What are the Chances of That? A Primer on Probability - Journal-dl

What are the Chances of That?
A Primer on Probability and Poisson Processes for
Earthing Designers
I.Griffiths, D.J.Woodhouse and B.Pawlik
Safearth Consulting
Warners Bay, NSW, Australia
Email: igriffi[email protected]
Abstract—Earthing design methodologies based around risk
are growing in importance as they provide a better way to
allocate limited resources and funding. Appropriate application
of these processes requires the earthing engineer to have a sound
comprehension of probability theory, upon which the processes
are built. This paper reviews the basics of Poisson processes and
the statistical methods and probability distributions used in their
analysis. Examples and explanations are provided of how Poisson
processes are used in the context of earthing, including lightning
protection, to model the occurrence of power system faults
and interactions with the general public. Particular attention is
given to some counter-intuitive aspects that may lead a designer,
ignorant of the subtleties of probability theory, to draw incorrect
conclusions, potentially resulting in over-engineering or even
irresponsible designs.
Index Terms—Risk, earthing, grounding, safety, coincidence,
Bayesian statistics, frequentist statistics.
The last decade has seen an ongoing revolution in power
system earthing centred around the application of risk management principles to the earthing design process. This has
increased the complexity for practitioners, as many of these
risk management principles are rooted in statistics and probability – fields of mathematics where our intuition is often
misleading or incorrect. This paper aims to assist practitioners
in understanding some of the mathematical basis for the
risk management principles, and also the assumptions and
limitations that must be kept in mind when applying them
to earthing design.
In Section II we recap some of the fundamentals of statistics
and probability, focussing on the aspects that are most relevant
to the risk based earthing design process. In particular, we
examine the different approaches to statistics which are now
in use, specifically the classical frequentist approach and the
more recent Bayesian approach. In Section III we look at
how Bayesian statistics can be applied to legal opinions and
specifically how a rigorous mathematical treatment can lead to
results that appear to be at odds with our expectations, despite
being explicitly based on those expectations and assumptions.
While this paper is not aiming to be a complete discussion
applying quantified risk management techniques to earthing
design, one aspect of quantified earthing risk - the probability
of coincidence (i.e. the probability that a person contacts an
item, and receives an electric shock as a result of an earth fault
related voltage hazard) is examined in Section IV to illustrate
how the general statistical principles are applied to a specific
earthing design problem.
Any discussion of risk management is necessarily a discussion about probability, which can be problematic because
in general our ‘common-sense’ or ‘intuition’ is flawed, or
even misleading when it comes to assessing and understanding
probability. The so-called ‘Monty Hall’ problem [4] is a
classic example where the rigorous mathematical analysis
clearly points to a conclusion that is entirely contrary to our
intuition, and it can take significant effort to overcome our
Perhaps it is not surprising that the common understanding
of probability is somewhat lacking, since even mathematicians
have not yet agreed on what a probability actually is. There
are two main1 views on the mathematical understanding
of probability: the frequentist and Bayesian interpretations.
Broadly speaking, the frequentist (or objective) view is that
a probability is a measure of the relative frequency of a
particular outcome in a large number of trials, whereas the
Bayesian (or subjective) view is that a probability is a measure
of the certainty of that outcome occurring in a given trial. This
distinction may seem trivial, however, there are many subtle
but significant differences that arise. Fortunately many of the
subtle differences are not critical for application to earthing,
and in this paper we take a probability to be a number between
0 and 1, which indicates our belief that a particular event will
occur. A probability of 1 indicates the event will almost surely2
occur, and probability indicates 0 the converse.
Typically the events we assign a probability to involve a
random variable taking on a particular value of interest. A
random variable is much like any other algebraic variable,
1 These
are by no means the only interpretations of probability!
precise difference between an event that almost surely occurs and one
that surely occurs is another fascinating aspect of probability theory, that is
largely irrelevant for our application.
2 The
978-1-5090-3094-1/16/$31.00 2016
with the important distinction that its value is subject to some
element of randomness and is therefore not as well defined or
behaved. Building on this we can define a stochastic process
(or random process) as any process (or sequence of operations)
that depends on at least one random variable. The counterpart
to this is a deterministic process, where no random variables
are involved. Whereas a deterministic process will always
produce the same output for a given set of inputs, a stochastic
process may not, because the random variables may take on
different values in different trials.
