Communications and Change Management Strategy

External Relations
Advancement Software Implementation
Communications and Change
Management Strategy
Advancement Software Implementation Communications and Change Management Strategy
Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION ....................................................................... 3
Project Background ....................................................................................3
Purpose of this Document ...........................................................................3
OBJECTIVES ............................................................................. 4
Critical Success Factors ...............................................................................4
KEY MESSAGES ......................................................................... 5
No customizations (because none are needed).............................................5
We have the capability to complete this project on spec and on budget.........5
The project is an active partnership among all stakeholders ..........................5
Go-live is only the beginning… ....................................................................5
STAKEHOLDERS........................................................................ 6
METHODS ................................................................................. 7
COMMUNICATIONS MATRIX .................................................... 8
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Advancement Software Implementation Communications and Change Management Strategy
Project Background
The University of Alberta is undertaking an advancement software implementation project to put
in place a new software solution, SunGard BSR’s Advance application suite, for tracking alumni
and donors, gifts and pledges, and related activities. A comprehensive Communications and
Change Management Strategy is seen as crucial for the success of the project.
Purpose of this Document
The purpose of this Communications and Change Management Strategy is to:
Identify overall objectives and critical success factors
Identify project stakeholders and stakeholder groups
Identify key messages
Outline specific communications vehicles, procedures and schedules, overall and for
each stakeholder group
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Advancement Software Implementation Communications and Change Management Strategy
The main objectives of this Communications and Change Management Strategy are to:
Ensure stakeholder participation and sense of ownership in the project
Ensure stakeholders and the project team effectively relay information to one another
Ensure appropriate project awareness in the larger campus community
Contribute to the overall success of the project
Critical Success Factors
Critical success factors for this Communications Strategy:
Critical Success Factor
Timely, targeted communications with
Proper tools and/or technical infrastructure
for maintaining monitored communications
Plan to Achieve
Identification of stakeholders and
stakeholder groups
Appropriate channels of
A coordinated structure for e-mail,
listservs, and the project website
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Advancement Software Implementation Communications and Change Management Strategy
Key Messages
All communications strategies will be guided by the following key messages, to be reinforced both
explicitly and implicitly by our communications vehicles and tactics. The priority and specific
presentation of each message will be tailored to the various stakeholders groups, and are
discussed in greater detail later in this document.
No customizations (because none are needed)
Official line: This software implementation project is building off the lessons learned by the
University of Alberta as a whole, and is leveraging that expertise to bring online not only best-ofbreed software but associated best-of-breed practices both in implementation and ongoing
production. A lengthy and exhaustive selection process was completed, with support from the
highest levels, in order to bring this project to its current stage. The software being implemented
will be put into production as delivered with no customizations.
Bottom line: We’ve done our homework, we picked well, we are committed to avoiding
We have the capability to complete this project on spec and on budget
Official line: Anchored by a project team with diverse and extensive experience in project
management, software implementation, communications, and university advancement, we have
the personnel and resources necessary to complete this project to specification and on budget.
Bottom line: This project is in very good hands.
The project is an active partnership among all stakeholders
Official line: In order for this project to succeed, all stakeholders must feel a sense of ownership
and be able to share information on business requirements, issues and questions regarding the
new software. And in order to maximize our success, we need to know – to actively solicit – such
information from all quarters. Again building on lessons learned in the larger University of Alberta
context, every effort will be made to solicit views and concerns from all users and stakeholders,
and to ensure that all users are kept well-apprised of the progress of the project.
Bottom line: Working with you, we can deliver what you need.
Go-live is only the beginning…
Official line: When the new software implementation is completed and our new system is officially
launched, the work will only be starting. Expansion and refinement of the initial set of reporting
tools, and the incorporation of shadow databases and new business processes, will begin in
earnest once the base systems are in place and stable. Go-live for Release 2 will replace our
existing system with a strong foundation for future functionality; Release 3 will deliver new
functionality, such as event planning, document imaging and online capabilities.
Bottom line: Please don’t expect miracles!
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Advancement Software Implementation Communications and Change Management Strategy
“Stakeholders” for this project are broadly defined as users of the system, business process
owners, and recipients of information from the system.
Stakeholder Group
Project Sponsors
As identified in the Project Charter
Project Steering
Committee / Project
As identified in the Project Charter
Project Team
As identified in the Project Charter
Primary Contacts
The “Primary Contacts” group consists of one
person for each faculty, unit and/or sub-unit with
current and future system users
Current and Future
All current and future users of Viking (the existing
advancement software system) and REG (the
existing prospect management system)
Advancement Services
All staff in Advancement Services, whether they
use the software or not
Development Office
All central Development Office staff, as well as
Alumni Affairs
All central Alumni Office staff and all FAOs, as
well as the Alumni Council / Alumni Association
and other Alumni groups
Communications and
Public Affairs, Government Relations, and
Creative Services, as well as the Office of the
AVP Communications and Marketing
Office of the VP
External Relations
Staff in the VP’s office
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Advancement Software Implementation Communications and Change Management Strategy
This communications strategy incorporates numerous different methods, each targeting a specific
channel. In certain cases, such as e-mail listservs, these vehicles may be further subdivided in
order to best target specific stakeholder groups.
Project Charter
The ‘governing’ document for the project.
Additional documentation as required by the Project Charter, such
as this Communications and Change Management Strategy.
Project Website
A website hosted within the Advancement Services website, acting
as the primary source of project information. This area will include
an FAQ section in order to disseminate issues that arise out of
communications from the Project E-mail Address.
Project E-mail Address
A single address, monitored by designated individuals, to act as a
“central clearing house” of inbound communications.
Distribution Lists
Multiple lists with membership set to correspond to various
stakeholder groups.
Presentations, Training
This should include informal and/or casual versions of these
One-on-One Meetings
Manuals and Software
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Advancement Software Implementation Communications and Change Management Strategy
Communications Matrix
The following is an overview of which vehicles and channels will apply for each stakeholder
group. However the individual plans listed in the next section should be consulted for details.
Light grey boxes denote passive or optional methods, dark grey denote active or required.
Office of the VP External Relations
Communications and Marketing
Alumni Affairs
Development Office
Advancement Services
Current and Future Users
Primary Contacts
Project Team
Project Steering Committee / Advisors
Stakeholder Group
Project Sponsors
Project Charter
Supporting Documentation
Project Website
Project E-mail Address
Distributions Lists
Workshops, Presentations, Training
One-on-One Meetings
Individual Correspondence
Manuals and Software Documentation
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