Reading List - University of Central Lancashire

User involvement in
learning and teaching about mental health:
A reading list.
This list was compiled for 'Paying more than lip service: user involvement in
learning and teaching about mental health in higher education', a one day
workshop held in Derby on 20 June 2003, and has been regularly updated
This is an evolving list. If you are aware of other useful references please let
us know (hyperlink to feedback form). References are organised into four
1. General (mental health related);
2. Discipline specific (mental health related);
3. Non-mental health related, and
4. Some pointers to guidance on payment to service users
1. Mental Health related (general)
Bailey, D. (2005) Using an action research approach to involving service
users in the assessment of professional competence. European Journal of
Social Work . Vol 8, No 2, 165 -179
Bailey, D.(1997) User Involvement in Training. Breakthrough. 1(4), pp 45-52
Barnes, D, Carpenter, J. and Bailey, D(2000) Partnerships with service users
in interprofessional education for community mental health: a case study.
Journal of Interprofessional Care. 14(2), pp 189-200
Basset, T.(2001) Towards a Shared Learning. Mental Health Today. pp 20-21
Basset, T.(2000) Sidestream to Mainstream. Openmind. 105, p18
Basset, T.(1999) Involving Service Users in Training. Care: The Journal of
Practice and Development. 7(2), pp 5-11
Bell, JS, Grenville, R, & Chen, TF(2006) A Comparative Study of Consumer
Participation in Mental Health Pharmacy Education. The Annals of
Pharmacotherapy. Vol. 40, No. 10, pp. 1759-1765
Beresford, P.(2005) Changing Role of Professor: Including Everyone`s
Knowledge and Experience. Mental Health Review. June
Brooker, C and Curran, J(2006) The national continuous quality improvement
tool for mental health education: Results of targeted and supported
implementation in England. Journal of Interprofessional Care. Volume 20,
Number 3 / June 2006, 276-289
Cook, J. A., Jonikas, J. A. and Razzano, L(1995) A randomised evaluation of
consumer versus nonconsumer training of state mental health service
providers. Community Mental Health Journal. 31(3), pp 229-238
Coupland, K., Davis, E. & Gregory, K(2001) Learning from Life. Mental Health
Care. vol. 4 (5), pp.166-169
Crepaz-Keay, D., Binns, C. and Wilson, E.(1997) Dancing with Angels:
Involving Survivors in Mental Health Training. London, CCETSW.
Crepaz-Keay, D., Binns, C. and Wilson, E.(1998) Survival Training –
misconceptions and excuses can get in the way of involving survivors in
training. Open Mind. 92 (11)
Forrest, S. & Masters, H.(2004) Evaluating the impact of training in
psychosocial interventions: a stakeholder approach to evaluation – part one.
Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing. 11, 194-201
Garrard, J., Hausman, W., Mansfield, E. & Compton, B.(1988) Educational
priorities in mental health professions: Do educators and consumers agree?.
Medical Education. 22, pp.60-66
Gell, C. and Seebohm, P. (ed.)(2001) Valuing experience. London: Institute
for Applied Health and Social Policy, King’s College London. Not entirely
training related, but contains a user trainer’s account
Glazier S, May P(1995) Changing cultural norms: involving mental health
service users in training professionals. ISHM Network. 2(25): 6
Graley, R., Nettle, M. and Wallcraft, J.(1994) Building on Experience – a
training pack for mental health service users working as trainers, speakers
and workshop facilitators. London, Department of Health.
Hastings, M.(2000) User involvement in education and training. in R. Pierce
and J. Weinstein (eds) Innovative education and training for care
professionals: A provider’s guide. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers
Hayward, M., West, S. and Green, M. (2005), Service innovations: service
user involvement in training, Psychiatric Bulletin (2005) 29: 428-430
Henderson, J. & Reast, J.(2004) Challenging and collaborating.... Openmind.
126, pp18-19
Ion, R., Cowan, S. & Lindsay, R. (2010) Working with people who have been
there: the meaningful involvement of mental health service users in curriculum
design and delivery, The Journal of Mental Health Training, Education and
Practice, 5(1), 4-10
Khoo, R., McVicar, A. & Brandon, D.(2004) Service user involvement in
postgraduate mental health education. Does it benefit practice?. Journal of
Mental Health. 481- 492
Lindow, V.(1996) User Involvement: community service users as consultants
and trainers. Leeds, NHS Executive, Department of Health.
