kingsmoor primary school

Kingsmoor Academy
We extend a warm welcome to our new staff. Please read the following information
carefully and make note of its content. We pride ourselves on clear communications
between us all so please make every effort to read emails, check pigeon holes and
make full use of staff room facilities.
Priorities for the year include –
The creative approach to teaching and learning
An emphasis on Maths with the continuation of improved staff knowledge
Continuing the drive to raise standards in Literacy and Numeracy
Ensuring quality teaching and support
Every child counts and personalised learning
Delivering creative/interactive INSET
Introduction of Read Write Inc phonics programme
This book will be referred to and used throughout the year. Please keep it safe and to
hand. Enjoy the year.
Teaching Staff
Mrs Pat Hunt
Mrs Caroline Martin
Mrs Anna Marler
Miss Dawn Mann
Miss Trish Morton
Mrs Sangita Naik
Mrs Cheryl Fisher
Miss Catherine Donovan
Mrs Angie Winder
Principal SMT
Vice Principal: SMT; Curriculum, data manager, inclusion, i/c KS2
Leadership team; KS1 lead & Year 2 Teacher, Leadership team
Early Years Lead Reception teacher: Leadership team, Forest School
Class teacher year 1: ICT
Class teacher year 3: Maths leadership team
Class teacher year 4
Class teacher year 5:
Class teacher year 6: Literacy; PE; SLT
Learning Support Assistants
Personalization team
Mrs Kim Watts – Reception
Miss Chris Findell - year 1
Mrs Kerry Michael year 2
Miss Marisa Garcia year 2
Mrs Pat French – year 3
Mrs Claire Thomson – year 4
Mrs Margaret Wilsher – year 5
Mrs Bobbie Agnoli - year 6
Mrs Justine Wickenden year 2
Mrs Amanda Pond year 3, 6
Individual Support Team
Mrs Linda Barnard – CB (31/08/15)
Miss Kerry Fitzgerald – CB (31/08/15)
Learning Base /Breakfast Club
Learning mentor Jo Gasson
LSA Mrs Dawn Chivers
NNEB Nurse
Midday Assistants
Mrs Debbie Bovington
Mrs Alison Tinsley
Mrs Margaret Wilsher
Miss Marisa Garcia
Mrs Joanne Saunders
Mrs Amanda Tomlin
Mrs Emma Gaskin
SENCO- Mrs Kristin Dockar
ICT Technician
Interim Ltd – Brett Dunmow
Office Staff
Mrs Lisa Smith
Mrs Lesley Cook
Academy Business Manager
Pupil Manager
Sarah Stapleton Chair (Community)
Ged Elliott Vice Chair (Parent)
Richard Watts Vice Chair (Community)
Jenny Versey Essex LA Governor
Kerry Fitzgerald Community Governor
Teaching Staff Governor
Caroline Martin Teaching Staff Governor
Tony Robinson Community Governor
Catering/Breakfast Club
Kitchen Manager
Mrs Josie Treacher
Cooking Assistants
Mrs Hilary Monrowe
Mrs Emma Gaskin
Mrs Jane Pryor
Cleaning Staff
L&L Cleaning
Mrs Linda Barnard
Mrs Jane Clancy
Mrs Hilary Monrowe
Site Manager
Mr Tony Taylor
Child Protection Officer
Academy Business
Vice Principal
Key stage 1 lead
Early Years Lead
Class Teachers
Class Teachers
Y1, 2
Bought in
Learning Mentor
Intervention team
Learning Support
Newly Qualified
The Teaching Organisation
For 2012-2013 the classes are organised as follows:
Teacher Name
Year Group
Class Name
Miss Dawn Mann
Miss Trish
Year 1
Mrs Anna Marler
Year 2
Miss Sangita Naik
Year 3
Miss Cheryl Fisher
Year 4
Miss Catherine Donovan
Year 5
Mrs Angie Winder
Year 6
Working Together Within Kingsmoor Academy
Each class teacher is responsible for planning and delivering work at an appropriate level
for every child in their class. Children may at times work with other teachers or learning
support assistants, either as individuals, in groups or as a class, in other parts of the
Learning support staff will be deployed from a central team according to children’s needs as
identified from pupil progress meetings.
Communication and Professionalism between all staff is imperative as we are role models
to the children in our academy.
