
SiS Technical Training
Development Track
Technical Training(s)
Day 1 – Day 2
Introduction to Application Designer
Introduction to Basic Objects
Basic Objects Practice (Instructor Led)
Introduction to Component, Menu and Portal
Types of Records
Dynamic Views and Prompts
Register Application
Introduction to PIA
Introduction to Application Designer
 PeopleSoft Application Designer enables application developers to create
PeopleSoft pages that can be opened from a browser and are available over the
 PeopleSoft Application Designer is the core development tool used to build and
modify PeopleSoft applications.
PeopleSoft Application Designer enables you to build a variety of definitions(basic
blocks), including:
• Fields
• Records (Tables)
• Pages
• Components
• Menus
• PeopleCode
Introduction to Basic Objects
The basic objects for Peoplesoft which also serves as the building blocks are:
Records (Tables)
Lets explore each of these basic objects and their relation in between them.
Fields are the basic building blocks in PeopleSoft system; in database terms, they
represent columns in a table or view.
Field definitions are stand-alone development definitions, defined in PeopleSoft
Application Designer, and can be shared across multiple record definitions.
Each field definition includes attributes, such as data type, field name, long name,
short name, field length, and various formatting values.
Fields are used in Records/Tables.
Let us practice creating a new field.
Fields Continued
Fields Continued
Fields that are grouped together as a unit are record definitions.
 Record Types:
SQL Table: To define a record definition that has a corresponding physical SQL table in the database.
SQL View: To define a record definition that corresponds to a SQL view, which is not a physical SQL
table in the database but fields from one or more SQL tables that are reorganized into a different
Dynamic View: To define a record definition that can be used like a view in pages and PeopleCode,
but is not actually stored as a SQL view in the database. Instead, the system uses the view text as a
base for the SQL Select that is performed at runtime.
Derived/Work: To define the record definition as a temporary workspace to use during online page
processing. It is not stored in the database, so you do not build it.
SubRecord: To define the record definition as a subrecord: a group of fields that is commonly used
in multiple record definitions and that you can add to other record definitions.
Query View: To define the record definition as a view that is constructed using the PeopleSoft
Query tool.
Temporary Table: To define the record definition as a temporary table. You can specify temporary
images of the table on the PeopleTools Options page. Use temporary tables for running PeopleSoft
Application Engine batch processes. Temporary tables can store specific data to update without
risking the main application table.
You cannot add PeopleCode to a field until you save the record definition.
Let us practice creating a new record.
Records Continued
Records Continued
Records Continued
Records Continued
 Pages are the graphical interface between your users and your application database.
 Creating Page Definitions
 Add page controls
 Set page field properties for controls
 Create display control and related fields
Level-Based Controls are:
• Grids
• Scroll areas
• Scroll bars
Four Levels:
• Level 0: This level directly corresponds to the high-level key information of the
underlying record. Level 0 fields are usually physically located at the top of the page, set
to be display-only, and display the data that the user entered on the initial search page.
• Levels 1−3: These levels correspond to lower level key information that is subordinate
to the Level 0 key values. Level 1 is subordinate to Level 0; Level 2 is subordinate to and
nested within Level 1; and Level 3 is subordinate to and nested within Level 2.
Let us practice creating a new page.
Pages Continued
Pages Continued
Pages Continued
Pages Continued
Pages Continued
Design a Page
A component represents a complete business transaction. It comprises either a
single page or a set of pages that is meant to be processed as one page. After you
create pages, you add them to one or more components to access them through
menus or in business processes.
Make a new component and then insert the created page into newly made
component by drag and drop.
PeopleSoft Application Designer includes a validate utility to verify the integrity of
Let us create a new component and add the page definitions into it.
Components Continued
Components Continued
Menus Continued
Menus Continued
Permission List
Create a new Permission List.
Navigation: Main Menu> PeopleTools> Security> Permissions & Roles> Permission
Create a new Folder.
Navigation: Main Menu> PeopleTools> Portal> Structure and Content
Click on Add Folder link.
Register the Component
After you create pages and assign them to a component, you must register that
component to display the transaction page in the browser. You can use the
Registration Wizard to do this. The wizard gathers information, attaches the
component to a menu, assigns a permission list to allow security access rights, and
places a content reference entry in the portal registry, which displays the
component to the user on the navigation menu.
Please create Menu definition, Permission List and Folder for registering the
Note. Before running the Registration Wizard, the menu definition, permission list,
and folder must exist. The wizard does not create these definitions.
Let us practice the registration of component.
Register the Component Continued
Register the Component Continued
Register the Component Continued
Register the Component Continued
Register the Component Continued
Register the Component Continued
Overall Structure
Introduction to PIA
• PeopleSoft application runs within the PeopleSoft Internet Architecture (PIA).
• The browser sends requests to the web server, which transmits the request to the
application server, which generates the SQL to run on the database.
• The basic elements of the PeopleSoft architecture and their physical relationship:
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