4.1 Personal Files of Employees

1. Introduction
1.1. The Personnel Policy Manual is the official statement of the Kosovo Credit Guarantee Fund,
hereinafter referred to as KCGF, with information about working conditions, policies and procedures
concerning personnel and employment processes. It is designed to provide managerial staff with
uniform knowledge in order to assure equitable and consistent application of the policies. It also
serves to acquaint newly hired employees with KCGF’s policies and to provide existing KGCF
employees with information on specific practices, procedures or benefits.
1.2. The Personnel Policy Manual is not an employment contract and is not intended to create
contractual obligations of any kind. No one except the Managing Director at KCGF has the authority
to enter into any agreement with anyone for employment for any specified period or to make any
promises or commitments contrary to the foregoing.
1.3. KCGF employees will sign confirming their knowledge of provisions of this manual since this
document regulates the major operational procedures, employee and labor relations and personnel
policies of the KCGF.
1.4. As KCGF operates in a dynamic environment, some policies currently in effect may be revised,
suspended, or eliminated without notice in response to program needs or changing legal
requirements. Therefore, you should always check with your manager or supervisor for the most
current ones.
1.5. The purpose of this Manual is to create a working environment at the KCGF that has:
Equal working conditions for all employees that would inspire their genuine interest in
KCGF’s activities and pride in its accomplishments, as well as to provide proper incentives for
them to pursue the KCGF’s objectives by applying their best effort and capability in doing their
Operation in compliance with the effective legislation; and
Establishment of the personnel structure required to staff KCGF’s programs based exclusively
on the employees’ professional merits and good performance indicators.
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2. General Provisions
2.1. KCGF is an organization whose activities are governed by an integrated strategy for supporting
increased access to finance for MSMEs in Kosovo and are geared towards its enforcement in the
economic, institutional and professional contexts.
2.2.KCGF hires employees to implement specific programs within the approved budget, which
precludes establishing employment and labor relations for an indefinite period of time.
2.3. Therefore, KCGF hires employees through entering into a finite time employment contract with
In order to hire an individual, KCGF will require that the applicant:
Submit his/her employment history record (resume/CV) and certificate of conferring
a taxpayer’s identification number on him/her, both drawn in accordance with a
standard pattern;
Produce his/her ID/passport as required by the effective legislation on ID/passport
In concluding an employment contract, KCGF cannot require that the applicants provide
information on their ethnic origin, religion, political party allegiance, or submit any documents that
are not required by the effective labor legislation.
KCGF can require that the applicants produce their university diplomas, transcripts, or any
other documents certifying their educational background or professional qualifications.
Non-discrimination in employment
2.7.1 It is the policy of KCGF to provide equal employment opportunity to each individual,
regardless of race, gender, age, sex, sexual orientation, national or ethnic origin, country of
origin, disability, marital status, veteran status, social or property status, religion, political
views, membership of trade union or any other non-governmental organization, or any other
occupationally irrelevant condition. This policy applies to hiring and job assignment;
promotion and transfer; extension or termination of employment contract and decisionmaking in respect of KCGF employers’ careers and labor activities.
2.7.2 KCGF sets up eligibility criteria regarding the employees’ expertise, experience,
educational background and health in accordance with the professional or occupational
requirements stipulated by the effective legislation or based on specific job descriptions
approved by KCGF.
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Work safety, smoke-free and drug-free policies
2.8.1 KCGF is committed to providing a safe working environment for its employees in
compliance with the current safety requirements. If employees have any grievances regarding
their work safety they should communicate them immediately to KCGF’s Managing Director.
Smoking is prohibited on KCGF’s premises.
It is the policy of KCGF that the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation,
possession or use of illegal substances is prohibited on KCGF's property or as a part of
KCGF’s activities.
2.9 Individuals in breach of the above rule are subject to KCGF’s disciplinary action, including the
termination of employment, upon their case consideration by KCGF’s management. The
individuals in question have the right to participate in their case consideration and produce
evidence of their guiltlessness.
