Your Attendance Prize it PowerPoint Format

This is the exact presentation that
Brian used to sign up 4 clients in a
room of 35 people. He has
graciously told me that you can
contact him if you have any
Brian Duckworth
[email protected]
Focussed Action Achieves Results
My Business is Different
Brian Duckworth
BNI Business Edge
September 07, 2016
Focussed Action Achieves Results
Do You really BELIEVE
that Your Business is
Focussed Action Achieves Results
This is the
Great Fallacy
Perpetuated by Business
Focussed Action Achieves Results
But my Business is
Focussed Action Achieves Results
News Flash…
No it’s Not!
Focussed Action Achieves Results
are Special at an
Individual Level
Focussed Action Achieves Results
You may even be
special at a product or
service level.
But I doubt it.
Focussed Action Achieves Results
As a Business you are
Exactly the Same!
Focussed Action Achieves Results
In my years of learning,
helping Business owners,
working in Corporates
and owning and
running a business
Focussed Action Achieves Results
I know that the following
are true…
Focussed Action Achieves Results
All businesses are trying
to get more Leads
Focussed Action Achieves Results
All are trying to get
those leads
 To be Quality Leads
 To lower the cost of Acquisition
 To Acquire them more Effectively
Focussed Action Achieves Results
All want to improve their
Conversion Rates
Focussed Action Achieves Results
All want an increased
spend from the
Focussed Action Achieves Results
All want More
Transactions from the
Focussed Action Achieves Results
All want to be More
Focussed Action Achieves Results
Sounds Like Your
Focussed Action Achieves Results
There is one thing I’d like
you to promise Me?
Focussed Action Achieves Results
The very next time you
Say this to someone
Think this in your mind
Focussed Action Achieves Results
The very, very next time
you use this phrase…
Focussed Action Achieves Results
My Business is Different!
It Won’t work for my
Business because it’s
Focussed Action Achieves Results
Take this 2 x 4 and hit
Focussed Action Achieves Results
Not taking action
Accepting poor results
Not working hard, or smart
Not taking responsibility
Focussed Action Achieves Results
Transforming your
Focussed Action Achieves Results
In Business YOU are
Focussed Action Achieves Results
Your Business is Either
Focussed Action Achieves Results
How Can I Transform MY
Take your business to a multi-six
figure business
Focussed Action Achieves Results
5 Keys You Need!
Absolute Clarity
Design your Business
Change your Focus
Strategy System
Invest in Mentoring
Focussed Action Achieves Results
Absolute Clarity
When you have absolute clarity on your
purpose, clarity on WHO you are serving and
clarity on HOW you bring them value…your
world changes
Focussed Action Achieves Results
Design Your Business
Design your lifestyle first, then your business
…What kind of life do I want?
…How much vacation time do I want?
‘’’What will my income level be?
Focussed Action Achieves Results
Change your Focus
Most business focus is normally on the present.
Your focus needs to be redirected to those that will buy
in 6, 8,12 months or longer – in 99% of business sectors
that market represents 75% or more of buyers!
Focussed Action Achieves Results
Strategy System
If you don’t have a system you don’t have predictability, your
Strategy System helps you know that whatever you do there will be
a predictable outcome.
Every aspect of your business can be systemized, including the
attraction of leads and converting them to clients…to the point
where you, the owner manages the systems while the systems
manage the business.
Focussed Action Achieves Results
Invest in Mentoring
If you don’t know what you don’t know!
Focussed Action Achieves Results
The Difference is…
Focussed Action Achieves Results
Why a Mentor?
Brainstorm Brilliance
To be Held Accountable
Guidance / Challenging
Exceed Your Comfort Zone
Make Ideas reality
Unbiased Opinions
Tools and Knowledge
Get ‘there’ faster
Focussed Action Achieves Results
Launch of
Focussed Action Results
Brian Duckworth
Astute Coaching
September 07, 2016
Focussed Action Achieves Results
Unlimited Coaching
 Unlimited15 Minute Focus Sessions
Complete your Fieldwork
Booked your next session
Recording of your session
 Take Action
Focussed Action Achieves Results
We start with…
 30 Minute Set the Stage
Biggest Challenge
What keeps you up at night
The results you want, that you don’t have
The results you have that you don’t want
Your line in the sand
Next Actions
Focussed Action Achieves Results
Every 90 days
 30 Minute State of the Nation
Review Progress
Set the Plan
Measure Progress
Next Actions
Focussed Action Achieves Results
Focussed Action Achieves Results
Who is this for?
You want to fix the problem NOW and are
willing to make that investment in yourself.
You are committed to taking action.
You are serious about getting results.
You want to get results now.
Focussed Action Achieves Results
The Ideal Client
The Focussed Action Results program is
suitable for a business that has plateaued
in Revenue or is held back by lack of
synchronicity in Time, Team or Money
KRA’s of any Business.
Focussed Action Achieves Results
I Need You!
I need 10 committed Business Owners who
would like to get 12 months of the
Focussed Action Results business coaching
program to help me kick start the program.
Successful Applicants will get full Unlimited
Coaching at a 60% discount, saving $1,200
Focussed Action Achieves Results
Focussed Action Results
Unlimited Business Coaching
Let’s Have a Chat!
Brian Duckworth
Apply via your BNI Connect, or
contact me direct
0419 237 830
September 07, 2016
Focussed Action Achieves Results
This is the exact presentation that
Brian used to sign up 4 clients in a
room of 35 people. He has
graciously told me that you can
contact him if you have any
Brian Duckworth
[email protected]
Focussed Action Achieves Results