Well Done to our Award Winners this week Fun at Play Time!

Well Done to our Award Winners this week
Resilience Engagement Ambition Confidence Honesty
Kyra, Nakata, Bailey-Rae, Cody-J, Persian, Dylan, Malachy, Heather,
Kristine, Lance, Chloe, Lewis C, Shariah, Madison, Miah, Caitlin,
Rebecca, Georgia-Anna, Brianna, Katelyn and Alfie T.
Fun at Play Time!
I am pleased to tell you that the School Council is having a very positive impact on the
life of the academy. I asked them to help me improve playtimes and they consulted
their class-mates in deciding what activities and equipment they would like to be able
to choose from. A huge order of equipment arrived a few weeks ago and Mrs Thorne
and Miss Mead worked hard in making sure everything was checked and marked.
Now playtimes are much more fun!
Thank you to the School Council for helping make this great for everyone!
Here’s what a few of our pupils had to say about their new equipment.
Alfie: "The cup and ball is my favourite.
You’ve got to get the ball in the cup. I like it
because it’s good fun. Playtimes are more fun
now we’ve got the new toys.”
Coady "I think they’re really good because
they’re lots of fun to play with."
Pledge: I Can And I Will
Motto: Reaching out for Success In Everyone
Dates for your diary
20.05.15 - Parent Forum Meeting 3:30pm-4:30pm
21.05.15 - Parent Forum Meeting 9:00am-10:00am
21.05.15 - Values Day - Confidence
22.05.15 - INSET day academy closed to pupils
W.B 01.06.15 - Year 2 SATs
26.06.15 - HUB day, Academy closed to pupils
29.06.15 - INSET day academy closed to pupils
10.07.15 - INSET day academy closed to pupils
As you are aware our Year 6 pupils sat their tests this week, and we
are EXTREMELY proud! I know the children have done their very
best and I look forward to receiving their results at the end of the
After half term it’s the turn of Year 2 and we wish them well and the
very best of luck! Finally in the middle of June, Year 1 will sit their
phonics tests so please keep practicing those sounds!
If your child is late into the academy, they must be accompanied by an adult who must inform the
office their reason for being late. If your child does arrive into the academy unaccompanied and with
no reason I may have to report this to Childrens Services due to it to being a safeguarding concern.
New Parent Governor
On Wednesday evening at our Local Governing Body meeting, we were delighted to welcome Mrs.
Sharon Hart as our new parent governor. Mrs Hart has a child in our reception class and is looking
forward to supporting and challenging the academy in this role.
Road Safety
West Midlands Police have recently became aware of funding available for
community initiatives. A bid has been submitted which if successful will enable
the local Police Neighbourhood Team Officers to provide school inputs around
Road Safety in school. It would also enable them to address the issues around
parking and road safety with the children outside school. In order for WMP to
obtain the funding we need you to secure as many votes as possible. It would
be appreciated if you would follow the link:
https://communityfund.aviva.co.uk/voting/project/view/1791 and submit your votes.
Each person who registers via the link is allocated 10 votes.
Pledge: I Can And I Will
Motto: Reaching out for Success In Everyone