2.10 It is the policy of KCGF to assure that all employees are protected from any form of sexual
Employment Process
Equal Employment Opportunity Policy
3.1.1 KCGF maintains a strong policy of equal employment opportunity. KCGF ensures equal
opportunity for all employees and applicants for employment. KCGF hires, trains, promotes,
compensates and dismisses employees without regard for race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation,
national origin, age, marital or veteran status, disability or citizenship, as well as other classifications
protected by applicable law. Discrimination against employees based on any of these factors is
3.1.2 KCGF equal employment opportunity philosophy applies to all aspects of employment
including recruiting, hiring, training, transfer, promotion, job benefits, pay, dismissal, and social and
recreational activities.
Equal opportunity contributes to the success and diversity of KCGF.
Appointment Process
KCGF conducts its hiring policy in accordance with the Kosovo Labor Law. Persons under 15
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will not be hired to work in the organization1.
Before the new employee starts working the Managing Director will:
acquaint the new employee with KCGF’s mission and task;
introduce new employee to KCGF’s staff.
instruct the new employee on his/her rights and responsibilities and inform about
work conditions;
instruct the new employee on internal work discipline (working hours, lunch breaks,
vacation policy, information confidentiality, use of equipment, etc.).
provide an instruction with job specification to the new employee.
submit Labor Contract to the new employee for signing.
provide the workplace and everything necessary for the new employee to discharge
his/her professional duties with high performance.
Employee will:
 Get acquainted with all internal policies and procedures;
 Sign Labor Contract (see Attachment 1 for draft) and Acknowledgment in one of the
official Kosovo languages (attached in the Appendices as Attachment 6).
Probation Period of Employment
3.3.1 New employees are hired with the understanding that the first ninety (90) days of
employment will serve as a trial or introductory period.2 During this time, a new employee will have
an opportunity to demonstrate his or her ability to perform the assigned work and to fit into the work
group. If KCGF is not satisfied with the level and quality of employee's work, KCGF has a right to
terminate the employment contract3 during this trial period upon seven days’ notice4.
Trial period for the new staff member shall be specified in the hiring order.
3.3.3 When the trial period is over and the staff member continues to work, he or she shall be
regarded as having passed the trial period.
3.3.4 If it has been identified during the trial period that the staff member does not meet
requirements for the position occupied, management has the right to terminate the labor contract
with the staff member.
Law No. 03/L-212 On Labor, Article 7 (3)
Law No. 03/L-212 On Labor, Article 15 (1) – provides that the trial period will be determined by the contract. Paragraph 2 of the same
article provides that the trial period cannot last more than 6 months. The text contains the average trial period.
Law No. 03/L-212 On Labor, Article 15 (3)
Law No. 03/L-212 On Labor, Article 15 (3)
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Responsibilities of Employees and Employer
KCGF employees have the following responsibilities:
Ban on receiving gifts and monetary remunerations
Do their jobs as required by the employment contract, job description, provisions of
this Manual, the KCGF’s internal regulations or decisions and in accordance with the
effective legislation.
Follow the rules of work and fire safety, fulfill hygienic and sanitary requirements.
Keep their work places tidy and operable.
Follow the KCGF’s internal procedures for keeping documentation and maintaining
equipment and materials.
Take due care of the property in KCGF’s possession, use equipment and consumables
effectively and economically, save energy and other material resources.
Take immediate measures to eliminate reasons and conditions that make their
normal operation difficult or impossible (equipment breaks, etc) and report the
problem to the responsible employee or, in the case of his/her absence, KCGF’s
Managing Director.
Show tact and self-control in relations with colleagues and clients.
