today`s liturgy - St. John The Theologian Ukrainian Catholic Church

St. John the Theologian Ukrainian Catholic Church
I wonder how many of us when we look around see the beauty of the world we live in, or
the goodness in others even when at times their actions have hurt us or rubbed us the
wrong way? In today’s gospel Jesus reminds us that, “the eyes are the body’s lamp.” What
do you experience when you open your eyes? Do you experience darkness or light? Even
those who are blind experience light in their lives, so why do we who have sight choose
darkness? The answer is quite simple; it’s a lot easier! Yes that’s right, it’s just too easy.
So often we are unrealistic about our lives, we think they should be perfect as they are
portrayed on television in the old “Leave it to Beaver” or the Soap Operas. The truth is they don’t
portray life as it is. Life is much more real than television can ever portray it. We all have our doubts,
our weaknesses, our aches and pains, our anxiety and worries, and our crosses to bear. Some are
happy in spite of it all, and others choose to exist rather than to live. Many see the wonder of life
through all their trials and tribulations, and others do nothing but complain and feel sorry for
themselves. Jesus teaches us in today’s gospel about the futility of worry. “Which one of you can add
a moment to your life by worrying? I tell you then; stop worrying about what you are to eat, or what you
are to wear… your heavenly Father knows what you need before you ask. Seek first the Kingdom of
God and all this shall come to you, even more.” This is the irony of us Christians; we claim to have faith,
yet we’re not sure that God is with us. We live our lives on the outside for everyone to see as one who
believes in God’s providence, while on the inside we angst about every petty little situation. Don’t get
me wrong, everyone has legitimate concerns, and we have to be realistic about or lives; my
grandmother had a great one liner: “There’s a fine line between faith and stupidity you know,” she used
to say. In other words it’s good to leave things in God’s hands, but unless we help him do something
with them, things won’t improve. The great secret of prayer is PARTICIPATION. We give our troubles to
God, he sifts and sorts through them and gives them back to us. Then we have a choice to make. I will
deal with this particular moment in communion with God, or I will go it alone. Unfortunately if I choose
the latter, things still won’t be any better. I believe that every human being has it within himself or
herself to accept and carry any burden that touches their lives. I am not an extraordinary person, but
somehow I have learned to tap into God’s love so I have the courage and resolve to deal with the
tragedies (or curve balls as I like to put it) that life has literally thrown my way. I have also learned that
God likes to laugh with me, Yes He or She has a sense of humor, after all look around and you can see
it everywhere. Yes I like to think that for the most part my eyes are a light to my soul, and through them
I feel the touch of God in all I see and in all whom I encounter. I have experienced darkness, that’s true,
but God’s light was so much brighter! It can be for you too, if you choose it to be.
Let us pray:
Loving Jesus, forgive me for my fretting and petty worries, for they certainly do not
reflect the life of a person of faith. Help me to accept each moment, each situation, each day as
it unfolds. In the midst of darkness let me see the brightness of your love, which nothing can
overpower. Help me dear Savior to choose light, to appreciate the wonder of each day in all I
see and in the lives of those I meet.
91 Lakeshore Road, St. Catharines, Ontario. L2N 2T6
St. John the Theologian Ukrainian Catholic Church
June 21, 2009
3rd Sunday of Pentecost
EPISTLE: Rm. 5:1-10
GOSPEL: Mt. 6:22-33
Today: A. Atamanuk (Eng.)
Next Sunday: N. Dachuck (Ukr.)
