corso di laurea magistrale in scienze del lavoro

Nome …………………………………………………………………………………………
Laurea in………………………………………………………………………………………
Università di provenienza……………………………………………………………………
Vi preghiamo di rispondere alle domande che seguono, utilizzando una scrittura chiara e
Scrivete direttamente sul foglio, rimanendo all’interno degli spazi indicati con il tratteggio.
Tempo a disposizione per la prova: 60 minuti.
Buon lavoro.
Giudizio finale ……………………………………………………………………………
Conoscenza della lingua inglese
Il test che segue si propone di valutare la capacità di comprensione di un testo in lingua
inglese e di conseguenza le domande poste prescindono da qualunque posizione o
valutazione di merito sull’argomento trattato.
Leggere questo brano e rispondere alle domande che seguono.
The right treatment for absentees
Taking a day off sick may seem a small thing but days absent from work are a huge
financial problem for businesses. Although many absentees are genuinely ill, there can be
other reasons why people decide to stay away from the office.
One common reason why people take time off work is stress, which may be caused by the
company's management style. Managers who set impossible goals are likely to have high
rates of absenteeism among their staff. Or stress may be caused by bad relationships
between colleagues: an employee telephones in sick because he or she 'just cannot face'
a particular person that day. In these cases, absenteeism rates can be improved by better
management training and company policies which promote respect.
Other institutions have taken further steps to deal with the problem of workplace absence.
After investigating how much was being paid in wages for sick employees, the investment
company, Invesco, decided to invest in a private doctor for its staff. They also offered free
medical tests and counselling. Research carried out a year later found that one-day
sickness absences were down by 6% as a result. Other companies have used more
aggressive policies such as not paying employees for the first two or three days that they
take off sick. However, if one reason for absenteeism is stress, then policies like these are
not likely to solve the problem. They make no attempt to understand why employees take
days off sick.
Other approaches to the problem involve rewarding the employees who have good
attendance records. For example, you might offer an extra day's leave to an employee
who has taken no time off sick during the year. In 2004, Royal Mail, the UK post office,
went further by offering prizes of new cars and holiday vouchers to employees who did nor
take any days off work. This idea was dismissed by the workers' union who argued that the
company should focus on improving job satisfaction, rather than gimmicks like these,
even if they reduced the absenteeism rate in the short term.
Anne Rogers, executive director of an agency which provides personnel support, is
convinced that the problem affects a large number of businesses. Although many
companies report that they have no significant problems with absenteeism, according to
Anne Rogers, quite often they have simply failed to look at the figures. Indeed, many
companies do not know precisely what they are. Meanwhile, one-day sicknesses continue
to cost European businesses hundreds of millions of euros each year.
Read the article more slowly and decide the correct ending, a, b or c, for each
statement (1-5) so that it agrees with the text. Circle the correct answer.
1. Absenteeism rates are generally higher when a manager
a. has had no management training
b. does not set realistic targets
c. does not encourage team work
2. Invesco reduced its absenteeism rates by
a. offering company health provision
b. taking advice from psychologists
c. making staff more motivated
3. Restricting sick pay is likely to be less effective than some other actions because
a. it encourages employees to be absent for longer periods
b. it is not supported by research
c. it ignores the reasons why staff go often sick
4. The Royal Mail workers' union felt that their company's attempts to reduce absenteeism
a. would have no effect on the absenteeism rate
b. did not solve the real problem
c. would increase job satisfaction
5. According to Anne Rogers, problems with absenteeism
a. only affect a minority of companies
b. are ignored by too many companies
c. are difficult to solve
Profilo politologico
1) Illustrare le peculiarità e le principali differenze delle tre modalità tipiche di
intervento pubblico a fini di protezione sociale, facendo riferimento ad aspetti come
copertura, prestazioni e finanziamento.
2) Descrivere brevemente i modelli di welfare state presenti in Europa.
Regime liberale
Regime conservatore-corporativo
Regime socialdemocratico
Profilo giuridico
3) Fornire definizione e finalità generale del contratto di somministrazione di lavoro.
4) La disciplina sostanziale dei “rapporti di lavoro a termine” prevede che:
- la clausola relativa al termine sia di forma libera;
- l’apposizione del termine possa avvenire anche in un momento successivo al concreto
inizio dell’attività lavorativa;
- la clausola relativa al termine risulti da atto scritto, necessario ad substantiam, in
mancanza del quale il rapporto di lavoro si intende a tempo indeterminato;
- ricada sul lavoratore l’onere di provare l’esistenza delle condizioni che giustificano
l’apposizione del termine, nonché l’eventuale proroga del termine stesso.
Profilo economico
5) Esporre gli aspetti principali della teoria dei salari di efficienza e il suo
collegamento con la disoccupazione.
6) I flussi di entrata e uscita dall’occupazione:
- consentono di misurare la durata media della disoccupazione;
- consentono di misurare il grado di mobilità del lavoro;
- consentono di capire il meccanismo della partecipazione al mercato del lavoro.
Profilo sociologico
7) Indicare e spiegare quali sono i 4 prevalenti tipi di flessibilità del lavoro.
8) Quale delle seguenti opzioni non si annovera tra i possibili strumenti di politica
attiva del lavoro?
i servizi per l’impiego;
i programmi di formazione per lavoratori disoccupati o a rischio;
gli interventi per i giovani svantaggiati;
la Cassa integrazione guadagni
gli incentivi all’assunzione;
l’aiuto all’auto-imprenditorialità;