Cornell Note Questions

Cornell Note Questions
Cornell Notes:
The Roaring 1920s - Cultural Change and Political Realities
In addition to the booming economy and time of prosperity, the 1920s are known as a time of great
cultural change. All of these changes led to the 1920s being called “_________________________”.
Another name for this period of time is the “______________________.” Both of these names
reflect life in the United States during the 1920s.
I. Cultural Innovations:
The economic prosperity of the 1920s allowed people to have more money
and to have more leisure (free) time. This led to a growth in leisure activities:
A. _______________________ - The first radio broadcast is heard in 1920. By the end of the
1920s, radio had become the most important way to communicate during this time. Radio
programs included news, sports and comedy & drama.
B. Movies – Thomas Edison’s invention becomes very popular in the 1920s. Most of the movies
are soundless. The first “________________________” is The Jazz Singer which was released in
C. Sports - Sports expand in all areas: there are more teams and more fans.
Sports become more nationally based because of radio; you could hear
games from across the country.
Baseball becomes the most popular sport during this time, with huge stars
like ____________________________ who was known for his number of
Americans also become more active, playing sports like tennis and golf.
II. Fads and Fashions
Baseball Star
Babe Ruth
Americans in the 1920s were always searching for the “new thing”
Crossword puzzles
Marathon dancing
The Charleston
Crazy Challenges like flag pole sitting
III. The Airline Innovations
A. Background:
In 1903, ________________________________ made the first
The Wright Brothers First Plane and Flight
1903 Kitty Hawk, North Carolina
controlled airplane flight. This sparked an interest in airplanes.
Airplanes were an important new weapon of war during World War I (1914-1918)
Words to Use:
Jazz Age
Charles Lindbergh
Babe Ruth
The Roaring 20s
Spirit of St. Louis
talking picture
Wilbur and Orville Wright
B. Airlines in the 1920s and Charles Lindbergh:
 In the 1920s, airplanes were being used to deliver
mail and perform stunts. It wasn’t until 1927that
the importance of airline was seen.
 In 1927 _________________________ flew the
first non-stop transatlantic flight from New
York to Paris in his plane
 Lindbergh becomes a hero and a celebrity and the airplanes become
an important way to transport people.
c. ______________________________ – Known as the “Father of
Naval Aviation.” He developed the idea of flying planes from the decks
of planes as well as the seaplane.
Father of Naval Aviation –
Glenn Curtiss
Presidential Politics and Foreign Policy of the 1920s
IV. The Harding Administration:
a. _______________________________________ was elected in 1920 on the platform
of a “return to normalcy”
b. Harding appoints many friends to high positions – they are called the
_____________________. The Ohio Gang was very corrupt and there were many
c. _________________________________________ - The Ohio Gang arranged for
the secret lease of oil rights to private companies from government owned land in
Wyoming. Members of the Ohio Gang became rich from doing this. When the American
public found out, there was a scandal. This becomes the first true symbol of federal
government corruption in America.
V. The ___________________________ Administration:
Coolidge becomes president when president when Harding dies in office.
He will be reelected in 1924 and is president throughout most of the
Coolidge restores integrity to the presidency and helps provide a strong
economy in the 1920s.
VI. Role of the USA in the World in the 1920s
A. __________________________ – the USA tries to not be involved with the rest of
the world (this is a result of our involvement in WWI)
President Calvin Coolidge
B. Economic Power - The United States becomes a dominant economic power. Factories expanded
during WWI and of course, unlike Europe, we don’t have to rebuild after WWI.
C. Preventing Future War:
Even though the United States would not sign the ________________________ because we do not
want to be a part of the _________________________ and be drawn into Europe’s problems, we still
want to try to create peace in the world after the terrible destruction of WWI.
 _____________________________ - Limits growth of navies across the world
Words to Use
Calvin Coolidge
Glenn Curtiss
Kellogg-Briand Pact
League of Nations
Ohio Gang
Teapot Dome Scandal
Treaty of Versailles
Warren G. Harding
Washington Conference
__________________________ – A treaty signed by 62 countries (including the United
States) to never have war again. Obviously, this will fail.
Cornell Note Summary:
IV. African American Culture in the 1920s
Even though the 1920s were a time of increased racism in the United States, African Americans
achieved prosperity and recognition, especially in the arts.
A. The ____________________________ –
During and after WWI, millions of African Americans moved from the rural
South to the industrial North. They searched for better jobs and lives.
B. The Harlem Renaissance –
As part of the Great Migration, many African Americans moved to New
York City, particularly an area called Harlem.
Harlem and other cities were filled with clubs and music. From these
exciting times emerges what is called the
_________________________________ – a rebirth of
African American artistic development, racial pride, community and politics.
1. Jazz – from the Harlem Renaissance a new music was created called jazz.
__________________________ is an uniquely American music.
Example: Louis Armstrong and Duke Ellington
performed jazz at one of the most famous clubs - the Cotton Club.
2. Writers - The 1920s produced some the greatest
African American writers:
Poet – Langston Hughes and Claude Mc Kay
Novelist – Zora Neale Hurston
3. African American Politics
African Americans become more active politically
during the 1920s.
a. The Black Vote in the North – due the larger
numbers of African Americans in the North,
____________________________is elected as US
Representative – the first African American elected
since Reconstruction.
b. The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (__________________)
– created in 1909 and becomes a powerful group fighting for African Americans rights both in the
1920s and today. One of the people responsible for promoting the rights of African Americans is
Words to Use:
black nationalism
Oscar De Priest
WEB Du Bois
Marcus Garvey
Great Migration
Harlem Renaissance
c. Marcus Garvey and Black Nationalism:
 _________________________________ advocated African American self-reliance
and separation from whites. This movement is called ______________________.
 While the movement failed, many African Americans will be
inspired for the future Civil Rights Movement.
Cornell Note Summary: