Clever Catch Tobacco Ball Activity #6

Clever Catch Tobacco Ball
Activity #6
Target: Grades 4 -8
Time frame: Unlimited
Materials Needed: Clever Catch Tobacco Ball
Leaning Objectives: A fun and engaging way for students to learn about the harmful effects of
smoking. Clever Catch® can be used at school in organized classroom activities. It can also be
used on the playground or at home.
Clever Catch® at home or on the playground:
Basic play for Clever Catch® is simple. Two or more players toss the ball to each other,
answering the problem underneath or closest to their left thumb. Each problem is numbered and
enclosed in its own space, assuring the child will know which problem to answer. Answers are
provided in this activity sheet.
Playoffs: Pairs of children toss the ball back and forth for one minute answering problems. A
scorekeeper tallies which team has the most correct answers in the time limit.
Clever Catch® Beat the Clock:
Objective: The entire class plays cooperatively as one team, trying to better its own time and
number of correct answers in each game.
1. Choose a timekeeper. You also will need a monitor – teacher or student – to keep track of
correct answers.
2. Divide the class into two lines of equal length, students facing each other.
3. At the timekeeper’s signal, toss Clever Catch® to the first student. As quickly as possible,
this student reads and answers the problem his/her left thumb lands on.
4. This student then tossed Clever Catch® to the student directly across from him/her in the
second line. This student reads and answers the problem under his/her left thumb.
5. Play continues until all students in both lines have had a turn. When the last student has
answered, the time and correct number of answers are recorded.
School Contests: Establish a Clever Catch® tournament among classrooms where this subject is
Tobacco Clever Catch® Question & Answer Sheet
1. Approximately how many harmful chemicals are in a cigarette?
2. Why are cigarette ads not allowed on TV?
Do filtered cigarettes prevent you from getting lung cancer?
With which of your goals would smoking interfere?
Is smoking a good way to lose weight?
TRUE or FALSE: Many brands of chewing tobacco have tiny
pieces of glass in them.
7. TRUE or FALSE: Cigarette companies pay to have their products
seen in movies.
8. TRUE or FALSE: Cigarette smoke interferes with your ability to
breathe by leaving a “tar” residue in your lungs.
9. TRUE or FALSE: Smoking is responsible for the majority of lung
cancer cases.
10. Does smoking cause bad breath and make your clothes smell bad?
11. TRUE or FALSE: Chewing tobacco is as bad for you as smoking?
12. TRUE or FALSE: Chewing tobacco is a primary cause of oral
13. TRUE or FALSE: Dip, snuff, and chew are slang words for
chewing tobacco.
14. Does smoking a cigarette make you look cool? Why or why not?
15. TRUE or FALSE: Smoking can cause hearing loss, vision
problems, and increased headaches.
16. TRUE or FALSE: Smoking can prevent people from doing their
best in athletic activities.
17. TRUE or FALSE: Most professional athletes do not smoke.
18. TRUE or FALSE: The majority of teens who smoke wish they
hadn’t started.
19. TRUE or FALSE: Most teenage girls who smoke and say they will
quit before they get pregnant actually succeed in quitting.
20. TRUE or FALSE: Smoking increases the chance of birth defects in
21. TRUE or FALSE: If your best friend smokes, you have a greater
risk of starting to smoke.
22. How long do you have to use tobacco products before you can
become addicted:
A. 1 year B. 5 years C. Right away
23. What are some ways to tell people to quit smoking.
24. What would you do if your best friend lit up a cigarette in front of
25. TRUE or FALSE: Living in a smoking environment is harmful,
even if you don’t smoke.
26. What is second-hand smoke?
(Open answer) ie: they would then
be marketing to children, etc.
(Open answer)
(Open answer)
(Open answer)
FALSE: 7 out of 10 say they
would not start if they had the
choice to make again.
FALSE: Most pregnant smokers
do not stop because they are
Right away
(Open answer)
(Open answer)
Breathing in somebody else’s
cigarette smoke.
27. List 3 reasons why smoking is bad for you.
(Open answer)
28. TRUE or FALSE: Many non-smokers die every year from
breathing in secondhand smoke.
