Crossward: Perfect Justice

Crossward: Perfect Justice
Pastor Kellen Lewis
Sunday, February 5, 2017
Luke 10:13-16
Insights into the perfect justice of the final judge.
Text your sermon questions to Pastor Kellen715-219-5112.
1. Jesus will judge based on perfect knowledge of what people have
done or left undone. (13a)
2. Jesus will judge based on perfect knowledge of what people would
have done under different circumstances. (13b)
3. Jesus will proportionately punish based on perfect judgment. (14-15)
4. Jesus will ultimately judge every individual based on accepting or
rejecting those who tell them about him. (16)
Growing in Christ
What next step is God calling me to take this week to grow in my walk
with Christ or make new disciples?
Discussion Questions
Use these questions to connect the sermon points to life:
1. Which will have the greatest lasting consequences: a person’s actions
or inactions?
2. If Jesus knows all possible alternative worlds and what we would
have done in them, what excuses for rejecting him will be most
compelling in the end? How might that affect our understanding of
remote people who have never heard the gospel? How might that
affect rewards for Christians who fail to do something they are called
to do.
3. Can you think of instances of petty crimes getting terrible
consequences or terrible crimes getting petty consequences? How do
those judgments strike you? How will we view Jesus’s judgments
when we have more perfect knowledge in eternity?
4. Some Christians think that God will not condemn people who have
never heard the gospel. According to Romans 1-3, that is not true. If
it were true, telling people about Jesus creates a new option for them
to be condemned and thus mission/evangelism work would be the
most hateful act possible. Rather, based on Luke 10:16, what new
option do we create for people by telling them about Jesus?