In engineering and quantified risk management applications
it is common for a deterministic process to form the core
of an assessment, and then to use random variables as inputs,
with various statistical techniques to assess the likely outcome
or risk. For instance, the stresses on various members of a
bridge can be calculated using equations from basic physics,
and failure could be said to occur if the calculated stress
on a member exceeds its strength. Both of these processes
are deterministic. However, by treating the strength of the
members as a random variable, statistical analysis may be
performed to estimate the probability of a failure under various
conditions, or for different materials.
A. Random Variables and Probability Distributions
Random variables would not be particularly useful if all that
could be said of them was that their values were inaccurately
or poorly defined and that they involved some level of randomness. As might be expected there are a range of mathematical
techniques for analysing problems involving random variables.
Chief among them is the probability distribution which describes the nature of a random variable’s range of behaviour.
On first impression it may seem strange to discuss different
types of randomness since our common intuition when some
value is described as being random is to assume that this means
all values are equally likely, but this is just another example
of our intuition about probability being incorrect. Consider
the example of a person’s height: all possible values (every
positive real number) are obviously not equally likely, some
values are more likely to occur than others, and a probability
distribution describes how likely each value is to occur. There
are a great many probability distributions used in quantified
risk management applications, and while a full discussion of
the applicability of various distributions is beyond this paper,
some of the most common ones are illustrated in Table I.
Probability distributions can be characterised in a number
of ways, but the probability distribution3 function (PDF) and
cumulative distribution function (CDF) are two of the most
important. The PDF is a function which assigns a probability
to every possible value of a random variable, and the CDF is a
function which returns the probability that the random variable
takes on a value less than or equal the function argument. It
follows from these definitions that the area under the PDF
must be 1, and the CDF is simply the integral of the PDF.
3 More correctly called a probability density function for continuous random
range: −∞ ≤ X ≤ ∞
range: 0 ≤ X ≤ ∞
adult weight
Example of CDF
describing human
physical characteristic
B. Conditional Probability
When there are multiple random variables, more interesting
questions may be asked such as: what is the probability of
events A and B both occurring, or what is the probability of A
occurring given that B has occurred, and many more. The first
of these is called a joint probability, denoted as P (A, B), and
the second is a conditional probability denoted as P (A|B).
The vertical line in P (A|B) may be interpreted as ‘given’.
These probabilities are related through equation (1).
P (A|B) =
P (A, B)
P (B)
Conditional probability provides yet another example of
how our intuition leads us astray: in general
P (A|B) = P (B|A)
and in fact they may be vastly different in magnitude. Bayes’
Theorem [7, 9], see (2), describes the actual relationship.
P (A|B) =
P (B|A)P (A)
P (B)
Here P (A) and P (B) are respectively the probabilities of
A and B occurring with no consideration of the other, so
P (A|B) can only be equal to P (B|A) if P (A) = P (B), of
course there is generally no reason for this to be true. This is
known as the conditional probability fallacy, or “confusion of
the inverse”, and our mistaken intuition is the cause of the so
called false-positive paradox.
Bayesian statistics is a relatively new addition to the field
of statistics. While Bayes’s original essay [1] was published in
1763, his work was largely ignored until 1937 when De Finetti
[3] reconsidered the treatment of the problem. It was then not
until 1950’s that the Bayesian movement appears to have been
spearheaded by Good [5], Savage [10] and Lindley [6]. It is
also at this time that the term ‘Bayesian’ comes into common
use by statisticians, and in 1992 the International Society for
Bayesian Analysis was founded.
C. Poisson Process
A Poisson process is a random process that describes the
distribution of points in a mathematical space: the positive
number line in this application representing time. The underlying assumption is that the points are distributed with some
average rate that is independent of other points, and location4 .
Poisson processes are widely applied in many fields from
modelling lightning [8], to phone calls, to radioactive decay,
anywhere where the assumption of an average event rate, and
independent events is reasonable.
There are a number of well known results relating to Poisson
processes, for example the number of points in a region of
time/space is a random variable with a Poisson distribution,
and the ‘time’ between points is an exponentially distributed
random variable. The remainder of this paper will investigate
some of these results and examine some aspects where our
intuition again leads us to draw incorrect conclusions.
D. Poisson Distribution
Despite the similarity in names the Poisson distribution is a
very different thing to the Poisson process, whereas the process
is responsible for generating events, the distribution is more
aligned with counting events since it describes the probability
of observing some number of events in a given region on the
timeline. The PDF for a Poisson distribution is
P (N = k) =
λk e−λ
Where N is the random variable representing the number of
observed events in some interval, and λ is the average number
of events over the interval. The parameter λ is often described
as the average rate, and one interesting aspect of the Poisson
distribution is that the expected value is also λ.
