Play Project Report and Appendix

Policy Committee - 2nd June 2010
Big Lottery Play Portfolio
Report of the Strategic Manager – Planning and Regeneration
Presented by Project Delivery Officer
Ward(s) affected:
Purpose of Report –
To inform Members on the current position with regard to delivery of the Big Lottery Fund
‘Play without Boundaries’ project, and to seek approval for this Council to act as
Accountable Body for the project and provide delegated authority for officers to proceed.
It is recommended that the Committee gives:
approval for this Council to act as Accountable Body for the funding package approved by
the Big Lottery Fund.
delegated authority to the Executive Director (Resources), in consultation with the Strategic
Manager (Legal and Democratic Services) and Strategic Manager (Planning and
Regeneration), to agree terms in respect to the Big Lottery Fund ‘Play without Boundaries’
portfolio and enter into agreements in respect to the approved funding package.
delegated authority for the Executive Director (Resources) in consultation with the Strategic
Manager (Legal and Democratic Services) and Strategic Manager (Planning and
Regeneration) to agree terms and enter into an agreement with Skipton Town Council in
respect of the Broughton Road Play Area.
Introduction and Background
In February 2007 the Council agreed the recommendation of the then Community Services
Committee to adopt the Children’s Play Strategy “Time to Play” (Minutes CL.344(n) and
CS.330 07/08). The report to Committee made reference to a potential grant of
£200,000.00 from the Big Lottery Fund.
The Strategy enabled the Council to secure funding from the Big Lottery Fund’s Children’s
Play Programme to fund two discrete projects:
Project A - Craven Play Rangers Project
The aim of the project is to encourage free, inclusive play opportunities to a diverse range
of 8 to 16 year olds which include different cultures, faiths and abilities. The project is based
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around the employment of a team of Play Rangers. The role of a Play Ranger is to facilitate
play with children and young people through organised play sessions. The focus of the
Craven based project is natural play using our green spaces, parks and countryside.
Project B - Better Play for All: Broughton Road Play Area
The aim of the project is to transform an outdated and under-used urban playground, at the
heart of a deprived community, into an exciting and challenging natural play space for
children and young people from 2 to 12 years old, complementing the nearby multi-use
games area available to older children.
The original approved portfolio budget was:
Craven Play Rangers Project
Better Play for All (Broughton Road Play Space)
Project Management Fee
The whole portfolio is forecast to run over three years commencing on 28th July 2008. As of
the 1st June 2010 there are 15 months of the portfolio remaining.
The Council is contracted to deliver 4 outcomes with a varying number of children involved
in each outcome (e.g. 1134 children and young people aged between 2 and 16 years will
have improved levels of fitness, agility, co-ordination and physical health, thus reducing
obesity by 31st August 2011, through improved access to inclusive play). See Appendix A
for a full list of the portfolio outcomes.
Delivery During Year 1
Over the first year of the portfolio covering 28th July 2008 – 27th July 2009 the following
delivery took place:
Project A - Craven Play Rangers Project
In the original application South Craven Community Action (SCCA) were listed as the
delivery partner for this project.
During Year 1, £36,432.42 was defrayed by SCCA. During Year 1, 412 children and young
people took part in the project. Due to the way the attendance at play ranger sessions was
recorded the Council is unable to claim these young people against all the possible
outcomes which will put pressure on the project to over achieve in the remaining period.
On the 25th June 2009, SCCA e-mailed Craven District Council stating that they had given
notice to terminate the employment of the play rangers. SCCA also gave notice that they
would not deliver the project beyond Year 1 (ending in July 2009). Since then no delivery
has occurred through the Play Ranger project
Project B - Better Play for All: Broughton Road Play Area
In the Big Lottery Fund application Skipton Town Council is listed as the delivery
organisation for this project. This is due to the Town Council owning the land for the
proposed play area, being responsible for the majority of play areas in Skipton and being
involved in the project from an early stage.
