Use of Patient Flow Analysis to Improve Patient Visit Efficiency by

Use of Patient Flow Analysis to Improve Patient Visit Efficiency by Decreasing Wait
Time in a Primary Care-Based Disease Management Programs for Anticoagulation and
Chronic Pain: A Quality Improvement Study.
Nicholas M. Potisek 1,3
Robb M. Malone 1,2,3
Betsy Bryant Shilliday 1,2,3
Timothy J. Ives 1,2,3
Paul R. Chelminski 1,3
Darren A. DeWalt 1,3
Michael P. Pignone 1,3
Division of General Internal Medicine and Clinical Epidemiology, Department of
Medicine, School of Medicine, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Division of Pharmacotherapy and Experimental Therapeutics, School of
Pharmacy, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Center for Excellence in Chronic Illness Care, UNC Health System, Chapel Hill,
Email: Nicholas M. Potisek * - [email protected], Robb M. Malone [email protected], Betsy Bryant-Shilliday – [email protected], Timothy
J. Ives – [email protected], Paul R. Chelminski – [email protected],
Darren A. DeWalt – [email protected], Michael P. Pignone –
[email protected]
* Corresponding Author
Background: Patients with chronic conditions require frequent care visits. Problems can
arise during several parts of the patient visit that decrease efficiency, making it difficult
to effectively care for high volumes of patients. The purpose of the study is to test a
method to improve patient visit efficiency by decreasing patient wait time.
Methods: We used Patient Flow Analysis to identify inefficiencies in the process of care,
suggest areas for improvement in patient waiting time, and evaluate the effectiveness of
these interventions in primary care-based anticoagulation and chronic pain management
Results: At baseline, the mean visit time for 93 anticoagulation clinic patient visits was
84 minutes (+/- 50 minutes) and the mean visit time for 25 chronic pain clinic patient
visits was 65 minutes (+/- 21 minutes). We used PFA to identify specific areas of
inefficiency and developed interventions to decrease the mean time of the patient visit.
After interventions, follow-up data found the mean visit time was reduced to 59 minutes
(+/-25 minutes) for the anticoagulation clinic, a time decrease of 25 minutes (p<0.001).
Mean visit time for the chronic pain clinic was reduced to 43 minutes (+/- 14 minutes) a
time decrease of 22 minutes (p<0.001).
Conclusions: Patient Flow Analysis is an effective technique to identify inefficiencies in
the patient visit and develop and test brief interventions with a Plan-Do-Study-Act
Optimal ambulatory care for patients with chronic conditions requires high visit
efficiency. [1]. Inefficient patient flow processes increase waiting times and are a major
cause of low patient satisfaction [2]. One study conducted in 1,789 ambulatory care
facilities nationwide found that patient satisfaction with outpatient care is influenced
strongly by the amount of time the patient spends waiting for care. Facilities in teaching
organizations and medical schools tend to have longer waits then non-teaching facilities
[3] Another study conducted in a university urgent care department evaluated 323
patients found the most important part of total waiting time was the time patients spent
waiting to see the clinician [4]. Decreases in patient satisfaction can affect patient
adherence, which is a necessary component of treating patients with chronic conditions.
Quality improvement efforts can help to overcome the barriers to effective patient flow
and decrease patient waiting time, thus improving the efficiency of care. One wellstudied method for doing so is the Model for Improvement and the use of Plan-Do-StudyAct cycles [5]. By using the Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) cycle to perform assessments
and small tests of interventions, we can accelerate the process of learning and
improvement. The Institute for Healthcare Improvement and several non-healthcare
industries employ these methods to improve and optimize their processes. One key
component of the PDSA cycle process is the ability to feasibly and efficiently collect data
to identify the problem and guide the development and evaluation of interventions. When
data collection is difficult, it may be hard to target interventions and evaluate their
success. Thus, effective change processes require an efficient data collection mechanism.
Patient Flow Analysis (PFA) is one technique that may be especially well suited for
guiding and evaluating improvement.