Loughhead, M. (2003) Learning from Experience: community participation in
the transcultural education of mental health professionals. Multicultural Mental
Health Australia.
NSF (National Schizophrenia Fellowship)(1997) How to involve users and
carers in planning, running and monitoring care services and curriculum
development. Kingston-upon-Thames: NSF.
Read, J.(2001) Involving to Empower. Mental Health Today. December, pp
Repper, J. et al(2001) One Small Step Towards Equality. Mental Health
Today. December, pp 24-27
Reynolds, J. & Read, J.(1999) Opening minds: user involvement in the
production of learning materials on mental health and distress. Social Work
Education. 18(4), 417-31
Secker, J., Grove, B. and Seebohm, P.(2001) Challenging barriers to
employment, training and education for mental health service users: the
service users’ perspective. Journal of Mental Health. 10(4), pp 395-404
Simons, L., Tee,S. & Coldham, T. (2010) Developing Values-Based Education
through Service User Participation, The Journal of Mental Health Training,
Education and Practice, 5(1), 20-27
Simons,L, Tee, S, Judith L, Burgess A, Herbert, L. & Gibson, C.(2006) A
socially inclusive approach to user participation in higher education . Journal
of Advanced Nursing 58 (3), pp 246-255.
Simons,L, Tee, S, Judith L, Burgess A, Herbert, L. & Gibson, C.(2006) Journal
of Advanced Nursing 58 (3), pp 246-255. A socially inclusive approach to user
participation in higher education .
Simpson, E., House, A. and Barkham, M.(2002) A guide to involving users,
ex-users and carers in mental health service planning, delivery or research: a
health technology approach. Academic Unit of Psychiatry and Behavioural
Sciences, University of Leeds.
Took, M.(1997) Voices of Experience: promoting the involvement of Mental
Health Service users and carers in interprofessional training. London,
Townend, M., Tew, J., Grant, A. & Repper, J. (2008), Involvement of service
users in education and training: review of the literature and exploration of the
implications for the education and training of psychological therapists, Journal
of Mental Health, Vol. 17 Issue 1, p65-78
2. Discipline Specific (mental health related)
Discipline specific (mental health related) a) Nursing
Barker, P.(1994) Points of view. Nursing Times. 90 pp.66-68
Bennett, L. & Baikie, K.(2003) The client as educator: learning about mental
illness through the eyes of the expert. Nurse Education Today. 23(2), pp. 104111
Campbell, P. and Lindow, V.(1997) Changing Practice: Mental Health Nursing
and User Empowerment. RCN Learning Materials on Mental Health. London,
Royal College of Nursing
Carlile, G.(1996) Mental Health: telling it like it is. Nursing Times. 92(11), pp
Chapman, V. (1996) Consumers as faculty: experts in their own lives. Journal
of Psychiatric Nursing and Mental Health Services. 34, 47-49
Edwards, K.(1995) A preliminary study of users’ and nursing students’ views
of the role of the mental health nurse. Journal of Advanced Nursing. 21, pp
Felton, A.(2002) Service user involvement in pre-registration nursing
education. University of Nottingham, unpublished dissertation.
Felton, A. & Stickley, T.(2004) Pedagogy, power and service user
involvement. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing. 11, 89 – 98
Forrest, S., Brown, N. Risk, I. and Masters, H.(1998) Involving Mental Health
Service Users and Carers in Curriculum Design and Delivery. Report for the
National Board for Nursing, Midwifery and Health Visiting for Scotland. Napier
University, Edinburgh
Forrest, S., Risk, I., Masters, H. and Brown, N.(2000) Mental Health Service
User Involvement in Nurse Education: Exploring the Issues. Journal of
Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing. 7, pp 51-57
Fraher, A and Limpinnian, M.(1999) User empowerment within mental health
nursing. in Wilkinson, G. and Miers, M. (eds) Power and nursing practice.
