Health and safety quiz

NWP103A Demonstrate care and safe practices
Health and safety quiz
There are 10 statements below and each one gives you three possible answers to
choose from. Choose the answer that you think is most suitable.
When you have completed the quiz you will find the answers on the last page.
1. A job safety analysis is usually completed on a:
a) PPE.
b) JSA.
c) HRF.
2. The three steps to hazard control are:
a) identify the hazard, assess the risk, make the change.
b) control the hazard, make the change, eliminate the risk.
c) identify the risk, control the change, make the hazard safe.
3. Occupational safety and health representatives:
a) work for the government to impose the law.
b) represent employees and investigate hazards and accidents.
c) identify the risk, control the change and make hazards safe.
4. Accidents usually happen when:
a) one stupid person does one stupid thing.
b) the OH&S rep is not doing their job correctly.
c) a number of factors cause a chain of events.
© Commonwealth of Australia | Licensed under AEShareNet - S Licence
NWP103A Demonstrate care and safe practices
5. PPE stands for:
a) powerful protection equipment.
b) person power and efficiency.
c) personal protective equipment.
6. A sign that is white on blue:
a) relates to hospital information.
b) displays information.
c) is for low-risk situations.
7. On hearing a fire alarm, you should:
a) ring the emergency services.
b) check to see if it is a false alarm.
c) evacuate via the nearest emergency exit.
8. A hazard report form is used to:
a) report a possible hazard.
b) assess a risk.
c) investigate accidents.
9. Water can be a health hazard due to bacteria when:
a) it has been used for drinking.
b) it reaches 24 degrees and is still.
c) it is warm and fast flowing.
© Commonwealth of Australia | Licensed under AEShareNet - S Licence
NWP103A Demonstrate care and safe practices
10. If you are unsure about how to do a job you should:
a) stop and check with your supervisor before proceeding.
b) ask your buddy.
c) have a go anyway and report any accidents.
Answers to the health and safety quiz.
Answer = b. A Job Safety Analysis (JSA) is filled out to identify risks in a job
and prepare for them.
Answer = a. The three steps are to first spot the risk, then work out how
dangerous it could be before recommending an action to make it safer. This is
usually done by an OH&S rep.
Answer = b. OH&S reps are elected to represent their colleagues at work. They
assess hazards and investigate accidents.
Answer = c. An accident is usually the result of a number of events combining
to cause an accident.
Answer = c. PPE stands for personal protective equipment and should be worn
as a last line of defence.
Answer = b. White and blue signs display information, such as the correct PPE
to wear.
Answer = c. Never assume an alarm is a drill or a test. On hearing the alarm
make your way calmly to the nearest fire exit via an emergency exit.
Answer = a. The hazard report form can be used by anyone to bring attention
to a possible hazard. The OH&S rep will then investigate it to assess the risk.
Answer = b. Bacteria breeds in warm, still water and can be easily transferred
from hands to lips. Always wear gloves while sampling water and wash your
hands when you have finished.
10 Answer = a If you are ever unsure about how to proceed, stop and check with
your supervisor. Remember: safety first!
© Commonwealth of Australia | Licensed under AEShareNet - S Licence
NWP103A Demonstrate care and safe practices
How did you go?
7–10 Super safe – well done!
4–7 Quite cautious – but could be safer; check over the sections where you scored
lowest for more information.
0– 4 Dodgy and dangerous – you need to check your safety knowledge.
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