When in another country, respect its culture, customs and traditions, institutions and
KCGF employees cannot accept gifts, either of money or in kind, from institutions,
organizations or enterprises, or their shareholders, directors, officers, employees,
consultants, representatives or advisers, which are KCGF’s current or potential clients
or partners, including governmental organizations.
o The rule does not apply to the cases when the KCGF’s Managing Director gives
a written permission for accepting gifts, honorary titles, prizes, honoraria,
fees or other material comforts.
o “Gift” is any material comfort from which the KCGF employee could benefit.
Conflict of Interests
KCGF employees should operate in accordance with the highest ethical standards in all
matters relating to KCGF interests, avoid conflict of interest and perceptions of conflicts
of interest. Any potential conflicts of interest should be immediately disclose the
circumstances to the KCGG Managing Director.
When an employee, employee’s spouse or another member of his/her immediate family
is an official, CEO, shadow leader or employee or has a financial interest in some
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Enterprise, institution or organization, including multinationals, with which KCGF does or
plans to do business, the employee should report all facts of such personal relation or
interest in writing to KCGF’s Managing Director.
No employee has the right to use, to his/her financial or other benefit, confidential or
other sensitive information obtained due to his/her position in KCGF or from its
employees by taking advantage of their trust.
No employee has the right to disclose KCGF related information. Disclosure is making
certain data known to at least one person that is not supposed to possess them.
KCGF regards the following information as confidential or owned by KCGF:
o employees’ personal files;
o KCGF’s strategic plans;
o information on KCGF’s decision making and implementation procedures;
o data on the KCGF’s employees, partners, clients, contractors or trustees;
o data on the form and size of labor remuneration;
o technical information;
o KCGF’s correspondence;
o financial information, legal and financial accounting advice;
o any other information, which is not to be disclosed to the public or has not
become integral part of the employee’s professional knowledge and skills.
o Information considered confidential under prevailing Kosovo financial sector
laws or regulations.
Confidential information or information owned by KCGF is available to the persons
authorized to possess it by virtue of their position or performed duties.
It is prohibited to take the documentation deemed as confidential by KCGF management
away from KCGF premises.
Personnel Policies
Personal Files of Employees
KCGF will keep up-to-date personnel files on all staff. Employees’ personal files are confidential.
Employee’s right to have the information on his/her records treated confidentially is respected. Access
to personal files is allowed only KCGF Managing Director’s consent during working hours.
 The employee’s personal file contains description of his/her labor duties and is updated at
regular intervals.
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KCGF’s Managing Director will respond to any inquiries from enterprises, institutions,
organizations, governmental bodies and citizens about personal files of KCGF’s employees.
Every employee should inform his/her supervisor or manager if there are any changes in:
o Home address;
o Telephone number;
o Emergency contact information;
o Military status;
o Passport information.
Internal Compliance Rules
KCGF has rules and regulations that apply equally to each and every employee. KCGF’s internal
Compliance Rules include, but are not limited to, the information listed in this Manual. Personnel
performing the actions specified below are subject to disciplinary action. Some actions performed by
personnel can lead to Labor Contract termination (see also Employment Termination Section). These
actions include:
Abusing, damaging or stealing KCGF’s property.
Mismanaging KCGF funds or property;
Buying, selling, consuming, possessing or being under the influence of any intoxicant or
illegal drug while on KCGF business or the premises of KCGF at any time;
Willful misrepresentation on an employment application regardless of when discovered;
Any negligent or deliberate act considered detrimental to the interests of KCGF or KCGF’s
Failing to follow reasonable directions from the immediate supervisor or KCGF’s Managing
Willful non-compliance with regulations or instructions;
Exhibiting disorderly conduct;
Discussing confidential or proprietary KCGF business, policies or procedures with individuals
or organizations not employed with KCGF or with an unauthorized employee of KCGF,
except as required by law;
Excessive absence or tardiness;
Improperly recording hours or days worked on a timesheet or falsifying expense reports;
Conducting personal business or affairs during work hours:
Neglecting fire safety rules;
Failing to perform all duties in a diligent and professional manner.