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Skipton Town Council have continued to prepare for delivery through completing essential
legal procedures. A report was submitted to the Town Council’s Public Services Committee
on the 8th April 2010 highlighting delays to the project.
None of the BIG Lottery grant has been spent to date on this project.
Current Situation
Since the end of year 1 (27th July 2009) no delivery has taken place.
BIG Lottery has now written to Craven District Council requesting an update on the
portfolio, a revised delivery plan and confirmation that the project can be delivered before
the project end date. Following the transfer of the project to Planning and Regeneration to
ensure completion officers have been working with Big Lottery to agree a new delivery plan
as outlined below.
As the project has no delivery organisations linked with it two procurement exercises must
be delivered to identify appropriate organisations.
The current remaining budget is as follows:
Year 2
Year 3
Proposed Delivery Plan
Project A - Craven Play Rangers Project
As the original partner no longer wishes to deliver this project it is proposed to sub contract
to a new delivery partner. The estimated project value is over £50,000 therefore this must
be conducted through a full tender process. The procurement process will be an open
process based on a project brief which will need to be written prior to procurement. The
brief will detail the requirements of the project and the outcomes which must be achieved.
It is hoped that the full tender process and appointment of the successful contractor can be
completed prior to the start of the school summer holidays to ensure maximum impact of
the scheme.
Project B - Better Play for All: Broughton Road Play Area
Skipton Town Council wishes to continue delivering this project and is waiting for Craven
District Council to confirm an agreement for the work.
Skipton Town Council are well placed to be the delivery organisation for this project, in that
they have been involved in the development of the project, own the land where the
proposed playground is to be located and own and operate the majority of playgrounds in
The proposed sub-contract between this Council and Skipton Town Council is considered
to fall outside the scope of the Contract Procedure Rules, but would require the Town
Council to conduct a procurement process in line with this Council’s Contract Procedure
Rules when procuring a contractor for design and construction.
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Accountable Body Status
As the project applicant, this Council is required to manage delivery and act as the
Accountable Body.
The definition of an Accountable Body in the Financial Procedure Rules (March 2010)
paragraph 5.17 is:
‘The Council having responsibility for the overall financial management,
accountability and legal responsibility for the income, expenditure and governance
arrangements of a specific project or partnership (whether formally constituted or
Where the Council is requested to act as the Accountable Body by a third party for a project
where the income or expenditure exceeds £100,000.00 approval must be sought from
Policy Committee.
It is recommended that approval is given for this Council to act as Accountable Body for the
funding package approved by the Big Lottery Fund. It is also recommended that delegated
authority is given to the Executive Director (Resources), in consultation with the Strategic
Manager (Legal and Democratic) and Strategic Manager (Planning and Regeneration), to
agree terms with respect to the Big Lottery Fund Play without Boundaries project and enter
into agreements with respect to the approved funding package.
Managing the above process will require additional work for the Council to deliver. In
recognition of this Big Lottery has agreed that the project management fee may be
increased from £8,662.00 to £20,000.00 from within the existing budget. This money is
available for the Council to fund staff time to manage the procurement process, production
of agreements, project monitoring and evaluation.
Following discussion with Big Lottery Fund the existing and proposed initial project budget
are as follows:
Existing Budget
Craven Play Rangers Project
Better Play for All (Broughton Road Play
Management Fee
£105,030.00 £161,935.00
Proposed Budget
Craven Play Rangers Project
Better Play for All (Broughton Road Play
Management Fee
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£105,030.00 £161,935.00
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The funding allocations between Play Rangers and Broughton Road are subject to change
depending on the outcome of the competitive procurement process.
Financial Implications
7.1.1 The Council has agreed to the Big Lottery Fund terms and conditions for the delivery of this
project. Therefore the Council is required to deliver the work agreed and the outcomes
stated in the offer letter.
