Minutes_EECT_040417 - European Railway Agency

Minutes of meeting
EECT #29
Making the railway system
work better for society.
Minutes of Meeting
EECT #29 (ETCS part)
Lille, 4th and 5th April 2017
1. Adoption of the agenda and approval of the minutes for the meeting on 07&08/03/2017
The agenda is adopted without any additional point.
The minutes of the EECT meeting held on 07&08/03/17 are agreed with modifications; see
revision marks in the file “Minutes_EECT_070317_v2revmarks.doc” distributed separately.
Inputs for the meeting:
The following inputs (see embedded files below) were distributed prior to the meeting, as per
various actions allocated to ERA, EUG and UNISIG:
2. Triage
a) Review of the list of open actions and pending assessments of CRs
b) Assessment of new CR received
See embedded file below
c) Work plan
120 Rue Marc Lefrancq | BP 20392 | FR-59307 Valenciennes Cedex
Tel. +33 (0)327 09 65 00 | era.europa.eu
U asks whether a delivery of SUBSET-91 in line with the Art10SP content has also to be done. ERA
confirms that such update is indeed expected and that a cover CR will have to be submitted
At the end of the meeting, a discussion takes place on the possibility of extra days for the May and
June EECT. ERA will propose them ASAP.
U added to all updated SUBSET-113 hazards a note that for B3R2 the applicability is “N” if the CR
related to the hazard is implemented. It is agreed to remove those notes.
See embedded file below for the result of the discussions and for the related open actions (see
cells coloured in green). The cells coloured in light blue are those that still need to be
CR994: action 28.06 U to reconsider the fact that a plain text message could be safety relevant
U proposes to remove the safety relevant scenario because according to the assumptions in
SUBSET-118, the message should not be safety relevant.
ERA challenges the U reading of SUBSET-118 and considers it to be too approximate because plain
text messages can be used in conjunction with another communication channel to form a safety
relevant functionality. Moreover there can also be fixed text messages which are safety relevant
on their own (see e.g. clause A15). It is therefore confirmed that a Hazard log entry is
missing (see action 29.05 in BCA file).
CR1021: action 26.02 U to clean up the Excel file ("CR1021_Analysis_Mode_Change v2_U_v3.xlsx")
listing the potential hazards
U states that the action is not clear for them regarding the extent to which the file has to be
“cleaned-up”. ERA does not understand why the action cannot be completed. A quick check in the
file clearly reveals not cleaned up comments as e.g. in cell Y8 "Particular scenario is under
discussion between SG and RAMS WP". The action therefore remains open.
CR1120: action 28.07 U to align the H0081 with the BCA or flag the reasons why it would not be
The reshuffled ETCS-H0081 is generally OK. Only 2 ERA comments are discussed, see embedded
file for the results and the resulting new action 29.06 on EUG.
BCA CR 1120_revEECT.docx
Concerning the U question about defining the media (balise/loop/radio infill) to which the
mitigation rules apply, it is confirmed that such distinction is not needed.
120 Rue Marc Lefrancq | BP 20392 | FR-59307 Valenciennes Cedex
Tel. +33 (0)327 09 65 00 | era.europa.eu
CR1251: action 28.09 U to align the H0082 with the BCA or flag the reasons why it would not be
The ERA comments on the reshuffled ETCS-H0082 are discussed, see embedded file for the results.
The action remains open and is to be continued to implement the agreed comments.
BCA CR 1251_revEECT.docx
Moreover, ERA informs that the “Explanation/Justification” cell of the “B2 maintenance” sheet has
also been adapted accordingly: only 2 problematic cases exist since in B2, it is not possible to
transmit a list of SH balises with a request to shorten MA.
CR1252: action 28.10 U to split the H0073 in two ones and to align them with the BCA or flag the
reasons why it would not be possible
The reshuffled ETCS-H0073 is agreed. However, in the course of the Art10SP BCA discussion (see
next point here below), a new item has been detected which needs to be added to the H0073, see
action 29.07 in the BCA file for details.
The ERA comments on the new ETCS-H0085 are discussed, see embedded file for the results. The
action 28.10 is closed even though the original BCA mitigation measure text needs to be restored.
BCA CR 1252_revEECT.docx
CR1252: Art10SP assessment
The Art10SP BCA assessment is completed, see BCA file for details.
CR1259: action 28.11 U to align the H0083 with the BCA or flag the reasons why it would not be
Only one editorial mistake still needs to be corrected in the reshuffled H0083: “lower than the
RSM” shall be replaced with “lower than the release speed” in the mitigation measure. Despite this
small correction which still needs to be done, the action is considered as closed and the H0083
agreed. The BCA file updated to refer only to the Hazard log entry.
CR1263: additional U comment on mitigation measure
The U comments on the mitigation measure are discussed. Level 3 is added as well as a note to
better highlight the dependency of the trackside mitigation to the train characteristics. See BCA file
for the details.
CR1264: action 28.12 All to check in the modifications to A.3.5.1 (according to the CR solution) any
other interoperability and/or safety related issue and possibly determine further mitigation
120 Rue Marc Lefrancq | BP 20392 | FR-59307 Valenciennes Cedex
Tel. +33 (0)327 09 65 00 | era.europa.eu
Concerning the not reverted reversing actions, EUG confirms that they do not see any impact. As a
conclusion, it is agreed to amend the ETCS-H0012 to include the cases of the start of the MA end
section timer/overlap timer. See action 29.08 in BCA file.