Furthermore, employees are required to perform their duties with diligence and to treat colleagues
and the public with civility and courtesy. Personnel must exhibit exemplary conduct at all times. Nonadherence to these requirements is considered unacceptable and constitutes grounds for disciplinary
action and possible dismissal.
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Work Schedule
The standard workweek is five days5. The standard workday is 8 hours including at least thirty (30)
minutes lunch break6. Duration of the working week shall not exceed 40 hours. The usual work hours
are from 08:30 a.m. to 04:30 p.m.
The organization expects employees to be reliable and to be punctual in reporting for work.
An employee who will be absent from work for any reason must call his/her supervisor within 30
minutes of the start time of that day. Repeated absenteeism and/or tardiness may lead to disciplinary
action up to and including termination.
Lunch Break
Staff members are entitled to a lunch break of 60 minutes, as a rule, between 11:00 a.m. and 14:00.
If necessary, lunch break can be moved and used within a working day.
Overtime work should correspond to the Labor Law in force.
Time keeping and pay periods
For salary calculation, employees will prepare their timesheets (see Attachment 5) one time a month.
In timesheet, an employee should indicate the working time he/she dedicated to specific grant in
section "Project time" for each working day of month.
If employee has executed relevant functions, the time spent on them, as well as vacation, holidays
and other leave, should be indicated in specific sections of timesheet so the time will be allocated
between grants as overhead expenditures according procedures established by KCGF.
The timesheet must be signed by the employee, approved by the Managing Director, and then
submitted to the Finance Manager.
Terminated employees must submit a time sheet on the final day of work. KCGF will provide the final
pay, less any amounts owed to KCGF.
When a payday falls on a holiday or a weekend, employees will be paid on the last workday before.
Kosovo Labor Law does not specify how long a week should be. It only specifies that full time working is considered 40 hours per week.
Nevertheless, the practice shows that organizations work 5 days a week.
Law No. 03/L-212 On Labor, Article 28 (1)
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False time reporting may be cause for
disciplinary action up to and including termination.
Salary Payment/Bonus System
Salary is to be paid by KCGF in accordance with Kosovar legislation7.
Salary shall be paid on a constant basis on working days once a month, in local currency. KCGF will
withold taxes and social deductions as required by law.
Salaries and benefits are subject to taxation according to applicable Kosovar laws and regulations.
Leave Policies and Procedures
Sick Leave
According to KCGF’s. internal policy and applicable law in Kosovo, every staff member has the right
to twenty (20) paid days of sick leave 8.
Sick leave should be used for medical appointments and for time off because of illness, but should
not be used by healthy employees to supplement annual leave. Whenever possible, employees must
notify their supervisors in advance of any planned swick leave by completing a Request for Leave
If emergency sick leave is taken without prior approval, employees should make every effort to
notify their Supervisor or the Managing Director about their unexpected absence. On the first work
day upon returning to work, employees must submit the Request for Leave Form for approval.
A doctor’s certificate is required for sick leave of more than three (3) days.
Other types of leave are regulated by the Law No. 03/L-212 On Labor.
Law No. 03/L-212 On Labor, Articles 55-58, and Law No. 03/L-115 On Personal Income Tax
Law No. 03/L-212 On Labor, Article 59
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5.2 Maternity Leave
Women will be provided with maternity leave for the 12 months as follows:
For the first six (6) months of maternity leave, the payment shall be done by the employer
with the compensation of seventy percent (70%) of basic salary;
For the following three (3) months, the maternity leave shall be paid by the Government of
Kosovo with the compensation of fifty percent (50%) of the average salary in Kosovo;
The employed woman will have the right, under this Law, to extend her maternity leave for a
further three (3) months without pay.9
In addition to the stated leave, in the event of poor health conditions of the child or a child with
permanent disabilities, by request of the parent or caretaker, one parent may be enabled to work
part-time after the expiry of the maternity leave period until the child reacjes two (2) years of age10.
