Money Follows the Person

Montana Community Choice Partnership
Money Follows the Person (MFP) Demonstration Grant
MFP Background:
 Helps states rebalance their long-term care systems by increasing the use of home and
community based services (HCBS) and reducing the use of institutionally based services.
 Provides tools for states to address gaps in availability of housing and community services
to individuals with disabilities.
 Authorized by the Deficit Reduction Act in 2005.
 Extended by the Affordable Care Act (2012-2016 or 2020).
MFP Vision:
Montana will create a sustainable system that supports community options as a first choice for
individuals needing long term care services.
MFP Goals:
 Increase the use of home and community based services and reduce the use of
institutionally based services.
 Strengthen the ability of Medicaid programs to provide HCBS to people who transition out of
 Develop community infrastructure that supports and promotes community placement.
 Put procedures in place to provide quality assurance and improvement of HCBS.
Advantages to Participating States:
 Enhanced Federal Medical Assistance Percentage (FMAP) for HCBS (66-83%).
 Opportunity to develop and use services not included in existing HCBS programs.
 Full reimbursement for administrative costs (e.g. personnel, outreach, marketing, and
 National technical assistance.
Participant Eligibility:
 Reside a minimum of 90 consecutive days in an institution (excluding rehabilitation days).
o Transition work can begin in advance of the 90th day.
 Be Medicaid eligible for at least one day prior to transition.
o Transition work can begin in advance of Medicaid eligibility.
 Enroll in a partner HCBS waiver or State Plan HCBS program.
 Housing must meet MFP qualifications.
Target Populations:
 Persons in Montana Developmental Center (MDC).
 Persons with Severe Disabling Mental Illness (SDMI) in nursing homes.
 Persons with physical disabilities and elders in nursing homes.
 18-21 or over 65 years old in the Montana State Hospital or Montana Mental Health Nursing
Care Center.
 Youth in Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facilities (PRTF) transitioning to the community.
Benefits to Participants:
• Significant planning time focused on finding appropriate housing and other transition work.
• Waiver or State Plan program benefits form services baseline.
• MFP demonstration services provide extra support to keep consumers in the community.
• 365 days MFP participation.
This document was developed under grant CFDA 93.791 from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. However, these contents do not necessarily represent the policy of the
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government.