Term Dates 2013-2014
For pupilsAutumn Term: Tuesday 3rd September- Friday 20th December 2013
Half term 28th October- 1st November
Spring Term:
Tuesday 7th January – Friday 4th April 2014
Half term 17th – 21st February
Summer Term: Tuesday 22nd April- Friday 18th July 2014
Half term 26th May- 30th May and May Bank Holiday, 5th May
Staff Training Days (Academy Closed)
2nd and 16th September 2013
6th January 2014
21st and 22nd July 2014
The Academy Day
Academy begins at 8.55 a.m. however pupils are welcome in school from 8.45a.m. and
ends at 3.10 p.m. Pupils are welcome to come into the class at 8.45a.m. The lunch break is
staggered according to year group, all year groups have 45 minutes. There is an afternoon
break of 10 minutes for KS1 and Reception children.
All teachers and support staff will be scheduled for a playground duty. Play time for
reception and KS1 is at 10.30 a.m. to 10.45 a.m. KS2 is from 10.45-11.00a.m. In addition,
teachers do a morning playground duty between 8.45 am and 8.55 a.m. If for some reason
you cannot do a duty (e.g. course, educational visit) it is your responsibility to organise a
substitute. If you are absent on the day of a duty please inform us when you telephone
your absence in.
Breakfast Club
Breakfast Club is for children and open between 8.00am and 8.45am, children are provided
with a healthy breakfast for a minimal charge, currently £1.
Absence & Attendance - Staff
Procedures for notification of absences and release time as follows:Teachers (including LSAs covering classes) should ring Principal in the first instance, by
7.00am at the latest on the first day of absence, so that cover can be arranged. If the
Principal cannot be contacted, then you should ring the Vice Principal.
LSAs (not covering classes), MDAs and Catering staff should ring the office between 8.15
am and 8.30 am.
Office staff should ring Principal by 8.00am.
Rules and regulations of absence
To help the office staff and to ensure that proper records are maintained in academy, these
guidelines must be followed by staff:
All sickness & training absences must be cleared with Principal first. A leave of absence
form should be completed and taken to the Principal and then entered by Office Staff in the
absence diary which is held in the office.
It is your responsibility to notify the Academy or the appropriate person with a PHONE
CALL not a text message on the first day of absence.
It is your responsibility to contact the academy again, by 2.00 pm on the first day of this
absence to notify of your return or continued absence.
You should keep academy informed daily if you continue to be absent unless you have
been signed off by your doctor.
The first day on returning to work, a return to work interview take place between the
Principal and member of staff. It is the member of staff’s responsibility to arrange the
interview with the Principal.
For both teaching and non-teaching a sickness absence self-certification form must be filled
in. Staff should meet with the Principal as soon as possible to complete a return to work
interview. Should you not complete the form, you will not be paid for the duration of
your absence.
For both teaching and non teaching staff, sickness absences of eight calendar days
continuous or more must be covered by a medical certificate from a doctor or a hospital.
You must arrange for the medical certificate to be sent into academy as soon as you
receive it.
If you produce a certificate from your doctor for a period longer than two weeks, or produce
more than one certificate consecutively, you must obtain a final certificate indicating that
you are fit to resume your duties, before you return to work.
Certification of sickness is important. Failure to comply with these rules on certification
could result in you losing your entitlement to sick pay and/or disciplinary action being taken
against you.
Staff should read the staff absence policy available on the school’s shared area.
Medical Appointments
All medical appointments should, if possible be arranged during your own time. Any
medical appointment must be authorised by the Principal and if the medical appointment is
either the morning or the afternoon it will be registered as sick.
It is your responsibility to photocopy your medical appointment card or letter and bring it to
the office. Absences will not be sanctioned without this.
Sick Dependents – Time off is at the Principal’s discretion and will be unpaid unless
specifically agreed by the Headteacher.
Domestic Issues – Time off is unpaid and at the Principals discretion.
Absence & Attendance – Children
Late Children (Arrival)
A child who arrives after registration should firstly report to the main office. They will be
marked into the late book.
Late Children (collection)
Any children being collected by an after academy club or any child left at the end of the
academy day must be brought to the office.
Early Children (unaccompanied)
Please contact the academy office to notify them if you see a child arrive early
unaccompanied by an adult and does not have a place within breakfast club. The parent
will receive a standard letter and if this is repeated a referral to the EWO will be made.