Sometimes the general form shown in (3) may be modified
to allow for explicitly specifying the rate and observation
period, for example taking λ to be the ‘average rate per
unit time’ and T to be the number of time units under
consideration, then substituting λ T for λ.
One interesting question that may be answered using the
Poisson distribution is: what is the probability of there being
no events in the interval under consideration. This can be
calculated by substituting k = 0 into (3) to arrive at
P (N = 0) = e−λ .
By extension we can also calculate the probability of there
being any number (i.e. one-or-more) events using the law of
total probability
P (N = 0) = 1 − P (N = 0) = 1 − e−λ .
4 This more correctly describes the special case of a homogeneous Poisson
Let us consider the following example based on an example
given by Crilly [2]. The scenario is based on the presumed
ability of a jury to judge guilt or innocence based on the
balance of probabilities. the scenario plays out as follows:
• A juror has just heard a case in court and decided that
the probability of the accused being guilty is about 1 in
100, i.e. 1%.
• During deliberations the jury is called back to the court
to hear further evidence from the prosecutor, a weapon
has been found at the defendant’s house.
• The prosecutor claims that the probability of finding the
weapon at the defendant’s house is as high as 95% if the
defendant is guilty, but is he innocent then the probability
of finding the weapon would be only as high as 10%. An
interesting use of embedded secondary probabilities by
the prosecutor!
The question for the juror now is to decide how this new
evidence changes their opinion of the defendant in light of
this new information?
To assist the juror in making this re-evaluation of their
assessment we represent the event that the defendant is guilty
by G and the event describing the receipt of the new evidence
by E. The re-evaluation could be undertaken as follows:
• The juror has made an initial assessment that P (G) =
0.01. This probability is referred to as the prior probability or assessment.
• The re-assessment probability, or P (G|E), is the revised
probability of guilt given the new evidence E. This is
called the posterior probability.
• We can calculate the posterior probability P (G|E) based
on the prior probability P (G) using Bayes’ formula as
per (4).
P (G|E) =
P (E|G)
.P (G)
P (E)
We can calculate the probability of having the evidence
P (E) as the sum of the probabilities of having the
evidence and being guilty and having the evidence and
not being guilty, based on the total probability law (see
eq 2-41 [7]), or:
P (E) = 0.95 × 0.01 + 0.1 × 0.99
The reassessed value for the probability of being guilty
is then
× 0.01
0.95 × 0.01 + 0.1 × 0.99
= 0.088
P (G|E) =
This will present a quandary for the juror as their initial
assessment has now risen almost 10 fold, but even so, the
probability of the defendant truly being guilty is still less than
If the prosecution had made a greater claim that the probability of finding the incriminating evidence was as high as
0.99 if the defendant is guilty and only 0.01 if the defendant
is innocent, then the juror would have to revise their opinion
to a 50% probability of guilt.
Using Bayes’ Theorem in such a manner has been criticised.
The leading criticism is how one arrives at the prior probability. In its favour Bayesian analysis presents a means of dealing
with subjective probabilities and updating expectations based
on evidence.
To illustrate how the earthing practitioner might avoid the
traps of mistaken intuition, and successfully apply sound
statistical principles to quantified risk assessment we will
consider the example of coincidence probability.
As the name suggests, multiple random variables are involved: the times during which a person contacts some item,
and the times during which that item poses a voltage hazard
as a result of an earth fault; the event of interest is the
times during which both contact and hazard are concurrent.
Estimating the coincidence probability requires models for
both, EG-0 suggests that Poisson processes are suitable.
By considering a practical example we can expose another
counter-intuitive result. Assume a particular power system has
a historical average fault rate of 1 fault per year, what is the
probability that a fault will occur in the next year? Intuition
suggests the probability should be close to 1 since there is ‘a
fault every year, on average’. Using the Poisson distribution
we can see that the probability of a single fault occurring is
11 e−1
But that is not the whole story as there is some chance
there might be 2, or 3, or more faults in the next year. If we
calculate the probability of one-or-more faults occurring we
P (N = 0) = 1 − e−1 0.632
P (N = 1) =
So in fact, with an average rate of 1 fault per year the
chance of a fault occurring in the next year is about 65%, and
there is about a 35% chance that there will be no faults at all!
Furthermore, if a Poisson process really is an adequate model
for the occurrence of faults, then the distribution of faults is
independent of time, or the occurrence of previous faults, so
even if there were no faults last year there is still a 35% chance
there will be no faults in the next year.