Basingstoke, Macmillan
Frisby, R.(2001) User involvement in mental health branch education: client
review presentations. Nurse Education Today. 21(8), pp.663-669
Gulay, R., Mound, B. and Flanagan, E.(1994) Mental health consumers as
public educators: a qualitative study. Canadian Journal of Nursing Research.
26(2), pp 29-42
Hanson, B. and Mitchell, D.(2001) Involving mental health service users in the
classroom: a course of preparation. Nurse Education in Practice. 1(3), pp 120126
Happell, B. and Roper, C.(2003) The role of a mental health consumer in the
education of postgraduate psychiatric nursing students: the students’
evaluation. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental health Nursing. 10, pp 343-350
Happell, B. Pinikahana, J. & Roper, C.(2002) Attitudes of postgraduate
nursing students towards consumer participation in mental health services
and the role of the consumer academic. International Journal of Mental Health
Nursing. 11, 240 – 250
Happell, B., Pinikahana, J. and Roper, C.(2003) Changing attitudes: The role
of a consumer academic in the education of postgraduate psychiatric nursing
students. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing. 17 (2) pp 67-76
Hopton, J.(1994) User involvement in the education of mental health nurses:
an evaluation of possibilities. Critical Social Policy. 42, winter, pp 47-60
Masters, H. and Forrest, S. (2010) How did I do? An analysis of service user
feedback on mental health student nurses' practice in acute inpatient mental
health placements, The Journal of Mental Health Training, Education and
Practice, 5(1), March, 11-19
Masters, H. et al (2002) Involving Mental Health Service Users and Carers in
Curriculum Development: Moving Beyond ‘Classroom’ Involvement. Journal of
Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing. 9(3), pp 309-316
McAndrew, S. & Samociuk, G.A.(2003) Reflecting together: developing a new
strategy for continuous user involvement in mental health nurse education.
Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing. 10(5) 616 – 621
Morgan, S. and Sanggaran, R.(1997) Client-centred approach to nurse
education mental health practicum: an enquiry. Journal of Psychiatric and
Mental Health Nursing. 4, pp 423-434
Repper, J.(2002) Adjusting the focus of Mental Health Nursing: incorporating
service users’ experiences of recovery. Journal of Mental Health. 6, pp. 575587
Risk, I. Masters, H., Forrest, S. and Brown, N(2000) Involving Mental Health
Service Users and Carers in Curriculum Design and Delivery. A Strategy for
Involvement. Edinburgh, Napier University.
Risk, I., Masters, H. Forrest, S. and Brown, N.(2000) Involving Service Users
and Carers in Curriculum Design and Delivery: A Strategy for Development.
Report Prepared for the National Board of Nursing, Midwifery and Health
Visiting. Edinburgh, Napier University
Risk, I., Masters, H. Forrest, S. and Brown, N.(1999) Mental Health Service
User and Carer Involvement in Curriculum Design and Delivery:
Implementation Project – A Strategy for Involvement. Report for the National
Board for Nursing, Midwifery and Health Visiting. Scotland, Edinburgh, Napier
Rudman, M. J.(1996) User involvement in the nursing curriculum: seeking
users’ views. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing. 3(3), pp 195200
Rush, B. (2008) Mental health service user involvement in nurse education: A
catalyst for transformative learning, Journal of Mental Health, 17 (5): 531-542
Schneebeli, C. et al (2010) Service user involvement in undergraduate mental
health nursing in New Zealand, International Journal of Mental Health
Nursing, 19, 30–35
Shaw T.(2001) Challenging cultures – really involving service users in nurse
education. Crossing Boundaries, Innovative Approaches to Training and
Education in Mental Health. Brighton, September 2001
Simpson, A.(1999) Creating alliances: the views of users and carers on the
education and training needs of community mental health nurses. Journal of
Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing. 6, pp.347-356
Simpson, A., Reynolds, J., Light, I, & Attenborough, J. (2008), Talking with the
experts: Evaluation of an online discussion forum involving mental health
service users in the education of mental health nursing students, Nurse
Education Today, 28(5)): 633-640
Speers, J.(2008) Service user involvement in the assessment of a practice
competency in mental health nuring- stakeholders` views and
recommendations. Nurse Education in Practice. 8, 112-119
Stickley, T., B. Rush, et al. (2009). "Participation In Nurse Education: the Pine
project." The Journal of Mental Health Training, Education and Practice 4(1):
Twinn, S.(1995) Creating reality or contributing to confusion? An exploratory
study of client participation in student learning. Nurse Education Today. 15,
Wood, J. and Wilson-Barnett, J.(1999) The influence of user involvement on
the learning of mental health nursing students. NT Research. 4, pp 257-270
Discipline Specific (mental health related) b) Social Work
Basset, T., Campbell, P. & Anderson, J. (2006) Service User/Survivor
Involvement in Mental Health Training and Education: Overcoming the
Barriers. Social Work Education . 25(4), June, 393-402
CCETSW(1998) Report of a CCETSW Project: Working with service users in
social work education and training in social work and social care. London,
Curran, T.(1996) Points of view. Community Care. 31 October, pp. 28-29
Curran, T.(1997) Power, participation and post modernism: user and
practitioner participation in mental health social work education. Social Work
Education. 16(3) pp.21-36
GSCC/SCIE(2004) Living and Learning Together report. London: SCIE.