Children with appointments
Please ensure that all parents who inform the class teacher of their child’s appointments
are referred to the academy main office.
Class Registers
Class registers should be completed at the beginning of the morning and afternoon. In the
morning the register closes at 9.10a.m. if a child arrives after this time they should be sent
to the school office.Each register should be completed with pen. Staff on duty should
question parent and child about lateness.
Gaps should not be left for any child in the register.
Attendance Register
/ - If child is present when register is being taken. (Black pen)
O - If child is not present when register is being taken. (Red Pen)
Dinner Register – (Black Pen)
S - Sandwiches/Pack Lunch
√ - Paid academy dinners
F - Free academy diners
H - Home
A - Absent
If a child is not present at the time of taking the register please enter a red circle. If the
child then arrives before the register is sent to the office please enter L in the red circle and
put the time of arrival in the second margin. Do not leave a blank space in the register.
Daily sheets are to be completed for the children’s dinner choice.
If children bring money for dinners, trips etc, the name of the child, amount and what money
is for, are to be written in the blue book found in plastic wallet in dinner register by the class
teacher, envelopes to be opened in class and recorded in the same way. Money will be
collected from the classroom by the office.
Child Protection
As a caring organisation with direct responsibility for children, our first concern must be for
the children’s welfare in all its aspects and therefore there may be occasions when we have
to consult other agencies, particularly in relation to Child Protection/Abuse concerns. The
procedures we have to follow (are statutory and) have been laid down by Academy
Transformation Trust and the Essex Area Protection Committee. The school’s safeguarding
policy should be read and all staff should familiarize themselves with the procedures if a
child discloses information to you that you need to pass on. You will find this procedures on
the staff notice board and in both toilets. The Principal is the Designated Officer for child
protection. Mrs Marler is the deputy Designated Officer.
Behaviour of Children
At Kingsmoor we have a clear behaviour policy and code of conduct. The behaviour policy
is available on the school’s website.
We celebrate children’s achievements and positive behavior at every opportunity.
Achievement assemblies, praise postcards and treat afternoons celebrate their successes.
“It’s good to be green” is our motto which the children strive towards.
Children are set homework and we expect it to be completed. The homework policy is
available on the school’s website
We hope and expect that all parents will help their children’s progress by reading regularly
at home with them and by encouraging them to complete their homework regularly.
Home/Academy Agreement
All parents and children are requested to sign and return an agreement so that we can all
work together in partnership for the children’s best interests.
Parent/teacher Consultations
During parent/teacher consultations, teachers advise parents how best to help their children
at home, so that home and academy can work together to enhance the children's learning.
Parent/teacher meetings take place in the Autumn Term to talk about children’s learning
targets and in the Spring Term to discuss children’s mid-term reports and in the Summer
Term. We send annual reports home in the Summer Term along with Foundation Stage
subject details to inform parents about standards attained in the national (SATs) tests and
in the end of year assessments made by teachers in other year groups.
The academy aims to provide a broad and balanced curriculum incorporating the
requirements of the National Curriculum, which develops the work of individual children
according to their age and ability. The policy is available in the staff shared area.
At Kingsmoor Academy we believe that the starting point of good education for all pupils is
a well-differentiated curriculum plan implemented by class teachers in the normal
classroom setting. This plan will meet the needs of the majority of pupils with no additional
support needed and will contain the following 3 principles:
Setting suitable learning challenges
Responding to pupils' diverse learning needs
Overcoming potential barriers to learning and assessment for individuals and groups
of pupils.
To support the differentiated curriculum and meet personalised needs of children there is a
termly pupil progress meeting. The class teacher, the Principal and a member of
leadership team will meet to review latest assessment data and pupil progress. These
meetings will identify potential barriers to learning for particular pupils and strategies for
overcoming these barriers. From this a plan will form the support that will be most
appropriate to enable children in each class to access the curriculum and make progress.
Religious Education
The County has an agreed syllabus "Religious Education in Essex" on which the academy's
policy is based. Assemblies are led by the Principal or another member of staff and often
involve the active participation of the children. We aim to develop sensitivity and openness
towards religious ideas, beliefs and ways of life.
Parents who wish their children to be withdrawn from R.E. and assembly should consult the
Headteacher and alternative arrangements will be made.
