Consulting RFP

‫المملكة العربية السعودية‬
‫قالب كراسة طلب عروض مشروع‬
‫" تأمين االتاحة العالية ( ‪ )High Availability‬لمركز معلومات ‪"------------‬‬
‫)‪(Providing a High Availability for --------------- Data Center‬‬
‫‪Put the Logo of the‬‬
‫‪Government Entity Here‬‬
‫منافسة عامة رقم (‪)----/--‬‬
‫(تواريخ هامة)‬
‫آخر موعد لتقديم العروض‬
‫واالستفسا ارت‬
‫موعد فتح المظاريف‬
‫مكان بيع النسخ وتقديم العروض‬
‫يمكن طرح أي أسئلة أو أي استفسارات بخصوص هذه الوثيقة عن طريق‪:‬‬
‫بريد إلكتروني‪[email protected] :‬‬
‫قيمة النسخة (‬
‫مستندة بإيصال رقم (‬
‫‪Page 1 of 42‬‬
‫) <المبلغ كتابة> ريال سعودي‬
‫) وتاريخ __‪143_/__/‬هـ‬
‫كراسة طلب عروض مشروع تأمين االتاحة العالية (‪ )High Availability‬لمركز معلومات ‪---------------‬‬
‫مقدمة ‪ :‬كراسة مشةةر " تةةيم ا ااتة ة ايةةي ة‬
‫مةلومةت ‪" ---------------‬‬
‫‪ )High Availability‬يمركة‬
‫يهـدف هذا المشـروع إلى توريـــــد وترييـــــو وتشـيــــف و وـي وةـيعـة تعــداـ وة هـــمة وةـيمـة تشـيـــــف‬
‫حعسوبيــــة (‪ )IT Infrastructure‬لمريـــم تعلوتـــعـ ‪ -----------‬وذلـــ لتـــنتي االتعحـــة الععليـــة ( ‪High‬‬
‫‪ )Availability‬للبوابــة االلكتروـيــة والخــدتعـ المقدتــة ت ـ خاللهــع‪ .‬ولتوقي ـ ذل ـ ت ـ توضــير يراســة الشــرو‬
‫والمواةفعـ هذه لتقدي وةف للمتطلبعـ واألهداف المطلوب توقيقهع ت خالل هذا المشروع‪ ،‬يمع ةـه سـيت تففيـذ‬
‫المشــروع ىلــى تــرحلتي ‪ ،‬حي ـ ستشــتمف المرحلــة االولــى ىلــى التخطــي واىــداد التمــعتي الفهع يــة والتوريــــــد‬
‫والترييــــو والتشـيـــف والفوي والتدريو وـقف المعر ة مع ضةمة عةد توقة ايبوابة اإليكتر ن ة ايخةدمةت‬
‫ايمقدم ما خاليهة أثنةء ايترك ب ايتشغ ل يلب ئ ايجديدة‪ ،‬وتشتمف المرحلة الثعـية ىلى الضـمع وخـدتعـ الـدى‬
‫الففي والميعـة‪.‬‬
‫أ اا‪ :‬نطةق ايةمل‪:‬‬
‫ىلى الشريعـ التي لديهع خبرة ي توريد وترييو وتشـيف و وي المعداـ واأل همة وةـيمـة التشــيف الوعسـوبية‬
‫لمرايم المعلوتعـ الوكوتيـة والتـي تـ ت االتعحـة الععليـة للبوابـعـ االلكتروـيـة والخـدتعـ المقدتـة تـ خاللهـع ة‬
‫ـي االسسـعم رسـ ةربعـة وخمسـة وسـتة‬
‫تتقدم بعروضهع وذل حسو المواةفعـ الواردة ي وثيقـة لـو العـرو‬
‫والملو (ة ‪ ،)A-‬والشرو الععتة والخعةة ي الملو (ب)‪ ، B-‬ويشمف ـطعق العمف المهعم التعلية‪:‬‬
‫‪ ‬ايتصم م‬
‫التخطي للمشروع‬
‫ترا عة المتطلبعـ والمواةفعـ الواردة ي وثيقة لو العرو‬
‫التي ةىدتهع ‪ ------------‬والتوق تفهع‪.‬‬
‫اىداد ووضع التمعتي التفميلية الفهع ية للمشروع‬
‫اىداد داول الكميعـ الفهع ية للمشروع‬
‫ي االسسعم رس ةربعـة وخمسـة وسـتة‬
‫‪ ‬ايبنةء‬
‫‪ o‬شــراو وتوريــد وترييــو وتشـــيف ميــع األ هــمة والبــرات يلب ئ ة ايجديةةدة ايتةةق تاقةةح ااتة ة ايةةي ة‬
‫‪ ‬توسع تريم البيعـعـ (ةـيمة الكهربعو والتكييف والوري واألت والمراسبة)‬
‫‪ ‬شبكة البيعـعـ وةت وحمعية المعلوتعـ‬
‫‪ ‬ة همة الخوادم والوسع التخميفية‬
‫‪ ‬ـيعم الفسخ االحتيع ي‬
‫‪ ‬ـيعم المراسبة والتوك‬
‫‪ o‬ـقــف وتشـــيف ميــع االـيمــة والبرتايــعـ والبيعـــعـ ت ـ البيلــة الوعليــة الــى البيلــة الاديــدة ذاـ االتعحــة‬
‫‪ o‬إ راو ميع االختبعراـ الالزتة لأل همة والبرات ‪.‬‬
‫‪ o‬تقدي تاموىة يعتلة لوثع المشروع‪.‬‬
‫‪Page 2 of 42‬‬
‫كراسة طلب عروض مشروع تأمين االتاحة العالية (‪ )High Availability‬لمركز معلومات ‪---------------‬‬
‫‪ ‬ايتسل م‬
‫‪ o‬بعــد ترحلــة التففيــذ‪ ،‬ياــو ىلــى المــورد ضــمع اـتقــعل المعــعرف والمهــعراـ الالزتــة وتففيــذ الــدوراـ‬
‫التدريبية ل ‪ ----------------‬ةو ةي رف آخر تودده ‪.------------------‬‬
‫‪ ‬خدمةت ايدعم ايص ةن‬
‫‪ o‬تقدي خدتعـ الدى والميعـة المطلوبة لاميع سطـع وة هـمة وةـيمـة البيلـة الاديـدة لمـدة ثـالس سـفواـ‪،‬‬
‫تع تقدي خيعر تستقف يشتمف ىلى الدى والميعـة لمدة سفتع إضع يتع ‪.‬‬
‫ثةن ة ا‪ :‬مدة ايتنف ذ‪:‬‬
‫سيت تففيذ هذا المشروع ىلى ترحلتي ‪ ،‬حي ة المرحلة االولـى تشـتمف ىلـى التخطـي واىـداد التمـعتي الفهع يـة‬
‫والتوريــــد والترييــــو والتشـيــــف والفوـي والتـدريو وـقـف المعر ـة والتسـلي ‪ ،‬وتوتـوي المرحلـة الثعـيـة ىلـى‬
‫الضمع والميعـة والدى الففي‪.‬‬
‫مدة تنف ذ ايمر ل اا يى‪:‬‬
‫‪ o‬المدة الموددة لتففيذ هذه المرحلة هي ‪ 24‬ةسبوىع تبدة ت تعريخ التعميد وتوسيع العقد‬
‫مدة تنف ذ ايمر ل ايثةن ‪:‬‬
‫‪ o‬المدة الموددة لتففيذ هذه المرحلة هي ثالس سفواـ الماتية تبدة ت تعريخ استالم المرحلة االولى‪.‬‬
‫‪ o‬سفتع اختيعرية‪.‬‬
‫وتوتوي هذه الوثيقة ىلى المالح التعلية ي البفد الثعت تفهع (ةفوة ‪- : )42‬‬
‫عنوا ايملاح‬
‫تلو ة‪ :‬تعليمعـ تقدي العر‬
‫تلو ب‪ :‬الشرو الععتة‬
‫تلو ج‪ :‬تععيير المطعبقة‬
‫‪Page 3 of 42‬‬
‫تلو د‪ :‬داول الكميعـ للعر‬
‫تلو هـ‪ :‬سع مة المشعريع والخبراـ السعبقة‬
‫تلو و‪ :‬داول الكميعـ واألسععر (العر‬
‫تلو ز‪ :‬تعلوتعـ وت هالـ تقدتي العرو‬
‫كراسة طلب عروض مشروع تأمين االتاحة العالية (‪ )High Availability‬لمركز معلومات ‪---------------‬‬
Table of Contents
Table of Contents .................................................................................................................................... 4
List of Figures ......................................................................................................................................... 5
Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 7
Background .............................................................................................................................. 7
Purpose ..................................................................................................................................... 7
RFP Organization ..................................................................................................................... 7
Section 2: Current Situation ............................................................................................. 7
Section 3: Project Objectives ........................................................................................... 7
Section 4: Scope of Work ................................................................................................ 8
Section 5: Infrastructure High Availability Enhancement Requirements ........................ 8
Section 6: Proposal Format .............................................................................................. 8
Section 7: Appendices ...................................................................................................... 8
Requirements Numbering Scheme ........................................................................................... 8
Definitions ................................................................................................................................ 8
Current Situation ............................................................................................................................. 9
Current Infrastructure Architecture .......................................................................................... 9
Current Servers & Storage ............................................................................................... 9
Current Portal applications Architecture ........................................................................ 10
Current IT Services ........................................................................................................ 10
Current Networking & security ...................................................................................... 11
Project Objectives ......................................................................................................................... 12
Scope of Work .............................................................................................................................. 13