Patient Flow Analysis involves outlining the care process and measuring time spent in
each phase of the clinic visit. It is a potentially effective and efficient technique to collect
data and evaluate the effect of interventions to improve patient visit efficiency [6]. Once
Patient Flow Analysis is performed in clinic, the empirical evidence collected from this
method can be used to suggest potential targets for improvement by identifying
“bottlenecks” in the patient visit and providing objective data to convince key decision
makers to shift existing resources to better serve patient and program needs. We chose to
use Patient Flow Analysis as it can be easily replicated in clinic and allows the staff to
evaluate their services, identify problems, and attempt to develop workable solutions
fostering a sense of ownership of both problems and solutions among clinic staff [7].
In this paper, we demonstrate the use of Patient Flow Analysis within a single Plan-DoStudy-Act cycle to improve the efficiency of care, by decreasing patient wait time, for
two groups of patients within an academic internal medicine practice’s disease
management programs for patients with two chronic conditions: 1) patients requiring
chronic anticoagulation and 2) patients receiving treatment for chronic pain.
We performed Patient Flow Analysis using the Plan-Do-Study-Act cycle as a guide in
two primary care-based planned care anticoagulation and chronic pain programs to assess
and improve the efficiency of patient visits. The “Plan” segment involved using Patient
Flow Analysis to collect baseline data to identify areas of inefficiency in the patient visit
and then propose possible clinic interventions to improve visit efficiency. The “Do”
segment involved integrating the accepted interventions into clinic routine. The “Study”
segment involved performing another Patient Flow Analysis to collect follow-up data to
assess the impact of the interventions on patient visit efficiency. The “Act” segment
involved making a decision to maintain the interventions because we demonstrated a
significant and sufficient improvement in visit efficiency.
The Patient Flow Analysis was conducted in two programs, an anticoagulation and
chronic pain management program which are fully integrated within the UNC General
Internal Medicine practice. The UNC General Internal Medicine (UNC GIM) practice
cares for over 12,000 patients and has almost 30,000 visits per year. The patient
population is approximately 40% African American and 60% white. The practice serves
patients with a wide range of socioeconomic backgrounds, including approximately 15%
uninsured patients.
For the past 5 years, the GIM practice has used a structured care program for
anticoagulation. Patients are managed by a multi-disciplinary, collaborative team
consisting of the patient’s primary care physician, a clinical pharmacist practitioner, a
physician director, front desk staff, and nurses. The program currently has 287 active
patients, 58% of the patients are male, the average age is 61 years old, and 65%
Caucasian. The majority (42%) of the patients suffer from atrial fibrillation, 35% are
treated for prophylaxis after a previous venous thromboembolism, and 12% are receiving
treatment of an active venous thromboembolism (9% have heart valve replacements).
The anticoagulation clinical pharmacist practitioner is responsible for titrating and
monitoring warfarin therapy in a systematic method according to evidence-based
protocols. Patients are seen on at least a monthly interval and data are maintained in a
Microsoft Access database. Approximately 47 patients are seen on a weekly basis in the
anticoagulation clinic over 6 half-day clinic sessions.
For the past 4 years, the GIM practice has also used a structured care program for patients
with chronic pain who are prescribed opiate pain medications. Patients are managed by a
multi-disciplinary, collaborative team consisting of the patient's primary care physician, a
clinical pharmacist practitioner, a care assistant, front desk staff, and nurses. There are
currently 157 active patients. Of the 157 patients, 62% of the patients are female, the
average age is 56 years old, and 72% Caucasian. The majority (61%) of the patients
suffer from back pain, 40% have neuropathy, and 28% osteoarthritis. The program is
anchored by the clinical pharmacist practitioner, who performs clinical assessments at
entry and on an on-going basis. Patients are initially seen in the program at monthly
intervals to start, then less frequently if clinically indicated. They continue to be seen by
their primary providers for other problems as well. The pain clinical pharmacist
practitioner sees approximately 25 patients per week over 5 half-day clinic sessions.
The disease management programs as a whole are directed by Drs. Pignone (Section
Chief) and Malone (Assistant Clinic Director). Dr. Paul Chelminski, a full-time clinicianeducator, is the clinical supervisor for both programs and the mid-level providers. As
noted above, the clinical pharmacist practitioners, Dr. Timothy Ives and Dr. Betsy Bryant
Shilliday are the key leaders of each respective program and are responsible for
implementing quality improvement efforts. The disease management group meets weekly
to review data, processes of care, and interventions, using a Model for Improvementbased methodology. This process is facilitated by collecting quality of care data in the
form of ongoing run charts in the Access database.
