The purpose of this document is to present a full overview of the process of linking an
html to your fex file.
Step 1
Create your fex file. Be sure to include all variables (&VAR).
See my example:
I have three variables: &GENDER, &ETHNICITY, and
Step 2
Open an HTML page. (Right click any folder and select New 
Add the default styling. To do this click on the settings tab on
the right side of the screen.
Step 3
Next to URL/Find File click the CSS icon.
The mission of Enterprise Data Systems is to provide both the infrastructure and expertise
required to support the analysis and reporting needs of Taylor University.
Step 4
Click on the report titled TU_style_HTML.css.
This is located under Public/Style Sheets.
Then click OK.
Step 5
Add a title to your report. To do this select Text under the
Components tab.
Drag the text box as large as you want on the HTML Canvas.
Double click the text box and type your title.
Step 6
Next, click on your text box you just created and go to the
properties tab on the right hand side.
Under Class Identifier (CSS) either type in main_title or click
on the arrow next to the Class Identifier and scroll all the way to
the bottom and select main title. Here is where all our Taylor
defined CSS classes are defined.
The mission of Enterprise Data Systems is to provide both the infrastructure and expertise
required to support the analysis and reporting needs of Taylor University.
Step 7
Now let’s add a group box. Select Group Box from the
Components tab.
Drag your drop box out onto the canvas. Add the stylings to the
group box the same way you did with the main_title. Instead
select group_box.
Double click on the group box text to change the group box
The mission of Enterprise Data Systems is to provide both the infrastructure and expertise
required to support the analysis and reporting needs of Taylor University.
Step 8
Add your controls to the group box. To do this go to the control
tab and select which controls you want.
I am going to select a radio button for gender, a drop down box
for ethnicity, and a drop down box for ethnicity also.
You can also add text next to each control. The CSS class for
regular text is text_box.
Step 9
Add a SUBMIT and RESET button. Add a button and a reset
from the Components tab.
On the button, go to the Properties tab. Set the value of the
button to be Submit.
The mission of Enterprise Data Systems is to provide both the infrastructure and expertise
required to support the analysis and reporting needs of Taylor University.
Add style to both the Submit and Reset button. To do this set
the CSS class to be button.
Step 10 Now it’s time to add the fex file. To do this, click on the
Requests & Data Sources tab.
Click the New Icon.
Next click External Request. Then WebFOCUS Procedure.
Select the fex that you created earlier. (I named mine
You should see all your parameters appear as well.
Step 11 Click on the Parameters tab located on the bottom of your
The mission of Enterprise Data Systems is to provide both the infrastructure and expertise
required to support the analysis and reporting needs of Taylor University.
Drag the control to the appropriate variable. For example, the
GENDER variable should be connected to the radio1. If you are
unsure the name of your control you can click on your control
and view its properties to see the name of it.
Step 12 Let’s add some data. First I will show STATIC data (hardcoded/unchanging). Then I will demonstrate DYNAMIC data. In
this tutorial I will not be demonstrating adding an outside fex as
your source of data, but rather I will show you how to grab data
directly from the database tables.
Click on your static control box (in this case I will click on my
radio button for Gender). Click on settings. Click on the New
Change the value to be F and the Display to be Female.
Repeat this for male with M and Male.
The mission of Enterprise Data Systems is to provide both the infrastructure and expertise
required to support the analysis and reporting needs of Taylor University.
CIick on the ethnicity drop down. In settings, select dynamic.
Click the three dots next to Data Source.
Select dim_student and press OK.
Select the three dots next to Value from and Display from to
select fields. In this case, I want the value to be from
ethnicity_code and the display to be ethnicity.
Do the same for Class Level:
Step 13
The mission of Enterprise Data Systems is to provide both the infrastructure and expertise
required to support the analysis and reporting needs of Taylor University.
Let’s add an on click function to the submit button. To do this
click on the Tasks & Animations tab.
Under List of select the New Icon.
The Trigger Type should automatically be Click. Change it to
click if it is not already.
Under Trigger Identifier select button1 (our submit button).
Under Request/Actions click the blue plus/arrow symbol.
Select Run Request. Then select your fex file.
Step 14 Save and Run the report.
**Note: You won’t see values in either of the drop down boxes
until you click on them. This is because somewhere in the
database there is a blank value for ethnicity/ethnic_code or
The mission of Enterprise Data Systems is to provide both the infrastructure and expertise
required to support the analysis and reporting needs of Taylor University.
Step 15 Final Product:
Good Luck! 
The mission of Enterprise Data Systems is to provide both the infrastructure and expertise
required to support the analysis and reporting needs of Taylor University.