Green Technology for Business Growth Benefits of Adopting

Green Technology for Business Growth
businesses in a
competitive market will continue
to create job and increase export
to the world. Nothing can creates a
sustainable high-pay job and boost
the standard of living better than
business confidence and growth.
Thus, it is no doubt that the
Government has focused on the
initiatives of sustaining business
growth to build a more competitive
and productive economy.
accordingly by improving their
internal process and operating
costs through innovation. One of
the initiatives to reduce operation
and production costs is by adopting
effective energy management
system and infrastructure which is
also known as Green Technology.
Green Technology is a diverse
range of products, services, and
processes that harness renewable
materials and energy sources,
dramatically reduce the use of
natural resources, and cut or
eliminate emissions and wastes. In
other words, it can improve
production efficiency through the
reduction of input costs, energy
costs, operating and maintenance
costs and in turn improve a
business competitive position. This
is another solution on how
businesses choose to respond to
and integrate sustainability with
core business strategy that will
competitive advantage.
Green Technology is a diverse range of products, services, and
processes that harness renewable materials and energy
sources, dramatically reduce the use of natural resources, and
cut or eliminate emissions and wastes.
Benefits of Adopting Green Technology
Ability to meet stringent product specifications in foreign market :
Meet stricter environmental requirements and specifications to
export their products to industrialised countries. The adoption of
green technologies can help exporting companies to gain advantage
and market share over the competitors;
Reduction of input costs : Green technologies can improve
production efficiency through the reduction of the input costs,
energy costs and operating and maintenance costs, which can
improve a company’s competitive position;
Environmental image : Adopting green technology can improve a
company’ environmental reputation, which is crucial if other
competitors and consumers are becoming more environmental
conscious; and
Ability to meet stricter environmental regulations in the future :
Companies invested in green technology are more likely to be better
equipped and ready for stricter environmental regulations as well as
products specifications that are expected to be imposed on them in
the future.
Source :
A Study Visit on Effective Energy Management System and
Infrastructure for Future Business Sustainability
A total of 34 participants from
16 organisations have visited
5 November 2014. This programme
was the third best practices visit in
2014 under the phase 2 of
benchmarking project. The main
objective of this visit is to learn and
share thoughts and experiences
with GreenTech pertaining to
system and infrastructure that can
be considered to be implemented
by participants in their organisation.
also stressed on the importance of
deploying green technology for the
industries to embark on as it will
reduce operational costs such as
electricity and water consumption.
At the same time, industries are able
to contribute by reducing carbon
emission to the air which will
preserve our environment from
Learning from the best-in-class
organisation through this study
visit is a platform that MPC has
actively organised to expedite the
process of exposing our local
companies which have been
proven as an excellent organisation
locally as well as internationally.
The visit started with
Muhammad that highlighted on the
green technology facilities available
in the GreenTech Geo building. She
Malaysian Green Technology Corporation Profile
Malaysian Green Technology Corporation is a non-profit organisation under the purview of the Ministry of
Energy, Green Technology and Water Malaysia (KeTTHA) and was formerly known as Pusat Tenaga Malaysia
(PTM). Previously, PTM had focused on energy efficiency such as Malaysian Energy Efficiency Programme
(MIEEIP), Biomass Power Generation and Cogeneration in Palm Oil Industry (BIOGEN), Malaysian Building
Integrated Photovoltaic (BIPV) Technology Application Project (MBIPV) and many more. In April 2010, PTM was
restructured and rebranded as Malaysian Green Technology Corporation (GreenTech Malaysia) with more
dynamic roles that in line with the National Green Technology Policy. The final targets of this organisation is to
position Malaysia as a hub for green technology by 2020 and subsequently transform Malaysia into a green
community by 2030 through its high impact programmes and initiatives.
Green Energy Office (GEO) of GreenTech Malaysia
Interesting Facts about GEO
The GEO is located in Bandar Baru
Bangi, Selangor and it is a building
specifically designed to be an icon of
energy efficiency and renewable
energy applications. The building
was completely developed in 2007
and it has received more than
10,000 visitors per year locally as
well as internationally that keen to
learn on the green technology
applications available at the GEO.
This is one of the national projects
that is able to demonstrate to the
industries on the importance and
benefits of green technology
Building energy index (BEI) of 30
kWh/m2/year, compared to 250 to
300 kWh/m2/year for a typical office
buildings in Malaysia: electricity bill
~ RM6,000/mth;
 Savings of almost 500,000 kWh per
year (at least RM200,000 per
annum) approximately RM16,600
per month; and
 A total of 302 tonnes of carbon
emissions avoided
GEO Feature 1 : Energy Efficiency
A. Daylight
The building uses diffused daylight for 100% natural day lighting.