Patient Flow Analysis
Patient Flow Analysis was performed through the use of simple written surveys using
index cards to assess the time usage of each patient as they pass through anticoagulation
and chronic pain visits. The surveys divided the patient visit for each program into
several phases, as demonstrated in Figure 1. Clinic personnel, including the front desk
staff, nurses, care assistant, and clinical pharmacist practitioners, recorded the time for
initiation and completion at each phase during the visit for a two week period in the
anticoagulation clinic and a one week period in the chronic pain clinic. First baseline
data for each program were obtained. Next the mean duration time for each phase and
mean visit time were reviewed and patient flow was assessed for areas of inefficiency.
Once key clinic members, including nurses, care assistant, and clinical pharmacist
practitioners identified areas of inefficient patient flow utilizing Patient Flow Analysis,
interventions were proposed. In each case, the proposed interventions required
negotiation with administrative personnel outside the programs in order to re-direct
resources. Once administrative buy-in was achieved through meeting with key leaders,
we implemented the proposed interventions into each program’s process of care and then
measured their effects.
Interventions to Improve Anticoagulation Visit Efficiency
Interventions to improve patient visit time usage in the anticoagulation clinic involved
relocating point-of-care (POC) International Normalized Ratio (INR) testing and redeploying nursing staff. Originally, the laboratory for POC INR testing for the
anticoagulation clinic was in the same building, but on a separate floor at a central blood
drawing site maintained by the laboratory. The first intervention involved moving one
phlebotomist to the Internal Medicine practice in the same area as the anticoagulation
clinical pharmacist practitioner. The new location increased the proximity between the
POC INR laboratory and the anticoagulation visit rooms, therefore simplifying the checkin and care process. Patients no longer had to check in at two different areas for their
POC INR testing and anticoagulation clinic visit.
The second intervention involved increasing nursing support by transferring a full-time
certified nursing assistant to support the anticoagulation program, for collection of patient
vitals and placement of patients into exam rooms. The nursing support prepares patients
for assessment by several clinic providers including, anticoagulation, chronic pain, and
diabetes clinical pharmacist practitioners, and three to five residents and/or attending
physicians. Increasing clinic nursing support was expected to help with placing patients
into an exam room in a timelier manner after clinic check-in for all clinician providers to
help decrease overall patient load for each nurse.
Interventions to Improve Pain Visit Efficiency
To improve patient visit time usage in the chronic pain clinic, interventions included
increasing the clinic responsibilities of the care assistant and making a change in the flow
of the patient visit. To decrease the wait time between care assistant and the chronic pain
clinical pharmacist practitioner encounters, the care assistant began reviewing and
prioritizing chronic pain clinic visits before each clinic session to determine which
patients the clinical pharmacist practitioner should assess first, with the care assistant
obtaining required information after the assessment. Before, patients would first be seen
by the care assistant and then by the clinical pharmacist practitioner for pain assessment.
To decrease redundancy of information collected and to get patients into exam rooms
sooner, the care assistant began helping nurses complete initial pain assessments and
placing patients into exam rooms. Initial pain assessments involve asking the patient
their current pain score using the Brief Pain Inventory [8], identifying the location of
pain, and finding out the patient’s most recent dose of pain medications. No longer did
the care assistant and nurses both complete separate initial pain assessments.
The change in the flow of the patient visit also involved having nurses collect urine
specimens for toxicological screening from patients after evaluation by the chronic pain
clinical pharmacist practitioner, instead of during the check-in process. Collecting urine
specimens at the end of the clinic visit was expected to decrease the time duration for the
check-in-process by decreasing the patient work-up requirements for the nurses or the
care assistant, so they can be placed into an exam room sooner. The results of the urine
toxicological screen take anywhere from one to three hours to obtain, so delayed results
do not affect the clinical pharmacist practitioner’s plan of action decided during the
patient visit.