Sex Education
At Foundation Stage, at Key Stage 1 and in lower Key Stage 2, sex education is taught
through children's questions as and when they occur. Most of the work stems from
children's observations of their families, pets and nature.
In upper Key Stage 2, in Year 5 children are taught about puberty and in Year 6 children
are taught about relationships within the context of stable and loving family relationships.
The academy nurse works closely with teachers and parents on these programmes of
Parents who wish their children to be withdrawn from Sex Education should consult the
Headteacher and alternative arrangements will be made.
Extended Academy Activities
We have various clubs that are held regularly after academy. Parents should collect their
child from after academy activities at 4.00 p.m.
During lunch time there are various clubs, these may change from term to term depending
on availability of funds and staff.
Breakfast Club begins at 8.00am and children are provided with a healthy breakfast for a
minimal charge, currently £1.
Children With Special Educational Needs
At Kingsmoor Academy we aim to identify children with physical, learning, emotional or
behavioural difficulties.
If a member of staff has concerns regarding a pupil who is not making the progress
expected a cause for concern form should be completed and given to the school’s Inclusion
Children with special educational needs have their needs assessed and are then given an
appropriate individual education plan. This may be taught by the class teacher or a
member of the intervention team who work with individual children or small groups. The
class teacher, special needs co-ordinator and the governors monitor provision. A report is
made termly to the Governing Body and annually to parents.
Staff aims are to work closely with parents, and where appropriate, with outside agencies,
to assist the children’s progress and achieve success
Children with Disabilities
The academy is committed to inclusion and we are happy to enrol children with disabilities
if, following consultation with the LEA and medical opinion, we can provide a good
education, necessary access and a safe environment for individual children.
The academy has an access plan to help with the inclusion of children with disabilities. The
building is on two levels and a lift and disabled toilet have been installed as part of the
remodelling process. The ground floor level has one entrance at the front with access for
Where admitted, children with disabilities are given the facilities needed and are
encouraged to reach their full potential. Support may be provided via special equipment
and/or additional help in class. All children are encouraged to take part in as much of the
National Curriculum as their disability allows.
More Able, Talented and Gifted Children
The needs of all children must be provided for, and our more able children are offered
differentiated work that will challenge them. Where they are known, children with special
talents have these recognised and celebrated, and we are always pleased to be told about
children’s special talents and interests.
Pastoral Care and Discipline
The academy is a community in which behaviour is based on praise, mutual respect, care
and consideration for others. The class teacher and learning support assistant who know
each child well are responsible for the care of the children in their class. Particular problems
are referred to the Principal or Vice Principal, in consultation with the class teacher.
Kingsmoor Academy has developed the Kingsmoor Code which is based on the behaviours
we expect at Kingsmoor. A consistent approach to lack of respect, dishonesty and
misbehaving keeps problems to a minimum.
The values, standards and attitudes of the academy community are made clear to the
children by example and discussion so that they are absorbed by them. Responsibilities
governing behaviour within the academy, the playground and on the games field are all
based on care and consideration for people and their property. In the rare case that a child
displays persistent anti-social behaviour, consultation is arranged between the teacher and
parents so that an attempt can be made to correct the matter. Consultations may also be
arranged between the parents, SENCo and Headteacher in order to find solutions to
Fixed term exclusion may be imposed in rare cases of persistent and serious indiscipline
Playtime Snacks/Drinks
As we are a healthy academy, children who want a snack to eat at playtime can bring fresh
fruit or vegetables or cheese, crisps are not allowed at playtime but can be brought in for
packed lunch. Alternatively a healthy snack canteen is run by Year 6 children at morning
play where fruit or bread and butter can be bought very cheaply, by children in KS2.
Fresh fruit is now being offered free to Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 children through
the government funded scheme. Milk is also provided through a government scheme for
children up to their 5th birthday.
Additionally, Foundation Stage children have snack time once a week as part of their
curriculum. Contributions of 50p towards the cost of this are welcomed from parents.
Chocolate bars should not be brought as they do not fit with our healthy eating programme.
Although all children have access to water fountains in academy we have found that the
children do not drink enough. All children therefore can bring a plastic bottle of water, with
their name clearly on it, to drink in the classroom. Please note that only water can be drunk
in the classrooms as fruit juices can be very sticky if spilt.
Sporting Achievements
PE is an important part of the curriculum and all children take part in activities, team games
and sports which increase their individual skill and agility level and teach them to play
competitively but co-operatively.
