What is the LGBTI Community Grants Program?

LGBTI Community Grants Program FAQs
Program details
What is the LGBTI Community Grants Program?
The Victorian Government is committed to supporting LGBTI communities in Victoria. Part of this
commitment involves strengthening organisations, groups and individuals within the LGBTI
community and volunteer sector.
This sector plays a key role in improving the lives of LGBTI Victorians, and assisting the Victorian
Government to deliver its equality agenda. Strong community organisations help inform the
development of public policy on justice and human rights issues, and deliver vital health and
community services. Informal community and volunteer groups of a smaller scale play an important
role and respond to community needs with innovative and flexible solutions.
The LGBTI Community Grants Program has been established to foster the further development of a
sustainable and skilled LGBTI community and volunteer sector in Victoria. The Grants Program
consists of $1 million per year for four years and is designed to:
1. give LGBTI community organisations and groups the financial resources needed to build capacity
by investing in organisational development; and
2. fund activities to develop the leadership and management skills of current and future LGBTI
community leaders.
This initiative is administered by the Department of Premier and Cabinet’s Equality Branch.
What is the difference between the two funding streams?
The Grants Program consists of two funding streams, designed to strengthen the LGBTI community
and volunteer sector at the organisational and individual leader levels.
Funding stream one – organisational development grants
These grants will enable applicants to undertake activities that will help their organisation to develop.
The grants will assist organisations and groups to build capacity, develop good practices and improve
internal governance and administration.
Funding stream two – individual leadership and management grants
These grants will enable existing and emerging LGBTI community leaders to undertake professional
development activities to further develop their leadership and management skills.
What activities may be supported for organisational
development grants?
Please note that the following list is not exhaustive, but provides examples of the kinds of activities
that might be covered under this grant stream:
undertaking research to aid strategic planning;
developing strategic, business, marketing and fundraising plans;
undertaking feasibility studies, including for sector wide programs and initiatives;
creating or revising operating policies and procedures or training materials;
developing sound financial, human resource or industrial relations practices;
improving ICT and communications capabilities;
purchasing computers, software and other office consumables;
purchasing minor furniture such as office desks and chairs;
contributing to the overhead costs of an auspicing organisation;
investigating and developing alternative sources of funding;
analysing programs, measuring outcomes and evaluating existing programs;
fostering partnerships with other organisations and groups;
convening conferences or workshops to explore best practice and develop sector capacity;
undertaking staff training needs assessments; and
training and development for staff, volunteers and Board members.
What activities may be supported for individual grants?
Please note that the following list is not exhaustive, but provides examples of the kinds of activities
that might be covered under this grant stream:
leadership and communications courses and training,
conference attendance;
advocacy training or study;
broadening understanding and content expertise, program design and implementation;
improving financial management skills; and
improving governance skills.
What activities cannot be supported for organisational
development and individual grants?
Please note that the following list is non-negotiable, and also acts as a guide to indicate the other
kinds of activities that may not be supported:
LGBTI Community Grants Program 2016-17 FAQ’s
competitions, commercial or fundraising activities;
overseas conferences, training or study tours;
purchase or lease of buildings or land;
activities that promote or are held for party political purposes;
living expenses for individuals;
retrospective funding for projects or programs that have already started or have been
completed; and
activities that are more suitably funded under another grants program.
What amount of funding is available?
There is no limit placed on the amount of funding you can request, but you need to provide evidence
that supports the amount you are requesting. You may request funding for one year or funding over
two years. Please consider your requirements carefully and request only what you need.
Your proposal may be approved for only part of the funds requested. If this is the case you will need
to revise your budget.
Application Process
How do I apply?
Please go onto the Victorian Government’s Equality website at www.vic.gov.au/equality to apply.
How will applications be assessed?
The brief summary of your proposed activities provided in the EOI will be assessed against the
objectives of the Grants Program and the eligibility criteria of your chosen funding stream. The
objectives, eligibility criteria and selection criteria are contained in the Program Guidelines. They are
intended to guide you regarding the type of information that should be included in an EOI (at a high
level), and in more detail in a second stage application.
If you are invited to submit a second stage application, this will be assessed by a panel of LGBTI
community members against the relevant funding stream’s selection criteria. The Minister for Equality
will review the recommendations of this panel and determine grant recipients. Successful grant
recipients will then be notified.
What is the process to apply for the Grants Program?
Step 1: Select your grant stream
Determine whether you are applying in your individual capacity, or as a representative of an
Step 2: Check your eligibility
LGBTI Community Grants Program 2016-17 FAQ’s
Ensure that your proposal meets the eligibility criteria for the chosen funding stream, based on the
information contained in this guide.
Step 3: Submit an EOI online at http://www.vic.gov.au/equality
Briefly outline the proposed activity, and the proposed cost.
Step 4: Submit second stage application upon invitation
This is a more detailed description of your proposed activities in response to each of the selection
criteria for your chosen stream, and includes a full budget and details of any auspice or partnership
What should I do if I have questions?
