Independent Study - Physical Education Core – Apex Learning

Teacher: Mr. Hartung
Independent Study - Physical Education Core – Apex Learning
STUDENT NAME:___________________________ YEAR:_______ DATE ENROLLED:___-___-___
Unit 1: P.E. Designed for Me
Activity 1.1.2: Practice - Commitment Statement
(Documents: Practice Assignment)
Complete and submit a signed commitment statement and answer a few brief questions about your participation in
the course.
Duration: 5 min
Scoring: 30
Points Earned: _____
Activity 1.1.3: Discuss - Meet Your Team
(Documents: Discussion)
Meet your classmates by participating in an online discussion forum discussing favorite types of physical activity.
Duration: 20 min
Scoring: 15
Points Earned: _____
Activity 1.1.4: Quiz - Online P.E.
Test your knowledge of the lesson you have just covered.
Duration: 10 min
Scoring: 10
Points Earned: _____
Lesson 1.2: Fitness Logs
Activity 1.2.1: Log - Fitness Log # 1
(Documents: In Focus, Log)
Complete and submit your fitness log for the week.
Hours Earned: _____
Activity 1.2.2: Log - Fitness Log # 2
(Documents: Log)
Complete and submit your fitness log for the week.
Hours Earned: _____
Activity 1.2.3: Log - Fitness Log # 3
(Documents: Log)
Complete and submit your fitness log for the week.
Hours Earned: _____
Activity 1.2.4: Log - Fitness Log # 4
(Documents: Log)
Complete and submit your fitness log for the week.
Hours Earned: _____
Activity 1.2.5: Log - Fitness Log # 5
(Documents: Log)
Complete and submit your fitness log for the week.
Hours Earned: _____
Teacher: Mr. Hartung
Activity 1.2.6: Log - Fitness Log # 6
(Documents: Log)
Complete and submit your fitness log for the week.
Hours Earned: _____
Activity 1.2.7: Log - Fitness Log # 7
(Documents: Log)
Complete and submit your fitness log for the week.
Hours Earned: _____
Activity 1.2.8: Log - Fitness Log # 8
(Documents: Log)
Complete and submit your fitness log for the week.
Hours Earned: _____
Activity 1.2.9: Log - Fitness Log # 9
(Documents: Log)
Complete and submit your fitness log for the week.
Hours Earned: _____
Activity 1.2.10: Log - Fitness Log # 10
(Documents: Log)
Complete and submit your fitness log for the week.
Hours Earned: _____
Activity 1.2.11: Log - Fitness Log # 11
(Documents: Log)
Complete and submit your fitness log for the week.
Hours Earned: _____
Activity 1.2.12: Log - Fitness Log # 12
(Documents: Log)
Complete and submit your fitness log for the week.
Hours Earned: _____
Activity 1.2.13: Log - Fitness Log # 13
(Documents: Log)
Complete and submit your fitness log for the week.
Hours Earned: _____
Activity 1.2.14: Log - Fitness Log # 14
(Documents: Log)
Complete and submit your fitness log for the week.
Hours Earned: _____
Activity 1.2.15: Log - Fitness Log # 15
(Documents: Log)
Complete and submit your fitness log for the week.
Hours Earned: _____
Teacher: Mr. Hartung
Activity 1.2.16: Log - Fitness Log # 16
(Documents: Log)
Complete and submit your fitness log for the week.
Hours Earned: _____
Activity 1.2.17: Log - Fitness Log # 17
(Documents: Log)
Complete and submit your fitness log for the week.
Hours Earned: _____
Activity 1.3.3: Practice - Design Your Routine
(Documents: Practice Assignment)
Design and describe an adjustable warm-up and cool-down routine to be used for the duration of the course.
Duration: 30 min
Scoring: 30
Points Earned: _____
Activity 1.3.4: Quiz - Warm It Up Cool It Down
Test your knowledge of the lesson you have just covered.
Duration: 10 min
Scoring: 10
Points Earned: _____
Activity 1.4.3: Practice - Setting and Reaching Goals
(Documents: Practice Assignment)
Set at least three fitness goals and develop a fitness plan that will focus on the three health-fitness components
keeping your goals in mind.
Duration: 30 min
Scoring: 30
Points Earned: _____
Activity 1.4.4: Quiz - Setting Fitness Goals
Test your knowledge of the lesson you have just covered.
Duration: 10 min
Scoring: 10
Points Earned: _____
Unit 2: Is My Body Good to Go?
Activity 2.1.3: Journal - Good Body
(Documents: Journal)
Submit health-fitness assessment scores and statistics and write about your response to the assessment. Was it what
you expected? Why or why not?
Duration: 30 min
Scoring: 20
Points Earned: _____
Activity 2.1.4: Quiz - Your Fitness Needs
Test your knowledge of the lesson you have just covered.
Duration: 10 min
Scoring: 10
Points Earned: _____
Activity 2.2.3: Practice - Playing It Safe
(Documents: Practice Assignment)
Respond to a series of questions covering safety equipment possible injuries and personal experiences with staying
safe while staying fit.
Duration: 30 min
Scoring: 30
Points Earned: _____
Teacher: Mr. Hartung
Activity 2.2.4: Quiz - Safety Factors
Test your knowledge of the lesson you have just covered.
