Image / Photograph Consent Form for Schools

South Gloucestershire Council
Nicholls Lane, Winterbourne, Bristol, BS36 1NF
Tel: 01454 866750 * Fax and Answer phone: 01454 866751;
e-mail:[email protected]
Inspiring Learners, Enriching Lives, Achieving Together
Image / Photograph Consent Form for Schools
Image(s) required
School Contact
School and
A range of purposes (see below and on reverse for further details)
Name: Mrs Debbie Williams Job Title: Headteacher
Phone No: 01454 866750
Elm Park Primary School
Other related persons
About the subject of the image(s)
The image(s) taken of the subject detailed above may be used for any
publication by the school for:
Promotional, Information or Training purposes in print*
Promotional, Information or Training purposes in moving images (video / film)*
The School’s website*
Images may be taken of the subject detailed above by other parties for publication or use for:
Promotional, Information or Training purposes relating to the school in print*
Own home use by the families of children within the school*
*Please delete as appropriate
Please tick box
I am the parent/guardian/carer of the subject of the image(s)
(Required if the subject is less than 18 years old)
I give my permission for the image to be taken and used as specified above
If I take photos of school productions/events I confirm that these will be
focused on my own child and will be for home use only.
Return to:
Elm Park Primary School
Nicholls Lane, Winterbourne Bristol BS36 1NF
The image(s) will be kept in accordance with The Data Protection Act 1998 and other laws.
This consent is valid whilst the pupil is in this school, unless consent is withdrawn. Images over 5 years old will not be
used without your further consent. The image(s) will not be published with your full name or other contact details.
Image Consent Form – further information
The following are some examples to explain further what each category on the
image consent form means; it is not intended to be an exhaustive list…
‘Image taken may be used for any publication by the school for:’
‘Promotional, Information or Training purposes in print*’
This may include the following…
 Any use within school (for scrap books, displays, learning resources,
presentations etc)
 Use within learning diaries/ children’s work which may be sent home to
parents (your child’s image could appear in other children’s books as part
of group photos and therefore go home to other parents, although they would
not be named)
 Use for training purposes (staff may take examples of work including photos
to training courses they attend)
 Appearing in an image that may be included in the school prospectus or other
information material that would be given to parents
‘Promotional, Information or Training purposes in moving images (video / film)*’
This may include the following…
 Video clips of learning/ play/ work/ presentations/ productions for any use
within school (for information evenings for parents, assemblies and as part
of lessons etc)
 For training purposes clips may be shown at training courses for educational
purposes (again, children would not be named)
‘Images may be taken by other parties for publication or use for:’
‘Promotional, Information or Training purposes relating to the school in print*’
This may include the following…
 Press photos related to school and school events (class photos of new
intake, fundraising events, school productions, developments within school)
 Books, leaflets, handouts etc produced for educational training/ information
 Having their photo taken by the school photographer both individually and as
part of a class photo
‘Own home use by the families of children within the school*’
This may include the following…
 Photos of assemblies, school plays/ productions, sports days, school trips
etc being taken by parents of children involved in these events
‘If I take photos of school productions/ events I confirm that these will be focused on my own child and
will be for home use only.’
This means the image must not be published/ used on any social networking site/
internet site/ blog or in any other format that can be viewed by the general
The image(s) will be kept in accordance with The Data Protection Act 1998 and other laws.
This consent is valid whilst the pupil is in this school, unless consent is withdrawn. Images over 5 years old will not be
used without your further consent. The image(s) will not be published with your full name or other contact details.