CR1264: Art10SP assessment
The Art10SP BCA assessment is completed, see BCA file for details.
Concerning the U comments on the reversing and on the unprotected LX, it is confirmed that those
cases are not seen as impacting the normal service. As a conclusion, the H0012 (amended as per
action 29.08) fully applies for the Q2 = “No”.
CR1282 (the action 28.23 ERA to draft a solution proposal taking into account the discussion of the
March meeting)
Even though the action was originally devoted to drafting a CR solution, the analysis reveals that
no hazard exists for the packet 44 with NIX_USER = 102 from loop since it is not possible for the
ETCS on-board to forward it through the STM interface (see input file “ERA EECT action 28.23 CR1282” for details). It is therefore agreed to remove completely the H0080 from the SUBSET-113
and to turn back the CR1282 Q4 assessment to “N/A”.
CR1288: action 28.13 U to align the H0068 with the BCA or flag the reasons why it would not be
The amended ETCS-H0068 is agreed. The action 28.13 is closed and the BCA file updated to refer
only to the Hazard log entry.
CR1295: action 28.15 U to align the H0078 with the BCA or flag the reasons why it would not be
possible and action 28.16 EUG to reconsider its assessment on the basis of the updated hazard
The amended ETCS-H0078 is agreed. The action 28.15 is closed. However, the BCA file cannot be
updated yet to refer only to the Hazard log entry since EUG were not able to perform their action
25.16 EUG due to the late U delivery of action 28.15. The EUG former statement is nevertheless
cleaned up by removing the case of receiving the TSR inhibition in other modes than SR (especially
in SB mode) since it is not anymore part of the amended ETCS-H0078. The action 28.16 is also
reworded accordingly.
CR1296: action 28.17 U to align the H0079 with the BCA or flag the reasons why it would not be
The amended ETCS-H0079 is in line with the BCA file v4 and consequently the action 28.17 is closed.
However ERA thinks that the B2 maintenance assessment in case the "early implementation of
braking curves functionality" is implemented is wrong and shall be changed to N/A (see B2
maintenance sheet for the rationale). EUG agrees with the ERA B2 re-assessment. U would like to
double-check it offline, see related actions 29.09 and 29.10.
CR1300: action 28.18 U to draft the missing hazard log entry to include the scenarios 1, 4 & 5
120 Rue Marc Lefrancq | BP 20392 | FR-59307 Valenciennes Cedex
Tel. +33 (0)327 09 65 00 | era.europa.eu
The mitigation is not complete. It does not address the scenario 4 & 5 (2 & 3 in the hazard log
entry). The action is therefore kept open with U to consider the ERA proposal in the following
embedded file.
BCA CR 1300_revERA.docx
CR940: actions 28.19 and 28.20
Even though the action 28.19 has not been discussed during the meeting, the BCA file is cleaned
up following the U confirmation that the problem 2b does not exist.
The action 28.20 and the other CR940 related U inputs are not discussed due to lack of time. The
inputs having been received, the action 28.20 is however closed and the related cells coloured in
light blue since the discussion will have to take place in the next EECT meeting.
CR1267: action 28.21 all to check the above scenario (especially the term "all the available MT are
The ERA rewording is agreed. The action 28.21 is closed and the BCA MR1 maintenance sheet
updated accordingly.
CR1267: action 28.22 all to check the above scenario (especially the term "all the available MT are
Due to lack of time, this action 28.22 has not been discussed. The inputs having been received, the
action is however closed and the related cells coloured in light blue since the discussion will have
to take place in the next EECT meeting.
120 Rue Marc Lefrancq | BP 20392 | FR-59307 Valenciennes Cedex
Tel. +33 (0)327 09 65 00 | era.europa.eu
Minutes of meeting
EECT #29
4. Solutions for error CRs
Subset-044 chapter on safety
is inconsistent with Subset026 regarding handling of
EOLM info
See CR re-assessment in BCA file
Undefined sequence of
actions following the filtering
of trackside information as
per SRS 4.8
Not discussed due to lack of time
120 Rue Marc Lefrancq | BP 20392 | FR-59307 Valenciennes Cedex
Tel. +33 (0)327 09 65 00 | era.europa.eu
Minutes of meeting
EECT #29
5. SUBSET-129 review
Regarding the U action 28.26, see embedded file below:
Subset-129_v0 1
0_review sheet_ERA_240117_Uanswers v2_new WP Proposal_.docx
Post meeting note: Even though the topic was not discussed during the meeting, ERA accepts the
U new proposal for clause without the need to further discuss it.
6. AOB
120 Rue Marc Lefrancq | BP 20392 | FR-59307 Valenciennes Cedex
Tel. +33 (0)327 09 65 00 | era.europa.eu
Minutes of meeting
EECT #29
Attendance list
First Name
120 Rue Marc Lefrancq | BP 20392 | FR-59307 Valenciennes Cedex
Tel. +33 (0)327 09 65 00 | era.europa.eu