Duration: 10 min
Scoring: 10
Points Earned: _____
Activity 2.4.3: Discuss - Nutritious and Delicious
(Documents: Discussion)
Discuss your healthy and unhealthy eating habits and how to strike a balance between them.
Duration: 20 min
Scoring: 15
Points Earned: _____
Activity 2.4.4: Practice - Nobody's Perfect
(Documents: Practice Assignment)
Respond to the following writing prompt: What unhealthy choices have you made in the past and how did they
affect you?
Duration: 30 min
Scoring: 30
Points Earned: _____
Activity 2.4.5: Quiz - Health Practices
Test your knowledge of the lesson you have just covered.
Duration: 10 min
Scoring: 10
Points Earned: _____
Unit 3: Great for the Heart
Activity 3.1.3: Practice - Be Your Own Heart Rate Monitor
(Documents: Practice Assignment)
Take and track your resting target and recovery heart rates. Research heart function.
Duration: 30 min
Scoring: 30
Points Earned: _____
Activity 3.1.4: Quiz - Work Your Heart Out Quiz
Test your knowledge of the lesson you have just covered.
Duration: 10 min
Scoring: 10
Points Earned: _____
Activity 3.2.3: Explore - Have You Ever Played?
(Documents: Exploration)
Explore a new or 'non-traditional' team sport and explain the game its rules and other interesting facts.
Duration: 40 min
Scoring: 20
Points Earned: _____
Activity 3.2.4: Quiz - Join the Team Quiz
Test your knowledge of the lesson you have just covered.
Duration: 10 min
Scoring: 10
Points Earned: _____
Activity 3.4.3: Journal - Am I a Good Sport?
(Documents: Journal)
Given a scenario in a team sport write about how you would react to the situation.
Duration: 30 min
Scoring: 20
Points Earned: _____
Teacher: Mr. Hartung
Activity 3.4.4: Discuss - Competitive Versus Aggressive
(Documents: Discussion)
What is the difference between being competitive and being overly aggressive? Why is aggression a negative
quality to bring to a sport?
Duration: 20 min
Scoring: 15
Points Earned: _____
Activity 3.4.5: Quiz - Sportsmanship Quiz
Test your knowledge of the lesson you have just covered.
Duration: 10 min
Scoring: 10
Points Earned: _____
Unit 4: Fit as a Fiddle
Activity 4.1.3: Practice - Strength Training
(Documents: Practice Assignment)
Develop a weight training program for your personal use.
Duration: 30 min
Scoring: 30
Points Earned: _____
Activity 4.1.4: Quiz - Muscle Madness
Test your knowledge of the lesson you have just covered.
Duration: 10 min
Scoring: 10
Points Earned: _____
Activity 4.2.3: Discuss - Safe to Get Buff
(Documents: Discussion)
Discuss whether or not weightlifting is for everyone and how it can enhance fitness and activity performance.
Duration: 20 min
Scoring: 15
Points Earned: _____
Activity 4.2.4: Journal - Anaerobic for Life
(Documents: Journal)
What is your favorite type of anaerobic activity? How might you continue to incorporate anaerobics into your life as
you age?
Duration: 30 min
Scoring: 20
Points Earned: _____
Activity 4.2.5: Quiz - Time for Anaerobics
Test your knowledge of the lesson you have just covered.
Duration: 10 min
Scoring: 10
Points Earned: _____
Unit 5: Fitness Adventure
Activity 5.1.3: Discuss - The Great Outdoors
(Documents: Discussion)
Talk about which outdoor activities you prefer and ask classmates if they have participated in an activity you are
interested in but have never tried.
Duration: 20 min
Scoring: 15
Points Earned: _____
Teacher: Mr. Hartung
Activity 5.1.4: Journal - Leaving the Comfort Zone
(Documents: Journal)
What adventure activities are outside your comfort zone? When in the past have you pushed your personal limits
and how did it affect you?
Duration: 30 min
Scoring: 20
Points Earned: _____
Activity 5.1.5: Quiz - Outdoor Fitness Fun
Test your knowledge of the lesson you have just covered.
Duration: 10 min
Scoring: 10
Points Earned: _____
Activity 5.2.3: Practice - A Weekend Away
(Documents: Practice Assignment)
Plan an itinerary for a weekend of outdoor sporting including what to pack what activities to do and what
precautions to take.
Duration: 30 min
Scoring: 30
Points Earned: _____
Activity 5.2.4: Quiz - Have Fun and Be Careful
Test your knowledge of the lesson you have just covered.
Duration: 10 min
Scoring: 10
Points Earned: _____
STUDENT NAME:_____________________________ YEAR:_______ COMPLETION DATE:___-___-___
1 CREDIT COMPLETION – physical Education Core
 Estimated Time on Physical Education Curriculum Content: 25 Hours
 Points Possible on Content Activities: 545 Points
o 60% Mastery is needed to Pass = 327 Points Needed / _____ Student Points Earned
 Physical Activity Time Logged - 50 Hours Required = _____ Hours Completed
TEACHER SIGNATURE:______________________________________________ DATE:____-____-____