After these interventions were implemented into each clinic for two weeks, a follow-up
Patient Flow Analysis was performed to reassess the effects of the interventions by using
the same written surveys for a one week period. The Patient Flow Analysis was readministered for a one-week time period to obtain a large enough sample size to compare
with baseline data. The data for the mean duration time for each phase and mean visit
time obtained from the follow-up surveys were then compared with the baseline data.
Intervention-based improvements in the efficiency of patient flow were associated with
decreases in mean duration time for specific phases and mean visit time.
Statistical analysis
To determine the statistical significance of the implemented interventions on patient flow,
the baseline and follow-up data for mean time of the patient visit were compared using a
two-sample t-test with equal variances.
At baseline, the mean visit time for 93 anticoagulation clinic patient visits was 84
minutes (+/- 50 minutes). Of the total visit, 62 minutes (76% of the visit time) occurred
before being evaluated by an anticoagulation clinical pharmacist practitioner. The
majority of the wait time occurred between the laboratory check-in and the
anticoagulation clinic check-in (28 minutes) and between the anticoagulation clinic
check-in and being placed into an exam room (26 minutes).
After concurrent implementation of both the interventions, follow-up for 96
anticoagulation clinic patient visits found the mean visit time was 59 minutes (+/-25
minutes). The mean visit time decreased by 25 minutes (p<0.001). The amount of time
before being evaluated by an anticoagulation clinical pharmacist practitioner was reduced
to 39 minutes (66% of the total visit time). The most significant improvement was made
in decreasing the wait time between anticoagulation clinic check-in and POC INR testing,
from 28 to 4 minutes. Follow-up data also found wait time for placement into an exam
room from anticoagulation clinic check-in increased from 26 to 29 minutes. Time usage
changes in clinic patient flow after implementation of interventions is outlined by Figure
At baseline, the mean visit time for 25 chronic pain clinic patient visits was 65 minutes
(+/- 21 minutes), for established patient visits and patients arriving no earlier than 45
minutes for their appointment. Patients arriving earlier than 45 minutes for their
scheduled appointment were excluded from data analysis because their wait time for
placement into an exam room after clinic check-in was misleading since it is artificially
inflated by their early arrival. Of the total visit, 48 minutes (74% of the visit time) took
place before being evaluated by a clinical pharmacist practitioner. The majority of the
wait time occurred between chronic pain clinic check-in and being placed into an exam
room (25 minutes) and between being seen by the care assistant and the clinical
pharmacist practitioner (18 minutes).
After concurrent implementation of both the interventions, follow-up of 19 chronic pain
clinic patient visits meeting inclusion criteria found the mean visit time of the patient visit
was 43 minutes (+/- 14 minutes). The mean visit time decreased by 22 minutes
(p<0.001). The amount of time before being evaluated by a chronic pain clinical
pharmacist practitioner was reduced to 27 minutes (63% of the visit time). The most
significant improvements were made in decreasing the wait time between pain clinic
check-in and placing the patient into an exam room, from 25 to 13 minutes, and
decreasing time between the care assistant and clinician assessment, from 18 to 4
minutes. Time usage changes in clinic patient flow after implementation of interventions
is outlined by Figure 3.
We found that using Patient Flow Analysis within the context of a Plan-Do-Study-Act
cycle was an effective technique to identify areas within the care process for
improvement, target interventions, and measure effectiveness of interventions. Using
Patient Flow Analysis allowed us to propose, implement, and test interventions to
decrease patient wait time to receiving care from their physician. Measurement can be
completed within the context of usual practice without substantial requirements for
additional personnel or costs, and produce useful data in a short period of time. The ease
of performing Patient Flow Analysis in clinic negates the need to hire an outside
consultant to identify areas of inefficiency, allowing clinic staff who are familiar with the
patient flow process to develop a sense of ownership as they work together to identify
and solve problems with patient efficiency in clinic. As such, they offer a widely usable
technique for improving office practice.
Use of Patient Flow Analysis in healthcare has much of its origins in the field of Family
Planning. Lynam and colleagues described its use in two busy Family Planning clinics in
Kenya, and showed how feedback about waiting times at different stages of the visit were
used to re-engineer work flow, resulting in 33 to 50% reductions in total visit length [6].