A partnership with Stewards out local secondary academy brings a number of benefits.
Stewards’ staff work with Key Stage 2 children to improve their P.E. and sport skills. Every
year we take at least one year group from KS2 to swimming this takes place at Stewards
swimming pool.
A Sports Day is held at the our academy enthusiastically and successfully each year to
which parents are invited.
We also participate in local primary sporting events throughout the year such as Harlow
Academys’ District Sports Day, Swimming Galas, Hockey, Football, Netball etc.
For the past two years we have been awarded the Active Academys Mark in recognition of
our commitment to sports activities and PE.
Parent-Teacher Association: Friends Of Kingsmoor Academy
The Friends of Kingsmoor Academy arrange social functions and fundraising activities for
the benefit of the academy. Their contribution to the work of the academy is very valuable.
All parents and teachers of children in the academy are automatically members of the
association and are warmly invited to come along to help organise events or to support its
Children should not wear jewellery in academy except for earrings for 6 weeks following
newly pierced ears, these should have tape on them during P.E. and only small studs will
be allowed.
If they do then it is at parent’s own risk and the academy will not take responsibility for
injury or loss.
Academy uniform
Children must wear our uniform because we have found that it increases children’s sense
of ‘belonging’ to the academy.
The academy colours are royal blue tops, with white shirts and black or grey trousers/skirts.
Shoes should be flat, and practical for the playground outside.
The academy does keep a stock of royal blue Kingsmoor sweatshirts and knitwear for sale,
with the Kingsmoor logo, which we encourage children to wear.
For P.E. a white t-shirt and royal blue shorts.
Dress Code for staff
“You never get a second chance to make a first impression”
The dress code is to help you manage the impression you give to parents/carers, children
and the public when you meet them on the academy site.
All employees are to be smartly dressed, presenting a positive and professional image of
Kingsmoor Academy at all times. Staff will be expected to dress modestly and
Employees must not wear –
Low cut tops and tops that reveal midriff and/or have slogans on them
Blue denim jeans and/or fashion tracksuits or shorts (unless P.E. lesson)
Stilettos and scruffy trainers
Clothes should not be distressed or ripped.
Although not strictly dress code, you should never wear personal stereos. Mobile phones
must be switched off during working hours. Emergency contact can be made via the school
Grievances And Complaints
There is a procedure to follow if you have a grievance or complaint. Before embarking on
this it is your responsibility to try to resolve the situation in the first instance. There is a
moans and groans box in the staff room or you can speak to the Principal or Vice Principal.
Community Links
The Community Police Officers liaise with the academy both directly and through local
groups such as Team around the Academy.
We liaise with Mark Hall and Stewards Academy for Sports teaching and with Stewards
Academy for Science teaching and MFL.
The Academy is a member of the Harlow Excellence Cluster and of the Harlow Education
Consortium and takes part in activities organised by these groups.
We have links with a local faith group who lead assemblies 2 – 3 times per year.
The Academy is surrounded by a large fence which has made a remarkable difference to
academy security. There is a secure entry system at reception.
All visitors to the academy including parents must report to reception where visitors’ badges
are issued.
Cleaning And Caretaking
The cleaners and site services are not employed by us. If you have a complaint or problem
about buildings it should be brought to the attention of Mr. Taylor. Persistent problems
should be referred to the Leadership team. At the end of the academy day the children
should check the floor for equipment and make sure all the tables are clear.
Information In Emergencies
We make every effort to maintain a full educational service, but on some occasions,
circumstances arise which lead to disruption. Academy’s may be affected by, for example,
severe weather, and temporary interruption of transport, power failures or difficulties of fuel
supply. In such cases we shall do all we can to let you know about the details of closure or
re-opening. We shall keep you in touch by using letters, announcements through 101.7 fm
radio and Kingsmoor Primary web site.
Health And Safety
It is essential that you are familiar with the academy’s Health and Safety Policy. You are
required to read it and you have a responsibility to implement it. If you have any health and
safety concerns raise them with the Health and Safety Co-ordinators – Lisa Smith or the
Climbing Frames and structures
Staff MUST remind children about safe play on the wooden climbing structures throughout
the year. KS1 are only allowed in this area during first break and last break with adult
Internal/external stairs
The internal/external stairs are not play areas and children should be reminded of this. All
staff must ensure that children walk on the left-hand side of the stairs at all times. If a child
does run they should always be sent back to walk.