7.1.2 Big Lottery Fund has confirmed the financial information they have received for year 1 is
acceptable and the correct monitoring information has been returned. Going forward, as
with all projects, failure to deliver in accordance with contractual obligations can result in
external funding being withdrawn and funds received in advance being clawed back.
Robust project management will minimize the risk in that regard.
7.1.3 Big Lottery Fund have agreed to increase the Management contribution of this project to
£20,000.00. It is expected that the project will require 5 days per month of the Project
Delivery Officer’s time. This will be funded through the management fee.
7.1.4 The Play Rangers project will be offered as a fixed term agreement until 27th July 2011.
Financial support of the Play Ranger project will end on or before the 27th July 2011.
Through the agreement with the successful contractor redundancy costs of staff will be
deemed as ineligible expenditure. This would need to be met by the contractor.
Legal Implications –
7.2.1 Grant finding from Big Lottery Fund is provided subject to Big Lottery Fund’s standard
contract terms and conditions, the wording of which is stated to be non-negotiable. Under
those terms and conditions, Big Lottery Fund has a discretion to withhold, or as the case
may be claw back, grant money in a variety of circumstances. As the project has not
proceeded completely according to plan it is arguable that grant could now be withheld or
clawed back on that basis; it is not thought likely that Big Lottery Fund will actually choose
to do that, but no firm assurance on this point can be obtained.
Contribution to Corporate Priorities –
Strengthening Craven’s Economy and Promoting the Well-Being of Craven’s Communities.
Risk Management –
7.4.1 Approval of recommendations in this report will provide a practical way forward reducing the
risk of further management issues relating to this project.
7.4.2 Non-approval of the recommendations could lead to complete withdrawal of the Big Lottery
Fund grant. Failure to deliver this project could potentially damage the Council’s standing
with all Lottery distributors for future projects and investment put forward by the Council.
Non-delivery or further mismanagement could also lead to loss of reputation within the local
7.4.3 Failure to deliver this project in line with the Council’s Financial Procedure Rules (March
2010) could lead to qualification by the Council’s auditors.
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7.4.4 To ensure robust project management it is intended to produce a risk register detailing all
risks associated with the ongoing delivery of this project.
Equality Impact Assessment
The Council’s Equality Impact Assessment Procedure has not been followed. Therefore
neither an Initial Screening or an Equality Impact Assessment has been undertaken on the
proposed policy, strategy, procedure or function to identify whether it has/does not have the
potential to cause negative impact or discriminate against different groups in the community
based on •age • disability •gender • race/ethnicity • religion or religious belief (faith) •sexual
orientation, or • rural isolation.
Consultations with Others
Council Management Team, Legal Services, Financial Services, Stronger Communities
Access to Information : Background Documents
Author of the Report
Andrew Laycock, Project Delivery Officer, 01756 706220, [email protected]
Appendices –
Appendix A – Craven: Play Without Boundaries Project Outcomes
Appendix A: Craven: Play Without Boundaries Project Outcomes
A child or young person can be counted in more than one outcome provided they meet the
definition listed.
Outcome: 1134 children and young people aged between 2 and 16 years will have
improved levels of fitness, agility, co-ordination and physical health, this reducing obesity by
31st August 2011, through improved access to inclusive play.
Outcome: 725 children and young people aged between 2 and 16 years from hard to reach
communities (BME and faith groups) in Craven’s most deprived and isolated areas will
have improved levels of communication, decision making and negotiation skills by 31st
August 2011, through playing a part in designing their own play environment.
Outcome: 1134 children and young people aged between 2 and 16 years from isolated
and rural communities within Craven will have improved imaginative and creative skills and
become less isolated within their communities by 31st August 2011, through participation in
natural play time.
Outcome: By 30th June 2011, 519 children and young people aged 2 – 16 years will have
access to safe play and will be assisted to feel more secure and safe whilst playing, as they
will have access to a Play Ranger.
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