CMAP Tutorials This document provides an overview of cmap and

CMAP Tutorials
This document provides an overview of cmap and step by step guidelines for creating a
cmap from scratch. This document will be useful to learn about the conceptual details
about cmaps and also construct them practically.
Cmap is the acronym for “Concept Map”. Concept maps are an effective way of
representing a person’s understanding of a domain of knowledge. The primary elements
of a cmap are
1. Concepts: Concepts may be defined as perceived regularities in events or objects,
or records of events or objects, designated by a label.
2. Propositions: Propositions consist of two or more concept labels connected by a
linking relationship that forms a semantic unit.
Concept maps are a graphical two-dimensional display of concepts (usually represented
within boxes or circles), connected by directed arcs encoding brief relationships (linking
phrases) between pairs of concepts forming propositions. Concept maps have been
demonstrated to be an effective means of representing and communicating knowledge.
CmapTools is a software environment developed at the Institute for Human and Machine
Cognition (IHMC). This software empowers users, individually or collaboratively, to
represent their knowledge using concept maps, to share them with peers and colleagues,
and to publish them. The CmapTools software toolkit was designed to support
constructing and sharing concept map-based knowledge models. The software is
available in many languages, and has enabled tens of thousands of users throughout the
world to share and collaborate through a network of Public Places where any user,
whether a student, a teacher, or a scientist, can create their own space and publish their
knowledge models.
Objectives of CmapTools
1. Low Threshold, High Ceiling: Threshold may be defined as how difficult it is to
learn to use the system and ceiling may be defined as how much can be
constructed using that system. Low threshold and high ceiling refers that the
system could be learnt very easily and would be useful in constructing large
complex cmaps.
2. Extensive Support for the Construction of Knowledge Models: Concept maps
enable users to graphically express their understanding of a domain of knowledge.
This environment supports the development of knowledge models of all sizes,
without limitations on where the resources and maps physically reside.
3. Extensive Support for Collaboration and Sharing: This environment enables
users of all ages and from all domains to collaborate and share in their knowledge
construction efforts.
4. Modular architecture: CmapTools was designed based on a modular
architecture, in which components can be added or removed as needed from a
Core module. This facilitates the development and evaluation of modules in a
research environment without affecting other parts of the program.
Creating a Cmap Using CmapTools.
Downloading cmapTools: The home page of cmap tools is .
Depending on the operating system appropriate version of cmapTools could be
downloaded from after registering by providing
appropriate details.
Creating a new cmap: In the “Views” window of the cmapTools click on
File -> New Cmap or Ctrl + N
A new window opens as with the name Untitled 1.
Saving a cmap: Click on File -> Save Cmap As and give an appropriate name for the
cmap and click on “Save” button. The cmap gets created with the given name in the
Views window.
Creating a new concept.
Double click on any part of the cmap to create a concept. A new concept will be
created as follows. Type the name of the concept replacing the ???? on the concept
Changing the size of concept: The size of the concept can be changed by dragging
symbol at the right corner of the icon.
Changing the color, shape and shadow of the concept: Right click on the concept
icon and select “Format Style” - > select Object
A new Styles window opens as follows.
(i) The color of the concept can be changed by clicking on the Color tab in the
window and choosing the appropriate color.
(ii) A shadow can be added to the concept by clicking on the Shadow tab of the
window and selecting the color of choice.
(iii) The shape of the concept can be changed by clicking on Shape tab and choosing
one from the available shapes.
Changing the font of the concept name: Click on the font icon in the window and
choose the appropriate size, color and font of the text in the concept name.
Changing the background of the Concept:
Drag the required background image on the concept of the cmap. Select “Set as
Background” option and select OK. Appropriate background will be set in the
Creating a new proposition: Proposition may be defined as a link between two
concepts with a brief description.
From a single concept:
For example: If we have a concept called sky and we want to create a cmap which
describes sky is blue. This can be done as follows.
a. Drag the arrow at the tip of concept as shown below.
b. After releasing the arrow provide the description of the other concept and
the proposition replacing the ????.
c. The final relationship between sky and blue is shown as follows.
From two concepts
If we have two concepts sky and blue creating a connection them is simple
just by dragging the arrow from the first concept to the second and providing
the relationship description as follows.
The various properties of the proposition description and line can be modified
similar to the concept.
Right click on the line and select the Line option. A new styles window opens
where Color, Thickness, Style, Shapes, arrow head and connection direction
of the line can be modified.
Saving the modifications:
The various modifications done for the cmap in the intermediary stages can be saved by
selecting File - > Save or pressing Ctrl + S
Opening an existing cmap:
In the Views window click on File -> open.
Or selecting the appropriate cmap from the list displayed in My Cmaps and double
clicking on it or pressing Enter.
Linking Resources to the Concepts
A list of external files that are linked to the concept can be linked to the resource. Right
click on the concept and select Add & Edit Links to Resources
A new window opens as below.
Select the appropriate file from the appropriate location and click on Add to List button.
Pressing the Update button, adds the file to list of resources for the concept. The
following diagram shows a concept attached with CS_590_syllabus external file attached
to it.
Printing the cmap
Click on File -> Print Preview which provides the preview of the cmap before printing.
Once the preview looks good, select File -> Print to print the cmap.
Exporting the cmap
As Image:
Select File -> Export Cmap as and select Image File. The file name will default to the
name of your Cmap.
Use the drop down menu to choose what type of image file you want the Cmap saved as.
As Web Page
Select File -> Export Cmap as and select Web Page. The file name will default to the
name of current Cmap. Choose the location in the computer to save the web page to.
Click Save when ready.
Cmap will be saved as a web page in the computer in specified location. There will be
three files in the location.
The .html file with the name specified in the Save window.
A .jpg file, this is the image of the Cmap.
CmapToolsTrademark.gif, this is IHMC's trademark image.