
Welcome to my class
my dear students.
Teacher’s Identity
Lesson’s Identity
English 2nd Paper
Shohel Miah
Rajai High School.
This is my an orange.
Afnan is a student.He goes to the school regularly.
today’s lesson ?
Our today’s Lesson is-
Omission of Article
Unit-11, Lesson-1
Learning outcomes
At the end of the lesson, we will be able to --- apply the omission of article
 why article is omitted
 the use of cross
Lions are wild animals.
Which lions?
All lions in general.
Article is omitted before
something plural in general.
He bought a car.
He bought my car.
Article is omitted when possessive
pronouns are used before nouns.
This is Mr. Kabir.
Article is
No article is used before a proper noun.
Proper nouns are the words which name
specific people, organizations or places.
Let’s solve the problems
_________ birds fly in the sky.
_________ birds of Sundarban look very nice.
Rahim is a good boy. _____ boy goes to school
_____Mr. Rahman is a teacher. I like______ him
very much. He likes to ride _____cars but he
only rides _____ car of my father.
Article is
Cambrian College is the first digital
educational institution in Bangladesh.
I like to play
When lunch is ready,
please call me.
Also an article is not used before the names
of meal (breakfast, lunch, dinner… etc.) and
the names of games/sports ( cricket,
basketball, tennis … etc.)
Let’s practice
We are the students of _______ Dhaka Zilla
school. We live in ______ hostel of our school. We
take our_______ lunch at 1:30pm. When it is 5pm
we play _____ cricket in the school play ground.
We also play _______ basketball, table tennis on
Friday. At 9pm we take our_______ dinner.
Also an article is not used
before the names of countries,
cities, continents, parks.
Lake park
Article omitted
I went to England to enjoy the England tour.
A country
Not a country
Use article where necessary. Put a cross
(×) where an article is not needed.
_____ Bangladesh is a country of
______Asia. ______Dhaka is the capital
of Bangladesh. Many people come here
to enjoy______ Dhaka fair every year.
They also enjoy the airport, the museum
and the shopping malls. ______ Lake
park is another enjoyable sight to them.
Sher-e- Bangla means
the tiger of Bengal.
Abul Kashem Fazlul
Haque was titled as
____ Sher-e-Bangla AK
Fazlul Haque.
Sher-e-Bangla AK Fazlul Haque
Also an article is not used before titles
when the person’s name is mentioned.
Talib goes to school.
No article is mentioned here.
Because he is a student; it is
his regular duty.
Also an article is not used before the names of
school, hospital, prison, bed, home when we
refer to the purpose as regular duty.
Why is article used here?
Talib’s mother went to the
school to collect his report.
Because, she is not a student; it
is not her regular duty. She is a
visitor .
So, article (the) is allowed here.
Which articles of the following should be
omitted? Write in pairs.
My father, the Mr. Akib is an officer. He
goes to the office regularly. I am a student .
I study in the Cambrian School. I go to the
school regularly like my a father’s going to
his an office.
Home Work
Fill in the gaps with articles. Put a cross (×) where
an article is not needed.
To make (a) _____ journey by boat we hired a big
(b) _____ boat, (c) _____ boatman and (d) _____
oarsmen were very nice. We had our (e) _____
breakfast early in the morning, I took (f) _____
egg with the breakfast.(g) _____ sky was clear and
the weather was fine.
If you respect others,
you will be respected.