Year 6 Visit to Nell Bank 11th – 13th March 2013.

Year 5 Visit to Nell Bank
October 2017.
Aims of the evening
About The Centre & Accommodation
Learning outcomes
Staffing and Groups
Miss Wilcock
Mrs Gates
Mr Hunt
Miss Dransfield
Mrs Daniel (cook)
Dining Room
Drying room
Picnic Area
Adventure playground
Activity Programme
Wednesday 15th March.
Arrive and welcome to Nell Bank
Team Tasks: Save the Species, Custard Crossing, Duck Rescue.
Adventure Playground
Settle in to dorms
Evening meal
Evening activities
Thursday 16th March.
Ilkley Moor Walk
Evening meal
Evening activities
Friday 17th March
Team tasks: Orienteering
Lunch then set off back to school.
Children to be collected from school at the normal time of 3:30pm.
Kit List
Please make sure that everything is clearly named.
Night clothes
Change of clothes for evening activities
Change of footwear/trainers/slippers for indoor use
Small games/books for wet weather
Warm comfortable clothing
Sleeping bag
Small torch
Bin liners/carrier bags to separate wet or dirty clothes from the clean ones
For daytime walks
Small rucksack
Waterproof clothing – cagoule and trousers – these are essential
Walking boots (we have a number of pairs for loan)
Warm clothes (no jeans)
Thick walking socks, one or two pairs to fill boots. (Not nylon or acrylic as they cause blisters)
Spare socks
Warm hat and gloves
Pack of emergency rations – high energy foods eg mint cake, chocolate etc (These must be kept in your rucksack at all times and
be kept for emergencies only!)
A packed lunch for the first day including a drink. Pupils may take a flask with a warm drink. We will refill flasks with tea or
coffee on other days.
Water bottle
Food and drink are not allowed in the dormitories, so please do not bring sweets, biscuits
etc. We have a tuck shop for any extra food needed. Do not bring chewing gum.
Cameras may be taken if you wish to at your own risk – it would be helpful if these could be
named in some way.
Spending money
This is an educational visit and there will be little chance to spend money. We will however,
be providing a tuck shop with: drinks, crisps, chocolate biscuits and fruit, therefore a few
pounds (in 20p and 10p coins) would be enough.
Talent show
We shall be holding a talent show on one of the nights, so please get your acts ready before
we leave!! We shall take a CD player, so you can bring CDs if you need to.
Please ensure medical forms are filled in and that clear instructions are included with clearly
named medications. This includes any travel sickness pills that may be needed prior to
returning. Travel sickness pills for the outward journey must be given to your child BEFORE
they come to school.
Obstacle Course
Where is Nell Bank?
Nell Bank is on the edge of the town of Ilkley, within the Bradford Metropolitan Borough. It
is located in a stunning setting which includes…100 acres of semi-ancient bluebell
woodland, typical Dales farmland, the exceptionally beautiful River Wharfe and most
famous of all…Ilkley Moor which is steeped in history.
Why come to Nell Bank?
Last year 20 000 visitors from across the age and ability range visited the centre. We
believe in hands-on interactive education which supports the work teachers do in the
classroom. All our activities are developed in line with the National Curriculum.
What will we do at Nell Bank?
There are a wide range of activities which allow you to explore the habitat, develop team
skills and enjoy adventure education.
Who will be looking after us?
The staff at Nell Bank have a wealth of teaching experience between them. Safety is
paramount and we pride ourselves on having a well trained, dynamic staff team who are
able to provide safe, quality education across the age and ability range.
Do I need to buy any special outdoor clothing?
No! All you need is warm, old clothes as we will be outside most of the time. We have
some waterproofs and lots of spare wellies so please don’t feel you need to buy new ones.
Learning Outcomes: PSHCE, PE and Geography
National Curriculum PHSCE
By the end of a KS2 residential visit to Nell Bank...
All children will have the opportunity to face new challenges like staying away from home and make informed
choices about how to develop healthy lifestyles through meeting in new people and visiting new places.
Most children will have the opportunity to identify and explain how to manage (perceived) risk in new situations.
Children will have the chance to identify different types of relationship, and can show ways to maintain good
relationships with group leaders, centre staff and their classmates.
Some children will demonstrate respect and tolerance towards people different from themselves by working well
with others including with other groups on site.
National Curriculum PE
By the end of a KS2 residential visit to Nell Bank...
All children will take part in orienteering activities working in unfamiliar surroundings, with help from others they will
solve problems and tackle the long distance challenge of the Ilkley Moor walk.
Most children will work with others to solve problems through sharing ideas; they will show the beginnings of
reflecting on performance.
Some children will constantly reflect on their own performance and that of the team using it to inform future problem
solving in addition they will be aware of others and offer support when needed.
National Curriculum Geography
By the end of a KS2 residential visit to Nell Bank...
All children will recognise the similarities and differences between the Ilkley area and their home; they are able to
talk about what they see and what they think.
Most children will be able to describe and compare the physical and human features of the Ilkley area and offer
explanations for some of those features. They will be able to offer reasons for some of their observations, views and
judgements about places and environments. Children should recognise a need to improve or sustain environments.
Some children will recognise how people seek to improve and sustain environments they will be able to respond to
a range of geographical questions and begin to use appropriate vocabulary.
Learning Outcomes: History and DT.
 National Curriculum History
By the end of a KS2 residential visit to Nell Bank...
All children will gain a knowledge and understanding of events, people and changes in British human
history e.g. the changes that indigenous people experienced with the arrival of the Romans.
Most children will be able to demonstrate a chronological understanding of key events in the history
of Britain and be able to use their experiences on the Moors walk to illustrate changes.
Some children will be able to relate their life experiences to those of past people and discuss the
similarities and differences e.g. the archaeological dig.
 National Curriculum Design and Technology
By the end of a KS2 residential visit to Nell Bank...
All children will develop knowledge and understanding of the materials and components needed to
build a shelter and that staying warm is a basic requirement of all animals.
Most children will use their previous experience to plan and communicate ideas to others and
evaluate their success as a group through a process of evaluation e.g. role play of estate agent sales
Some children will appreciate the differences in technology available to early peoples and be able to
discuss with peers and adults the similarities and differences in the construction of shelters as well as
offer ideas for improvements.