Golf is a Game: Have Fun! and Duffers, Playing the Back Nine of Life!

TO: All Desert Duffers
April 10, 2014
FROM: Frank Hewitt, President
Bill Trefethen, Tournament Director
It is time to re-state some of the “unwritten Duffer rules” as they pertain to all that goes into our weekly
competitions. We haven’t done this for a couple of years and we have gained a sizable number of new members
that have joined The Duffers in that timeframe, and there maybe a few of us older members that have forgotten
some of these items too.
Our fellow duffers, Ken Crombie, Bruce Ormiston, Dan Cerny, Scott McLain and Art Mayhle, take turns putting our
games together and determining the weekly winners. And we need to make their jobs as easy as we can. So here
are the informal rules that we need to remind ourselves of:
1. We are getting far too many “special requests” for specific playing times. We have had as high as 23
requests in a single week to play in either the early or late shotguns. That makes it extremely time
consuming to come up with balanced teams so that our competitions are fair to every player. So going
forward, only requests because of medical situations will be honored. This can include doctor/test
appointments, special meal times, etc. Just put a note in the “notes section” in the signup area.
2. We continue to have larger numbers of players calling after the pairings are posted, requesting to play.
Either they forgot to signup or just arrived back into town. We will honor those ONLY if we can find a spot
that will not disrupt the handicap balance of the teams. Remember that you will always receive a
confirming e-mail when you signup for an event on-line.
3. We will NOT honor requests to play with certain other Duffers, also we will not honor requests to NOT be
paired with a certain Duffer.
4. The cutoff for on-line signups is always Friday evening, 9:00 PM Quail Creek Time. But why wait until the
last minute? Our games are always available at least 2-3 weeks in advance.
5. If you are the first player on the scorecard, you are the CAPTAIN of that team. We try our best to pass this
responsibility around to every Duffer. If you are The CAPTAIN, you are responsible for:
a. Making sure your team maintains a pace of play to keep up with the team in front of you. Team
members: don’t get mad at your Captain when he says you need to speed up! It’s his job, and it
might be yours next time.
b. On games where individual scores need to be posted in the proshop computer, you need to make
sure that happens. The notes on the scorecard should always say when to POST SCORES. If you
don’t yet know how to post, someone is usually there to help you out. Just ask.
c. Have your scorecard placed in the Tupperware container at the proshop by 2:45 PM on the day of
play or your team might not be counted in the days winners.
If we all do our best to keep these simple guidelines in mind, everyone can enjoy the day.
And remember our mottos:
Golf is a Game: Have Fun!
Duffers, Playing the Back Nine of Life!