Infrastructure High Availability Enhancement Requirements ...................................................... 15
General Requirements ............................................................................................................ 15
Technical Solution Architecture Requirements ...................................................................... 15
Servers, Storage and Portal Servers Technical Requirements ....................................... 15
Network & Security Technical Requirements ............................................................... 15
Data Center Area Technical Requirements .................................................................... 16
Hardware Architecture Requirements .................................................................................... 16
Network Architecture Requirements ...................................................................................... 17
--------------- ‫) لمركز معلومات‬High Availability( ‫كراسة طلب عروض مشروع تأمين االتاحة العالية‬
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Hardware Requirements ......................................................................................................... 17
Hardware Generic Requirements ................................................................................... 17
Servers, Storage, and Backup Hardware Requirements ................................................. 17
Network & Security Hardware Requirements ............................................................... 18
Data Center Area Hardware Requirements .................................................................... 20
Implementation Requirements................................................................................................ 26
Project Management Requirements= ............................................................................ 27
Project Documentation Requirements............................................................................ 30
Project Organization Requirements ............................................................................... 30
Warranty Requirements ................................................................................................. 32
Quality Assurance and Acceptance Requirements......................................................... 33
Proposal Format ............................................................................................................................ 34
General Instructions................................................................................................................ 34
Proposal Preparation............................................................................................................... 35
Technical Proposal Instructions ............................................................................................. 35
Mandatory and Optional Requirements ......................................................................... 36
Required Sections .......................................................................................................... 36
Financial Proposal Instructions .............................................................................................. 39
Overview of appendices ................................................................................................................ 40
The Appendices (‫ )المالحق‬............................................................................................................... 42
List of Figures
Figure 1: --------------------------Current Server & Storage landscape ................................... 9
Figure 2: --------------------------Current Server & Storage Rack Layout ............................ 10
Figure 3: ---------------------------Current Portal Architecture .................................................... 10
Figure 4: --------------------------Current Network & Security Architecture ........................ 11
Figure 5: --------------------------Data Centre Room Layout................................................... 11
--------------- ‫) لمركز معلومات‬High Availability( ‫كراسة طلب عروض مشروع تأمين االتاحة العالية‬
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--------------- ‫) لمركز معلومات‬High Availability( ‫كراسة طلب عروض مشروع تأمين االتاحة العالية‬
Page 6 of 42
1.1 Background
--------------- is planning to procure، install، configure، operate، and test equipment
including servers، networking & security and system software for its Data Center to
provide a high availability solution of IT Infrastructure for ---------------- Portal and
the services offered through the Portal.
This Request for Proposal (RFP) is prepared by ------------------, and the main goal of
this RFP is to provide Bidders with a description of the requirements and objectives to
be achieved by this project.
This Request for Proposal (RFP) issued for ---------------------. The Issuing Officer -------------------- requires all technical questions be submitted by e-mail to [email protected] within two weeks of the RFP publish date. For all other issues related to
this RFP, the sole point of contact is -------------------- (via e-mail or see contact
information in invitation letter).
1.2 Purpose
This Request for Proposal (RFP) provides interested Bidders with the information
needed to prepare and submit their proposals that satisfy ----------------------Infrastructure High Availability Enhancement Project’s requirements.
Information provided herein is solely intended to assist Bidders in the preparation of
their proposals. According to ----------------- and its partners' knowledge, the
information provided is accurate. However, ----------------------- and its partners do not
warrant such accuracy, and any variations subsequently determined shall not be
construed as a basis for invalidating this RFP. ------------------ Management reserves
the right to cancel this RFP at any time.
1.3 RFP Organization
1.3.1 Section 2: Current Situation
This section provides an executive-level overview of the current situation from
perspectives of ---------------- infrastructure domains including Servers, Storage,
Portal, Network, Security, and Data Center Area. This section discusses the -----------infrastructure and associated components such as Portal, and IT services.
1.3.2 Section 3: Project Objectives
This section presents the -------------------- Infrastructure High Availability
Enhancement Project Objectives.
--------------- ‫) لمركز معلومات‬High Availability( ‫كراسة طلب عروض مشروع تأمين االتاحة العالية‬
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1.3.3 Section 4: Scope of Work
This section details the project’s scope of work. For the project to be complete and
close, the Bidder must complete all items within the scope of work.
1.3.4 Section 5: Infrastructure High Availability Enhancement Requirements
This section provides the High Availability Infrastructure enhancement requirements.
1.3.5 Section 6: Proposal Format
This section provides the requirements for the Bidder’s proposal content and
1.3.6 Section 7: Appendices
This section lists the appendices in support of the RFP.