Meeting rooms, management rooms and workstations are positioned close to the windows to ensure
maximum use of this diffused day-lighting.
Using solar photovoltaic and sky roof for natural daylight that allow zero electricity for lighting.
Mirrors light shelf is used to enable diffused daylight to go deeper into the building.
Workstations are positioned
closer to the windows
Daylight from Atrium (Solar
Daylight (Sky Roof)
Reflecting mirrors help
daylight to penetrate directly
B. Energy Efficient Lighting
Using the most advance energy efficient lights that consume minimum fuels at night and in raining day.
Lights and movement sensor installation
Suspended T5 fluorescent
tubes (2 units) with DALI
(electronic) Ballast
Daylight sensor
Led Task Light
Present Sensor
Present Sensor (thermal
movement detector)
C. Cooling System
All windows are using double-pane glass, with spectrally selective coating & low-E coating which reflects
ultraviolet and infrared radiation from the building’s exterior surface. It keeps the hot temperature from
entering and maintains the cool temperature inside the building.
The GEO uses 50% air convection and 50% radiant cooling for its cooling requirement. This enables two
energy efficient chillers to execute and ultimately chilled water at a temperature higher than required for a
building which utilises 100% air convection system.
Double-glazing windows to keep
the hot temperature from
entering the building
Floor Stab where cold water
Polyethylene Crosslink (PEX) piping
are embedded into the floor
Chilled water flowing in PEX pipes
during daytime
Benefit :
Consume very little fuels with building energy index (BEI) of 65 kWh/m2year. Compared to the BEI of
conventional office buildings of 250 – 300 kWh/m2year, the GEO has proven its design strategies to be
extremely energy efficient.
GEO Feature 2 : Renewable Energy
Four types of solar photovoltaic namely Poly-Silicon, Amorphus Silicon, See-through PV and Mono-Silicon are
architecturally and aesthetically integrated into the building.
The solar system generates electricity for the building’s usage and able to export extra generated electricity
to Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB).
Only one Air Handling Unit (AHU) is used for circulation cool fresh air within the building and also for
dehumidification purposes.
Benefit :
Get paid for the electricity produced and for
any excess will export back to TNB;
Reduce electricity bill to RM6,238.44 per
month for this building;
Reduce carbon footprint, as solar is clean,
green, renewable energy and does not release
any harmful carbon dioxide or other
pollutants; and
Store electricity for a cloudy day.
GEO Feature 3 : Rain Water Harvesting System
Rain water is harvested to help
conserve water in the building and to
reduce the use of treated water from
the utility.
Rain water is then applied to the
cooling system condenser as well as
being used to water the landscape
and for general cleaning purposes.
The use of pipe water is only 1/3 of the total amount of water
Benefit :
Water bill is only RM70.38 per month for this building with build-up area of 4,200 m2
Employees Attitudes towards Green at
GreenTech Malaysia
Car pool concept has been implemented by most of the employees to come to GreenTech Malaysia
All employees are not allowed to bring plastic bottle in their workplaces.
GreenTech Malaysia only provides paper cup and juice to the visitors during tea-break.
Employees are not allowed to use lift in the building.
During lunch, employees are not allow to bring plastic and polystyrene food wrapper in the building.
Going Green for Future Generations
It is no longer to assume that social challenges such as pollution, dwindling natural resources and climate change
can always be ignored for future generations. In fact, this issue has emerged as one of the crucial problems that is
currently being incorporated into the national policy around the world including Malaysia. The Government is
continuously educating the people on the importance of green technology for socio-economy growth through
high-impact programmes and initiatives. This indicates that the rapid urban-development to become developed
country in 2020 has been followed and taken into account by green-initiatives in minimising the negative impact
of human activities to the environment.
In pursue of promoting green technology, Malaysian Green Technology Corporation was established in 2010 with
the aim to catalyse green technology deployment as Malaysia’s strategic engine for socio-economy growth. One
of the initiatives in introducing the concept of green technology is through GEO building which was successfully
completed its development in 2007. The building is designed in such a way that it incorporates advanced green
technology features of Energy Efficiency, Renewable Energy and Rain Water Harvesting System. It is proven that
these systems are possible to be embedded in the workplace as it will help to reduce electricity and water
Thus, industries should start embarking on green technology as the prospects for success which has been
increased tremendous. With the emerging of creativity and innovation in this area, it will assist the industries to
easily implement this concept in the workplace which can contribute to a healthier environment for our next
generations as well as the prospect of penetrating the businesses into international markets.