More recently, Patient Flow Analysis has been recommended by the Institute of
Healthcare Improvement as a means of improving visit efficiency [9]. The Centers for
Disease Control has produced freely available software to guide and interpret Patient
Flow Analysis [10].
Study limitations include use of a small sample size and collecting data from only one
clinic involving a primary care-based disease management program. In the future,
studies should be conducted at numerous clinics to assess how replicable the results of
the study are in other clinical settings. Another limitation is Patient Flow Analysis was
only performed twice (within one PDSA cycle) to assess and improve the patient
efficiency in clinic because a significant improvement in visit efficiency occurred after
the initial interventions. In our clinic, we will continue to monitor patient flow using
Patient Flow Analysis on an interval basis to ensure that the patient flow efficiency
achieved from the interventions is sustainable over time.
If patient flow efficiency declines, future Patient Flow Analysis cycles will be performed.
For future studies we would recommend assessing patient and staff satisfaction with the
use of Patient Flow Analysis for baseline and follow-up data. Based on prior studies, it is
likely that patient satisfaction improved as a result of decreasing patient wait time,
however we did not measure satisfaction in our study. Changes in patient volume or
throughput were also not formally assessed.
We believe that PFA is a valuable technique for identifying problems in patient flow and
evaluating interventions with the context of the Model for Improvement. Other quality
improvement techniques, such as six sigma, could also have been used to reduce patient
visit time variation and improve patient flow [11, 12]. A final limitation involved not
formally assessing the costs of interventions and changes in revenue generated by clinic.
Future studies should measure expenses of implemented interventions and changes in
clinic revenue to see if improvements in patient visit efficiency help increase overall
clinic revenue.
Patient Flow Analysis, embedded in a Plan-Do-Study-Act cycle, is an effective and
feasible technique to identify inefficiencies in the patient visit within primary care-based
disease management programs. Once identified, clinic personnel can use PFA to target
the development of interventions to improve the delivery of care to patients.
Competing Interests
The authors declare that they have no financial or non-financial competing interest.
Author’s Contributions
NMP developed study design, administered surveys, performed data management,
assisted in drafting, editing, and revision of the manuscript. RMM developed study
design, supervised conduction of study, performed data management, and edited the
manuscript. BB developed study design, administered surveys, assisted in drafting,
editing, and revision of manuscript. TJI developed study design and assisted in drafting,
editing, and revision of manuscript. PRC performed statistical analyses and assisted in
revising and editing manuscript. DAD assisted in interpreting the data and revising and
editing manuscript. MPP developed study design, supervised conduction of study,
assisted in drafting, revising, and editing manuscript.
Presented at the 28th Annual Meeting, Society of General Internal Medicine, New
Orleans, LA; May 14, 2005.
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Figure 1
Figure 1. Time-Motion Surveys
Anticoagulation Clinic Time Survey
Pain Clinic Time Survey
Date: _____ / _____ / _____
Date: ____/____/____
Time check in at lab: _______ Time out of lab:_______
Appointment time: _____________
Time check in at Internal Medicine: ___________
Time check in at Internal Medicine: ________
Time in lab: ________ Time out of lab: ________
Time nurse checks blood pressure: ________
Time nurse collects urine sample: __________
Time put in exam room: _________
Time put in exam room: ___________
Time seen by pharmacist: _________
Time with program assistant: Start ______ End _______
Time check out: _________
Time seen by student: Start _________
End ________
Time seen by pharmacist: Start ________ End_________
Please complete and give to receptionist once you check out
Please complete and give to receptionist once you check out
Figure 2
Figure 2. Anticoagulation clinic patient flow.
Third Floor
Exam Room
26 minutes
28 minutes
84 minutes
After Intervention
Third Floor Clinic
4 minutes
Exam Room
10 minutes
25 minutes
59 minutes
Net difference of 25 minutes
Figure 3
Figure 3. Chronic pain management clinic patient flow
Clinic CheckIn
Nurse Assessment
Vital Signs and
Urine Screen
Exam Room
Care Assistant
25 minutes
18 minutes
65 minutes
After Intervention
Clinic CheckIn
Exam Room
Care Assistant
13 minutes
Clinician Visit
Urine Screen
4 minutes
43 minutes
Net Difference of 22 minutes
Clinic CheckOut