投影片 1

Detecting Wormhole
Attacks in Wireless
Networks Using
Connectivity Information
97598039 梁紀翔 97598050 王謙志
Wormhole Attack ?
Some detecting methods and limitations
Using Bound distance or Time
 Using Graph theory and Geometric
Using Connectivity Information
Unit Disk Graph model
 Other models
 Wormhole removal
Simulation result & Conclusion
What is Wormhole ?
Shortcut through space and time
Wormhole Attack
Dropping or modifying packets
Generating unnecessary routing activities by
turning off the wormhole link periodically
Record traffic for later analysis
Break protocol relies on geographic proximity
Bound distance or Time
Use node location info. to bound the distance a
packet can traverse
Use global clock to bound propagation time
But… hard to determine “legal” distance
Useless against physical layer attacks
Besides… they all need additional hardware
Graph theory and Geometric
Use combination of one-time authenticated
neighbor discovery and Guard nodes to attest
the source of transmission
What if attack begin before discovery ?
Special Guard nodes knows their “correct”
location and with higher RF power and different
RF charactertics
Graph theory and Geometric cont.
Use Directional antennas
Need a cooperative protocol share directional info.
between nodes to detect wormhole
Use neighbor distance estimation and Multidimensional scaling to draw a “network layout”
The layout should be “flat”
 Centralized computation
Physical layer authentication in packet
Special RF hardware
Additional hardware is not affordable on large
scale sensor networks, such as
Directional antennas
 Ultrasound
 Guard nodes with correct location
 Global clock synchronization or computation
Localized algorithm is the solution
Use info. collected by upper layer
Algorithm concept
Looks for forbidden substructure that should not
present in a legal connectivity graph
Unit Disk Graph model
Idealized model for multi-hop wireless network
Node modeled as a disk with unit radius
 Unit radius is the communication range with omnidirectional antenna
 Each node is a neighbor of all nodes within its disk
NP-Hard to detect wormhole in UDG
Equivalence of finding UDG embedded in 2D
Proven NP-Hard problem
The algorithm looks for structures that do not
allow UDG embedding
Due to hardness, 100% wormhole detection will
not guaranteed
But provides sufficiently high detection rate
Disk packing
In a fix region, one can not pack too many nodes
without having edges in between
Packing number- pS , r 
Maximum number of points inside region S such
that every pair of points is strictly more then distance
r away from each other
Disk packing cont.
 DR u  -A
unit disk D of radius R centered at u
pDR u , R  5
Lune- Lr, R  DR u   DR v
Intersection of 2 disks of radius R centered at u, v,
with distance r away
Disk packing cont.
Lemma 1
When R = r = 1
 pL,1  2
  pw  3 2  1
Lemma 2
for r  2 R
 8  R 1 2
 4r 
  r2 
  2  R    
pLr , R ,         arccos
   2 
 2 R      
Forbidden substructure
a and b (non-neighbors) have three common
independent neighbor c, d, e
By Lemma 1, this can not happen
If only c, d in region B. It will fail
Forbidden substructure cont.
For low density case
Look among k-hop neighbors
 Find f k common independent k-hop neighbors of
two non-neighbor nodes
Forbidden substructures used in algorithm
3 independent common 1-hop neighbors
 f k independent common k-hop neighbors
 f k -Forbidden parameter
Forbidden substructure cont.
f k must be more than the packing number for
unit distance inside the lune of two disks of
radii k placed at distance 1
Radius k for modeling k-hop neighborhood
 1 for modeling the lower bound of distance
between non-neighbors
f k  pL1, k ,1  1
Forbidden substructure cont.
If a network has forbidden substructure
There must be a wormhole
For a given node density with wormhole present
Higher k, higher detection possibility
 Larger neighborhood provide more nodes to work
Find the forbidden parameter
Each node u determines its 2k-hop neighbor
list N 2k u  , execute following steps for each
non-neighboring node v in N 2k u 
Algorithm cont.
u determines the set of common k-hop
neighbors with v from their k-hop neighbor list
 Ck u, v   N k u   N k v 
 N k v  can be obtained by simply exchanging lists
u determines the maximal independent set of
Ck u, v 
Find maximum independent set is NP-Hard
Use greedy algorithm
Algorithm cont.
