stream gmi

A global clearing and
accounting system
for exchange-traded
derivatives, futures
and options
The nightly processing run is a critical element of a firm’s daily operations. However, it can
also present operations staff with numerous challenges.
For instance, it may be difficult to determine
whom to contact to resolve an error or to find out
where a particular process is run. Teams often rely
on informal communications such as handwritten
notes and word of mouth to share solutions, tips
and other information.
However, there is a way to manage the process
that can even help improve efficiency: SunGard’s
Intelligent Batch Utility.
A centralized resource for night processing runs, the
Intelligent Batch Utility combines the online Stream
GMI (formerly known as GMI) documentation with
each firm’s customized night run setups, allowing
operations staff to view both the batch step and
its corresponding definitions in the Stream GMI
documentation. In addition, because the utility’s
architecture is extensible, firms can also include
custom, non-Stream GMI processes for a complete
picture of the batch process.
An intuitive interface makes it easy to find
information such as the process owner, timing of
the process in the batch cycle, or the Stream GMI
instance in which it is run. Through this utility, staff
can access a summarized list of all of the processes
running at their firm, both SunGard and custom,
across multiple Stream GMI instances. The utility
also offers a high level overview of processing
setups to help operations staff analyze and evaluate
one of the most complex parts of daily operations.
Rather than relying on informal communications
that are difficult to track, the utility stores solutions
and suggestions in a database that operations staff
can associate with a specific process. In addition to
creating a history of activity, this helps keep staff
informed of issues that might affect the night run.
For example, staff could post:
• Daily reminders about holiday processing that
affects an environment
• Reasons for processing delays, such as the late
arrival of exchange margin files
• Changes to the night run – for example, a new
process has been added or a parameter changed
• Hardware/software considerations – perhaps a
new printer has been installed, patches applied,
or the operating system upgraded
The utility also provides additional technical
information about Stream GMI processes, such as
the main input/output files, and an export function
that lets users work with the utility data when
offline, which is particularly useful for providing
after-hours support.
• Provides a user-friendly, centralized portal for all
information related to a firm’s night processes
• Can help staff address night processing issues
more quickly
• Makes it easier to keep track of issues that might
affect the night run
• Creates a history of activity
• Helps improve communication among the
operations team
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