Walking Football Rules Walking Football Principles The game is

Walking Football Rules
Walking Football Principles
The game is aimed at men and women over 50. Players who wish to participate do not need any
football skills. The key objectives are to increase the amount of people playing walking football with
a particular target for those over the age of 50 to have the opportunity to improve their health and
The objectives for these players will be to improve and maintain:
a. cardio vascular conditioning
b. muscular -skeletal conditioning
c. control and co-ordination
d. reduce body fat
e. improve social interaction
f. self-concept and improve the quality of life by reducing lifestyle diseases; and improve the
managing of medical conditions and to have fun.
The game will embrace the FA 4-corner model and will include:
Technical Corner: targeted at improving agility by unopposed ball practice, developing game skills
and craft.
Physical Corner: targeted at improving fitness by movement skills such as balance, coordination,
receiving the ball, dribbling, turning, and kicking of the ball.
Psychological Corner: targeted at improving wellbeing by interaction with other players,
experimenting and learning with others.
Social Corner: targeted at enjoying the game and having fun by all-inclusive philosophy to enjoy the
teamwork during and after the game, developing comradeship and a sense of belonging.
Health Screening
It is not the responsibility of The Soccer Dome to carry out health checks on players entering
tournaments or leagues. It should be presumed that clubs will have their own screening, as amongst
the age group of the players some will generally have some sort of medical condition, therefore it is
recommended that each team have a qualified first aider. However, there will be a qualified first
aider on premises.
Our aim:
To provide a well organised, competitive but friendly tournament within a warm welcoming
environment. To promote this growing aspect of football and target those in the community that
need social interaction and a softened physical exercise.
General Running of the league:
To Officially enter a team into our tournaments you must complete our team application form and
pay the entry fee.
Points are rewarded as follows:
3 points for a win
1 point for a draw
0 points for a loss
Except where other provisions in these rules are made the laws of the Football Association apply.
This includes determining the winners of a division, or a league, namely if more than one team head
the table with equal points, then goal difference is the deciding factor. If goal difference is also level,
the team with the highest goals for shall be deemed champions. In the unlikely event that this is also
equal, then the head to head league results of the teams involved will be the deciding factor. These
results are mandatory.
Matches will kick off at designated kick off times. To ensure the day runs smoothly we ask that
teams arrive 40 minutes prior to kick off to allow time for registration and pre tournament
preparations i.e. warming up.
The pitch:
Our pitches are standard 5 a side indoor 3G astro turf. That meet the required standards of play.
The Ball:
The Soccer Dome will provide a size 5 leather case ball, inflated to manufacturing guidelines and
FIFA approved.
Players Equipment:
We recommend the wearing of Astroturf trainers; all other flat soled trainers are permitted. You will
be asked to leave the pitch if you are wearing blades, studded or moulded and will not be allowed
back on the pitch until suitable footwear is worn.
The wearing of shin pads is strongly advised. These should be covered with stockings, in accordance
with the laws of the game.
Each team are to provide their own kit and personal protective equipment. The Soccer Dome can
provide bibs when there is a clash of colours.
Unfortunately for hygiene reasons we are unable to loan out footwear or shin pads. Please refrain
from wearing jewellery on the football pitches and wedding rings should be covered with tape.
A referee shall be appointed to officiate in each game and they shall have the same powers and
duties as laid down by the laws of the game. All referees are FA qualified and affiliated.
Our referees will NOT tolerate any foul or abusive language OR DISSENT ARGUING OF ANY KIND.
Upon the referees discretion this can result in a booking and a red card. Please request to see our
full respect guide.
The referee is also responsible for recording all goals scored and supervising the rolling substitutions.
Duration of game:
The duration of each game will be determined by the tournament coordinator when the fixture are
released. This will depend on the final format of the day and how many team have entered. Each
team will play a minimum of 60 minutes football.
The rules of the competition allow for rolling substitutions to be used. The number of rolling
substitutions is unlimited. Any of the players may change place with the goal keeper, provided that
the referee is informed before the change is made and it is done during stoppage time. A player who
has been replaced may return to the playing area as a substitute for another player. A rolling
substitution is one which is made while the ball is still in play.
