Heatons W - The Heatons WI

Heatons W
APRIL 2017
Thursday, 20th April, 7.30 pm
For 7.45 pm start
Saturday, 22nd April , 10.30 am
Saturday, 22nd April, 2-4 pm
Monday, 24th April, 7.30 pm
Please note new date.
Thursday, 27th April, 7.30 pm
Wednesday, 3rd May, 7 pm
Thursday, 4th May, 2 pm
Please note daytime meeting.
Saturday, 6th May, 2-4 pm
Monthly Meeting
Unfortunately, the speakers from Arighi Bianchi have had to
cancel due to ill-health.
We have invited two speakers who will talk about the 2017
NFWI resolutions.
Competition: An Easter Bonnet, decorated by you.
Door: Linda McD; Raffle: Barbara H.
Refreshments: Sheila B., Ann K., Pat McG
President’s Coffee Morning
A chance to chat over a nice coffee.
Meet in the seats at the rear of the bar.
The Heatons WI Choir
All welcome, £3 per session.
Book Club
Creative Crafts Group
Sewing, knitting, crochet, crafting and chatting.
Dining Group
Sign-up sheet at next meeting.
Thursday Book Club
Tuesday evenings, 6.30 pm
The Heatons WI Choir
All welcome, £3 per session.
Creative Crafts Group
Sewing, knitting, crochet, crafting and chatting.
Monthly Meeting
Our 9th Anniversary Cream Tea
Charity speaker and resolution vote. Plant sale.
Door: Karen; Raffle: Sue I:
Refreshments: Moira H., Ann M.
Additional help required. Please see note below.
Walking and Talking Group
Alternate Wednesdays, 11 am
Badminton Group
Friday afternoons, 2-3 pm
Swimming Group
Class currently full.
Thursday, 11th May, 7.30 pm
Thursday, 18th May, 7.30 pm
For 7.45 pm start
The Moor Club,
Heaton Moor Road
Thom’s Bar,
Heaton Moor Road
The Moor Club,
Heaton Moor Road
Hosted by
Barbara Humpage
The Moor Club,
Heaton Moor Road
Hind’s Head,
Manchester Road,
Heaton Chapel
Hosted by Anne
The Moor Club,
Heaton Moor Road
The Moor Club,
Heaton Moor Road
The Moor Club,
Heaton Moor Road
Various venues in the
Life Leisure,
Broadstone Mill, Reddish
The Waterside,
Wilmslow Road, Didsbury
Many happy returns to members who celebrate their birthday in April.
County Quiz
Congratulations to our quiz team who came third in the County finals, only two points behind the winners. Well done to
Barbara, Carolyn, Jane and Kate.
May Meeting – Cream Tea
We are looking for offers of assistance to help our May hostesses bake scones for our 9th Anniversary Cream Tea on Thursday,
18th May. If you can help please contact Angela.
2017 Royal Cheshire Show
Fifteen entries have now been send to Chester for processing. Further details of where and when to deliver your pieces of work
will be announced in due course.
Spring Plants
If you are thinking about planting some seeds or taking plant cuttings over the next few weeks, please don’t forget that we will
be having our usual plant sale at the May meeting.
2017 NFWI Resolutions
As the speakers we booked for the April meeting have had to cancel due to ill-health, we now plan to have two speakers who
will talk to us about the 2017 NFWI Resolutions, “Alleviating Loneliness” and “Plastic Soup”.
More details about the two resolutions are available in April’s edition of WI Life and online at the NFWI website,
We will hold the vote on the resolutions at our May monthly meeting.
February Meeting Report
Refreshments: £22; Raffle: £40.50; ACWW: £9.11. Foreign coins – yet to be converted into Sterling.
The winner of the March competition, a baked item using yeast, was Pat McG, Carolyn came second and Angela third.
Axe Throwing
If you are interested in joining the axe throwing session in Manchester on Tuesday, 9th May from 7.30 pm, please see Suze at
the April meeting. The cost per person is £20, payable to Suze at the April meeting, or as soon as possible afterwards.