TUESDAY: 6:30 pm. Divine Liturgy for the health of Cathy Burke
with Moleben to the Sacred Heart & Benediction
req. by Fr. Anton
THURSDAY: 10:30 am. Divine Liturgy Tanya Makaruk
req. by Eleanor Cukierski
SUNDAY: 9:30 a.m. Divine Liturgy
Pidwinski (Stoney Creek) Alexandra Matychuk, Roman Sloik (Henley House), Becky Mussat,
Fr. Basil, John Lewicki, Fran Chayka, Evelyn Gandza, Lesia Melnyk, Dmetro Buzanko , Bill
Hominchuk, Michael & Anne Nazar (Niagara Arms), Joan Zaruk, Olga Onyschuk. Laureen
Wells, Betty Bromley & Angel Ternowski
Lord, Jesus Christ, You who traveled throughout Galilee healing the sick, enabling the blind to see and
the lame to walk, bring healing to your people who need it this day. Grant relief to the ones who suffer
pain and physical torment. Give peace to those whose minds are tortured by mental illness and anxiety.
Comfort those who are alone in their suffering; may your people reach out to them and to all the needy
this day. Send your grace to the caregivers that they might be gentle and effective agents of your loving
mercy. May our suffering be joined with yours to bring healing throughout the world? Amen
91 Lakeshore Road, St. Catharines, Ontario. L2N 2T6
St. John the Theologian Ukrainian Catholic Church
July 22nd
Parish BBQ
Aug. 19th
Parish BBQ
Sept. 12th
Sept. 27th
 Parish Council Meeting – Mon. June 22nd at 7 p.m.
 Collectors and Readers – New schedules will be ready ext Sunday.
 St. John Golf Shirts are available to purchase from the parish office. If you are
interested in purchasing a shirt, please see Christine during the week.
Eparchial Marian Pilgrimage Sun., June 28th.
9:00 a.m. - Blessing of Water
10:00 a.m. - Pontifical Divine Liturgy followed by
Panachyda at the Cemetery for the faithful departed of the Eparchy.
2:00 p.m. -The healing service, youth and children’s programs begin.
330 p.m. -Moleben will begin.
Ukrainian Food available
Come with your family and friends to celebrate and commemorate.
God’s blessings upon all fathers, grandfathers, godfathers and
uncles today.
91 Lakeshore Road, St. Catharines, Ontario. L2N 2T6
St. John the Theologian Ukrainian Catholic Church
Sincerest condolences to
Philip and Christine Wormwell and family
in the loss of their beloved mother and grandmother
Helen Lojek
May her memory be eternal.
Vichnaya Pamyat.
Sincerest condolences to
Peter Zeleniak in the loss of his beloved wife
Anna Zeleniak
May her memory be eternal
Vichnaya Pamyat.
We are asking parishioners to start collecting any books
(hard and soft cover), magazines and children’s books for our
Summer BBQ and Book Sale on July 22nd.
Please bring them into the parish off ice during office hours only.
Community News:
Ukrainian Canadian Social Services will host a
Summer BBQ on Thursday June 25th beginning at
12 noon at 16 Dixie Rd. Admission is $7.00. All
are invited to participate.
Summer Camp Sonyaschny k is a two week camp to enhance the youth of St. Catharines to
experience their Ukrainian heritage. The camp will run from July 13th – July 24th 8:30 a.m. –
5:30 p.m. for children age 5 – 13 yrs old. and will be held at St. George’s Ukrainian Orthodox
Church. Activities include, games, outings, sports, crafts and all activities are in English but
have a Ukrainian twist to them. Please call Kalyna Taras
(905) 934-8256 for further information
91 Lakeshore Road, St. Catharines, Ontario. L2N 2T6
St. John the Theologian Ukrainian Catholic Church
What Is A Dad?
A Dad is a person who is loving and kind,
And often he knows what you have on your mind.
He's someone who listens, suggests, and defends ~
A dad can be one of your very best friends!
He's proud of your triumphs, but when things go wrong,
A dad can be patient and helpful and strong.
In all that you do, a dad's love plays a part ~
There's always a place for him deep in your heart.
And each year that passes, you're even more glad,
More grateful and proud just to call him your dad!
Thank you, Dad ... for listening and caring,
for giving your all and forever sharing.
Happy Father's Day!
Author Unknown
91 Lakeshore Road, St. Catharines, Ontario. L2N 2T6