ANPR Blue Badge application form

Enquiries to:
Direct line:
Our ref:
Your ref:
Parking Services
[email protected]
01494 421955
ANPR/Blue Badge
As postmarked
Dear Sir/Madam
From 25th February 2017 the majority of our car parks will operate under a Pay and Display
system. When parking in these car parks, a Blue Badge holder should display their valid badge
and correctly set timeclock in the normal manner, and drive from the car park when ready to do
so. There is no need to use a Pay and Display machine.
A Pay on Exit system will operate in the Swan and Easton Street multi-storey car parks. We
have set up a scheme whereby a Blue Badge holder may register their badge with us to allow
them free access to these two barrier controlled car parks. There is no charge for registration.
A Blue Badge holder registered with our office should drive in, park, and display their badge and
timeclock in the normal way. If the badge holder is using the car registered with this office, the
exit barrier should rise automatically on approach, allowing them to drive out. If the badge
holder is in a different car, their bar coded card should be used at the paystation prior to exit.
A bar-coded card will be provided automatically by post once registration is complete; this
should be used at the machine when the badge holder is in an unregistered vehicle. Enter the
vehicle number plate at the paystation in the normal way prior to exit, follow the instructions,
and scan the bar coded card when asked if you have a voucher. This will remove the fees
incurred and the barrier will rise on approach to allow the car to exit.
Please note
 Registration lapses when the Blue Badge expires.
 A badge holder may only park one vehicle free of charge at any one time.
 Payment for parking is required in Pay on Exit car parks (currently Swan and Easton Street)
if the badge is not registered with this office.
The following Terms and Conditions will apply
(Any changes to the process or terms and conditions of use will be displayed in each car park).
The disabled badge holder must be present in the car to use the concession;
If parked in a dedicated disabled bay, a valid Blue Badge and Parking Clock set to the time
of arrival must be clearly displayed;
Parking Services must be advised immediately in writing (by letter or email) if any changes
are made in respect of either their Blue Badge or the registered vehicle.
If the bar-coded card is lost or stolen, the badge holder must write to Parking Services at
Wycombe District Council or email [email protected] in order that a replacement
may be considered. An administration charge may be made.
Penalty Charge Notice may be issued in the following circumstances:
If the Blue Badge displayed is out of date;
If the issue details on a Blue Badge cannot be verified from outside the vehicle;
If it appears that the Blue Badge is being misused. This could also result in this concession
being removed and details of the Blue Badge being passed to the issuing Authority for
further investigation.
If the vehicle is parked in breach of regulations that apply to the car park, as detailed on the
notice board.
Information concerning the regulations for the use of a Blue Badge may be found online at: , or by application to the issuing Authority.
The following Wycombe District Council car parks operate under Pay and Display as of 25/1/17:
High Wycombe:
Railway Place
Duke Street
Totteridge Road
Council Office (Front)
Desborough Road
George Street
Richardson Street
Baker Street
Liston Road
Court Garden/Pound Lane
Institute Road
West Street
Princes Risborough:
The Mount
Horns Lane
Bourne End:
Wakeman Road
The name of the car park will be shown on the notice board in the car park, and it will state “Pay
and Display” at the top if the car park operates under this system. Your car may be parked free
of charge in these car parks providing your Blue Badge and time clock are correctly displayed in
the vehicle.
NB Wycombe District Council Parking Services has no responsibility over other car parks in the
District such as those at the Eden Centre, Sainsbury’s, Dovecot, Matalan, Morrison’s, Holywell
Mead, Lidl, Wycombe Hospital or Busy Bees car park on the Rye. Our Blue Badge registration
scheme does not apply within these car parks.
Yours faithfully
Wycombe District Council
Please complete the below form, attach a copy of both sides of
your valid Blue Badge, and return it to:
Parking Services, Wycombe District Council,
Queen Victoria Road, High Wycombe, Bucks, HP11 1BB
NB: Please be aware that you must pay for parking until you receive confirmation of registration by post.
Failure to complete the form correctly, or provide a copy of the Blue Badge could result in a delay in your
registration being processed.
Type of application:
First application
Change of vehicle
(please circle)
NAME OF BADGEHOLDER …………………………………………………..………………………..
Mr / Mrs / Miss / Ms (please delete as appropriate)
ADDRESS: .………………………………………………………………………………………...……..
TEL:…………………………… EMAIL:……………….…………………………………………….……
If badge holder is under 18 yrs, please provide name of Parent/Guardian below:
EXPIRY DATE OF BLUE BADGE: …...…………………………………………………………….…..
ISSUING AUTHORITY: ……………………………………………………..……………………...….…
NB Only one vehicle per Blue Badge; please write ‘No Vehicle’ if you do not have a vehicle to
VEHICLE REGISTRATION NUMBER: ……………………………………….………………………
MAKE: …………………………………………………… COLOUR: …………….………………….….
NB Only an “organisational” vehicle may be registered to an Organisational Blue Badge. For
further information please contact Parking Services. Please provide a contact name if you are
registering an Organisational Blue Badge.
I understand that I must comply with the terms and conditions for the use of a Blue Badge, and
that any misuse may result in the issue of a Standard Charge Ticket and/or the concession being
I have enclosed a copy of both sides of my Blue Badge.
SIGNED..……………..................…………..………………. Badge holder / authorised representative
DATE: …………………..…………..…….…
Parking Services, Wycombe District Council, High Wycombe BUCKS HP11 1BB
Email: [email protected] Tel: 01494 421955