Hastings, M. and Crepaz-Keay, D.(1995) The Survivors Guide to Training
Approved Social Workers. London, Central Council for Education and Training
in Social Work.
Manthorpe, J.(2000) Developing carers’ contributions to social work training.
Social Work Education. 19(1), pp19-27
Ramon, S. and Sayce, L.(1993) Collective user participation in mental health:
implications for social work education and training. Issues in Social Work
Education. 13 (2), pp 53-70
Reynolds, J. and Read, J.(1999) Opening Minds: user involvement in the
production of learning materials on mental health and distress. Social Work
Education. 18 (4), pp 417-431
Scheyett, A. & Diehl, M.(2004) Walking our talk in Social Work Education:
partnering with consumers of mental health services. Social Work Education.
23(4), 435-450
Shor, R. and Sykes, I.J.(2002) Introducing structured dialogue with people
with mental illness into the training of social work students. Psychiatric
Rehabilitation Journal. 26(1), pp 63-69
Tew J.(1999) Voices from the margins: inserting the social in mental health
discourse. Social Work Education. 18(4), pp 433-449
Discipline Specific (mental health related) c) Psychology
Allott, R.(2003) Involving health service consumers in clinical psychology
training at the university of Manchester.
Allott, R., Steen, J, Moss, J & Lovett, C. (2004) Improving user involvement in
clinical psychology training: Establishing partnerships & implementing change.
Community Psychiatric Nurses Association .
Curle, C. and Mitchell, A.(2003) Hand in Hand: User and Carer Involvement in
Training Clinical Psychologists. Clinical Psychology: 33, 12-15.
Downs, S.(-) Understanding Users as Trainers: Facilitators’ and Trainers’
Voices., School of Psychology at the University of Exeter.
Downs, S.(-) Understanding Users as Trainers: Users’ Voices., School
of Psychology at the University of Exeter.
Goodbody, L.(2003) On the edges of uncertain worlds: people who use
services, clinical psychology and training. Clinical Psychology. 21, (Jan), pp 913
Harper, D., Goodbody, L. and Steen, L.(2003) Involving service users in
clinical psychology training. Clinical Psychology. 21, (Jan), pp 14-19
Hayward, M., Cooke, A. & Riddell, B. (2008), Influencing practice: the
involvement of service users within the placement activity of clinical
psychology trainees, Canterbury Christchurch University and the University of
Hayward, M and Harding, M (2006) User and carer involvement in clinical
psychology training: Views from Buxton. Clinical Psychology Forum 157 January 2006.
Soffe, J.(2004) Clinical Psychology and Service User Involvement: our
business. Clinical Psychology. 37, 15-18
Tickle, A. and Davison, C. (2008) Sowing the seeds of change: Trainee
clinical psychologists' experiences of service user and carer involvement on
placement, Journal of Mental Health Training Education and Practice, 33 – 41
Users Views, a quarterly column in(-) Changes: An International Journal of
Psychology and Psychotherapy. Wiley.
