Goalball - Youth Sport Trust

Attacking activities
Court skills
10-cone bowling
Defensive activities
Goalkeeper challenge
Now you’ve attended the Goalball School Leader
Award and used the materials in this pack to help you
set up the club it’s time to get started! These cards
contain lots of fun ideas and activities for different
sessions in your club and hints and tips on how to
improve your technique.
This icon is shown where the activity is
included on the DVD.
Mat-based warm-up
The mat-based warm-up provides players
with a fixed point of orientation while in the
process of warming up.
Exercises can include:
• running on the spot
• star jumps
• lunges
• shadow throws
• legs and arm stretches.
Ball warm-up
• Pass the goalball around the waist (change direction frequently)
• Pass the goalball around one leg, then the other leg.
• Pass the ball in a continuous fluid movement round one leg, then
the other, in a figure of eight.
• Pass the goalball in a circular movement from ceiling to floor.
• Sit on the floor and twist to the left, placing the goalball behind the
back. Then twist to the right and pick the goalball up.
Change it
• Use different shape and weighted balls.
• Race against the clock or team-mates.
• Wear eyeshades.
Top tip
• Be creative with your exercises each week.
Crash, bang, wallop
How to play
• An equal number of players line up at each goalpost.
On the call of “Go” the first player at each goalpost
throws their ball across court aiming to hit the other balls.
• When a player has thrown they return to the back of
their line. Young leaders assist with this.
Change it
• Groups opposite each other are in teams - first to three
hits wins.
• Players throw their ball straight down the line aiming to
hit the ball travelling the opposite way.
Attacking activities
Speedball challenge
How to play
• Players line up 9m from a wall with a goalball each. A tactile
line is marked 3m in front of them to indicate the front line and
another a further 3m to indicate the highball line.
• On the call of “Go” one player from each team throws a ball
from the start cone against the wall as fast as they can.
• The player whose ball hits the wall first (indicated by a goal
judge) scores the highest points for their team. Relate the
scoring system to the number of players/teams, e.g. 4, 3, 2, 1
for four players/teams.
• A cumulative score is built by each player/team depending on
the number of throws, and recorded by the young leader/coach.
The player/team with the highest cumulative total wins.
Change it
• Play with or without eyeshades.
• Introduce a run-up.
• Try throwing with the opposite hand.
• Play just as a practice for shooting.
• Lose one point for throwing a highball.
Ready position
• Players crouch on their toes, ready to spring into the barrier
position, with fingers resting on one of the court markings.
Barrier position
• Players lie on their side stretched out straight along
their line.
• Their legs should be shoulder-width apart: if they are too
far apart the ball will travel through; if they are too close
together the ball will bounce over.
• Thumbs should be touching so that the arms naturally
protect the head.
• The body should be tense, top arm and leg off the ground
to prevent the ball’ flicking over’ the body and into the goal.
• It is usual for the centre player to be the main defensive
player, with the two wingers providing a supporting role.
Together they form a three-player barrier to cover the court.
• Keep the top arm and leg off the ground to prevent the ball
‘flicking over’ the body and into the goal.
Top tip
• Listen, decide, dive.
Defensive activities
Cone dive
How to play
• This is a game designed for players to practise diving into the
barrier position. The aim of the game is to touch the cone.
• Create a tactile central point and place the cone to either
the left or right of the player.
• On the call of “Go” the players dive and try and touch the
cone, increasing the distance after each touch.
Uno, dos, tres
How to play
• Players get into the ready position. On the call:
• “Uno” - player defends central position.
• “Dos” - player defends to the left.
• “Tres” - player defends to the right.
• After each player has dived offer feedback on their
defensive technique.
Top tip
• Remember to concentrate on your technique when diving.
• You can use any tactile line as long as players are safely
spaced out.
Change it
• Coach can introduce the ball.
• Three players can line up together in traditional formation
and dive simultaneously.
Starting position
• Players stand with their feet together with the ball resting in the
palm of their throwing arm.
Step and swing
• Players simultaneously swing their throwing arm back whilst
stepping forward with their opposite leg. Both feet should still
be facing forwards.
• Players bend their front knee over their toes, with the back knee
just above the ground and level with the heel of their front foot.
• Players release the goalball low and their throwing arm
follows through.
• Players can work in pairs to practise their throws – one player
throws, one player defends and returns ball.
Top tip
• Release the goalball as low as possible.
Zig zag pass
How to play
• In groups of five or more, players sit in a zig zag formation
(wearing eyeshades) ready to receive the ball.
• Player A starts with the ball and passes to Player B opposite
who then passes to player C as shown:
Cross-court pass
How to play
• Player A sits with player B facing them 1m away.
• Player A passes to player B who then passes back to player A.
• After every successful passing sequence player B slides back
a further metre until completing a full width of the court pass.
Change it
• Pairs can race against each other or pairs can have their own
personal time they have to beat each week.
Top tip
• Communicate with team-mates to know the distance and
direction of your pass and to confirm you have safely
received the ball, e.g. saying “Got it”.
How to play
• Place a number of cones or bean bags within each
teams half and on the call of “Go” players have to
move to find the objects.
• After each object is collected players have to return
it to their starting position (wing line or centre).
Change it
• This can be done as a race or timed.
Top tip
• Encourage players to sweep with both hands.
Court skills
Retreat and recover
How to play
• Bounce a goalball in the neutral area.
• A player has to leave their starting position and
quickly find the goalball, pass it back to a
team-mate and then return to their starting position.
Neutral Area
Change it
Landing Area
• Work towards the team recovering the ball and
playing an attacking shot within 10 seconds.
Team Area
Time bomb
How to play
This game helps players learn the 10-second rule.
During a practice match players have to try and hold onto the ball as close
as possible to the 10 seconds before releasing it.
Remember to provide feedback to the players on how long they had left.
How to play
This is a game designed to improve accuracy of shot. The
aim of the game is to hit each of the cones.
Place the cones at 1m intervals across the goal line.
Players aim for cones relating to the numbers:
There are a number of different game types:
• Against the clock.
• Individual targets.
• Team challenge.
The Young Leader has a key role to play:
• Provide audible direction to the targeted cone.
• Provide feedback to players relating to the outcome of their
throw (refer to direction using the number system).
Change it
• Play with and without eyeshades.
• Try starting at half court and working way back to full court.
• Shoot from different positions.
10-cone bowling
How to play
• The defensive team line up in traditional formation. The
attacking team then take it in turns to have three shots
each (so potentially scoring nine goals).
• Three points are awarded for a goal; one point for a block.
One point is lost for a highball and one point is lost for
illegal defence.
• The teams then swap roles.
• The winning team is the team with the highest cumulative
defending and attacking score.
• Young leaders can help keep score for teams.
• All players wear eyeshades during play.
Goalkeeper challenge