If you have questions relating to the Grants Program, your eligibility or proposal, please read the
Program Guidelines available online. The Program Guidelines contain everything you will need in
relation to your applications.
It is not necessary to contact DPC Equality Branch to discuss your proposal if it meets the eligibility
criteria and will further the objectives of the Grants Program. If this is the case, please submit an EOI.
What is a legally constituted entity?
Please note, for the purposes of these grants a ‘legally constituted entity’ is a company, group,
cooperative or organisation that is incorporated for legal purposes, and has an ABN. If this does not
apply to you or your organisation, you will need to enter into an auspice arrangement with an
organisation that does meet this definition. This means that the auspice organisation will sign any
agreements, receive and administer the grant money on your behalf.
What is an auspice arrangement?
An auspice arrangement is a legally binding contract. For the purposes of this Grants Program an
auspice organisation is an organisation that will take on legal and financial responsibility under the
grant agreement. The auspice organisation will sign the grant agreement on behalf of an organisation,
group or individual. The auspice organisation will distribute grant monies, seek from the grantee a
report on the outcomes of the activities for which funding was given, and submit a financial acquittal of
the funds received for the activities.
The auspice organisation may not be responsible for carrying out the activities but it is responsible for
ensuring the activities are completed under the terms of the grant agreement.
What are considered reasonable overhead costs for an auspice
Different organisations providing auspice arrangements will have different requirements that will affect
the amount of overhead costs you can claim. Evidence of what these requirements are will assist in
determining whether the overheads claimed are reasonable.
LGBTI Community Grants Program 2016-17 FAQ’s
When does the Grants Program EOI close?
The Grants Program EOI process closes Sunday October 9 2016, at midnight. No EOIs will be
accepted after this time.
What do I do if I have technical problems when trying to submit
the EOI?
If you are having technical problems, please contact the Equality Branch at [email protected].
They will be able to assist you if the EOI form isn’t loading or if there are accessibility issues. Please
allow at least one business days’ notice for a response and note that the Branch is not staffed on
Can an organisation submit more than one EOI for an
organisational grant?
Yes. Organisations may submit more than one EOI in the event that they are partnering with an
organisation for one proposal, and applying as a single organisation for another. A single EOI may
also include multiple proposed activities.
Please note that if organisations submit multiple EOIs, or individuals request funding for multiple
development activities, only some of the activities may be approved or funded in part.
Can an individual submit more than one EOI for an individual
No. Individuals may only submit one EOI for the individual grant stream. It is possible to include
multiple leadership or management activities in one EOI. In these cases the activities may only be
approved and funded in part.
If I am partnering with other organisations, who should submit?
Do we need to submit multiple EOIs?
Only one organisation will be required to submit the EOI on behalf of the organisations that are
partnering on a proposal.
Please signal this by including the names of the partnering organisations in the EOI forms. Please
also provide details of the organisation that will act as the primary contact point for the proposal.
Can I claim administrative costs associated with my proposal?
Yes, you can claim reasonable administrative costs associated with your proposed activities. For
example, the employment of an administrator for an organisation to improve its capacity to deliver
programs, improve fundraising etc would generally be considered reasonable.
LGBTI Community Grants Program 2016-17 FAQ’s
What is the rationale for excluding purchase or lease of
buildings or land?
Proposals that seek funding to purchase or lease buildings or land will not be accepted. These
proposals will likely involve significant cost, resulting in a smaller pool of funding for other applicants.
Funding these types of proposals (particularly rental payments) may also lead organisations and
individuals to become dependent on ongoing funding from the Grants Program.
The Grants Program is intended to help organisations and individuals to develop, improving their
capacity to obtain funding for these type of proposals in the future.
If I apply this year, can I also apply next year?
Yes. Organisations and individuals can re-apply for each year of the Grants Program, including for the
same activities. However, previous successful grant applications do not guarantee additional funding
in subsequent years.
If your proposal is unsuccessful this year and you would like to re-apply for the same activities next
year, we recommend you discuss your application with the Equality Branch in order to see what can
be improved.
Is there a limit on the number of organisations or individuals that
can receive funding each year?
There is no limit on the number of organisations or individuals that can receive funding each year. The
number of applications granted will depend on the strength, calibre and quantity of applications.
When will successful applicants be announced?
Successful applicants will be announced in early 2017. Grant monies will be paid before the end of
the 2016/17 financial year, likely in March/April 2017.
When do I need to spend the funding?
Successful applicants will be required to acquit their funding over the period for which it was awarded,
beginning on the date the grant money is paid. For example, an applicant awarded funding for
activities over a one year period will need to spend the funding within a year of it being paid.
Will I get feedback on my application if it is unsuccessful?
Yes, upon request. Please contact the Equality Branch if you would like to receive feedback on your
LGBTI Community Grants Program 2016-17 FAQ’s