Get creative: Engage local elected officials in your conservation efforts

Get creative: Engage local
elected officials in your
conservation efforts
Bona Heinsohn, Cook County Farm Bureau
Christina Nourie, Illinois Farm Bureau
Social media
Illinois Farm Bureau Adopt-A-Legislator program
Tips for Engaging Legislators
Facebook: Usage
Launched in February of 2004 from a Harvard dorm
500 million active users, up from 5.5 million users in
Average user has 130 friends and spends 700 billion
minutes per month on Facebook
More than 200 million users are using a mobile device
to access Facebook
Facebook: Ground rules
Be authentic and transparent
Know your purpose in social media
Build a community around your purpose for engaging in
a social network
Understand that your posts are a novelty to a majority of
the US population
Engage in conversations with your community
Facebook: Harvesting the benefits of
Why should you take time to engage in social media?
Network across the business
Listen louder
Gain technical knowledge
Share sound bytes about your field
Put a face on your work
Engage in dialogue with people from different
Twitter: Usage
17 million active users
Two-thirds of users access their accounts through a
mobile device
51% of active users follow companies, brands or
In 2008, 5% of the population age 12+ were aware of
Twitter in 2010, 87% of the population age 12+ is aware
of Twitter
Twitter: Translating the twitterverse
Twitter can be an incredibly effective tool for those who
like a great deal of information, idea exchange and realtime networking.
Twitter users generally fall into one of six categories …
Signed up for, but think it’s a stupid fad
Able to find information that piques their interest, but not sure
they really “get it”
Building their communities and finding new communities
Feeling obligated to give information back to their communities
Realizing the power of messaging
Social Media: Resources
The Facebook Guide Book (http:
The Twitter Guide Book
Engaging Legislators…the old
fashioned way
Nothing replaces a personal relationship
“Face time” is key
Put a face to the name, the industry and
the issue
Go to the legislator; bring the legislator to
Takes work, creativity and persistence.
Illinois Farm Bureau
Adopt-a-Legislator Program
Developed in 2001
Northeast Legislator
2/3 legislators from metro
Limited connection to
relationships & educate
Engage, Educate and Enjoy
District office visits
Develop personal relationship
learn about urban district
County Farm tour
Experience agriculture
and rural life
Continued Communication
Springfield visits
Annual Meeting
Action Requests
Other Events
Other AAL Activities
Constituent Exchanges
Student field trips
Community Fairs
Legislator Town Hall meetings
Political Fundraiser
Adopt an Acre
County Fairs or other local “fest”
Invite to co-keynote at CFB Annual Meeting
Continue district / farm visits on a yearly basis
Remember: Key is to form a LONG TERM
Adopt-a-Legislator Today
71 Chicago area legislators “adopted”
70 County Farm Bureaus
75 district visits and 65 farm visits
Awareness & support on issues
65 AL’s rec’d FOA in 2010
House/Senate Ag Committee
Bill sponsorships
Expanding list of AAL activities
Tips for Engaging Legislators
Be prepared & know your facts
Never be confrontational
Network, network, network
Get to know legislative staff
Keep your integrity
Build coalitions
Be positive & offer solutions
Always say thank you!
The Bottom Line…
An integrated approach to engaging your
legislators will work best:
Utilize social media to connect and network, but
never underestimate the power of building an
“old – fashioned” personal relationship to
educate and engage your legislators.
Questions or Comments?
Bona Heinsohn; [email protected]
Christina Nourie; [email protected]