During pregnancy, maternity leave or absence from work due to need to provide special care for the
child, the employer shall not terminate the contract with the employee and/or make a transfer to
another post, except in cases of collective termination.11
Days Off
KCGF employees will be provided with two days off a week – Saturday and Sunday. In the event of a
day off coinciding with a holiday or a non-working day, this day off is to be transferred to the next
business day after the aforesaid holiday or non-working day.
If required, KCGF staff may be asked to work on such days off, upon request by the Managing Director.
KCGF employees are entitled to rest on the days defined as public holidays by the Kosovo legislation12.
In case an employee has to work on a holiday or day off, he/she shall be provided with an additional
day off.
All employees of KCGF are eligible for annual leave/vacations13.
Vacations may be taken at any time during the year. However, they must be scheduled to avoid
conflicts with other employees' vacations and with busy periods of the year. The Managing Director
must approve specific vacation dates in advance.
Law No. 03/L-212 On Labor, Article 49
Law No. 03/L-212 On Labor, Article 52 (1)
Law No. 03/L-212 On Labor, Article 53
Law No. 03/L-064 On Official Holidays in Republic of Kosovo
Law No. 03/L-212 On Labor, Article 32
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On the first year, vacation shall be
provided to staff member after six months of continuous work for KCGF.
Every employee will have the right to 20 paid working days or four (4) calendar weeks14 of vacation.
Staff members can distribute these days over a year if desired, upon approval of the vacation schedule
by the Managing Director.
When vacation time coincides with public holidays, the respective number of holidays shall be added
to the vacation.
Vacation days may be carried over to the next year and used no later than 30 th of June of the next
calendar year15. Vacation cannot be "borrowed" from future years. Financial compensation is not
provided in lieu of vacation if vacation is not taken. If employee salary is paid for by a grant or contract,
vacation carry over may not be possible.
If by the moment of termination the employee did not use his/her right for annual vacation, he/she
will be reimbursed for all the days of unused vacation.
Holidays are the days defined by Kosovar legislation as official holidays16.
If an employee is requested to work on a holiday, an alternate day off will be allowed in lieu of
taking the holiday or should be compensated as provided by the applicable law in Kosovo.
If a holiday falls on a weekend, the holiday will be observed on the following day after the holiday17 .
Unpaid leave
KCGF at its discretion will consider granting a leave of absence18
 for employees who wish to pursue activities, which are directly related to enhancing
professional skills;
 for employees who wish to leavethe organization for an extended period of time for
personal reasons;
 as unpaid family leave and/or medical leave
Law No. 03/L-212 On Labor, Article 32 (1)
Law No. 03/L-212 On Labor, Article 37 (6)
Law No. 03/L-064 On Official Holidays in Republic of Kosovo
Law No. 03/L-064 On Official Holidays in Republic of Kosovo
Law No. 03/L-212 On Labor, Article 40
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The decision will be based upon:
 the KCGF’s staff requirements;
the employee's performance record;
the employee's length of service;
reasons presented for the leave request.
If the employee wishes to take an unpaid leave, he/she must submit an application to the Managing
Director, at least 30 days prior to such leave (Attachment 1-4).
Business and personal leave will not exceed 12 months. Employees may not, under any circumstances,
engage in other employment or join a competitive business while on a leave of absence.
Evaluations and Promotions
KCGF is firmly committed to recognizing and rewarding individuals for outstanding job performance.
To this end, KCGF’s management determines appropriate standards of performance for hired
employees. These standards of performance are established to ensure that positions are performed
satisfactorily according to job descriptions and performance plans, so that employees are formally
appraised on a yearly basis during the year of employment. Merit salary raises and promotions are
directly related to the performance appraisal process.