29. Is smoking a cigar safer than smoking a cigarette if it is “puffed”
instead of inhaling the smoke?
30. Should cigarette ads be allowed in magazines?
31. Do cigarette ads persuade people to smoke?
32. Why would tobacco companies use cartoon characters to advertise
their products?
33. What should you do if you are in a smoke-filled environment, such
as a car or house, and want to breathe clean air?
34. TRUE or FALSE: People who smoke, generally, live as long as
35. TRUE or FALSE: Nicotine in tobacco is as addictive as heroin and
36. TRUE or FALSE: 10 years after quitting smoking, the risk of lung
cancer is cut in half.
37. Name a health risk from smoking in addition to lung cancer.
38. Where does smoking rank among the first three causes of
preventable death: first, second , or third?
39. Do you think people would smoke less if they knew more about the
40. What are the odds a lifelong smoking habit would kill you?
No (Open answer)
(Open answer)
(Open answer)
(Open answer) ie: To get kids
attention, market to children, make
the product more innocent, etc.
(Open answer)
Emphysema, heart disease, many
types of cancer, etc.
(Open answer)
One in Two
41. TRUE or FALSE: Tobacco will permanently stain your
42. TRUE or FALSE: Most people, who say they can quit smoking
whenever they want, find it very difficult.
43. How would you benefit from smoking cigarettes?
44. How many cigarettes a day do you have to smoke to be considered a
45. Are “light” cigarettes a safe alternative to smoking “full flavor”
46. How can smoking contribute to house fires?
47. What are some of the health problems for people who use tobacco?
48. Does smoking help people to relax?
Lung disease, heart disease, oral
cancer, emphysema, etc.
No, nicotine is a stimulant.
49. What is the addictive drug in tobacco?
50. Do you think smoking is a dangerous habit?
(Open answer)
51. TRUE or FALSE: Second-hand smoke creates a toxic environment
for people who don’t smoke.
52. TRUE or FALSE: Smoking kills more people than AIDS, alcohol,
car accidents, murders, suicides, and illicit drugs combined.
(Open answer)
(Open answer)
53. TRUE or FALSE: Most smokers don’t start until they are 18, when
it is legal for them to buy tobacco.
FALSE: Almost 90% of adult
smokers began at or before age 18.
US Department of Health and
Human Services
(Open answer)
(Open answer)
54. Should people be allowed to smoke in restaurants?
55. Can smoking cigarettes cause premature aging of your skin?
56. What would your family members think if you used tobacco
57. Have you talked to any of your family members about using tobacco
58. How can using tobacco products effect your reputation?
59. Why do you think most young people start smoking?
60. Is smoking bad for people with asthma?
61. What is the cost of one pack of cigarettes a day for a year?
62. Does using tobacco products make it harder for your body to heal?
63. Why is peer pressure a reason some young people try using tobacco?
64. How many cigarettes would you smoke in a year if you smoked a
pack (20) per day?
65. How can YOU help someone quit smoking?
66. Name three activities that are healthy alternatives to smoking.
67. TRUE or FALSE: Teenagers are the most important customers to
tobacco companies.
69. TRUE or FALSE: Cigarettes contain a chemical found in rat
70. How could a tobacco habit affect you financially?
71. TRUE or FALSE: Cigarette smoke can be harmful to household
72. What would your response be to someone who is pressuring you to
use tobacco products?
73. How has the image of smoking changed over the last 50 years?
74. Where should smoking be permitted?
75. TRUE or FALSE: There is a link between exposure to cigarette
smoke and sudden Infant Death Syndrome?
76. How would you feel if you knew your brother or sister had started
77. What are some myths about how smoking makes you look?
(Open answer)
(Open answer)
(Open answer)
Over $3,000
(Open answer)
7,300 cigarettes
(Open answer)
Play a game, call a friend, ride a
bike, etc.
TRUE, surgeon General Report,
(Open answer)
(Open answer)
(Open answer)
(Open answer)
(Open answer)
(Open answer)