Tourmaline 2017, Czech Republic – First Circular

Tourmaline 2017, Czech Republic – First Circular
Almost twenty years ago, the symposium Tourmaline 1997 was held in the
Czech Republic and brought together a large group of scientists studying the role
of tourmaline in geological environments. The meeting marked the start of rapid
development of our knowledge on tourmaline properties, stability, and the
significance of its occurrence. Twenty years later, we invite scientists with
interests in tourmaline to the same place, to share their latest findings, start new
collaborations, and broaden their knowledge on tourmaline and the boron cycle
in various geological systems.
The international symposium Tourmaline 2017 will cover all aspects of
tourmaline and associated borosilicate minerals: crystallography, mineralogy,
petrology, spectroscopy, geochemistry, economic geology, and novel
Milan Novák & Jan Cempírek (Masaryk University, Brno)
Scientific Board
Ferdinando Bosi (Università di Roma – Sapienza)
Barbara Dutrow (Louisiana State University)
Darrell Henry (Louisiana State University)
Horst Marschall (Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main)
Robert Trumbull (GFZ Helmholtz Centre Potsdam)
Vincent Van Hinsberg (McGill University)
Hotel Skalský dvůr, Nové Město na Moravě, Czech Republic
June 23-25, 2017 (conference)
June 26-28, 2017 (field trips)
starting January 2017
You can pre-register and subscribe for conference news and
reminders at