Terms of Reference for Consultants to Prepare Fact Sheet

Grant 15/87: LEDAP - Legal Defence & Assistance Project
Grant Activity: Advancing the effective implementation of Administration of Criminal Justice Act 2015
and Alternative Dispute Resolution in the Federal Capital Territory.
TOR action: Produce 4-page Fact sheet summary of the Administration of Criminal Justice Act 2015.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Terms of Reference:
Assignment Title:
Produce 4-page Fact sheet summary of the Administration of
Criminal Justice Act 2015.
Consultancy to produce 4-page Fact Sheet summary of the
Administration of Criminal Justice Act 2015 for court users and the
public in FCT
Number of Consultants:
One consultant
Number of fee days:
Three days
Timeline for assignment:
January 15 to February 2 2016
Dateline for submission of expression of interest: January 12 2016 by email only to
[email protected], copy to [email protected]. Inquiries by
tel: 07030000014 Toll free (Adaobi or Abigail).
Fee per day:
N42, 000 (excluding set expenses, including withholding tax).
1.1. These Terms of Reference (ToRs) fall under the grant activities of ‘advancing the
implementation of the Administration of Criminal Justice Act 2015 (hereinafter called
“the ACJA”) in the FCT’ under a time-set grant by Justice for All Programme of UK’s
Department for International Development (DFID) managed the British Council, to
the Legal Defence & Assistance Project (LEDAP) commencing December 01, 2015 to
June 30, 2016. LEDAP is a non-profit legal services firm registered as a company
limited by guarantee in Nigeria, with address in FCT at 4 Manzini Street, Wuse Zone
4, Abuja and national office at 11b Christ Avenue, Lekki Phase 1, Lagos. LEDAP is
an equal opportunities employer and adopts mediation in resolving disputes arising
from agreements.
The specific action for this ToRs is to produce summary of ACJA in 4-page Fact Sheet,
targeting non-legally trained court users and the general public. The Fact sheet will be
written in plan simple language and in reader-friendly format.
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LEDAP 15/87
TOR activity: Produce 4-page Fact sheet summary
of the Administration of Criminal Justice Act 2015.
1.2. The Rationale for these ToRs is to popularise the ACJA among the citizens as a way
of increasing demand for its full implementation.
1.3. Duration and Actions
a. One consultant will be hired with the following tasks:
1. Prepare 4-page Fact Sheet
on ACJA 2015.
No. of Fee
consult days
Degree in law, and
experience in
criminal law and
1.4.The duration of the task and timelines are as follows:
a. January 12 2016 – All applications for consideration submitted and shortlisted;
b. January 13 2016 – Selection meeting by Project team with all shortlisted candidates
at LEDAP’s office at No 4 Manzini Street, Wuse Zone 4, Abuja;
c. January 14 2016 - Contracts of consultancy is issued to selected candidate;
d. January 15 2016 – Task commences
e. January 25 2016 – Submission of first draft of Fact Sheet to project team
f. January 28 2016 – Project team returns to consultant the draft Fact Sheet with
g. February 2 2016 – Submission of final draft harmonised training manuals to project
team and report of activity.
h. February 10 2016 – Fact Sheet printed
2. Deliverables
2.1. The consultant will be responsible for the following deliverables:
a. Draft Fact Sheet
b. Final copy of Fact Sheet
c. Report of action taken, lessons learnt and challenges faced.
3. Fees and Resources
3.1. The consultant will be paid day fee of N42, 000 (forty-two thousand naira only) per
fee day. All fee payments will be made upon submission of satisfactorily approved
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LEDAP 15/87
TOR activity: Produce 4-page Fact sheet summary
of the Administration of Criminal Justice Act 2015.
4. Management Arrangements
4.1. The consultant will report to the project manager, Mr Chino Obiagwu, National
Coordinator of LEDAP who is responsible for managing this assignment and signingoff the deliverables.
Dispute resolution
4.2. All disputes will be resolved through mediation at the Institute of Chartered Mediators
and Conciliators (ICMC), and failing, arbitration.
5. Submission of Expression of Interest
5.1 Interested applicants should submit expression of interest indicating which of the
consultancies applying for, with copy of resume or curriculum vitae, before close of
work of January 12 2016 to [email protected], copy to [email protected],
5.2. References to previous similar work undertaken will be an added advantage.
5.3. Selected consultant will be contact by end of January 13 2016, and expected to sign
the contract and commence the assignment by January 15 2016. For any clarification call
07030000014 or 08036913264 or send enquiries by email to [email protected] copy
[email protected] and [email protected].
LEDAP is an equal opportunities employer, does not allow discrimination in any
ground and encourages persons living with disabilities to apply.
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