If we introduce the second Poisson process (representing
the time during which a person contacts some item) to our
example we can illustrate another fallacy. Let us take the
average fault rate as λf and the average contact rate as λc
then it is tempting to assume that the coincidence probability
is (at least close to) λf × λc but as we have just seen the
probability of a fault occurring in a given year is different from
the average rate5 . Even if we were to correctly calculate both
P (Nf = 0) and P (Nc = 0), that is respectively the probability
of a fault or contact occurring in a given year, then multiplying
those probabilities together would not be representative of
5 Even
for λf < 1, for example if λf = 0.1 then P (N = 0) = 0.095
the desired coincidence probability. As the fault and contact
Poisson processes are independent, multiplying these probabilities together is equivalent to calculating a joint probability,
P (Nf = 0) × P (Nc = 0) = P (Nf = 0, Nc = 0). In words,
this is the probability of any number of faults occurring in
the same year as any number of contacts have also occurred,
which tells us nothing about the probability of a specific fault
being coincident in time with a specific contact.
A further complication in the calculation of coincidence
probability is the fact that Poisson processes are defined
as generating ‘points’, which are equivalent to instantaneous
events on a timeline. As such, it makes no sense to discuss
the duration of an event in a pure Poisson process since
it is infinitesimally short, however in our application we
know that both faults and contacts have a finite duration.
To apply Poisson processes to modelling faults and contacts
we typically assume that events from the Poisson process
correspond to the start of the fault/contact.
Calculating the coincidence probability may be thought
of as calculating the probability of a fault occurring within
the duration of a contact, and vice versa. As we have seen,
calculating the probability of an event occurring in some timeframe is actually done using the law of total probability and
the probability of there being no events in that time-frame. So,
to calculate the coincidence probability we first consider the
case where a fault has occurred, then calculate the probability
of no contact in order to calculate the probability of a contact
occurring during the fault, finally the whole process is then
repeated for the converse case of a contact occurring first.
In order to make applying this complicated statistical analysis easier EG-0 provides a simple approximation for the
coincidence probability:
fn × pn × (fd + pd ) × T
365 × 24 × 60 × 60
where fn and pn and the average rates of faults and contacts
respectively, fd and pd are the durations of faults and contacts
respectively, and T is the number of years under consideration.
For many practitioners and applications this approximation
might be adequate, but by understanding the full analysis we
can see which aspects have been simplified, so we can understand the boundary conditions and make informed decisions
about when that approximation is appropriate. For instance one
of the simplifications made to reach (7) is to use to following
e−x 1 − x
Pcoinc =
which is reasonably accurate so long as x is small. When
applied to the calculation of the probability of no events the
simplification results in
P (N = 0) = 1 − e−λ λ.
The condition on the validity of this approximation is that λ
is small6 , meaning the expected number of events in the time
6 EG-0 states the error for λ = 0.01 is 0.005%, but this is only
for considering the approximation of e−x in isolation. When using this
approximation for calculating the probability of no events the error in the
estimated probability is actually 0.5%. This may seem surprising, but while
the absolute error is the same in both cases the relative error is bigger since
P (N = 0) is smaller than e−λ in this case.
period under consideration is small. While this simplification
might make it easier to perform the coincidence probability
calculations ‘by hand’, there is very little difference between
the difficulty of implementing the ‘full solution’ and the
approximation in computer code, or even a spreadsheet.
While a full analysis of the calculation of coincidence
probability is beyond the scope of this paper, work by the
authors suggests that when either the rates associated with
contacts and faults are equivalent or, the contact and fault
durations are equivalent, then the probability of coincidence
published in EG-0 is a reasonable approximation. However,
where these conditions fail the probability of coincidence
given by the published approximation do not match the results
of the alternative expression derived from first principles.
The authors hope to publish this alternate expression for the
probability of coincidence in the near future, and further
explore the discrepancies from EG-0 in another paper.
Probability and statistical methods can often be complex and
counter-intuitive, and correctly applying these mathematical
tools to earthing design takes a thorough understanding of
the fundamentals. There are many appealing ‘simplifications’
that might tempt inexperienced practitioners, but often these
simplifications are fundamentally flawed and in the worst cases
may be meaningless, for instance it is not appropriate to simply
multiply rates together to estimate coincidence probability.
Significant effort is invested by experts into developing
standards and guides such as EG-0, and while practitioners
will always strive for continual improvement and updated
processes as new work is performed, caution is needed when
moving away from industry best practice and published procedures.