Vandrevala, T. , Hayward, M., Willis, J. and John, M. (2007) A move towards
a culture of involvement: involving service users and carers in the selection of
future clinical psychologists . Journal of Mental Health Training, Education
and Practice. 2(3), 34-43
Vandrevala, T. , Hayward, M., Willis, J. and John, M. (2007) Journal of Mental
Health Training, Education and Practice. 2(3) . 34-43
Williams, J. & Lindley, P.(1996) Working with mental health service users to
change mental health services. Journal of applied and social psychology. 6,
pp. 1-14 Documents/SummaryReport.doc
Discipline Specific (mental health related) d) Medicine
Ahuja, A.S. & Williams, R. (2005) Involving patients and their carers in
educating and training practitioners. Current Opinion in Psychiatry . 18 (4),
Butterworth, M. & Livingston, G.(1999) Medical student education: the role of
caregivers and families. Psychiatric Bulletin. 23, 549-550
Coldham, T.(2003) Mental health is improved with teaching therapy (letter).
British Medical Journal. 326, 1399
Crawford, M. and Davis, S.(1998) Involvement of users and carers in the
training of psychiatrists: making it happen. Psychiatric Bulletin. 22(1), pp 4243
Diamond, B. , Hardy, M.(2004) Challenging the medical model. OpenMind.
129, p. 18-19
Fadden, G., Shooter, M. & Holsgrove, G. (2005) Involving carers and service
users in the training of psychiatrists. Psychiatric Bulletin. 29, 270-274
Greenberg, D. & Cohern, R.(2003) Interviewing and case presentations in the
presence of patients in undergraduate psychiatry: an experiment. Medical
Teacher. 25, 167-170
Haeney, O, Molholkar R, Taylor, N & Harrison, T(2007) Service user
involvement in psychiatric training: a practical perspective. Psychiatric
Bulletin. 31: 312-314
Hurren, K. (2006) Impact on Trainees of Involving Users and Carers in
Teaching . Meriden Programme Newsletter. 2(9), June, pp.11-13
Hurren, K. (2006) Impact on Trainees of Involving Users and Carers in
Teaching . Meriden Programme. 2(9), June, pp.11-13
Ikkos, G(2005) Mental Health Service User Involvement: teaching doctors
successfully . Primary Care Mental Health. Volume 3, Number 2, pp. 139144(6)
Ikkos, G.(2003) Engaging patients as teachers of clinical interview skills.
Psychiatric Bulletin. 27, 312-315
Livingston, G. & Cooper, C.(2004) User and carer involvement in mental
health training. Advances in Psychiatric Treatment. 10, 85 – 92
Nil, S.(2002) Wanted: patients with mental illness in the role of teacher. British
Medical Journal. 325, 1300
Pervez, M. (2006) Carers Involvement in Psychiatric Training - an Experience.
Meriden Programme Newsletter. 2(9), June, pp8-9
Rose, D.(2003) Haivng a diagnosis is a qualification for the job. British
Medical Journal. 326, 1363
Summers, A.(2003) Involving users in the development of mental health
services: A study of psychiatrists’ views. Journal of Mental Health. 12 (2), 161
– 174
Thomas, P. and Bracken, P.(1999) Putting patients first. OpenMind. 96,
Vijayakrishnan, A, Rutherford, J, Miller, S and Drummond , LM(2006) Service
user involvement in training: the trainees view. Psychiatric Bulletin . 30: 303305
Walters, K., Buszewicz, M., Russell, J. and Humphrey, C.(2003) Teaching as
therapy: cross sectional and qualitative evaluation of patients’ experiences of
undergraduate psychiatry teaching in the community. British Medical Journal.
326, p. 740
3. Non mental health related
Non mental health related - a) general
Bashforth, H.(2003) Involving user groups in social policy education.
Beresford, P.(2000) Users’ knowledges and social work theory. British Journal
of Social Work. 30(4), pp 489-503
Boxall, K., I. Carson, et al. (2004). "Room at the academy? People with
learning difficulties and higher education." Disability & Society 19(2): 99-112.
