Youth and Family Health Meeting Minutes 11.11.16

WeGo Together Youth and Family Health Follow-Up Planning Meeting
November 22, 2016 | 12:00 – 2:00 P.M.
1. Welcome & Introductions
2. Quick Performance Accountability Review
a. Flow chart process
b. Performance measure questions
i. How much did we do?
ii. How well did we do it?
iii. Is anyone better off?
3. Group Work
a. Work within result areas to complete performance accountability (see Turn the Curve reports
on next pages)
Upcoming Quarterly Meeting Dates:
Next Meeting: THURSDAY JAN. 5th 9:00 – 11:00 AM at the ARC Center (201 W. National St.)
Future meetings: Thursdays. April 6th and July 6th, 9:00 – 11:00 AM
Turn the Curve Report: Population Accountability
Result: Academic Achievement
1. For children and families
Reading MAP scores
Math MAP scores
Story Behind the Baselines:
1. Reading MAP scores:
2. Math MAP scores:
3. Attendance:
4 Best Strategies – What Works to do Best:
Afterschool programming (9 votes)
Free and healthy extracurricular activities in accessible locations (opportunities like nutrition classes)
Parent engagement within the school (3 votes)
Parent engagement focused on child’s education in school and home (4 votes)
Parent literacy classes (13 votes)
Technology community parents and school/homework help (3 votes)
Turn the Curve Report: Performance Accountability
Academic Achievement
Program: Afterschool programming
Target Client Population:
Performance Measures:
MAP reading and math scores
Satisfaction surveys for parents and students
Turn the Curve Report: Performance Accountability
Academic Achievement
Program: Parent Literacy Programs – ESL classes
Target Client Population:
Performance Measures:
Percent of parents who graduate/advance to a higher level
Satisfaction survey of ESL participants
Turn the Curve Report - Population Accountability
Result: Youth and Family Health
 WHO definition:
o Physical
o Mental
o Social well-being
BMI/overweight, obesity rates
Mental Health Service Capacity
# of mental health service need vs. # of clients
actually receiving mental health services
Story Behind the Baselines:
1. BMI: will focus on overweight/obesity rates in District 33
2. Mental Health Service Capacity: Percent of families receiving mental health services versus length of
waitlist to receive mental health services (in District 33) number of mental health service need versus
number of clients actually recieivng mental health services
4 Best Ideas – What Works
1. Opportunities for physical activity working with schools, churches, and community rooms - 4 votes
2. Mental health first aid training (NAMI, YWCA)/awareness education about stigma mental health
awareness education – 10 votes
3. Rethink Your Drink (cultural bias addressed) Reducing sugar sweetend beverage (SSB) intake education
about the impact of SSBs– 8 votes
4. Hire more social workers increase mental health service capacity – 2 votes
Turn the Curve Report - Performance Accountability
Youth and Family Health
Program: Education about the impact of Sugar Sweetened Beverages (SSBs)
Target Client Population:
Performance Measures:
# of people educated
pre/post test
Turn the Curve Report - Performance Accountability
Youth and Family Health
Program: Mental health awareness education
Target Client Population:
Performance Measures:
# of people educated
pre/post test
Turn the Curve Report: Population Accountability
Result: Engaged Families
 Participation in family, school, and community
 Involvement
 Communication
 Shared decision-making
Voting Rate
# of trained parent leaders
Story Behind the Baselines:
1. Voting rates:
2. Number of trained parent leaders:
4 Best Strategies – What Works to do Best
1. Parent leadership training (14 votes)
2. Interpreter services (11 votes)
3. Digital print and verbal communications (4 votes)
4. Childcare during parent leadership trainings
Turn the Curve Report: Performance Accountability
Engaged Families
Program: District 33 COFI parent leadership training
Target Client Population: District 33 Birth – 5 parents
Performance Measures:
Pre/posttest of participants
Follow-up long term survey (through COFI?)
Turn the Curve Report: Performance Accountability
Engaged Families
Program: Interpreter services (in District 33 Birth – 5 program)
Target Client Population: District 33 Birth – 5 families
Performance Measures:
% of families non-English/Spanish
who were reached with promotion
% of families utilizing service/satisfaction
Turn the Curve Report: Population Accountability
Result: Stable Families
Basic needs being met: housing, income/job, food
Access to resources
Living Wage
Affordable Housing
Story Behind the Baselines:
1. Living wage:
2. Affordable housing:
4 Best Strategies – What Works to do Best:
1. Income-based sliding scale rent (1 vote)
2. Free income tax preparation services with an emphasis on “savings” (8 votes)
3. Job training programs that include childcare/development opportunities during classes/trainings job readiness
classes(14 votes)
4. Financial literacy classes (9 votes)
Turn the Curve Report: Performance Accountability
Stable Families
Program: Job readiness classes (offered in doses with example topics below)
 Filling out applications
 Where to look for available jobs
 Computer literacy
 Interviewing skills
 Empowerment
 Labor education (Know Your Rights)
 Criminal background (how to be able to obtain a job)
Target Client Population: District 33 Birth – 5 ESL Participants
Performance Measures:
Exit Survey
Turn the Curve Report: Performance Accountability
Stable Families
Program: Financial Literacy
Target Client Population:
Performance Measures:
Pre/posttest of knowledge
% of people who met personal savings goals