywhere in
the playground?
What games do most pupils play?
Which toilets do I use:
If the fire alarm sounds I go to:
The library is on the top floor
Where can uniform be bought from and when _______________________
Where can I get secondhand uniform from?
What happens if I wear the wrong uniform?
What should I wear on non uniform days?
If I lose an item of uniform I should:
If I forget my water bottle I should:
Rewards and Sanctions
How do I get rewards:
Will my parents know if I get a reward?
What are the rewards?
Why might I get a behavior point?
When do detentions take place?
Where do detentions take place?
Will my parents know if I am given a detention? ______________________
What should I do if I get accused of
something I haven’t done?
There are numerous interhouse events such as Ready Steady Cook and Sports Days
What is bullying?
Being made to feel persistently unhappy by, for example:
• Being pushed in the corridor on purpose
• Name calling
• Being hit by bags
• Having money taken off you
• Being threatened
• People whispering about you if it makes you feel unhappy
Who should you tell if you feel you are being bullied:
Your parents
Any teacher you feel comfortable with
Older pupils
Form Tutor/Class Teacher
The School Council
Any mentors in school
REACH points will also be awarded to many other activities or involvement
Be elected as a member of the student
5 REACH points
Form tutor
Be elected to the student leadership group
10 REACH points
Be elected Head Girl
25 REACH points
Be elected Head Boy
25 REACH points
100% Attendance and punctuality for a full
10 REACH points
Form tutor
100% attendance and punctuality for a full
Regular attendance at an ECA
An extra 20 REACH
5 points
Participation in sports day
First second or third in a sports day event
1 point
5,3,1 additional house
PE Admin
Participation in a swimming gala
1 REACH point
Representing the school in any sports event
within KSA
2 REACH points
Participate in the MUN at conference in
2 REACH points
Form tutor
ECA staff
Form tutor
PE Admin
PE Admin
Participate in an international MUN
Win a best delegate award at a
international conference
Join the DoE International award
Achieve Bronze Award
5 REACH points
Achieve Silver Award
25 REACH points
Achieve Gold Award
50 REACH points
Be peer mentor
5 REACH points
Be a student librarian
5 REACH points
International Week Committee member
10 REACH points
Charity Committee member
10 REACH points
Eco Committee member
10 REACH points
Assistance to a teacher on any event
2 REACH points
Peripatetic music lessons (if full session
10 REACH points
Each musical contribution to school
Performance in an ensemble
5 points
Performance as a soloist
5 points
Mentoring younger students in music
3 points
20 REACH points
5 REACH points
10 REACH points
15 points.
3 points
Year Leadr
Culture and
Asst Head
Asst Head