Cooper, H. & Spencer-Dawe, E. (2008), Involving service users in
interprofessional education narrowing the gap between theory and practice,
Journal of Interprofessional Care , Dec, Vol. 20 Issue 6, p603-617
Cuming, H. & Wilkins, J. (2000) Involving service users in the assessment of
students in professional practice, Journal of Practice Teaching in Social
Work, 3(2), 17-30
Developers of User and Carer Involvement in Education (2009), Involving
Service Users and Carers in Education: the Development Worker’s Role,
Lancaster: Mental Health in Higher Education/DUCIE
Downe, S., McKeown, M., Johnson, E., Koloczek, L.,Grunwald, A. & MalihiShoja, L., (2007) The UCLan community engagement and service user
support (Comensus) project: valuing authenticity, making space for
emergence, Health Expectations, Dec, Vol. 10 Issue 4, p392-406
Glynn, T. & Ansell, J.(2006) Survival and Abuse: What we can learn from it.
Social Work Education . 25(4), June, 418-428
Langton H, Barnes M, Haslehurst S, Rimmer J, Turton P. (2003)
Collaboration, user involvement and education: a systematic review of the
literature and report of an educational initiative. Eur J Oncol Nurs;7:242–52.
Morgan A, Jones D. (2009) Perceptions of service user and carer involvement
in health care education and impact on students’ knowledge and practice: a
literature review. Medical Teacher, 31:82–95.
Pendred, B. & Chettle, K. (2006) What Being a Trainer Means to Me. Social
Work Education . 25(4), June, 415-417
Repper J, & Breeze J. (2006) User and carer involvement in the training and
education of health professionals: a review of the literature, International
Journal of Nursing Studies, 44(3), 511-519
Shah R, Savage I, Kapadia S. (2005) Patients’ experience of educating
pharmacy undergraduate students. Pharmacy Education,5:61–7.
Solomon P, Guenter D, Stinson D. (2005) People with HIV as educators of
health professionals. AIDS Patient Care STDS , 19:840–7.
Taylor, I.(1997) Developing learning in professional education: partnerships
for practice. Buckingham, Open University Press.
Tope, R.(1998) Meeting the challenge: introducing service users and carers
into the education equation. CAIPE Bulletin. 15, 11
Towle, A. et al (2010) Active patient involvement in the education of health
professionals Medical Education 44: 64–74
Towle A, Godolphin W. Patient involvement in health professional education:
a bibliography 1975–2008. Division of Health Care Communication, University
of British Columbia.
[Accessed 2 November 2009.]
Turner, P. et al.(2000) Listening to and learning from the family carer’s story:
an innovative approach in interprofessional education. Journal of
Interprofessional Care. 14, 387-396
Non mental health related b) nursing
Costello, J. & Horne, M. (2001) Patients as teachers? An evluative study of
patients` involvement in classroom teaching. Nurse Education in Practice. 1,
ENB(1996) Learning from each other. London, English National Board. Ingham, M. (2001) How patients can contribute to nurses` education . Nursing
Times. 95, 30-31
Lahiff, J. (2009). "Service users' involvement in higher education." Intellectual
Disability and Social Inclusion: A Critical Review: 167.
McGarry, J. & Thorn, N. (2004) How users and carers view their involvement
in nurse education . Nursing Times. 100 (18), 36-39
Morgan, A. & Jones, D. (2009), Perceptions of service user and carer
involvement in healthcare education and impact on students' knowledge and
practice: A literature review, Medical Teacher , Feb, Vol. 31 Issue 2, p82-95
Moss, B. Boath, L., Buckley, B. and Colgan, A., (2009), The Fount of All
Knowledge: Training required to Involve Service Users and Carers in Health
and Social Care Education and Training, Social Work Education Aug2009,
Vol. 28 Issue 5, p562-572
O’Neill, F.(2002) Development of a Strategy for User and Carer Involvement
in Nursing and Midwifery Education in Leeds. Leeds Fitness for Practice
Implementaion Group. Available from f.h.o’[email protected] (tel 0113 343
Twinn, S.F.(1995) Creating reality or contributing to confusion@ An
exploratory study of client participation in student learning. Nurse Education
Today . 15, 291-297
Warne, T. & McAndrew, S. (2005) Using patient experience in nurse
education . Palgrave McMillan . Basingstoke
Whittaker, K. & Taylor, J.(2004) Learning from the experience of working with
consumers in educational developments. Nurse Education Today. 24(7), pp.