1.4 Requirements Numbering Scheme
The Requirements’ Numbering Scheme will facilitate referencing a specific
functionality throughout the project’s different phases. Bidders are encouraged to adopt
the numbering scheme when compiling their proposals.
The recommended requirements’ numbering scheme has the following format:
Requirement Type “” Number- Description Where:
Requirement Type is either “Req” for requirements concerning what the Bidder is
required to deliver, or “Info” additional information associated with certain
requirement(s) to aid the Bidder in their proposals.
Number is a sequence number starting from 1 (one) up to the total number of compiled
Description is the part of the requirement (regardless of the type) describing the
requirement in more detail. Therefore, bidders must comply with the requirement and
its description.
1.5 Definitions
Capitalized terms and all capitalized acronyms used in this document will have the
following meaning:
The Solution
A Bidder officially responding to the Request for Proposal by
submitting a bid proposal
Bill of Quantity
The total set of deliverables within the scope of the Request for
Proposal that the Bidder must deliver, whether Information
Technology, documentation, intangible deliverables such as
--------------- ‫) لمركز معلومات‬High Availability( ‫كراسة طلب عروض مشروع تأمين االتاحة العالية‬
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knowledge transfer, or any other deliverable included in the scope
High Availability
Request for Proposal
Table 1- Definitions
Current Situation
This section provides general information about the existing solutions and services
within ---------------- that are relevant to the RFP scope of work. Bidders should
analyze the information within this section as an input to understand the current set up
at -------------- Data Center and need to propose new design in order to come up with
the best design that meets updated international best practices and capitalize on the use
of existing equipment.
2.1 Current Infrastructure Architecture
2.1.1 Current Servers & Storage
Describe Here the Government Entity infrastructure in terms of Servers & Storage.
Put Infrastructure Diagram here
Figure 1: ---------------------------------Current Server & Storage landscape
--------------- ‫) لمركز معلومات‬High Availability( ‫كراسة طلب عروض مشروع تأمين االتاحة العالية‬
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Put Server & Storage Physical Rack Layout here
Figure 2: --------------------------Current Server & Storage Rack Layout
2.1.2 Current Portal applications Architecture
Describe the current Portal Application Architecture in terms of Applications Servers,
Database Servers, Web Servers, Storage and networking
The figure below shows the existing portal application architecture at ----------------------.
Figure 3: ----------------------------Current Portal Architecture
2.1.3 Current IT Services
IT Services available at ------------------------ are listed below:
SL No.
Host (Server) Name
DC-LAN Rack1
SharePoint Intranet &
Application Server
DC-LAN Rack2
Dataflow & Doc Archiving
DC-LAN Rack2
SQL2008 DB Server
Table 2- IT Services available in --------------------------------
--------------- ‫) لمركز معلومات‬High Availability( ‫كراسة طلب عروض مشروع تأمين االتاحة العالية‬
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2.1.4 Current Networking & security
Current Networking & Security Infrastructure
Describe Current Network & Security infrastructure details at this table.
SL No.
TMG 2010 Firewall is acting also as a Proxy Server.
Cisco ASA 5520 is the Internet perimeter Firewall.
Symantec Antivirus Server for antispam protection and
Symantec Antivirus client on all PC's.
Table 3- Network & Security Current Infrastructure
Existing Networking Architecture Diagram
Diagram below shows a high-level view of the current network Infrastructure
Figure 4: ---------------------------Current Network & Security Architecture
Data Center Area
The overall current infrastructure is based on below mentioned architecture.
Figure 5: ----------------------------Data Centre Room Layout
The existing set up have the following infrastructure equipment,
UPS : 40 KVA APC modular UPP
Access control system
Backbone entry from entrance room at ground floor.
--------------- ‫) لمركز معلومات‬High Availability( ‫كراسة طلب عروض مشروع تأمين االتاحة العالية‬
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Project Objectives
The main objectives of --------------------- Infrastructure High Availability
Enhancement Procurement and Implementation Project are to achieve the following:
 Provide a high availability solution of IT Infrastructure for ---------------------Portal application and the services offered through the Portal in the following
o Servers & Storage
o Backup system
o Network & Security
o Data Center Area
 Provide Hardware & Software Monitoring Tools
 Enhance the performance of the Portal application and the services offered through
the Portal
 Build a reliable infrastructure which meets future requirements
 Increase operational efficiencies
 Enhance the network and secure infrastructure design
--------------- ‫) لمركز معلومات‬High Availability( ‫كراسة طلب عروض مشروع تأمين االتاحة العالية‬
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Scope of Work
This section documents the project’s scope of work. It outlines what will be required
from interested Bidders to successfully implementing the project.
The Infrastructure High Availability Enhancement Procurement and Implementation
Project scope of work will include the following:
1) Migrate all existing environment Hardware, Software, applications, and data to new
high available environment
2) Build new development & test environments
This includes the following infrastructure components:
Data Center Area (Electrical system, Cooling system, Fire system, Security and
monitoring system etc.)
Network & Security Infrastructure (Internet Routers, Firewalls, Switches etc.)
Hardware Servers & Storage (Severs distribution cross Racks, SAN Switches,
Storage upgrade, Cluster implementation etc.)
Applications (Web Portal & Services, backup, Microsoft etc.)
Operating Systems (Windows)
Hardware & software Monitoring Tools
Backup Solution (backup management software)
In summary, the scope requires interested Bidders to deliver a turnkey solution for
procurement and implementation of --------------------------- High Availability
Enhancement Infrastructure. The Bidder is required to design, test and deploy the
Solution based on the following phased approach:
I. Phase 1: Design
 Perform project management planning.
 Review, verify and confirm the requirements included in this RFP document
 Prepare the detailed final design document (high and Low level) for the required
solution components (Data Center, Servers, storage & backup system, Network &
Security Infrastructure) along with its final BoQ
 Provide high availability for ---------------- portal and electronic services.
II. Phase 2: Build
 Provide all necessary hardware and software procurement, delivery and
installation (configuration) for the Solution.
 Implement and test all the Solution’s hardware and software components.
 Migrate & operate the systems, software, and data from the existing environment
to the new high available environment.
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Develop and deliver a complete set of the Solution’s documentation; which
includes the installation and configuration settings, acceptance test procedure and
operations procedures.
III. Phase 3: Handover
 After the Implementation phase, the Vendor shall ensure smooth transfer of
knowledge and skills to ---------------- or any another party.
IV. Phase 4: Support & Maintenance
 Provide the required support and maintenance for all parts and systems of the
installed solution for three (3) years, with two (2) additional option years.
--------------- ‫) لمركز معلومات‬High Availability( ‫كراسة طلب عروض مشروع تأمين االتاحة العالية‬
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Infrastructure High Availability Enhancement Requirements
This section lists additional requirements to be included in The Bidder’s proposal.
5.1 General Requirements
Info 1.The Solution will hosted in -------------------- Datacenter in.
Req 1.
Req 2.
5.2 Technical Solution Architecture Requirements
The Solution should built on sound architectural principles enabling fault-tolerance,
high availability, high-performance, and scalability. The solution architecture should
meet the following Requirements:
Servers, Storage and Portal Servers Technical Requirements
Req 3. The bidder should propose infrastructure solution free of any single
point of failure, and should provide Hardware & Software Monitoring
tools with the following requirements:
The Bidder should provide a solution for hardware and software monitoring
Req 4.
