The purpose of Colorado`s state school and district accountability

Accountability Work Group
September 21, 2016
 Welcome, Agenda and Grounding
 Accountability Purpose Statement
 Overview- Other Indicator of School Quality and Student
 Small Group Work
 Requirements
 Feedback
 Next Steps
 Lunch and Report Out
 Wrap up
Welcome and Introductions
 Name, role, organization
 What is your view on accountability?
 What brings you to this work?
 What are your best hopes? Worst fears?
 Hub Meeting on 9/12/16
 Overview of the accountability requirements and decision points
 Input from hub committee members on areas for the AWG to
Purpose and Goals of the
ESSA Accountability Work Group
To gather input and research on the accountability decision points in the Every
Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) in order to provide options/recommendations and
considerations on those decision points for the ESSA state plan.
The work is focused on school and district accountability, which is tied closely to and dependent
upon state assessments. However, assessment options will not be the focus of this work.
End Goal:
Provide options and considerations for the accountability decision points for
the ESSA state plan, to be shared with the hub committee, the Committee of
Practitioners (CoP) and the State Board of Education (SBE), and ultimately
submitted to the U.S. Department of Education on March 6, 2017.
Hub and Spoke Committee Process
 Charge of spoke committees:
 Review ESSA requirements and regulations, existing Colorado state law and
rules, and ESSA Listening Tour and other stakeholder feedback to:
 Draft, review, and revise sections of Colorado’s ESSA State Plan;
 Provide options on content specific decision points
 Identify possible areas for additional flexibility in state legislation
 Propose responses to and provide justifications for decisions made concerning
stakeholder feedback; and,
 Present and submit draft sections, recommendations , and summaries of the
ESSA state plan work to the Hub committee.
 Accountability ~ develop a “statewide accountability system that
complies with the requirements” of ESSA and state laws and policies
Group Norms
 Participate – be present and contribute
 Control your sidebars and technology
 Self-monitor your balance between listening and speaking
 Help to ensure that all voices are heard
 Find the common ground
 Respect for people and ideas- we all have different perspectives that are
crucial for this work
 Speak your mind – this is a safe space
 Shared talking points at the end of the meeting
 Be a problem-solver
 Identify both issues/concerns and possible solutions
 9Provide feedback on the process and product
 There may be homework that we need you to do
Accountability Purpose
Purpose Statement
The purpose of Colorado’s state school and district
accountability system is to provide valid and actionable
information regarding the progress of all students in
meeting the state standards. This information should
support enable districts, schools and stakeholders in
evaluating and improving the effectiveness of their
systems, with the goal that each and every student,
regardless of background or learning need, meet state
expectations for academic achievement and growth and
are prepared for post-secondary and workforce success.
Other Indicator of School
Quality or Student Success
 ESSA SEC 1005- (c)(4)(B)(v)(II): "may include measures of–
 (III) student engagement;
 (IV) educator engagement;
 (V) student access to and completion of advanced coursework;
 (VI) postsecondary readiness;
 (VII) school climate and safety“
Requirements for the “Other
 The indicator must be the same measure for all schools at a
grade level
 The indicator must be disaggregated by student group
 The indicator must differentiate performance
 The indicator must be valid, reliable and comparable
 Proposed regulations require evidence that it increases student
academic achievement or graduation rates.
 Proposed regulations do not allow this measure to not identify
a school for comprehensive or targeted support, unless
significant progress made on other indicators
 Proposed regulations indicate that the “other indicator” would
need to be in place for 2017 accountability determinations
(one year from now)
 Feedback has been provided to suggest that 2018 is more
 ESSA State Plan is due in March, but the plan can be amended
at any time in the future.
 We can think about short and long term options
 Value Add
 How does the proposed measure aid in understanding the
performance of a school/district and provide actionable information
for continuous improvement?
 Colorado Priorities
 Does the proposed measure reflect Colorado’s priorities for school
 Unintended consequences?
 How does inclusion in accountability determinations impact the
 Burden
 What is the reporting/operational burden to state, districts, and/or
What states have done to include
this new area in accountability
 GA: Basket of indicators: school climate perceptions, student
discipline, schoolwide attendance, safe and substance-free learning
environment indicators. Each school receives a 1-5 star rating on
this which is reported separately and does not impact
accountability ratings.
 UT: Alternative schools accountability – school climate survey;
certify that action plan in place. Has a 10% influence in the model.
 NV: School climate improvement actions, credit earning for 9th and
10th graders, attendance. Credit earning part of PWR, school
climate and attendance grouped as “other” and weighted at 10% in
the model.
 CO: AEC frameworks – Student engagement consisting of truancy
and attendance. Has a 20% influence in the model.
What is already in place in
 For high schools, we include:
 Dropout rate
 College Entrance Exam
 Matriculation Rate
 (Would need to disaggregate)
 For elementary/middle schools:
 Adequate growth indicators could be considered
Feedback Received from Listening Tour
 Climate & Culture
 Examples included gauging teacher satisfaction, professional learning opportunities for staff
and leadership, access to post-secondary readiness opportunities, student health and
wellness, student behavior and discipline, and parent and community engagement.
Capture Climate & Culture indicators through surveys (student, parent, TELL, etc.).
Attendance or chronic absenteeism
Engagement (student, parent/family, community)
Other Non-academic Factors
 Health and Wellness
 Social-Emotional Learning
 “Whole Child”
 Other Academic Factors
 Graduation and/or completion rates
 College and career readiness
 Use existing measures and repurpose what we are already collecting.
Feedback from Co. Ed. Voice
Small Work Groups
 Identification and exit criteria for comprehensive support
schools and targeted support schools
 Nazie
 English learners- progress metrics and 1st year in US testing
 Marie
 “Other” Indicator of School Quality or Student Success
 Dan, Elena
 Participation
 Alyssa
 N size, long-term goals and interim measures
 Tina, Donna
Goals for Today
 Build deeper understanding of the requirements around the
decision points
 Review the feedback that has been collected so far
 Brainstorm around the additional information (research, data,
current practices) needed for the group to provide
considerations and options for decisions.
Lunch and Report Out
Wrap - Up
Shared Talking Points
Meeting Evaluation
 What worked?
 Small group dive
 Facilitation and
having staffing at
each table
 Food
 What would make the
meeting more effective?
Reading materials
Work kits (posters,
markers, cow bells)
Upcoming Meetings Dates
ESSA AWG Meetings
Other Meetings
October 6th- Committee of Practitioners
October 19th
November 2nd
November 16th
November 30th (if needed)
December 12th- Hub Meeting (present
December 14 or 15- State Board of
Education (present options)