Power Point

"It isn't that they can't see the solution. It is that they
can't see the problem."
-- G.K. Chesterton
Michelle Vaudreuil
Kim VanSprange
The Problem Solver
 4 step method
 Makes competent and confident problem
 Incorporates think-pair-share
 Integrates writing with math notebooking
 Metacognitive strategies
 Utilizes 10 different strategies
 Pre and post test results
“Find Out”
 Read question
 Reread, pulling only important info.
 Restate in own words
 Turn and talk
“Choose a Strategy”
 Choose a strategy card
 Be prepared to explain
 Think-pair-share
 Whole class holds up card
 Teacher leads to correct strategy
through questioning
“Solve It”
 Teacher guides whole group
 Students record in notebook
 Must show proof that strategy was used
 Reflect – Did the strategy help solve
the problem?
“Look Back”
 Reread problem and necessary info.
 Did you use all necessary info.?
 Did you answer the question?
 Does your answer make sense?
 Explain in writing
 Model, model, model!
Let’s Practice!
 Every July 4th the Mahoneys get together for a picnic,
each with a musical instrument. There is one
grandmother and one grandfather. There are 4
mothers and 4 fathers. One half of the mothers have 3
daughters, one mother has 2 daughters, and one
mother has one daughter. One half of the fathers have
one son. There are 3 sons-in-law and no daughters-inlaw. What is the fewest number of instruments the
Mahoneys will bring to the picnic?
Think About the Following…
 What questions might you ask to guide students
through each stage of the 4 step model?
 What are some common misconceptions students
might have regarding the problem?
 What are some common errors you might see?
 What reading strategy might help solve this problem?
Now You’re the Teacher!
Recently, a census was taken on space station Gamma.
Of the 100 residents interviewed, 75 traced their
ancestry to planet Omicron, 85 traced their ancestry to
planet Omega, and 60 residents traced their ancestry
to both planets. How many residents have ancestors
from ONLY Omicron, and how many residents had
ancestors from ONLY Omega?
Try Another Strategy
 “You’re kidding,” said Caleb to his friend Donna. “You
want to be that when you grow up?” Alice, Barklay,
Kayla, and Donna are talking about what they want to
do when they grow up. Caleb enjoys helping his
younger brother learn his math facts. Donna gets
motion sickness. Both Donna and Barklay hate to go
camping and hiking. Together they want to be a
doctor, a pilot, a forest ranger, and a teacher. Can you
match each person with each occupation?
 Do you have any questions for us?
Websites to visit
 http://www.hawaii.edu/suremath/k4_12dir/k4_12men
u.html (K-12 word problems)
 http://www.mystfx.ca/special/mathproblems/grade6.
html (6th grade problems)
 http://www.mystfx.ca/special/mathproblems/grade7.
html (7th grade problems)
 http://www.mystfx.ca/special/mathproblems/grade8.
html (8th grade problems)
 Problem Solving. (n.d.). Rock Valley College. Retrieved March 27, 2011, from
 Problem Solving Resources for Middle Grades Teachers. (n.d.). Appalachian State
University :: Boone, North Carolina. Retrieved March 27, 2011, from
 Instructional Strategies Online - Think, Pair, Share. (n.d.). Online Learning Centre.
Retrieved March 27, 2011, from http://olc.spsd.sk.ca/DE/PD/instr/strats/think/
 Tajika, H., Nakatsu, N., Nozaki, H., Neumann, E., & Maruno, S. (2007). Effects of
self-explanation as a metacognitive strategy for solving mathematical word
problems. Japanese Psychological Research, 49(3), 222-233. doi:10.1111/j.14685884.2007.00349.x