Req 5.
Req 6.
Req 7.
5.2.2 Network & Security Technical Requirements
Req 8. The Bidder should provide ISP redundancy for public IP routing
Req 9.
Req 10.
Req 11.
Req 12.
Req 13.
Req 14.
Req 15.
Req 16.
--------------- ‫) لمركز معلومات‬High Availability( ‫كراسة طلب عروض مشروع تأمين االتاحة العالية‬
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5.2.3 Data Center Area Technical Requirements
Data Center Layout Requirements
Req 17. The Bidder should provide rack placement as per standard practice of cold
aisle and hot aisle
Req 18. The Bidder should seal the false ceiling to prevent dust from entering the
server halls
Electrical System Requirements
Req 19.
Req 20.
Req 21.
Req 22.
Req 23.
Req 24.
Req 25.
Req 26.
Cooling System Requirements
Req 27. The Bidder should provide redundancy for PAC
Req 28.
Fire, Security and Monitoring Requirements
Req 29. The fire alarm and fire suppression system should be teste regularly for its
proper operations.
Req 30. CCTV surveillance system needs to installed for monitoring the entry and exit of
the Server room and the aisle.
Req 31.
Req 32.
Req 33.
Req 34.
Req 35.
5.3 Hardware Architecture Requirements
Bidder should provide a hardware solution architecture that responds to the following
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Req 36.
Req 37.
Req 38.
Req 39.
Req 40.
Req 41.
5.4 Network Architecture Requirements
Req 42.
Req 43.
Req 44.
Req 45. The Bidder’s proposed solution should have sufficient Management &
Administration Systems for service-level monitoring and problem diagnosis.
Req 46. The Bidder’s proposed solution should be modular based as the following:
o Core & Server Farm Network
o Access Network (which includes access switches for LAN users)
5.5 Hardware Requirements
The Bidder should provide all the hardware and infrastructure components needed to
deliver and operate the Solution, including servers, storage, backup, network
components & security devices, and data center hardware area.
The Bidders will be also responsible for the procurement of any extra component(s)
they provide in their architecture.
5.5.1 Hardware Generic Requirements
Req 47.
Req 48.
Req 49.
5.5.2 Servers, Storage, and Backup Hardware Requirements
Blade Chassis Requirements
Req 50. Blade Chassis shall accommodate the specified maximum number of Blade
Servers with hot swappable HDD, Interconnect Modules, Power supplies, Fans and
Management Modules.
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Req 51.
Req 52.
Req 53.
Req 54.
Standalone Blade Servers Requirements
Req 55. CPU: 1 x 3.0 GHz or above Hex-core Intel Xeon processor 12 MB shared
cache. Processor being quote should be of latest generation with latest Processor
speed. Server Blade should support maximum of Two physical processors
Req 56.
Req 57.
SAN Switch Requirements
Req 58. Number of FC Ports-Minimum 24
Req 59.
Req 60.
Storage Upgrade Requirements
Req 61. Number of Hard disks- 24* 600GB FC 15K RPM
Req 62.
Req 63.
Req 64. Number of Fiber Channel Enclosure Modules-2
Backup System Requirements
Req 65. Should have data Transfer Rate of 800GB/hour
Req 66. Should have minimum of 9TB usable capacity
Req 67.
Req 68.
Req 69.
5.5.3 Network & Security Hardware Requirements
Perimeter Zone and Extranet DMZ Router Requirements
Req 70. Minimum 3 integrated 10/100/1000 Ethernet ports
Req 71.
Req 72.
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DMZ Switch Requirements
Req 73. 4 One Gigabit Ethernet SFP ports
Req 74. 24
Req 75.
Req 76.
Perimeter Zone Firewall Requirements
Req 77. Minimum Firewall Throughput of at least 450Mbps
Req 78.
Req 79.
Req 80.
Fire Wall SSL VPN License Requirements
Req 81.
Req 82.
Req 83.
Req 84. Minimum 50 license for SSL based VPN and to be used with the proposed
security appliance.
AAA Server Requirements
Req 85. Ability to offer a centralized identity and access policy solution.
Req 86.
Req 87.
Req 88.
Perimeter Zone Switch Requirements
Req 89. 4 One Gigabit Ethernet SFP ports
Req 90. 24
Req 91.
Aggregation and Access Switch Requirements
Req 92. Layer 2 hardware forwarding at 960 Gbps or 714.24 mpps; Layer 3
performance of up to 160 Gbps or 240 mpps
Req 93.
Req 94.
Data Center UTM Requirements
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Req 95. Wire-speed firewall performance for any size packets
Req 96.
Req 97.
SMTP Gateway Requirements
Req 98. Minimum 4 10/100/1000 Interfaces (Copper, RJ-45)
Req 99.
Req 100. Load Balancer Requirements
Req 101.
Static and dynamic load balancing methods, including Dynamic RatioLeast Connections, and Observed Load Balancing, which track dynamic
performance levels of servers in a group
Req 102.
Req 103.
5.5.4 Data Center Area Hardware Requirements
Electrical System Requirements Distribution Boards:
Req 104.
Distribution boards shall be of standard make with MCB’s (Miniature
Circuit Breakers) per approved make given and factory assembled with latching
covers flush lock.
Req 105.
Req 106.
Req 107.
Req 108. MCB/RCCB (Residual-Current Circuit Breaker):
Req 109.
MCB shall fully comply with latest standard IS 8828 – 1996 &
relevant test certificate shall be furnished.
Req 110.
Req 111.
Req 112.
Req 113. Earthing:
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Req 114.
Req 115.
Req 116.
All electrical equipment is to be earthen by connecting two earth tapes
from the frame of the equipment ring will be connect via several earth electrodes.
Req 117.
The cable arm our will be earthen through the cable glands.
UPS System Requirements UPS System Connected to Critical Area
Req 118.
The UPS connected to the Critical Area shall be use to power critical
servers and other equipment installed in the critical section of the Data Center.
Req 119.
Req 120.
Req 121. UPS System Connected to Non-Critical Area
Req 122.
Req 123.
Req 124.
The Non- Critical area UPS shall be use to provide power to
workstations and other equipment installed in the non-critical section of the Data
HVAC System Requirements Purpose
Req 125.
The Air conditioning system shall be deploy with the objective of
cooling the respective areas based on the application requirement.
Req 126.
Req 127. Precision Air Conditioning System
Req 128.
Req 129.
Req 130.
The computer room air conditioning equipment shall be design
specifically for precision temperature and humidity control applications. It shall
automatically monitor and control cooling, heating, humidification, dehumidification and filtering functions for the conditioned space. The system should
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build to the highest quality engineering and manufacturing standards, and shall be
subject to a functional test prior to leaving the factory. Features Construction
Req 131.
The Unit cabinets shall be manufacture from 0.9mm galvanized sheet
steel, Z2 G275N (BS2989) coated with epoxy baked powder paint to provide a
durable finish.
Req 132.
Req 133. Evaporator
Req 134.
Req 135.
Req 136.