Haughton Hall Gardens
Haughton Hall is a hidden gem, made famous as the home of Frances Barden, played by Samantha Bond in Home Fires. In
memory of Mrs. Joyce Dean, who was Founder President of Haughton WI, her great nephew and his wife, Phillip and Becky
Posnett, have invited members of the Cheshire Federation of WIs to an Open Garden Day on Thursday, 18th May from 10.30 am
to 3 pm.
Julie Summers, the author of Jambusters, on which the television series was based, will be attending the event. There will be
various stalls, a Bring and Buy for Denman and a scarves and handbags swish.
Tickets are £5 for entry into the beautiful gardens (the house will not be open), or £9 with a pre-ordered packed lunch. The
house is situated between Bunbury and Faddiley, about three miles from Tarporley, and car share is possible. Bring your own
garden chairs. Please contact Sue J. if you would like to attend.
Trip to The Globe Theatre, London
There will be a sign-up sheet at the monthly meeting for initial expressions of interest.
The Heatons WI Late Summer Outing
Following on from the successful trip to Saltaire last September, thoughts are now turning as to where we might go to this year.
We still have one or two good suggestions from last year but if you know of somewhere that might be of interest, please put a
note in the Suggestions Book at the next monthly meeting.
Badminton Group
The badminton group meets on alternate Wednesday mornings at Life Leisure, Broadstone Mill, Reddish at 11 am.
Walking and Talking Group
The group currently meets at 6.30 pm on a Tuesday at various venues in the Heatons.
Swimming Group
The class is currently full but if you are interested in joining the waiting list for the swimming group, please contact Shirley.
CFWI Headquarters - WI House, 11 White Friars, Chester, CH1 1NZ. Tel. 01244 347462; [email protected]
Invitation from Poynton : There is currently no waiting list at Poynton WI as last year they agreed to increase their
membership. If anyone is interested in becoming a dual member at Poynton, please contact their President.
CFWI Resolution Meetings : Monday, 24th April from 7.30 pm to 9.30 pm, New Life Church , Congleton and on Tuesday, 25th
April from 2 to 4 pm, WI House, Chester.
Cycle Ride : Sunday, 10th April, 10.30 am. Starting at Shakerley Mere to Knutsford.
Invitations from Fulshaw : Fulshaw WI invite you to go caving at Alderley Edge Mines at 10 am on Saturday, 22nd April or at 2
pm on Sunday, 23rd April 2017. This is a great opportunity to join Derbyshire Caving Club exploring the Engine Vein. Parts of
the mine are floodlight and the circular tours take approx. one hour. Friends and family of any age are welcome (they have
taken absolutely all ages). Tickets cost £8 for Adults, £6 Concessions, £4 Children, £14 Family 1 + 2, £22 Family 2 + 2. Good
footwear (preferably wellington boots or sturdy walking boots) and warm clothing should be worn.
New Members Morning : Thursday, 4th May at WI House, Chester. More details from Sue J.
NECG Spring Walk : Friday, 5th May 2017 – A walk is being planned in the Alderley Edge area, followed by lunch. More details
to follow.
Haughton Hall Gardens : 18th May from 10.30 am to 3 pm. More details above.
New Members Evening : Thursday, 25th May at WI House, Chester. More details from Sue J.
Orienteering : Fulshaw will be running their orienteering evening again this year on the 12th June in Alderley Edge. More
details to follow.
Royal Cheshire Show : Tuesday and Wednesday, 20th and 21st June 2017.
NECG Summer Outing : Plans are being made to book a trip to Shrewsbury on Friday, 30th June this year. More details to
Treasure Hunt : Around Chester, starting and finishing at WI House on Wednesday, 12th July, starting between 10 am and 12
noon and finishing by 3 pm. Cost per member £3.
Wigs and Wellies : 21st to 24th July, camping weekend at Linnet Clough. Sold out.
NECG Craft Day : Saturday, 7th October at Woodford Community Centre. This is still in the planning stage at the moment but,
based on the popularity of the craft events held by individual Institutes, the NECG thought the WIs might like to pool their
talents and offer a day of craft activities. More details available soon. NECG Reps will be asking for teams of people to lead
workshops throughout the day
Cheshire Federation Autumn Meeting : Tuesday, 3rd October 2017.
Cheshire Denman Taster Weekend : 22nd-23rd October 2017.