Children must in the first instance be seen by the class teacher and only sent to the
academy office, where there is a dedicated first aider, (same procedure to be followed if a
child is sick). Each class teacher maintains a basic first aid kit in their classroom so that
minor injuries can be dealt with in the classroom wherever possible. If your first aid box
needs to be replenished contact the office. All first aiders names are displayed in the
staffroom. Gloves need to be used when dealing with bodily fluids. Accident report forms
should be completed for serious injuries and assaults (these can be located at the office),
Headteacher should also be informed. Head injuries including bumps should be notified to
a member of SMT and a telephone call home to parents should be made along with the
required explanatory note.
In cases of short term illnesses, where a child is well enough to be in academy, parents
must fill in a academy medical consent form with written instructions for the medicine to be
self administrated in the presence of a trained first aider. Medicines to be kept in the
medical room, if they require a fridge use the one in the staff room.
Allergies and Care Plans
Please be aware of procedures for children with allergies and follow their care plan closely.
All children with allergies or medical conditions are displayed by photo in classes, staffroom
and kitchen. Inhalers need to be taken on academy trips.
Head lice
If you become aware of a case of head lice in your class then inform the administrative staff
in the academy office. They will provide you with a standard letter for all children in that
class to check their children’s hair. The letters must be sent home that day. If further
concerns arise please inform the SMT who will then arrange to see the parent.
Incident/Accident/Disease reporting
These should be reported using the Essex County Council accident forms as soon as the
issue has arisen. Major and minor injuries should be reported as follows:
A major injury includes fractures, dislocations, loss of sight (temp & perm) chemical
burns, electric shocks, hypothermia, admission to hospital for 24hrs+, loss of
consciousness, acute illness requiring medical treatment, death
Minor injuries include deep/heavy cuts and head bumps
Reporting Assaults.
If, in the unlikely event, you are assaulted you must report this to the Principal and fill in the
Essex County Council assault form. An assault can be any of the following: Physical contact,
 Serious persistent threats or verbal abuse
 Racial or sexual harassment
 Theft of personal or council property
Remember that incidents involving acts of violence may well need to be reported to the
police! A “major” injury following an assault must be reported using guidance.
Risk Assessments.
If you feel an activity is considered to be of risk, please talk to the Vice Principal and
complete a risk assessment form. Generic risk assessments are available for many
academy activities, please ask for file. All activities going out of academy need a risk
Fire Drills and Emergency Evacuations
Fire drills are held once every half-term. You will be notified of the first one in the autumn
term so that children can be reminded about what to do and not to do! Consult the policy
file for full details of procedures and the procedure on the wall in each room. In the unlikely
event of a bomb threat an SMT member will inform the class teacher directly and the class
will evacuate to nearest evacuation point.
Teachers are advised to carry any valuables with them at all times unless left in a lockable
cupboard, especially mobile phones. Academy equipments such as digital cameras, DS’s,
laptops etc should be returned and locked up after use. All academy laptops to be returned
to ICT suite by 5.30 p.m. so site manager can enforce security. Staff laptops must be taken
home over night for insurance purposes. If for any reason a staff member needs to leave
their laptop in academy, they must inform the office so this can be registered and locked
way. Any laptops stolen from cars are NOT insured under the academy policy so these
would have to be replaced by the staff member responsible.
Strangers should be asked if they need help, be polite and do not leave unchallenged. They
should be directed to the Academy Office
Electrical equipment
Electrical equipment from home must not be used unless PAT tested.
These are not provided by the academy. There is a tea club which anyone is welcome to
join please see the office. Please play your part in loading and unloading the dishwasher
and keeping the staff room tidy. Hot drinks and glasses should not be carried around the
academy or taken into the classroom for reasons of health and safety.
Information on pupils, parents and guardians is stored on a computer system and may be
used for teaching, registration, assessment and other administrative duties. The information
is protected by the Data Protection Act 1998 and may only be disclosed in accordance with
the Codes of Practice. For further information, please contact the academy.
The Site Manager unlocks the building at 7.30 a.m. and locks up by 6.00pm Monday –
Thursday; 5.30pm Fridays.
Doors open at
Review of
What’s in
the news
2.00 -3.10
Principal’s Spelling
Review of
What’s in
the news