Employment Termination
Termination of Contract
The employment contract, on a legal basis, may be terminated, as follows 19:
consent of the parties (the parties can discontinue the contract with two weeks' prior
written notice for a fixed term contract, or thirty (30) days prior written notice for an
indefinite term contract).
with the death of the employee;
with the expiry of the duration of the contract;
when an employee reaches the retirement age of sixty- five (65) years of age;
on the day of the submission of plenipotentiary proof of the loss of labor competencies;
if an employee is sentenced to serve a term which will last longer than six (6) months;
with the decision of the competent court, which leads to the termination of employment
Law No. 03/L-212 On Labor, Articles 67, 68 and 69
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 with the bankruptcy or liquidation
of the enterprise;
other cases specified by law.
The management of the organization has the right to terminate the employment contract for the
following reasons20:
organizational changes (closure, reorganization, change in the work profile, staff reduction);
failure to perform his/her duties;
disclosure of company/project confidential information;
unsatisfactory performance during probationary period;
refusal to follow instructions by supervisor and/or Managing Director;
chronic absenteeism;
working under the influence of alcohol or drugs;
misappropriation of KCGF’s property (including petty theft);
violatiion of norms of work, ethics, confidentiality, and legality;
other reasons stipulated under the labor legislation.
Before staff member's dismissal, KCGF’s Managing Director should provide notices addressing
insufficiency of work performance and providing remedies for change or improvement21.
Over the period from receipt of dismissal letter until the actual dismissal, the staff member must:
o settle all financial issues with KCGF’s Managing Director;
o transfer all the necessary data, contact data for partner organizations, report on activities,
etc. to the Chief of Managing Director;
o inform KCGF’s Managing Director on status of all his/her activities on the day prior to
o sign Employment Termination Agreement (attached in the Appendices as
Attachment 6).
Exit interviews are conducted upon termination of employment, regardless of reason. At this time,
the employee may openly address any concerns he/she may have.
Severance Pay
The severance payment shall be paid to the employees with indefinite period contract on the date of
termination at the following scale22:
 from two (2) to four (4) years of service: one (1) monthly salary;
 from five (5) to nine (9) years of service: two (2) monthly salary;
 from ten (10) to nineteen (19) years of service: three (3) monthly salary;
 from twenty (20) to twenty-nine (29) years of service: six (6) monthly salary; and
Law No. 03/L-212 On Labor, Article 70 (1)
Law No. 03/L-212 On Labor, Article 70 (2)
22 Law No. 03/L-212 On Labor, Article 76 (7)
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 from thirty (30) years of service or
more: seven (7) monthly salary;
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Attachment 1
Upon receipt of the Human Resources Manual for the Kosovo Credit Guarantee Fund (KCGF), please
review and sign this Statement of Understanding and return it to the KCGF Managing Director.
This document will be kept in the employee’s personnel file for the length of their employment with
I, ____________________________________________________________, certify that I have read
and that I fully understand the policies and procedures outlined in the KCGF Human Resources
Place and Date
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Attachment 2
KCGF’s policies and procedures for its employees require the disclosure of conflict of interest and
outside employment contracts or consulting agreements. Outside employment means any
employment or activity whereby you render a service for which you receive cash, payment, goods,
services, or any benefits for said services.
According to the KCGF Human Resources Manual, and as agreed to in the employment contract,
employees and consultants must complete and sign a Conflict of Interest Agreement/Form. In
addition, you should be aware that the KCGF Human Resources Manual prohibits employees from:
Using Employer’s funded office premises for commercial business purposes;
Accepting any discounts or similar payments in connection with any activities pursuant to
the project;
Engaging in outside work or consulting agreements without prior written permission from
the KCGF’s Managing Director.
Accordingly, please answer the questions below and submit this form to the Managing Director. This
information is confidential and will not be disclosed to third parties.