Williamson, K., White, E., Pope, E. & Mundy, L. (2009), Learning from
Patients - an Example of Service User Involvement in Radiotherapy
Education, Clinical Oncology, 21 (3): 253-253
Yardley, S. J., C. E. Walshe, et al. (2009). "Improving training in spiritual care:
a qualitative study exploring patient perceptions of professional educational
requirements." Palliative Medicine: 1-7.
Non mental health related c) social work
Advocacy In Action with Marian Charles, Harriet Clarke, Hannah Evans(2006)
Assessing Fitness to Practise and Managing Work-based Placement. Social
Work Education . 25(4), June, 373-384
Advocacy in Action with staff and students from Nottingham University (2006)
Making it Our Own Ball-game: Learning and Assessment in Social Work
Education . Social Work Education . 25(4), June, 332-346
Allain, L., Cosis Brown, H., Danso, C., Dillon, J., Finnegan, P., Gadhoke, S.,
Shamash, M. & Whittaker, F.(2006) User and Carer Involvement in Social
Work Education — A University Case Study: Manipulation or Citizen Control?.
Social Work Education . 25(4), June, 403-413
Anghel, Roxana (2006), User-shaped course, Community Care 9/21/2006
Issue 1641, p41-41
Baldwin, M. & Sadd, J. (2006) Allies with Attitude! Service Users, Academics
and Social Service Agency Staff Learning How to Share Power in Running
Social Work Education Courses. Social Work Education . 25(4), June, 348359
Beresford, P. (2005) Participation in social policy and social work learning. ch
3 in H. Burgess & I. Taylor, Effective learning and teaching in social policy and
social work, London: Routledge Falmer.
Beresford, P.(1994) Changing the culture: involving service users in social
work education. London, CCETSW.
Beresford, P. with Page, L. and Stevens, A.(1994) Changing the culture:
Involving service users in social work education. CCETSW Paper 32.2.
London: Central Council for Education and Training in Social Work
Beresford, P., Branfield, F., Taylor, J., Brennan, M., Sartori, A., Lalani, M. &
Wise, G.(2006) Working Together for Social Work Education . Social Work
Education . 25(4), June, 326-331
Brown, K. & Young, N. (2008) Building Capacity for Service User and Carer
Involvement in Social Work Education.. Social Work Education . 27(1), pp8496
CATS (Citizens as Trainers), YIPPEE (Young Independent People Presenting
Educational Entertainment), Rimmer, A. and Harwood, K.(2004) Citizen
participation in the education and training of social workers. Social Work
Education. 23 (3), 309-323
CCETSW (Central Council for Education and Training in Social Work)(1997)
Working with service users in social work education and training in social work
and social care: Report of a CCETSW project Conference 21 November
1997. London: CCETSW.
CCETSW (Central Council for Education and Training in Social Work) and
University of Lincolnshire and Humberside(1998) Listening to experience:
Promoting the involvement of service users in education and training for social
work, 11 November 1998 Conference Report. London: CCETSW.
Cole, A.(1994) "It was an education" Service users assess student social
workers. Community Living. January, 16-17
Edwards, C. (2003). "The involvement of service users in the assessment of
Diploma in Social Work students on practice placements." Social Work
Education 22(4): 341-349.
Gupta, A. and Blewett, J. (2008) Involving services users in social work
training on the reality of family poverty: a case study of a collaborative project.
Social Work Education: The International Journal 27:5 , pp. 459-473
Gregor, C. & Smith, H. (2009), 'I'm not a performing monkey’: reflections on
the emotional experience of developing a collaborative training initiative
between service users and lecturer, Journal of Social Work Practice, 23 (1):
21-34 2009
Humphreys, C.(2005) Service user involvement in social work education: a
case example. Social Work Education . 24 (7), pp 797-803
Huntingdon, A(2006) Integrating service user and carer perspectives into
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