
CHD 002
Summer 2015
June 25, 2015
CAJAS – Clarification &
 Reviewed
 Shelley
Assignment Sheet
shared her box
 Developmental reasons
 Got it, lost it
 Unmet emotional needs
 Lousy local conditions
 A child hasn’t been taught yet
Another Perspective…
Reasons for Difficult Behavior
How do YOU respond to
Guidance issues?
 Count
off by 6
 In your small group:
Brainstorm ideas for responding to difficult
Take notes!
10 minutes
How do YOU respond to
Guidance issues?
Explain situation
Redirect to other toy
Stay neutral - give attention to all
Talk with older children separately
Get to the “real” story
Eye contact
Acknowledge child’s feelings
“How would you feel if…”
Ask questions
Know they are loved even when
acting out, especially when they
are acting out. BEFORE when
Paraphrasing for the
developmental age of the child
“Quiet” sign – older children
Listen to the child, pause and they
talk – when you can
ACTUALLY go TO the child and get
to their level
Use tone to help get messages
Give children with difficult behavior
MORE positive attention about
what is going WELL with that child
Have a relationship with the family
“It’s ok to cry”, let the emotions out
Sometimes talk around other topics
until they are ready to talk – older
Work for as much as consistency as
possible – home/school/other house
or setting
Positive Discipline (find the cause) –
What should they do next time
Responding to Guidance Issues
 Give Feedback
 Allow children to experience consequences of their
 Use time outs appropriately (NOT a punishment)
 Reward desired behavior
 Ignore misbehavior that is not designed to attract
 Teach pro-social behavior
 Meet Needs
12 Strategies for Effective Limit
Honor the Impulse
2. Active Listen
3. Sportscast
4. Facilitate
5. Use “I” messages
6. Set positive limits
7. Give a Choice
8. Give information
9. Natural consequences
10. Redirect
11.Invite children’s initiative
12.Set the stage for future success
Honor the Impulse
 Remember
the 4 reasons for difficult
 EVERY behavior has an impulse, usually a
healthy impulse
 The BEHAVIOR is the issue, NOT the child
 How CAN the child do what they are
trying to do?
Active Listen
 Listening
is a learned skill
 We practice what is modeled for us
 LISTEN first, then talk
 LISTEN more than you talk
 REALLY listen, to more than the words
 Use your body to show you are listening
 Works
particularly well in conflict with
 Describe what you see
 Be objective
 Be descriptive
 Stop to listen
 For
older children with verbal skills
 Used to facilitate conflicts
 Use open ended questions to help
children solve their own conflicts
 EXAMPLE: “I see you want Nathan’s toy. Is
there another way you can ask for it?”
Using “I” messages
 NO
ONE can “make” someone else feel
 We choose our emotions
 When we blame others for our emotions,
they learn to do the same
 “When you _____ and you________, I
felt_____ because _________.”
 Sometimes a “because” is needed too
 Imagine
a world without limits
 Children NEED limits
 How do we tell them what they CAN do
MORE than what they CAN’T do?
Give a Choice
 Choices
give children power but help them
stay in the limits of what is ok
 Choices should ALWAYS be something you
can do
 Choices should be clear and concrete
 Choices should be limited, 2-3 choices
Give Information
 Particularly
useful with situations where
children don’t understand something
 Works very well with verbal children
 Gear the explanation to the children’s
developmental level
 Helps children make good choices
Natural Consequences
 There
are natural consequences all around
 They happen without you doing anything
 EXAMPLE: “When you pull the cat’s tail, she
might scratch you.”
 What
CAN they do
 REMEMBER to Honor the Impulse
 Find activities that meet their needs in that
Invite Children’s Initiative
 Ask
them to help plan
 Involve them in your
 Ask them HOW you
should do things
Set the Stage
for Future
 Who
believes in you?
 How do we let our children know that we
believe in them even when they are
 Do we REALLY believe they will learn the
new skill?
 Do we tell them we believe in them.
 How do we set up the environment for
 How do we prepare them for success?
“Every child needs one caring
adult who is crazy about
~ U. Bronfenbrenner
One Caring Adult
Reflect back on the role of your “One Caring Adult” in
the development of your resilience. How did their
support of your self-esteem tie into their help making
you resilient to the stresses and traumas of your
If you could tell them one thing, what would it be?
Partners – 5 minutes
Week! Thursday, July 2!
CAJA presentations
Thursday (7/2) and
Tuesday (7/7)
Journals DUE Tuesday
(See 6/23 PPS)
Reading Reminders:
Handouts (on Angel
Child, Family and Community
– Chapters 6 & 7
Diversity in Early Care and
Education – Chapters 6