1. Name:
2. Position:
3. Relevant Professional Associations/Memberships:
4. Advisor/Consultant to:
5. Outside Consulting Agreement (s) (List All):
6. Other Part-Time Work:
7. Outside Teaching or Academic Positions:
8. Income from Outside Consulting and/or Part-Time Work (Estimate):
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Attachment 3
Realizing that non-disclosure of confidential information is an essential condition for my work with
KCGF and acknowledging KCGF’s confidentiality requirements, I hereby declare that:
1. I shall not use confidential information about the KCGF for personal purposes. Neither shall I
pass this information to other persons. I understand and agree to the fact that I am not
allowed to use confidential information for personal reasons.
2. I shall keep confidential any personal or business information related to KCGF’s recipients
and clients, as well as any other information that I may receive while working with KCGF. I
undertake not to disclose any information during or after my work with the KCGF, unless I
have permission or I am lawfully bound to do so. If I am summoned before a judge to
confirm any information related to my work with the KCGF, I shall notify the Managing
Director immediately and will not confirm any information until I have permission to do so. I
will not disclose confidential information to anyone without prior permission from KCGF.
3. I will discuss confidential information related to KCGF’s clients only with those KCGF and ECS
employees who need to know. I will only discuss information about KCGF’s clients with
people who are not members of staff upon receiving the written permission of the
Managing Director.
4. I agree not to carry with me (except while on duty) any documents, memoranda,
photographs, or slides related to my work and created by me or another employee or clients
of the KCGF.
5. I promise to save all documents in my possession and submit them to KCGF once my
contract expires.
6. When working with KCGF’s clients outside the office, I shall take all necessary precautions
against disclosure of confidential information.
7. I shall be cautious while discussing KCGF business with other persons. I will not indicate
names, places, or actions during such conversations, unless it is public information.
8. During my work with KCGF I will have access to various materials prepared by KCGF staff –
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operations manuals, policy manuals, etc. I undertake to keep such documents safe and return
them and any copies thereof to KCGF once my contract expires.
Date and Place:
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Attachment 4
Electronic Messaging Use Policy
KCGF uses its electronic messaging facilities as its primary communication vehicles to conduct
business. Every member of the KCGF has been given a unique account to use electronic messaging.
At times it is necessary to share account information (login and password) with trusted associates.
Having access to another person’s electronic messaging account requires acting responsibly.
Unauthorized use of another’s electronic messaging account is forgery and fraudulent behavior. It is
also a violation of an individual’s right to privacy. Such actions will be treated as gross misconduct
resulting in severe personnel action.
Spouses, significant others, relatives and friends, are prohibited from using KCGF’s email.
Electronic Messaging Services Policy
All electronic messages received, stored, sent and forwarded using corporate electronic messaging
systems are automatically scanned for computer viruses, abusive content, etc, and are subject to
review at any time. Messages containing computer viruses are cleaned of the virus automatically
when possible.
Staff may have multiple electronic message accounts to fulfill different obligations of their jobs of for
client engagement work. Staff may use their own electronic message accounts for personal use on
an exception basis. In this instance, no right of privacy is given or implied.
Computer Ethics
KCGF makes available computer networks, systems, hadrware and software to enable employees to
work efficiently and provide services to clients and associates. KCGF may also maintain local area
neworks (LANs) and wide-area networks (WANs) that allow for the rapid exchange of information
among co-workers. KCGF provides access to the Internet via gateways on the WAN to facilitate
communications with clients, associates, and others outside the project.
Authorized Access to Networks and Systems
Employees of KCGF are provided appropriate access to the relevant KCGF’s networks and systems.
Employees may use those computer networks and systems only in accordance with KCGF’s policies
and the law, in accordance with their access privileges. While KCGF’s computer networks and
systems are intended to be used for business purposes, KCGF allows employees to ake incidental
personal use of them.
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Employees may not distribute spam, chain letters, harassing or other threatening or harmful mail,
files with any inappropriate content of a sexual nature, including pornography, or any other
offensive, inapropriate, or unethical materials on KCGF’s or client computer networks and systems.