Large surface area coil(s) should ideally positioned to optimize airflow
and heat transfer; they shall be manufactured from refrigeration quality copper
tubes with mechanically bonded aluminum fins. The factory test pressure shall be
not less than 40bar. Condenser
Req 137.
Req 138.
Req 139.
Shall be stainless steel high efficiency brazed plate heat exchanger(s)
shall allow optimum heat transfer between media and ensures low water/glycol
pressure drops. Fan & Motor Assembly
Req 140.
Req 141.
Req 142.
Units utilize a double inlet, forward curved, direct drive centrifugal fan
with integral shaft mounted motor, which statically and dynamically balanced for
quiet operation.
Req 143.
Impellers and casings shall be galvanized for protection against
Req 144.
The integral motor runs in sealed for life, lubricated bearings and
features automatic thermal overload protection.
Req 145.
Fan speed, airflow and external static pressure should controlled by the
use of a voltage controller via the microprocessor display keypad, which maintains
optimum performance and offers easy on site adjustment.
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Req 146.
Direct drive fan assemblies require minimal maintenance unlike the
traditional belt and pulley type in areas such as belt dust, slippage/realignment and
Access Control System Requirements Purpose
Req 147.
The Access Control System shall be deploy with the objective of
allowing entry and exit to and from the premises to authorized personnel only.
Req 148.
Req 149.
Req 150. Compliance to Specification Controller Server
Req 151.
The network server shall mean the access control system server.
Req 152.
Req 153.
Req 154.
Application Software
Req 155.
Req 156.
Req 157.
Door Controller
Req 158.
The door controller shall mean the intelligent control unit that shall be
used to process & manage the entry & exit transactions through each of the access
controlled points, which may be doors (with electromagnetic locks).
Req 159.
Req 160.
Req 161.
Req 162.
Req 163.
Reader (Finger Print)
Req 164.
The finger print reader (FPR) shall mean a device, which shall be
capable of reading a fingerprint & comparing the same with a stored template
based on optic sensors.
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Req 165.
Req 166.
Req 167.
Proximity/Smart card reader
Req 168.
The proximity/Smart card reader shall mean the card-reading device,
connected to the door controller.
Req 169.
Req 170.
Proximity/Smart card
Req 171.
The proximity/Smart card shall mean the access card that is capable of
being read without a direct contact by the proximity card reader.
Req 172.
Req 173.
Req 174.
Electro Magnetic Lock
Req 175.
The Electro Magnetic Lock (EML) shall mean a locking mechanism
that works on the principle of electromagnetic attraction.
Req 176.
Req 177.
Req 178.
Req 179.
The cables shall mean appropriate data cables required for connecting
the door controllers to the PC. It shall also mean appropriate data & power cables
to connect the card readers, locks to the door controllers.
Req 180.
Req 181.
CCTV System Requirements Purpose and CC Camera Locations
Req 182.
The Critical Data Centre along with the Non Critical area needs to be
under constant video surveillance.
Req 183.
Req 184.
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Req 185.
Req 186.
Req 187. Application Software
Req 188.
The application software shall mean the Video management software
that should supplied together with the system in order to provide a User Interface
(UI) for man machine interface.
Req 189.
Req 190. Dome Camera with Auto Iris, vari-focal lens.
Req 191.
The proposed Camera shall have a 1/3” CCD Pickup device & be of
high resolution of 330 TVL and minimum lux level of 1.0 lux f1.4.
Req 192.
Req 193.
Req 194. Monitor
Req 195.
The monitor shall be suitable with the standards of the selected
Req 196.
Req 197.
Req 198. Keyboard
Req 199.
Req 200.
Req 201.
. CCTV Monitoring Workstation
Req 202.
Req 203.
Water Leak Detection System Requirements
The water leak detector should installed to detect any seepage of water into the critical
area. It shall consist of water leak detection cable and an alarm module. The cable
should installed in the ceiling & floor areas around the periphery.
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Page 25 of 42 Water leakage detection cable
Req 204.
The Water leak detection cable shall the sensor cable typically used to
detect water leaks in the sub floor and above false ceiling areas.
Req 205.
Req 206. Control Panel
Req 207.
The control panel shall be computerized multi zone multiplex
controller. The system should programmed, armed or disarmed through a control
key pad.
Req 208.
Req 209.
Req 210.
Req 211. Water Leak Detection Sensors
Req 212.
Water Leak Detection sensors should mounted, where localized leak
detection is required.
Req 213.
Req 214. Sounder
Req 215.
The sounder shall give audible alarm when any sensor operates.
Req 216.
5.6 Implementation Requirements
The Solution implementation will require a highly qualified Bidder to undertake the
configuration, testing and deployment of all hardware, software, components and
tools to ensure successful delivery that meets the requirements within various
functional and technical areas. Given the Solution’s importance in terms of its
objectives to -------------, the following are the general implementation guidelines and
Req 217.
The Bidder should perform the Solution’s complete implementation
and deployment within (6) months of the project’s contract start date. The Bidder
can propose alternative project implementation phases and timelines that would
enable it to guarantee the Solution’s successful and complete implementation and
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Req 218.
The Bidder should perform required migration/upgrade for current
infrastructure (server, application, network HW, Security HW).
Req 219.
The Bidder should develop the design (high level & low level) and
migration through technology vendor services.
Req 220.
The Bidder should perform required knowledge transfer and handover
for the propose solution.
Req 221.
The Bidder’s proposed knowledge transfer shouldn’t be less than one
week per component.
Req 222.
The Bidder’s proposed knowledge transfer shouldn’t be less than 2
person per component and not necessarily at the same time.
Req 223.
The Bidder’s proposed knowledge transfer should include all
Hardware (network, security, servers, storage, backup, data center).
Req 224.
The Bidder should explain how they can be able to deliver the solution
successfully during the required (6) months period.
5.6.1 Project Management Requirements=
Req 225.
The Bidder should provide an implementation plan illustrating all
development, testing, deployment, and transition activities. Transition activities
should at least include operational readiness review, operation model and
procedures. In addition, the Bidder should specify and describe its deliverables.
Req 226.
The Bidder should comprehensively specify and describe the project’s
different phases and activities, etc. It is very important that the Bidder provide a
quality implementation plan covering all project aspects. The plan shall clearly
specify the start and end dates (relative to contract signing) for each of the project
phases and key milestones to increase visibility of the project progress.
implementation Requirements
Conduct a Kick-off meeting
Define the project stages, milestones and
needed resources
signature Date +
1 week
Develop project control deliverables
Review, verify and confirm the
requirements included in this RFP
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signature Date +
2 week
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Define all architecture deliverables
signature Date +
3 week
Propose solution design.
signature Date +
4 weeks
Produce Data center, servers, storage,
backup, network, security, monitoring
tools final High Level & Low level
Produce The Solution Final Bill of
(Documents to verify that the equipment,
devices, and licenses are ordered or
migration and upgrade plan & procedure.
Supply equipment, devices, servers,
storage, and all required licenses
signature Date +
12 weeks
availability solution
Conduct electrical system installation,
configuration and running.
signature Date +
16 weeks
Conduct cooling system installation,
configuration and running.
