Flat and Round Characters NAME: Pd: ______ A FLAT character is

Flat and Round Characters
NAME: ____________________________________ Pd: _________
A FLAT character is one who has very few qualities to define them, and
they are often stereotypes or lack depth and originality. In a film like THE
LION KING, Scar is a flat character, along with Zazoo, the hyenas, Timone
and Pumba.
Here are some other examples of FLAT characters:
Olaf in FROZEN
President Snow in THE HUNGER GAMES
A ROUND character is one who is complex and has many qualities or personality
traits, and they often have more than one conflict going on. Simba would be an
example from THE LION KING.
Here are some other examples of ROUND characters:
Elsa in FROZEN
Katniss and Gale in THE HUNGER GAMES
Read the passage provided to your class. Make sure to annotate as you read for
moments when each character shows themselves to be FLAT or ROUND. Then, in the
chart below, explain how each character is shown to be one or the other by using
QUOTES from the text! Please work quietly so that everyone can get their work
This WILL BE A QUIZ GRADE. You may not work in partners or groups, and you should
make sure to follow directions carefully. You may not take this home. It will be turned
in at the end of the period, finished or not. Remember to use direct and indirect
characterization to determine if a character is ROUND or FLAT.
Character Name and Is
He/She Round or Flat
(You will use several
characters more than
Quote from text
How this quote shows the
character to be round or
flat. Be specific and
If you need more space, you may neatly continue on a new sheet of paper and staple
all of your work, but you should not need to do this. Keep your responses clear,
specific and focused.