Cheshire Federation Christmas Carol Concert : Wednesday, 6th December 2017 at Cheshire Cathedral. If you are interested in
singing with the Federation County Choir, please contact Hazel Fogg at WI House.
CFWI Calendar 2019 : The theme for the 2019 calendar is “Cheshire and its Four Seasons”. Photographs, in landscape format,
will be required in early January 2018. More details to follow.
This year’s AGM will take place on Wednesday, 7th June in Liverpool.
Denman Courses
A list of courses to February 2018 is listed online at www.denmancollege.org.uk
Members’ Only Website
The NFWI is developing a dedicated members’ only website to help you get the best from your membership – launching in
summer 2017. From membership information and campaigns advice, to short-skills videos and inspiring cookery, craft and
gardening projects, you will be able to find everything you need to enjoy the huge range of opportunities WI membership offers.
If we have your email address you will be able to access the website once it is up and running. Find out more in the March issue
of WI Life and follow the NFWI social media accounts to stay updated with the site’s development.
If you have a notice you would like to be included in the Members’ Notice Board section of the newsletter,
or know of any local events other members might be interested in please send details to Sally at [email protected]
Stamp Collection
Linda McD is collecting stamps for the RSPB’s campaign to save the albatross. Please save your used stamps, ideally with no
more than a quarter of an inch border, and hand them to Linda at any meeting.
Food Bank Collections
Each month Esther and Janet will collect donations for the Fallowfield and Withington Foodbank. (More information about the
foodbank’s work and the Trussell Trust can be found at www.fallowfieldwithington.foodbank.org.uk). Donations of items such
as cereal, tinned food, long-life milk, ladies’ toiletries, sweet treats, etc., can be brought to our monthly meetings for delivery to
the foodbank.
Monthly Meetings
Could we ask that the ladies who are on door and raffle duty arrive at the Moor Club by 7 pm, please?
A gentle reminder: Please make sure your mobile phones are switched off at the start of the meeting and, please, no chatting
when the Chair or anyone else is speaking.
The Moor Club it is situated on Heaton Moor Road, opposite Boots Chemist, on the ground floor of the building, accessed by the
middle front door. Please be seated by 7.30 pm for a prompt start at 7.45 pm. We pay 50p on the door to contribute to the
cost of the cakes and ingredients and separately for our own tea or coffee – 50p for a cup and 75p for a mug. A full bar service
will be available during the tea break. Any latecomers should sign-in and pay for refreshments during the break. Raffle tickets
will now also be on sale during the tea break.
Visitors to Monthly Meetings
In line with other local WIs, we are introducing a suggested donation for visitors to our monthly meetings of £3 per meeting
towards the cost of the speakers, the venue, raffle prizes, etc. Visitors may attend three meetings before deciding whether to
join our WI. We currently have a waiting list for new members wishing to join.
Monthly Meeting Rotas
The list for this year’s rotas for help with the raffle, door and refreshments at our meetings is filling up nicely but there are still a
few empty slots. This is a great way to get to know other members. Please help by adding your name to the rota.
Refreshments Rota
Please remember, if cake baking isn’t your thing, you can always bring shop bought biscuits or ready-to-serve fresh fruit. The
refreshment supply bag has a large plastic serving bowl and tongs for fruit.
ACWW (Associated Country Women of the World)
Donations of small change are collected at each monthly meeting at the sign-in desk. Details of ACWW’s work can be found
www.acww.org.uk. Please note that stamps are no longer collected.
Foreign Coins
Don’t forget to bring any foreign coins you may have to our monthly meetings to be changed into sterling for our benefit.
Suggestions Book
The suggestions book is available at all meetings for your comments and suggestions about anything Heatons WI-related.
The Heatons WI Committee Members:
Angela Britland, President; Sally Stelfox, Vice-President and Publicity; Susan Johnson, Secretary;
Krysia Kaczmarska, Treasurer; Liz Robertson, Assistant Treasurer:
Karen Catchpole, Meeting and Social Secretary;
Linda McDowell, NE Cheshire Representative; Carolyn Rowe, Catering and Competitions;
Chris Stables, Craft Co-ordinator; Suze Appleton, IT Support