JCCC Judo Kai Wins Inaugural Hatashita Ontario Team

JCCC Judo Kai Wins Inaugural Hatashita Ontario Team Championships
On Wednesday, March 6th, the JCCC hosted the inaugural Hatashita Ontario Team Championship in
Kobayashi Hall. This was a 5 person (3 men, 2 women) judo team tournament with four teams from the
GTA; Ajax Budokan Judo Club (Ajax), JCCC Judo Kai (Toronto), Kawasaki Rendokan Judo (Hamilton)
and Taifu Judo Club (Concord). This was a new event in Ontario where club teams squared off in an
intimate venue with a noisy crowd. Many of the participants were reigning or former national champions
as well as international competitors. The audience was treated to many thrilling matches by high calibre
judoka in a highly charged atmosphere. In the exciting final the JCCC Judo Kai defeated Kawasaki
Rendokan Judo 4-1, which culminated in a spectacular ura-nage by Takaki Nigami in the final match of
the event. The winning team was comprised of Youssef Youssef (-66kg men), Diana Nasol (-57kg
women), Mohab el Nahas (-81kg men), Priscilla Campos (+57kg women), Takaki Nigami (+81kg men),
alternates Yassin Youssef and Shady el Nahas and Coach Robert Varga. Every participating club was
allowed to invite one athlete from another club to be on their team. JCCC Judo-Kai chose Priscilla
Campos (2010 U17 National Champion) who is a member of the Almaguin Highlands Judo Club in South
River Ontario (between Huntsville and North Bay. Priscilla is a student at U of T.
Round 1
JCCC Judo Kai defeated Taifu Judo Club 3-2
Kawasaki Rendokan Judo defeated Ajax Budokan Judo Club 3-2
Bronze Medal Match
Ajax Budokan Judo Club defeated Taifu Judo Club 4-1
Gold Medal Match
JCCC Judo Kai defeated Kawasaki Rendokan Judo 4-1
JCCC Judo Kai winning team: (l-r) Takaki Nigami, Mohab el Nahas, Youssef Youssef, Priscilla Campos,
Diana Nasol, Robert Varga (coach).