In the spirit of progressing industry best practices, the
authors are presently preparing a more in depth paper on the
probability of coincidence that includes a derivation of Pcoinc
from first principles, which will hopefully lead to a refinement
of the expressions provided in EG-0 that more accurately
characterises the probability of coincidence to improve the
outcomes of earthing related risk assessments.
[1] Thomas Bayes. A letter from the late Reverend Mr.
Thomas Bayes, FRS to John Canton, MA and FRS.
Philosophical Transactions (1683-1775), 53:269–271,
[2] Tony Crilly. 50 Maths Ideas You Really Need to Know.
Hachette UK, 2008.
[3] Bruno De Finetti. La prévision: ses lois logiques,
ses sources subjectives. In Annales de l’institut Henri
Poincaré, volume 7, pages 1–68, 1937.
[4] Richard Gill. Monty Hall problem. Mathematical
Institute, University of Leiden, Netherlands, pages 10–
13, 2011.
[5] I.J. Good. Probability and the Weighing of Evidence.
Charles Griffin and Company, 1950.
[6] D.V. Lindley. Introduction to Good (1952) Rational
Decisions. In Breakthroughs in Statistics, pages 359–
364. Springer, 1992.
[7] Athanasios Papoulis and S Unnikrishna Pillai. Probability, Random Variables, and Stochastic Processes. Tata
McGraw-Hill Education, 2002.
[8] N.I. Petrov and F. D’Alessandro. Verification of lightning strike incidence as a Poisson process. Journal of
Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 64(15):1645–
1650, 2002.
[9] Sheldon M. Ross. Introduction to Probability Models.
Academic Press, 2014.
[10] Leonard J. Savage. The Foundations of Statistics. John
Wiley and Sons, 1954.
Dr Ian Griffiths is the Lead Engineer of Safearth’s
Products Team, and oversees the development
of both software and hardware. He received his
BE(Comp.) from the University of Newcastle (Australia) in 2005, and his PhD at the same institution in 2014 for work investigating applications
and implementations of Markov Chain Monte Carlo
methods in multi-antenna wireless communications
After joining Safearth in 2011 Ian has gained
experience in power system grounding across a
range of applications including power utilities, mining, rail, industrial sites,
and pipelines. Particular areas of interest include applying statistical methods
to the assessment of grounding related risk, along with the assessment and
development of safety criteria and standards for the effective management of
such ‘High Impact, Low Likelihood’ events. This has included contributing
to the review of a number of grounding related Australian Standards, most
recently AS2067.
Dr Darren Woodhouse is a Principal Engineer with Safearth Consulting. He received his
BE(Elec.)(Hons I) (1993), BMaths (1994) and PhD
(2004) from the University of Newcastle, Australia.
In 1992 what was Shortland Electricity instigated a
business unit known as Safearth Engineered Solutions, or Safearth, of which Darren was one of the
original members. In the ensuing years that group
grew to over 30 staff and in 2008 changed its name
to Network Earthing. During that time Darren was
involved in consulting, training and R&D. Before
joining Safearth Consulting in 2011 as Principal Engineer, Darren’s roles
included Development Manager and two years as Acting Principal Consultant.
For over 20 years Darren has investigated and managed the risks associated
with earthing, lightning protection and interference. The more notable projects
include investigations of the Snowy Mountains Hydro Scheme, Pacrim West
OFC interference, CLP interference in Hong Kong and a number of forensic
investigations. Darren has delivered formal earthing training, including over
20 earthing short courses for the ESAA/ENA across Australia, New Zealand
and Asia, and has presented at numerous conferences including CIGRE and
the IEEE. Darren recently co-delivered an appendix for AS2067 on earthing
system testing and is the editor of the ENA Working Group tasked to publish
on risk to telecommunications assets from power system earthing hazards.
Brent Pawlik is an Engineer with Safearth Consulting. Brent is an engineer specialising in earthing. He has expertise in earthing system design,
auditing and testing of of power system assets and
conductive third party infrastructure. He received his
BE(Elec.)(Hons 1) (2005) from the University of
Newcastle, Australia.
Brent was introduced to the profession of earthing
in his time on the EnergyAustralia University of
Newcastle Industrial Scholarship Scheme (EA UNISS) in 2001 where he first worked for Safearth.
Since then Brent has spent time at EnergyAustralia in the sections of Overhead
Mains Design, Customer Service, and Network Engineering. Between 2006
and 2011 Brent took a break form the engineering profession where he pursued
other interests in Okinawa, Japan. Brent returned to employment with Safearth
in 2012 and is presently partaking in post graduate studies in conjunction with
Safearth to further the field of earthing system engineering.