If the maximal independent set size is equal or
larger than f k , u declares the presence of a
For most case, k = 1 is sufficient, with d 3 
 d 2 to check non-neighbor nodes in 2-hop
d  to find maximal independent set
d is the average degree of nodes
 
k = 2 for fairly low density cases
Node distribution
 fk 1
is theoretical worst case
With known distribution, f k can be much smaller
Smaller f k , higher detection rate
But… too small will have false positives
f 2   pL1,2,1  18  1  19
 Unless node density is very high
 It’s unlikely to find that many common independent
2-hop neighbors
Communication models
UDG is overly simplified
Packet reception range is not prefect disk
For other communication models
Same algorithm applied
 But finding f k by Mathematical or Geometrical
Known models
Distance within α≦1-link
 Distance larger than 1-no link
f k  pL , k ,    1
Run simulation with target distribution to obtain
connectivity graph
Then estimate forbidden parameter
Known models cont.
For any pair of non-neighboring nodes
Find the maximal independent set among their
common k-hop neighbors
 Take the maximum as f k  1
 Used in simulation result to obtain tight bound
If model is probabilistic
f k  1 is also probabilistic
Notice that false positives still possible
Unknown model
Parametric search for unknown f k
Use large initial value to run the algorithm
 If no detection, half the value, re run
 Until vary small fraction of nodes report wormhole
 Or minimum number of tolerable false positives
Run this search in safe part of network
Unknown model cont.
If there is no safe place
Assume a “threat level”
Guidance for what fraction of nodes must report
 So f k will not reduced any further
Wormhole removal
Manually isolate links effected
Process for 1-hop, UDG
Corrupted nodes verify its neighbor list with
uncorrupted nodes
 Ignore transmission from suspicious nodes
Simulation environment
 Quasi-UDG
 Model used in TOSSIM simulator
Perturbed grid (a planed sensor deployment)
 Random
144 nodes, single wormhole, k ≤ 2, repeat
10,000 times
Transmission radius-R
Quasi-UDG factor-0 ≤α≤ 1
Link-distance d withinαR
No link-d > R
d in [αR, R] -link with probability
Useα= 0.75 in simulation
TOSSIM model-link probability 1  Pb 
Pb -bit error probability
R  R
Perturbed 12×12 grid
[x-px, x+px], [y-py, y+py]
Perturbation parameter-0.0 ≤ p ≤ 0.5
Randomly chosen x, y coordinates
 Node density
 Change
R for (Quasi-)UDG
 Change geographic area for TOSSIM
Create topology
Check connectivity
Disconnected if any two node do not have route
Run algorithm to see false positive
Apply wormhole, run algorithm to detect
Perturbed grid
p = 0.2
100% detecting and no false alarms when
network is connected
90% detection when 50% chance disconnected
Detection drop for low density cases, but
network disconnected also increase
Detection performance get worse as the
Estimation of f k is more accurate if less
1-hop dose not perform well in non-UDG
Quasi-UDG, random distribution
1-hop detection rate when f1 increase
Parametric search for f k
k = 1, quasi-UDG, Perturbed grid with p = 0.2,
average degree = 6
 Suitable f1 can be estimated by observing false
positive probability
Detection show first before false positive
 Critical value of f1 is 4
Simple and localized
 Universal to node distribution and communication
Not suitable for frequent connectivity change
 Can not detect short wormhole link
R. Maheshwari, J. Gao and S. R. Das,“Detecting
Wormhole Attacks in Wireless Networks Using
Connectivity Information,” in INFOCOM 2007. 26th
IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications.
IEEE , 2007, pp. 107-115
Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/)
Wormhole Attack Detection in Wireless Network
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and Thanks !!