Agenda - Tennis Australia

2014 Annual General Meeting
Woree Tennis Club 2014 Annual General Meeting
Venue: Woree Tennis Club
Date: Sunday 4th January 2015
Invitees: Caroline Bowden(CB), Michael Schuele(MS), Craig Gallagher(CG), Sokara Haoda
(SH) Jude Kassulke(JK) and all club members
Attendees: Caroline Bowden, Michael Schuele, Craig Gallagher, Sokara Haoda, Jude Kassulke,
Sue Housley, Graham Goggin, Stephen Payne, Marie Martinez, John Smith, Billy Haoda
Apologies: Carolyn Goggin, Shannon Horan, Candice Ah Chin
Distribution: Committee members and Woree Tennis Club Web site.
Receipt and
adoption of
Presidents report
Caroline read Presidents report which is attached in a separate file.
Additional to the report Caroline added shirts were a success with Craig adding we had
$948.60 of sales from the shirts
Grants were discussed with a further note Mick adding that he and Caroline would formulate a
business plan in the first 6 months then proceed with grant application
Presidents report was moved by Mick Schuele and seconded by Sokara Haoda
Report prepared and read by Treasurer Craig Gallagher
Financial report is attached in a separate file
Craig advised this year’s turnover was up by $12000.00 due to efforts of everyone involved
Audit note – Financial accounts have been reviewed by committee and accepted
Treasurers report was moved by Caroline Bowden and seconded by Mick Scheule
Election of
Members for
All members nominated were re-elected to their previous roles
No other members opposed the election results
Nomination forms filled out in a separate file
Caroline asked if anyone one else is interested in being on the committee or knows of anyone
to please advise her
Caroline formally advised John Smith of his life membership nomination and thanked him for
his years of service to the Club
John Smith humbly appreciated and accepted the nomination. John advised he has been
associated with tennis since he was 16 and started with Cairns tennis at the hockey fields
before being invited to the Olympic tennis club where he has been a member since. John has
seen many people come through and would like to see the kids continue playing for the social
side once they finish competition playing. John advised tennis has given him much pleasure
throughout the years.
Graham Goggin advised John has contributed financially to the tennis club for many years and
also given many discounts to help the Club and thanked him for the years of social tennis
Everyone accepted Johns nomination
Graham advised that previously the nomination board was done at Expressway Signs on the
corner of Hartley and Buchan streets
Other business -
Caroline advised membership for committee members is free and also offered free membership
for people who organise fixtures and also people who can contribute to maintenance and
grounds help around the club
Caroline thanked previous organisers of fixtures and Sue advised she will continue to organise
Tuesday nights
Mick and Craig agreed to organise Monday night fixtures for 6 months only
Member Fees
Wednesday night fixtures is to be discussed further. Caroline advised this should be split into 3
or 4 terms so no-one has to commit to a year and this group should be a transition group for
kids/younger people who have finished school and finished coaching and they can play seniors
which will improve their game before they move on to Monday and Tuesday night fixtures
Caroline advised if terms are split then prizes will have to be allocated throughout the year at
the end of each term
Craig advised he will contact Tennis Australia to get access to Competition Planner which is a
tool to use for fixtures which records all player information and games
Caroline advised fixture prices to stay the same
Caroline advised member fees to stay the same with specials being available till end of
Craig advised secretary must update web site to reflect new year prices and fees are now due
Fees as per below -
Family (2 adults and 2 children) $140.00 discount $120.00
$100.00 discount $ 80.00
Single 6 month
$ 80.00 discount $ 70.00
Fixtures Monday night
$ 15.00
Fixtures Tuesday night
$ 12.00
Fixtures Wednesday night
$ 12.00
Non-Members who play with members is $5.00 with money to be placed in lock box in wall
Court Hire for day $10.00 night hire $15.00
MEETING CLOSED 15:22 hours
Next AGM meeting – end of 2015