Conduct fire, security, and monitoring
systems installation, configuration and
Implement network
& security high
availability solution
Conduct network & security installation,
configuration and running.
signature Date +
18 weeks
Implement servers,
storage, backup
systems high
availability solution
Conduct servers, storage and backup
system installation, configuration and
signature Date +
20 weeks
Hardware &
Monitoring Tools
Conduct hardware & software
monitoring tools installation,
configuration and running.
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Migrate & operate
the systems,
software, and data
from the existing
environment to the
new high available
Conduct systems, software, and data
migration and operation from the
existing environment to the new high
available environment.
signature Date +
20 weeks
Document all procedures, system
signature Date +
24 weeks
Perform System Testing.
signature Date +
24 weeks
Perform Stress Testing.
Ensure completeness of User Acceptance
Provide knowledge transfer.
Handover implemented and updated
signature Date +
24 weeks
Start maintenance & support period
Table 4 The Minimum Project Stages
The Bidder should follow an internationally recognized project management
methodology. For each of the items listed below, bidders must describe their approach
to project management during the project phases in their proposals:
Req 227.
Provide a comprehensive project implementation plan covering, but
not limited to, tasks estimation, project planning, work allocation, progress
tracking, monitoring and reporting to ------------.
Req 228.
Describe the project’s management team structure, along with roles
and responsibilities of all team members.
Req 229.
Describe, in detail, project management processes, methodologies and
Req 230.
Describe ------------ resources necessary for the project to succeed.
Req 231.
Describe how ----------- management will receive up-to-date reports on
project status.
Req 232.
Describe the change management procedures to handle risks, such as
“out-of-scope” requests or change in ------------ business needs while the project is
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Req 233.
Describe what procedures will be use to keep the project on track and
what escalation procedures will be employed to address any problems encountered
with the project progress.
Req 234.
Describe what quality assurance processes, procedures, formal
reviews, etc. will be in place.
Req 235.
Describe the proposed conflict resolution / escalation process between
the Bidder and ------------ to handle project or contractual disputes.
5.6.2 Project Documentation Requirements
Req 236.
The Bidder should provide documentations for each phase as per the
following table:
Detailed project management plan
Project charter
Detailed Scope of Work
Work Breakdown Structure
Project schedule
Design verification document
High level final design document
Low level final design document
The solution Bill of Quantity document
Failover and fail back methodology document
Deployment documentation
Operations Plan
Operations Policies and Procedures
System documentations
Test Plan.
User Acceptance Criteria
Problem reporting
Problem resolution testing
Produce daily, weekly & monthly reports.
Provide final versions of all documentations.
Provide full knowledge transfer documentation.
Table 5 Sample Phases Documentation
5.6.3 Project Organization Requirements
Req 237.
The Bidder should describe the proposed project structure, identifying
all project individuals including senior project manager, QA engineers, hardware /
network engineers, administrators and others.
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Req 238.
The Bidder should specify roles and qualifications of various team
members proposed for the project as well as identify the key roles -----------technical staff is expected to play. Bidders should provide details of any subcontractors likely to be involved.
Req 239.
The Bidder should indicate the number of full time staff that will be
------------ requires that a strong technical team include a fulltime senior project
manager assigned to manage the entire project, technical team and contract, including
the performance of subcontractor(s) personnel if any. The following are the
requirements for the senior project manager:
Req 240.
The senior project manager must be available full-time throughout the
project implementation duration.
Req 241.
The senior project manager must ‘not reassigned during the
implementation period without ------------ written consent.
Req 242.
The project manager will function as the Bidder’s authorized point of
contact with ------------ and must be available to respond promptly and fully to all
project requirements.
Req 243.
The senior project manager’s responsibilities will include, but are not
limited to, providing administrative, supervisory and technical direction to project
personnel, monitoring work performance for accuracy, timeliness, efficiency and
adherence to contract requirements, coordinating the resolution of contract
problems as well as implementing and enforcing problem escalation procedures.
Req 244.
The senior project manager must be a bidder’s employee and must
authorized to make decisions on behalf of the Bidder and all subcontractors; if any.
Req 245.
The senior project manager shall have a minimum of (8) years’
experience managing similar projects (both in nature and scale) involving IT
deployment in the government sector, and application integration operations for
accounts similar in scope and complexity to this project. Furthermore, he must
have demonstrated effective oral and written communication skills.
Req 246.
The senior project manager should be available on-site upon request at
------------ facility in Jeddah.
Req 247.
For the senior project manager, the Bidder must provide a reference for
his last two (2) projects including company name, address, phone number and
contact person.
In addition to the senior project manager, ----------- requires the assignment of a
strong technical support team to the project. The technical team’s members must
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have demonstrated sound experience in implementing similar projects. ----------will review and approve the Bidder’s selected personnel for project assignment. --------- reserves the right to interview and approve the technical team members. In
addition, -------------- has the right to require replacement of the Bidder’s personnel
if dissatisfied with their performance.
Req 248.
The Bidder should provide an organizational chart for the assigned
project team, resumes / CVs for all technical team members and a brief, one-half
page biography for each key employee assigned to the project. The information
provided shall include the following: name, classification, employment period with
the company, previous related experience (last three years), and reason for
assigning the individuals to the project and their responsibilities.
5.6.4 Warranty Requirements
Req 249.
The Bidder should provide a comprehensive warranty that covers all
components it will provide (hardware and software) after the implementation
acceptance test. The warranty should cover all materials, licenses, services and
support for both hardware and software.
Req 250.
The Bidder should provide SLA with (hardware & software) venders
on a 4 hours response time 24x7 & spare part delivery.
Req 251.
The Bidder should administer warranties with serial number and
warranty period. Upon final acceptance of the solution, any OEM warranties will
transferred to --------- at no additional charge. All warranty documentation
(whether expired or not) will be delivered to -------- at the issuance of the final
acceptance certificate.
Req 252.
The Bidder should provide the technology vendor’s Premium Level
warranty and support for all hardware and software used in The Solution.
Req 253.
The Bidders’ warranty must cover all equipment and work activities
contained in the contract against all design, manufacturing, and environment faults
until issuance of final acceptance.
Req 254.
The warranty’s/support duration shall be mandatory for three years and
shall be optional for the 4th and 5th years from the solution’s final acceptance date.
Req 255.
The warranty shall include the Bidder’s repair or replacement of the
products / components during the warranty period. The replacement products /
components shall meet the related specifications without further repair or
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Req 256.
The Bidder shall be liable for all costs including, but not limited to, the
costs of material, labor, travel, transport and living expenses associated with the
collection and return of the units covered by the warranty.
Req 257.
The date of manufacture or assembly of any equipment, parts or
consumables, shall not be more than six months before delivery.
Req 258.
-------- has the right to require a replacement if the repair is deemed to
be impractical.
Req 259.
The Bidder must ensure the replacement components are available for
any failed component during the warranty period.
Req 260.
The Bidder should guarantee availability of spare parts and technical
assistance for all components (or appropriate alternatives) to ensure the equipment
would run for at least five (5) years, without major changes, at the completion of
final acceptance. Six months advance notice is required for any discontinued
part(s) with a suggestion for alternatives.
Req 261.