Employees may not use KCGF’s or client’s computer networks and systems to view inapropriate
materials. Any unauthorized entry into another user’s system or files or into KCGF’s or a a client’s
internal and external networks is a violation of KCGF’s policies.
Any use of KCGF’s or a client’s computer networks and systems must adhere to KCGF’s policies and
standards of workplace conduct, including the policies on sexual harassment, workplace harassment,
an duse of copyright protected material. Any employee who violates such policies and standards of
conduct or who abuses his or her privileges is subject to appropriate disciplinary action, up to and
including termination of employment. In some cases, the violation or abuse of access privileges may
be ilegal, subjecting the employee to legal penalties.
Networks and Systems
All voice and electronic mail messages and other data placed on computer networks and systems
and any other equipment that is owned or leased by KCGF are the property of KCGF. The project has
the capability and reserves the right to monitor, access, review, copy, delete and disclose any
messages, information, or date sent, accessed, received, or stored in its electronic mail, voiceail, or
computer networks and systems and files, for any purpose at its sole discretion. Such right of
disclosure includes the right to disclose such messages and data to any party.
Should employees use the electronic mail, voice mail, and/or computer systems and networks to
transmit and/or store personal messages and/or information, KCGF reserves the right to access,
review, copy, delete and disclose (inside or outside the project) such personal messages or
information for any purpuse within their discretion. Users have no right or expectation of privacy in
any messages or information, and should not use the electronic mail, voicemail, or computer
networks and systems, to access, send, receive, or store messages, information, or data they wich to
keep private.
Software Code of Ethics
KCGF has a strict policy concerning software duplication, to ensure that KCGF’s complies with
copyright and trademark laws around the world and uses software only in accordance with
applicable license agreements.
Any unauthorized duplication of software is contrary to KCGF’s policies and me be a violation of
copyright or other laws. Observing the following guidelines should help employees comply with the
policies, applicable laws, and sofware license agreements:
Use software in accordance with the terms of license agreements;
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Purchase all software for use at KCGF on company computers through appropriate
purchasing procedures, in accordance with the Procurement Manual;
Do not give unauthorized copies of software to anyone inside or outside KCGF (including,
but not limited to, clients, customers, family members, or friends);
Notify the Managing Director of any suspected misuse of software within KCGF.
KCGF will not tolerate the use of any unauthorized software. Licensed software will be provided to
all employees who require it in connection to their work. It is a violation of this policy to use
software in a manner inconsistent with the terms of the license. Specifically, employees may not
download or use for any business purpose, software that is licensed for non-commercial or personal
Anyone who makes, uses, or otherwise acquires unauthorized software, is subject to appropriate
disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment. In addition, employees should
be aware that any person illegally reproducing software may be suject to civil and criminal penalties.
Employees should contact the Managing Director with any questions regarding these guidelines.
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Attachment 5
By my signature below. I hereby acknowledge I have received a copy of the Kosovo Credit Guarantee
Fund – KCGF - Human Resources Manual and have read and understood its contents. I understand
that the handbook is intended to provide an overview of personnel policies and does not necessarily
represent all such policies in force. KCGF may at any time add, change, or rescind any policy or practice
at its discretion in accordance with Kosovar legislation, without notice.
I understand that I am assuming a very responsible role and that all policies, procedures and
practices, as well as their enforcement, apply directly to me.
Employee signature
Supervisor signature
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Attachment 6
Application for Leave
To the Managing Director
Kosovo Credit Guarantee Fund
Date (mm/dd/yy):
Type of Leae and Date Requested:
Annual Leave ( )
Sick Leave ( )
Maternity Leave ( )
Unpaid Leave ( )
Other (Please Specify) ( )
Paternity Leave ( )
Start Date:
End Date:
Total Number of Calendar Days:
Total Number of Working Days:
I will return to Work on:
_________________ (Signature)