
It looks like rain,
doesn’t it ?
He doesn’t need to work so late, does he ?
陈述句+简短的否定问句 ;二是:否定陈述
He is a teacher , isn’t he ?
She didn’t go to school ,did she ?
isn’t he
He is from Japan ,_________?
aren’t they
They are watching TV now ,__________?
isn’t she
She is going to play basketball ,__________?
Jack wasn’t ill yesterday , was
Tom and Jack were walking along the
weren’t they
street at that time ,______________?
aren’t I
I am as tall as your sister ,_________________?
don’t you ?
You want to improve our English ,_______________?
doesn’t he
Jack looks like her father ,__________________?
did he
Mike didn’t go to school yesterday ,_______________?
didn’t she
Linda went to the zoo three times last year ,__________?
行为动词必须借助助动词do does did .
People will have robots in their homes ,______________?
won’t they ?
will they ?
Kids won’t go to school ,___________________?
Books will only be on computers,_________________?
won’t they
He ‘d like to go to the movies with me ,____________?
would n’t he
should he ?
He should n’t copy others’ homework ,_____________?
hasn’t he
He has been skating for 4 hours ,_________________?
have they
They haven’t been to the amusement park ,___________?
haven’t you
You have seen the film many times ,_____________?
don’t we
We have to get there at 8:00tomorrow ,_______________?
didn’t he
He had to work hard at English last year,____________?
There is something wrong with your watch,____________?
isn’t there
are’t there
There are many attractions on the board ,__________
was there
There wasn’t a river around the village, ____________?
were there
There were not any buildings here,__________________?
won’t there
There will be a film tonight ,____________________?
will there
There will not be any trouble , __________________?
isn’t there
There is going to be a meeting tomorrow ,____________?
陈述部分是there be 结构的,疑问部分用there省略
He can swim very well ,__________________
can’t he
needn’t they
They must clean the classroom now ,________________?
must 必须
isn’t he
Jack must be a doctor ,________________?
Must 表示“肯定是”的猜测时,疑问部分视推测的情况而定
It must be going to rain tomorrow ,won’t it ?
need he
He needn’t clean the room now ,______________?
don’t you
You need to improve your English ,________________?
Need 须视行为动词还是情态动词而定
Don’t do that again, _______________?
will you
will you /won’t you
Go with me ,________________________?
shall we
Let’s go and play football ,__________________?
will you
Let us wait for you in the reading room ,_____________?
isn’t it ?
Everything is ready ,__________________?
陈述部分为指物的指示代词或不定代词everything nothing
anything something this that 等,疑问部分主语用 it .
don’t they ?
Everyone knows the answer, _________________?
do they
Nobody knows about it , __________________?
陈述部分为指人的指示代词或不定代词everybody nobody
anybody, someone no one 等,疑问部分主语用 they .
is there
There is nothing wrong with the computer,___________?
do they
Nobody likes to do that ,_________________?
does he
He has few friends in the school,___________________?
He made no answer ,_______________________?
did he
is there
There is little water in the cup ,___________________?
do we
We hardly stand the noise ,___________________?
have they
They have never been to the USA_,_________________?
陈述部分用no ,nothing ,nobody,never,few,little,hardly
isn’t it
It is impossible,___________________?
is he
I don’t think he is right,__________________?
We believe she can do it better,____________________?
主句谓语think, believe, expect, suppose等引导的的宾语从
People think they are becoming richer and
A. don’t they, B. do they
C. aren’t they
D. are they
反意疑问句的 回答:事实上是肯定的就用
前面用yes 后用not 或前面用No后面用肯定的
She didn’t go to school ,did she ?
Yes, she did.
No, she didn’t
He is a teacher , isn’t he ?他是个老师,不是吗?
Yes, he is.
No, he isn’t
Don’t do that again, will you?
I will never do it .
A. Sorry, I do
B. No, I do
C. Yes, I won’t
D. sorry, I won’t
She is going to play basketball ,isn’t she ?
She will take lessons .
A. Yes, she isn’t
B. No, she is
C. Yes, she is
D. No, she isn’t
We believe she can do it better, can’t she?
is doing her best to improve herself .
A. Yes, we do
C. Yes, we don’t
B. Yes , she can
D. Yes, she doesn’t
isn’t it
1. The train is always crowded, ___________?
don’t you
2. You love violin music, ___________?
3. It looks like rain, _____________?
doesn’t it
isn’t it
4. Nice day, ___________?
aren’t you
5. You are new here, ____________?
doesn’t it
6. The No. 15 bus stops here, _________?
isn’t it
7. The line is moving slowly, ___________?
aren’t they
8. These shirts are really expensive, _____________?
doesn’t it
9. It always rains on the weekend, _______________?
10. It was really exciting, __________________?
1. You never go to the movie,______?
A.don’t you B. do you C.won’t you D.can’t you
2.They have never been to New York,______?
A.have they B.haven’t they C.don’t they D.do they
3.Few people knew how to use the Internet in the
A.did they B. didn’t they C.did he D.didn’t he
4.---Can you speak English?----yes,but only ____.
A.few B.a few C.little D.a little
5.Let us stop and have a rest,_____?
A.will you B.won’t you C.shall we D.should we
6.Your father has been to Guangzhou twice,____?
A.has he B. hasn’t he C. doesn’t he D.isn’t he
7. –Shall we leave now?
B time left.
--Don’t hurry. We still have ____
A.little B.a little C. few D.a few
8. Mary told me ______for
her at home.
A.waits B.wait C.to wait D.waiting
9.It B
____me two hours and a half to get there by bus.
A. spent B.took C.used D.paid
10.----Do you know ______?---On foot.
A.where Kate came from B.how Kate came here
C.when Kate comes here D.why Kate didn’t come
12.On summer evenings,Grandpa used to C
___fun stories.
A. speak B.say C.tell D.talk
13.---Could you tell me ____?
---Sorry.I don’t now . I was not at the meeting.
A.what does he say at the meeting
B.what he says at the meeting
C.what did he say
D.what he said at the meeting
14. Miss Hyde____
B 20 dollars buying a new handbag last
A. paid
B.spent C.cost
完成新目标英语P 67 III.
don’t they
1.They usually have a walk after supper,____________?
haven’t they/hasn’t he
2.Everybody has gone to the pary,________________?
won’t they
3.There will be an exam soon,____________?
aren’t they
4.They must be hamsters,______________?
isn’t it
5.Nice weather,____________?
is it
6.I don’t think the gift is creative,_____________?
isn’t she
7.This is your sister,_______________?
is it
8.Nothing is serious,________________?