Ball In and Out of Play:
The ball shall be in play at all times in the game unless:
The ball hits the bounce boards in the white area, travels in the air above the black area
or the safety netting. This will be classed as height infringement and a free kick will be
awarded to the opposing team from the position the ball was kicked.
The referee will be encouraged to let the game flow so this will be at his discretion.
The referee stops the game.
All free kicks shall be taken approximately 1 meter away from any lines marking the goal area. All
players defending any free kicks should also be approximately 1 meter away from the ball.
All free kicks are direct
There is no offside
Fouls and misconduct:
Charging/slide tackles are forbidden and shall be penalised with the awarding of a direct free kick.
If any player attempts to gain advantage by shielding the ball with their hands against the wall, this
will be deemed as a foul. The opposing team will be awarded a free kick.
A player who unfairly impedes the progress of an opponent when not playing the ball shall be
penalised by the awarding of a free kick or a possible 2 minute sin bin.
Players can be sent off for the following offences:
Serious foul play
Assaulting another player. Any kind of fighting is not tolerated by the management team and
could result in a life time ban from The Soccer Dome
Foul and abusive language. Persistent offenders could face a ban.
If the referee deems that a challenge on the last defender is a serious foul play.
If a player is still on the floor and he attempts to play the ball whilst still on the floor. This
will be classed as a slide tackle.
Punishments for infringement of the footballing law will be at the referee’s discretion. The severity
of the infringement will be punishable in the following ways:
2 minute sin bin
4 minute sin bin
Red card sending off
As The Soccer Dome is affiliated with the FA red and yellow card protocols can apply. If a player is
sent off it is at the referees discretion and The Cheshire FA to whether a ban or fine will be issued.
Penalty kicks:
A penalty kick shall be taken from the penalty mark. If a penalty is missed or saved and the ball
comes out of the area the ball is deemed out of play and play will begin from the defending goal
Only one pace back is permitted for the player taking the penalty kick.
Goal Keeper returning the ball into play:
After holding the ball the goal keeper must immediately return the ball into play. The goal keeper
can pass the ball with his feet or throw it back into play.
The goal keeper cannot throw or kick the ball past the half way line without it touching another
player first. If this happens, this will result in the ball being returned to the keeper. 2 offences will
result in a free kick 1 meter directly in front of goal.
Play within the penalty area:
Only the defending goal keeper is allowed within the penalty area. If the goal keeper intentionally
leaves the area a penalty shall be awarded.
Punishment for infringement:
By the attack – ball is given to the opposition keeper who will resume play
By the defence – a penalty kick
If an outfield player runs through the area to interfere with play the other side of the pitch a penalty
will be given.
NOTE: referees should distinguish between accidental and intentional entry. Only deliberate actions
where the player either plays the ball or tries to play the ball will be penalised. Accidental entry or
exit that has no effect on play should be ignored.
Walking is defined as having one foot on the ground at all times, any player that sprints, runs or jogs
while the match is in progress will be penalized with or without the ball, an indirect free kick will be
awarded to the opposing team. An indirect free kick is awarded to the opposing team where the
offence takes place or at where the player is carrying the ball. No running, jogging - on or off the ball
– by any outfield player.
Running influencing play - Any player running into a position linking up with play, receiving a pass,
affecting play directly or pulling away defensive players by a run, intercepting the ball, moving to the
ball, running onto the ball in the process of shooting, shall for a 1st offence: free kick against and a
warning. 2nd offence: 2-minute Sin Bin. Should a Sin Bin returning player further infringe the walking
rule, a free kick is awarded against that person and the totting up process again continues as
determined by the referee.
Running off the ball not influencing play - Any player running off the ball but not gaining individual or
team advantage, and not directly affecting play shall have a warning against them BUT play will
continue. Should the player in question infringe further, it will result in a 2-minute Sin Bin for the
player, allowing play to continue and the sanction administered when there is a break in play as
determined by the referee.
Dropped Ball
Dropped ball will be used when two opposing players are penalized for running simultaneously or
the referee has stopped play for any other reason.