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Chapin Intermediate School
Course: Math 5
Instructor: Dr. Garris
Email: [email protected]
Telephone number: (803)5744)
Time available for extra tutoring: Tuesdays 7:00-7:20 AM
South Carolina Uniform
Grading Scale
A= 90-100
B= 80-89
C= 70-79
D= 60-70
F= 59 or Below
Time Available for conferencing or calls: Blue Week Tuesday 1:30-2:00
White Week Tuesday 12:30-1:00
Course Description: This course is foundational for grade five students. Mathematics instruction will focus on mastery of
these concepts and skills: developing fluency with addition and subtraction of fractions, developing understanding of the
multiplication of fractions, division of fractions extending division to 2-digit divisors, integrating decimal fractions into the
place value system, developing understanding of operations with decimals to hundredths, developing 12 fluency with
whole number and decimal operations; and developing understanding of volume as an attribute of three-dimensional
space. This course aligns with the South Carolina College and Career Ready Standards (SCCCR) for Mathematics and the
Mathematical Practice Standards.
Textbook: My Math (McGraw-Hill) Online access to textbook: ConnectED
Instructional Goals: Mathematical Process Standards
1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
2. Reason both contextually and abstractly.
3. Use critical thinking skills to justify mathematical reasoning and critique the reasoning of others.
4. Connect mathematical ideas and real-world situations through modeling.
5. Use a variety of mathematical tools effectively and strategically.
6. Communicate mathematically and approach mathematical situations with precision.
7. Identify and utilize structure and patterns.
Scope and Sequence:
1st Quarter
Place value, Adding and Subtracting Decimals,
Multiplying Whole Numbers
2nd Quarter
Divide by 1-digit Divisor, Divide by 2-digit Divisor, Multiply
and Divide Decimals
3rd Quarter
Fractions & Decimals, Add & Subtract Fractions, Multiply
& Divide Fractions
4th Quarter
Geometry, Measurement, Expressions & Patterns
Major Assignments (Tests/Projects/Essays) = 45%
Quizzes = 35%
Classwork and Homework = 20%
Please know that some assignments that are not quizzes may fall into the “Quizzes” category. These assignments require a
more significant amount of work and content understanding than classwork assignments but not to the level of a major
assignment. In these instances, the teacher will announce in advance that the assignment is weighted as a quiz and not a
classwork assignment.