The Bidder should provide repair data and corresponding courses of
failure, which will kept in ------------ historical database system.
Req 262.
The Bidder should define the maximum response time by which
engineers shall respond to a failure incident and the maximum time of resolving
the failure in their proposal
5.6.5 Quality Assurance and Acceptance Requirements
The QA control mechanism is the testing process that validates all claims made by the
team and proves that The Solution maps to the requirements and any other approved
change requests.
Req 263.
The Bidder’s quality control framework must base on the best
practices and international standards to conform to all the solution’s
requirements; including functional and technical requirements, user
requirements. It will also provide the basis for the solution’s testing,
validation and acceptance.
Req 264.
The Bidder should perform System Testing: Validation of the
solution’s functional and technical requirements.
Req 265.
The Bidder should generate User Acceptance Testing (UAT) test
Req 266.
The Bidder should describe the methods and procedures used to secure
the solution data integrity and consistency.
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Req 267.
The Bidder should perform stress and performance testing: Load
testing enables the understanding of the solution’s performance and behavior under
large number of users and high-load conditions.
Req 268.
The Bidder should perform security audit and system penetration
testing for the solution.
Req 269.
The Bidder should describe their QA, testing approaches and
procedures as well as testing tools for conducting various tests in support of the
solution’s acceptance.
Proposal Format
6.1 General Instructions
This section provides the requirements Bidders must abide by in preparing and
submitting their proposals, including the expected proposal content structures. Bidders
must comply with all items listed in Appendix A: “Instructions to Bidders”:
Each bidder’s proposal packages must contain the following information, as outlined in
table 5 below, to qualify for evaluation.
Technical Proposal Package
Cover Letter
Technical Proposal Response
Appendix C
Appendix D
Appendix E
Appendix G
Curriculum Vitas
Financial Proposal Package
Cover Letter
Financial Proposal Response
Appendix F
Security Bond
Saudi Ministry of Commerce registration
Chamber of Commerce Certificate
Certificate from Department of Zakat
and Income Tax (DZIT) outlining Zakat
and income tax payments
Social Insurance Certificate (GOSI)
Saudization Certificate
Table 6 Proposal Packages Content
Proposals shall be simple, providing a straightforward concise description of the
Bidder’s ability to meet this RFP’s requirements. Proposals should only address those
requirements specified in this RFP. Unnecessary marketing information, provided in
the response to this RFP, will unfavorably viewed, and could affect the Bidder’s
response evaluation.
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6.2 Proposal Preparation
Req 270.
Bidders must conform to the following requirements. Failure to adhere
to these requirements will result in immediate elimination of the proposal.
Req 271.
The Bidders’ proposals must contain a cover letter on company
letterhead with original signature(s) of an Authorized Signatory to bind Bidders to
the RFP provisions.
Req 272.
The Bidders must confirm that their proposals will remain valid for 90
days after the submission date.
Req 273.
The Technical proposal must be less than one hundred (100) A4 pages,
using 11 size Calibri or Arial font to be considered for evaluation
Req 274.
The Technical Proposals must contain a completed “Requirements
Compliance Matrix” according to the format shown in Appendix C.
Req 275.
The completed “Requirements Compliance Matrix” and other required
information must attached as appendices to the Technical Proposal as specified in
the table above.
Req 276.
The Bidders can provide additional information as appendices, but it is
not guaranteed that these appendices will be considered for the purpose of
proposal's evaluation.
Req 277.
No financial information should be included in the Technical Proposal.
Req 278.
The Financial Proposal will have “Bill of Material & Pricing Tables”
according to the format specified in Appendix F; it should written in Arabic and
English with all the prices.
Req 279.
The Financial information must be bound, sealed, identified as
“Financial Proposal”, and must be separate from the Technical Proposal.
Req 280.
All copies of the Bidders’ proposal(s) must arrive at the Issuing Office
on or before the date and time specified in the RFP Terms and Conditions.
Req 281.
The Bidders must acknowledge their attendance at the pre-contract
presentations when requested by ------------.
6.3 Technical Proposal Instructions
This section provides the detailed information that must be included in the Bidder’s
Technical Proposal. The Bidder must comply with all items listed in Appendix D. This
section of the Bidder’s proposal should identified as Technical Proposal and must be
bound and sealed separately. It must NOT include any financial data or information.
Financial data or information is defined as any information related, directly or
indirectly, to the Bidder’s proposed charges for products, services and deliverables.
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6.3.1 Mandatory and Optional Requirements
Bidders must confirm that their proposal(s) meets all the mandatory and optional
requirements. Non-acceptance of or noncompliance with any mandatory requirement,
or modification of, or the placing of conditions on acceptance or compliance with any
of the mandatory requirements in whole or in part, may result in immediate
6.3.2 Required Sections
The Technical Proposal should structure as follows:
Section 1: Executive Summary
This section should include a succinct statement and executive summary where the
Bidder highlights the technical proposal’s key aspects.
Section 2: Bidder’s Profile & Qualifications
This section should cover the Bidder’s profile including credentials and capabilities,
local presence, the project team composition and relevant experience and the tools and
products the vendors selected to deliver the proposed solution.
Bidder’s credentials and capabilities:
Bidders will evaluated based on their commercial viability, market presence,
stability and experience in the project technical areas. Bidders should supplement
this section with the information requested as outlined in Appendix G General
Bidder Information and Qualifications.
Local Presence
Although the bidding is open to bidders from any country, due to the project’s
critical nature, preference shall give to Bidders with active work and staff
presence in KSA.
Bidder References
Bidders must submit the latest three project references where work similar to ----------- solution in scope and technical nature has implemented. ------------ will
evaluate these references, based on the above criteria as well as client satisfaction
and project success. Bidders should use the project references table provided in
Appendix E “Bidder Projects References” to list their project references.
Product Supplier
Bidders will be evaluated based on criteria related the Bidder’s product(s)
supplier’s profile, stability, financial and product viability. The key determinant
factor is for the Bidder to demonstrate that the product and products combinations
had successfully deployed in a similar environment preferably in government
entities or large organizations.
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Project Team
Bidders will be evaluated based on the team overall capabilities, knowledge and
experience as demonstrated in the RFP. Bidders should list all companies or
subcontractors involved in delivering the RFP requirements. The overall team
must possess all the success factors for smooth project delivery and execution,
including a record of accomplishment within senior project management,
architecture, development and system administration. The team should clearly
demonstrate prior experience of senior project management and architecture.
Section 3: Technical Solution Architecture
This section should present the Bidders’ technical architecture solution meeting all
functional and technical requirements outlined in this RFP.
The Bidders should present sound, complete, and competent technical architecture
solution in details. The Bidders are expected to address the following technical
architecture aspects:
Solution Architecture Overview
Physical model overview
Integration of Infrastructure and Security Architecture between ------- and the
Monitoring and management of Solution
Architecture scalability and performance
Section 4: Architecture Performance and Scalability
This section should present the sizing exercise results for the Solution’s performance
and scalability in accordance to the requirements outlined in the RFP. Bidders should
explain their sizing approach in determining the required hardware and software.
Section 5: Project Administration and Management
This section should present the Bidders’ detailed implementation plan outlining their
proposal’s different deliverables including the period each deliverable requires.
