Wey-Rec - Weymouth Recreation

The full recreation, aquatic & sports experience!
 A Weymouth Recreation issued picture ID is required for
program check-in. See page 21.
 The Wey-Fun Program requires an age-appropriate Weymouth
Recreation t-shirt. See below.
 Wey-Fun is a rain or shine program.
 Full Day - remember to bring a lunch and plenty of beverages;
half-day snacks & beverages. Thursday’s we provide a
traditional cook-out, if desired.
 See page 22 for a full bus / shuttle schedule and fees.
Wey-Fun Programs require an age-appropriate Weymouth Recreation t-shirt.
Age (years): 4–6 gold; 6–8 stonewash green; 8-10 lime green & 10+ light blue
The t-shirt price, $7.00 each, is not added to the program cost to save frequent participants money.
Wey-Fun – New again!
The Wey-Fun program will be split into two
distinct age groups: 4 – 8 years old and 8+. These groups will be further divided
into two age groups 4-6 & 6-8 and 8-10 & 10+ for the better part of the day. This
change puts program participants into more appropriate age groups with age
appropriate activities, language and emotions.
The 4-6 year olds will not leave the Wessagusset School area. All other
participants may choose to venture out to O’Sullivan Playground or Wessagusset
Beach depending on the activities being offered.
Sample Day
8:00 – 9:00 a.m.- Participant arrival
9:00 – 9:15 a.m. - Group circles – day preview
9:15 – 11:45 a.m. - Choose a counselor – various activities
11:45a.m. – 1:15 p.m. - Lunch and siesta – Chill Zone
1:15 – 3:45 p.m. – Choose your site – participant led fun
3:45 – 4:00 p.m. – Group circles
4:00 – 5:30 p.m. – Extended Day (Wessagusset fun)
Note: We can not use the Wessagusset School grounds until the week of the 28th. The School
Department will determine the date we can gain access. Until that time the Wey-Fun Program will
use O’Sullivan Playground and Wessagusset Beach.
Sample Week
Ice Breakers
Goofy Olympics
Diamond Games
Sport of the Day
Karaoke / Dance
Meet and Greet
Camp Challenge
On-site Show
Wey-Fun Trivia
New Games
Beach Blanket Bingo
Field Day
Register carefully, there are no refunds. See page 20 for details.
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