Bidders should respond to the requirements as outlined in the RFP.
Req 282.
The Bidders should develop project work plans for ------------, that
include activities that will be undertaken to achieve the project objectives and
deliverables within the required time scales. The work plan shall clearly show who
will undertake the activity and the scheduled dates to start and complete each
Req 283.
The Bidders should discuss their Quality Assurance framework and
testing plans in detail.
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Req 284.
The Bidders should provide details on the required team that will be
involved in project management including structure, members and expertise.
Req 285.
The Bidders should include CVs of the proposed implementation team
in Curricular Vitae document and provide description of the Bidder's ability to
mobilize the assigned resources.
Req 286.
The Bidders should show the experiences required for this project in
the CVs, such as project management, quality assurance, DRP expertise, database
design and development, SOA architecture and design, integration architecture and
development, virtualization architect and configuration and configuration
Section 7: Maintenance & Support
This section should present the Bidder’s detailed maintenance and support plan for
software and hardware including detailed information on these plans. Bidders should
respond to the requirements as outlined in this RFP.
Section 8: Operations
This section should present the Bidder’s detailed operations approach and plan to
operate the proposed solution. The Bidders should respond to the requirements
outlined in this RFP.
Req 287.
The Bidders should submit CVs of the proposed operations team in
Curricular Vitae Proposal document.
Required Appendices Appendix C: Bidder’s Response to Compliance Matrix
This appendix should present the Bidders’ compliance to the “Requirements
Compliance Matrix” in Appendix C of this RFP. Bidders should follow the
instructions to provide accurate and detailed answers.
Appendix D: Solution Bill of Materials and Information Tables for Technical Proposal
This appendix should list all software and hardware products, components and tools
that implement the proposed technical architecture solution meeting all functional and
technical requirements outlined in this RFP. Bidders should use table formats in
Appendix D and must make sure that no financial information is included.
Appendix F: Solution Bill of Materials and Information Tables for Financial Proposal
This appendix should list all software and hardware products, components and tools
that will use to implement the proposed technical architecture solution meeting all
functional and technical requirements outlined in this RFP. Bidders should use table
formats in Appendix F and must make sure that no financial information is included.
Appendix E: Bidder References
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Bidders should use the Bidder references template, provided in Appendix E, to
provide information on three relevant successfully completed projects with similar
scope and size to the one requested in this RFP.
Appendix G General Bidder Information and Qualifications
The Bidder must include the following required information in this appendix to help
assess the Bidder’s credentials and qualifications;
1. Short narrative description of the company’s organization, including
organizational charts, and indicating company officers where applicable.
2. Complete name and address.
3. Principal type of business.
4. Total number of years in business.
5. Total number of employees.
6. Number of years providing services similar to those requested in this RFP.
7. Total revenues received from similar engagement(s) during each of the last
three (3) fiscal years.
8. Audited profit and loss statement and balance sheet for the Bidder’s last three
(3) fiscal years. -------- will keep this information confidential during the
evaluation process.
9. Bidder’s copy of the company’s Articles of Association.
10. Representations and warranties that the Bidder: (i) is a legal entity duly
established and validly existing under the laws and regulations of the
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; (ii) has the power to enter into and perform all
transactions contemplated hereby; (iii) is not currently under suspension or
debarment by any governmental body.
11. Acknowledgement stating that if the Bidder is currently under suspension,
debarment or has legal suit, then its proposal may not be considered.
12. Signed formal agreement (e.g. teaming agreement or any other legally binding
document) between the Bidder and each proposed subcontractor. These formal
agreements must be contained in a separate volume (Appendices supporting
the Technical Proposal.)
6.4 Financial Proposal Instructions
This section provides the detailed information required in the Bidder’s Financial
Proposal. Bidders must comply with all items specified in Appendix A: Instructions to
Bidder and Proposal Submission and Evaluation and Appendix B: Standard Terms &
Conditions. This section of the Bidder’s proposal must identified as Financial
Proposal and must be bound and sealed separately from the Technical Proposal.
Financial Data is defined as any information related, directly or indirectly, to the
Bidder’s proposed charges for products, services and deliverables. The Bidder must
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use and complete the tables in Appendix F as part of its Financial Proposal to provide
the following:
1. Financial data or information must not presented in any portion of the
Technical Proposal. Financial data or information consists of, but is not
limited to, costs, fees, prices, rates, bonuses, discounts, rebates, or the
identification of free services, labor or materials.
2. All prices must be in Saudi Riyals (SAR).
3. All prices shall include all costs including procurement and on site delivery.
4. Pricing should also include software, hardware, implementation, training,
maintenance and support, and operations.
5. Itemized list for each of the required services: hardware, software, licenses,
customization, implementation, operations / management and training
components in support of their proposed solution.
6. Bidders must use tables provided in Appendix F to list and itemize their
solution cost including mandatory and optional items.
7. Financial Proposal envelope shall contain all required items as outlined in the
Financial Proposal Packages Content.
8. Bidders must abide by all requirements in this RFP.
Overview of appendices
The following are the appendices for supporting the RFP.
Appendix A: Instructions to Bidder, Proposal Submission and Evaluation
Appendix A provides Bidders with information regarding proposal review process,
content, format, evaluation, and communications.
Appendix B: Standard Terms & Conditions
Appendix B provides standard terms and conditions in Arabic.
Appendix C: Requirements Compliance Matrix for Technical Proposal
Bidders should fill-in this sheet in its entirety; this table will use to guide the technical
proposal’s evaluation process.
Appendix D: Bill of Materials & Information Tables for Technical Proposal
Appendix D provides all the software and hardware information tables that Bidders
must provide for the Technical Proposal.
Appendix E: Bidder Project References Templates for Technical Proposal
Appendix E provides the templates for Bidders’ references in support of their Technical
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Appendix F: Bill of Materials & Pricing Tables for Financial Proposal
Appendix F provides all the pricing table templates that Bidders should complete with
all required financial data and information for the Financial Proposal.
Appendix G: Bidders Qualifications
Appendix G provides the Bidders qualifications.
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8 The Appendices (‫)ايمال ح‬
‫ تعليمعـ تقدي العر‬:‫تلو ة‬
Appendix A - Instructions to Bidder and Proposal Submission and Evaluation v04.rar
‫ الشرو الععتة‬:‫تلو ب‬
Appendix B - Standard Terms and Conditions v0.3.rar
‫ تععيير المطعبقة‬:‫تلو ج‬
Appendix C - Compliance Matrix v0.4.rar
‫ داول الكميعـ للعر‬:‫تلو د‬
Appendix D - Bill of Materials Information Tables for Technical Proposal V0.1.rar
‫ سع مة المشعريع والخبراـ السعبقة‬:‫تلو هـ‬
Appendix E - Bidders References Template v0.2.rar
‫ داول الكميعـ واألسععر (العر‬:‫تلو و‬
Appendix F- Bill of Materials and Pricing Tables for Financial Proposal V 4.rar
‫ تعلوتعـ وت هالـ تقدتي العرو‬:‫تلو ز‬
Appendix G- Bidders Qualifications and Information v0.2.rar
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